Vol. 25, No. 49 December 6, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKTY OF NEWS AND VIEWS o Notionol People's Congress in Session o Correct Hondling of Closs Struggle in Chino o Buildtng Hydropower Generation Centres u.r$f leaders reiterated China's firm HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK support for the Kampuchean people's struggle against Viet- NPC in Session JieJangjun Bao, a national namese aggression (p. 9). newspaper of the armed forces The 5th National People's (p. r6). Retuting Viet Nam's lllegal Congress, the highest organ of Claim state power in China, began its Tapping China's Water 5th session with a report by A Chinese Foreign Ministry Peng Zhen and panel discus- Resources spokesman reaffirmed China's sions on a revised Constitution China plans to build 10 hydro- sovereignty over the Xisha and which had been drafted to con- power generation centres to in- Nansha Islands, refuting the form to China's present realities crease energy supply so as to Vietnamese Government's as- and meet the needs of its mod- ensure that the nation's total sertion concerning the so-called ernization drive. industrial and agricultural out- boundary line in the Beibu Gulf put quadrupJ.ed (p. 1o). The second mgjor item on the value will be by (p. agenda was a report on the 6th the end of this century 7), Five-Year Plan by Premier Zhao Ziyang (p. 5). Changes in a Tibetan City In his third of a series of five Correct Handling of Cur- articles on Tibet, our correspon- rent Crass Struggle dent gives a detailed report on the changes in Gyangze, one of After correcting serious the largest cities in this autono- "Left" errors, the Party has set (p. forth fundamental policies for mous region 21). the scientific handling of the Support Kampuchea current forms of class struggle lor A hydropower station is under in China. An in-depth analysis During Prime Minister Son construction. of this topic by Commentator of Sann's visit to Beijing, Chinese Woodcut by F eng Zhongtie Scientific Accomplishments ARTICIES & DOCUMENIS Leoders Kompu- Chinese on Porty Congress: BEIJIiIG REVIEW cheon Situotion On the 12th Scientificolly Understond Chino Reoff irms Support for ond Horidle Closs Struggle Published every Mondoy by Polestinions' Struggle in Chino "Jiefongjun - 16 BEIJING REVIEW Xisho ond Nonsho lslonds Are Boo" Commentotor 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood, Beijing Chino's Territory Tibet: An lnside View (lll) The People's. Republic of Chino - Sino-Omoni Relotions Grow Chonges in Gyongze-Our Correspondent Jing Wei 21 Vol, 25, No, December 49 6,1982 Chinese Studying Abrood INTERNATIONAL I 1.15 Our Stoff Writer Gong Yuon- 25 Jopon's New Cobinet-Chen CONTENTS Bowei ond Sun Dongmin CUTIURE A SCIENCE 28.30 Obstocles to Mideost Peoce ARI PAGE 31 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 3.4 Yi Ming, "Beijing Review"- news onolyst About lntellectuols Culturol CARICOM Summit-Zhong Toi Editor Xin Xiongrong- Omon ond Democrotic Yemen Agree to Normolize Relo- LETTERS 4 tions Zhu Mengkui - BElJlt[G REVIEW (USFS IIo. 658-110] is EYENTS & TRENDS 5.10 US Vice-President Finds Afri- published wookly lor US$ I 3.50 pcr year by con Tour Unsuccesslul Beiwanrftuang Road. - Beiiing Faviow, 2tl Notionol People's Congress Ren Yon Boiiing, Ghina. Socond-class postagr e.id Opens IMF's Un just Treotment of at San Francisco, GA. Postmaster: Send Ten Hydropower Generotion Zombio Xinhuo commen- cddrcss dtangos to China Books & Centres to ry - Poriodicals, lnc., 2929 24th Slroot, San One-Fourth of the World ls Chino Internotionol Tourism trancisco, CA 94110. Lorge Enough Conference 1983 Notos }'rrlm thn Editors prevalent in the previous years, About lntellectuals while repeatedly affirming that intellectuals are part of the How and why has China's reform and other movements to working class. policy tou,ards intellectuals transform the society, which changed? gave them the chance to educate This represented a major and steel themselves. policy change, which required China's current policy towards the society to rely on intellec- national on lntellectuals is quite different At a conference tuals and trust them as mem- intellectuals 1956, Premier from the policy during the 60s in bers of the revolutionary ranks and 70s. The major alterations Zhou.Enlai proclaimed on behalf and to give them full opportu- are: "Left" mistakes that gov- of the Party Central Committee nities to play positive roles. erned policy for a considerably that the overwhelming majority meantime, Party Iong time have been corrected, of intellectuals were employed In the the redressed large numbers of false intellectuals have regained their in government organizations and charges, frame-ups and wrong appropriate political and social enterprises and were serving the sentences of previous years, as- po and the nation has cause of socialism, and so they signed appropriate jobs and recognized the importance of had become part of the working promoted numerous cornpetent their role in the ongoing mod- class. The conference stressed posts. ernization drive. that in building socialism it was intellectuals to leading imperative to rely on the Whenever and wherever pos- To explain such changes. it is workers, peasants and in- sible, have been made to necessary to give a brief run- efforts tellectuals. This affirmed that improve inteliectuals' working down of history. policy the Party towards intel- and living conditions. The Iectuals had been successfully T'he old society left New China change in the Party's policy and implemented tremendous in.its infancy with about 2 mil- and a series of related measures changes had taken place among lion intellectuals. Most of them adopted in the last few years China's inteilectuals. were of exploiting class origins. have catalysed tremendous received a bourgeois education Unfortunately, in the ensuing changes in the mental outlook and served the olC Chinese years, especially in the 10-year of China's intellectuals. They rulers. As they s'ere attached to "cultural revolution," the Party have become full participants in the bourgeoisie. their political committed "Left" errors in its the modernization drive and the stand. ideologl' and sentiments guiding thought, which included mainstay in such fields as were different flom those of the discarding of its correct as- science and technology. culture the workers and peasants. sessment of intellectuals and and education, medical service correct policy towards them. and public heaith. After coming to porver. the The upshot was they were again Chinese Communist Party ac- China's renewed emphasis on labelled as "bourgeois intellec- tively lallied these inieilectuais the role and position of intellec- tuals." Many who had made in the service of New China and tuals worries some of our well- outstanding accomplishments adopted the policy of ''uniting. intentioned foreign friends who and contributions were discrim- educating and remoulding" in- fear that this could engender inated against and some were tellectuals. that is, unite them "intellectual aristocrats" in Chi- even attacked and persecuted by to carry out revolution and na- na and give rise to class polari- the gang of f'our. tional construction, educate and zation between the "blue col- help them to change their polit- Af ter the smashing of the lars" and the "rvhite collars." ical stand and world outlook, gang of four in 1976 and partic- Such worry is unnecessary. In In line with thi.s policy, intel- ularly after the Third Plenum fact, sustained efforts will be iectuals throughout the nation of the 1lth Party Central Com- necessary to ensure the imple- were organized to study mittee towards the end of 1978, mentation of the revamped Par- Marxism-Leninism and Mao the Party Central Commit- ty policy before intellectuals can Zedong Thought; they were tee reassessed the situation of really be confident of their role' given jobs. and proper arrange- China's intellectuals and devot- as a force the nation relies on ments were made for thern. ed major efforts to correcting and treated as equals by work- Many participated in the land the "Left" deviationist mistakes ers, peasants and soldiers. We December 6, 1982 forth by the Goneral Secretary of mean that the people enjoy too the Cbrrnmunist Party of China. As many consumer goods. It is caused a countrywith 1,000 million people, by contradictions in commerce. In China has the right to design its the third world countries, though future in accord with its immense the people's needs are generally On thc 12th Porty Congrcss potential. If the achievements are far from being satisfied, they more than expected, nobody will know more about the market. It I've read carefully "A Chronicle say there was no need for the is not because of its great popula- of Majot Events of the Party and Chinese Communist Party leaders tion, but because of the superiority State (Aug. 1977-Aug. 1982)" in your to stimulate the people's enthu- in its organization that China has issue No. 35 and Hu Yao- siasm for fulfilling these noble soh,ed the problem orl sales better bang's report to the 12th National and reasonable tasks. than other countries. As to theory, Congress of the CPC (issue No. 37). China should continue to study These articles reveal the concrete I personally believe that China such problems as those raised in contents of the grand prospects d,ces not lack economic ability to of great goals, A Contribution to the Critique and major policies in the coming realize the rather, it Political Economg. years. To set.up fresh structures can achieve more. If there is any it is necessa.ry simultaneously to obstacle, it is man-made. i.e., poiit- I}[andrara Eesdegs open up social and political roads ical and organizational problems. Andanarii'o.
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