1 Index There are three indices below – one of ships mentioned; one of place-names, including street-names, in Sunderland, the North East and elsewhere; and a general index which covers most people and any other aspects of the book. In one or two cases (the names of all the pupils at Peareth Children’s Home, Claremont School and Rock Lodge School, for instance) I have only included the names where they individuals are part of a story. I have also omitted from the index any lists, like the list of mansions in Roker. In places of potential confusion (e.g. the Abbs and Hutchinson families), I have included birth and death dates. A number followed by n is in the footnotes on that page; by p, there is an image on that page. 2 Index of ships mentioned Aaron Eaton 181-182, 319 Fountain 132 Achilles 40 Four Sisters 132 Adam White 150 Fy Choo 133 Agenor(ia) 79, 359 Alarm 63 G.R. Booth 185, 187, 328, 397 Albion 359 Gipsy 186, 323 Anna Moore 162 Good Hope 195, 196 Antelope (Antliope) 354 Ashbrooke 187, 323 Hartley 39, 354 Ashdell 183-184, 186, 327 Henry 354 Atlas 354 Hiram 354 Beatrix 183, 327 Indianic 183, 328 Belford 354 Integrity 39 Belted Will (barque) 133, 133n, 182 Investigator (later Fram) 353-354, 353p Belted Will (clipper) 133n, 376 Benton 123 James Henderson 203 Bolivar 160 Jane 27, 27n Britannia 100 Jane and Margaret 131 Britannic 187, 328 Japanic 193-194, 328 Broomside 138 Jenny 123 Bucephalus 354 John 123 Buffalo 186 Julia Ravenna 138 Burgomasteroon 160 Kate Fawcett 183, 186-187, 193, 323 Caroline 123 Kelso 129 Caroline and Elizabeth 122 Chelydra 1 161-162 Lady Ann 123 Chelydra 2 161-162 Lady Wolseley 183, 326 Chelydra 3 162, 387-388, 388p Latona 194, 328 Cicero 354 Lemuria 186-187, 324 Lennen 62 Deerfoot 376 Diablo 374 Maitland 128p, 129, 133, 133n, 135, Diligence 27 135n, 136, 376 Donor 354 Maple Leaf 99 Dorcas 182, 322 Marc Antony 183, 321 Dove 27 Margaret and Jane 122-123 Dreadnought 132 Maria Hay 215 Dresden 196 Martha 132 Durley 161 Martley 354 Mary 1 354 Eggeria 376 Mary 2 354 Ella 183, 327 Mary Blair 121 Elstow 183, 186, 325, 396 Maxima 161 Euclid 138n, 322 Maxwell 182n Eunice 182 May 8, 11 Eureka 193, 324 Monte Rosa 183, 326 Mozart 183, 191, 324 Fairy Dell 182, 321 Fairy Lass 160 Naiade 121, 320 Fawn 182 North Pacific 193, 195 Fenham 184, 320 Fiery Curse 129 Olympias 182n, 322 Flying Spur 134 Opal 123 3 Osprey 122 Woodside 183, 324 Otranto 196 Xanathos 354 Pacific 193, 194, 195, 328 Palladium 181, 319 Yarico 354 Phenix 8 Phoenix 1 93 Phoenix 2 183, 326 Pinewood 195 Plato 135, 136 Polino 321 Poonah 181, 320 Prince of Wales 354 Rambler 354 Ranger 13 Rapid 88 Rebecca 122 Royalist 354 Sarah 121 Sarah Nicholson 75 Saxmundham 183, 326 Sea Virtue 320 Seneca 354 Series 129 Sir Lancelot 134, 376 Solent 244 South Atlantic 193, 195, 329 South Pacific 193, 195, 195p, 196, 197, 329 Speculator 354 Sulima 161 Supply 354 Susan 88 Telesilla 323 Test 121 Thomas Wilson 123 Token 121 Tre Søstre 63 Troika 132 Tyne Wave 327 Unison 183, 323 Victoria 123 Vigilant 122 Vril 100 W. Rickaby 354 Wally 183, 325 Wanstead 62 Wells City 327 Westmorland 354 White Adder 376 William and Mary 27, 27n Wonder 132 4 Index of place-names Boldon (East/West) 14, 87, 155, 155n, 159, 240, 266, 308 Sunderland, Whitburn, Marsden and Cleadon Boldon Flats 108, 139 street-names etc. are italicised The Bridge Inn, BpW 81, 82 MW = Monkwearmouth, Bridge St, BpW 68, 71, 131n, 147, 208-209 BpW = Bishopwearmouth Bridge Ward, BpW 68, 203 S = Sunderland Brislington Asylum 41-46, 48 Bristol 42, 79, 99, 192, 327 Abbs Battery, Roker/ Battery Field Broadsheath House, Southwick 181 2, 5n, 4-6, 8, 16, 27, 27n, 46, 67, 226, 226n, Brockley Whins Station 352 292, 296, 348, 349, 406 (see also Smithson’s Battery) Brompton-by-Northallerton 87, 89 Abbs Field, Fulwell 2, 11, 11n, 399 Bromley 275, 411 Abbs Point, Roker 2, 5 Building (‘Old Boiling’) Hill, BpW 147, 180 Albert Hall, BpW 143 Burleigh Street, S 136 Alexandra Road, BpW 188, 241 Burn Park/ Burn Field, BpW 140 All Saints Church, MW 131, 224-226, 376, 391 Alnwick 52n, 53n, 274 Calcutta 215, 320, 326, 370 Archangel 13, 13n, 74, 99 California 144, 364, 374, 379 Argyle Square, BpW 233-234 Cannonball Rocks, Roker 168, 168n, 389 Argyle Street, BpW 253 Carliol Square, Newcastle 111 Ariadne Rocks 134 Carley Hill, Fulwell 180 The Artichoke, MW 67 Chater’s Haugh Pit 24-25 Ashmore, BpW 177-179, 254, 393, 395 Chester-le-Street 17, 23 Ashmore Villa, BpW 179 Chester Road, BpW 232, 300, 358 Ashbrooke, BpW 170, 184, 264-265, 323- Chester Terrace, BpW 181 324, 390 China Ash Trees (field), MW 18, 149, 334 4, 67, 129, 132-134, 135n, 138, 234-235, 361, 374-376 Ashville, Fulwell 399 Church Street, MW 149, 163-164 Augusta Terrace, Whitburn 243 Claremont House School, BpW & Roker 251-252 Azalea Terrace, BpW 159n, 188 Cleadon iv, 17-19, 66, 80, 84, 102, 105, 107, 111, 123, 126, Blandford Street, BpW 181 151, 155, 155n, 183, 188-189, 191, 197, 200, 226, 259- ‘The Babbies’ (house) MW 2, 11, 349 260, 305, 367, 396 Back Brougham Street, BpW 388 Cleadon Hills 155, 260 Bamburgh 25, 49, 51, 61, 273, 282 Cleadon House 17, 19, 102, 102p, 107, 109, 110-111, Bank Street, S 358 126, 390 Barbary Coast(er), MW 170, 170n, 391 Cleadon Lane station 108, 155 Barnes Park, BpW 125, 358 Cleadon Meadows (house) 80 Bedford Street, BpW 139 Cleadon West Moor 18 Bedlington 155n Cleveland Hills 165 Beechwood Street, BpW 185n Cliffe Park, Roker i, 179, 200, 249, 259, 264- Belford 51, 58, 63 266, 281, 298, 307-308, 333, 338 The Bells, BpW 131n, 207-209 Cliffside (house), Roker 188, 226, 243, 259, 333, Belsay 256 336 Berwick 5, 25, 186, 244, 254,323 The Close (house), Roker 284, 306-307 Bethesda Chapel, BpW 180, 189 Corporation Quay, S 237 Bishopwearmouth Cox Green 84 19, 24, 39, 51, 65, 67-68, 73, 75, 86, 88, 110,112, 115, Coxhoe 33-34 118, 133, 159n, 168, 180, 187n, 263-265, 358, 365, Crayke 155n 370, 394 Cresswell House, BpW 179 Bishopwearmouth Green, BpW 364 Croft Hall, Croft 180 Bishopwearmouth Panns Cronstadt 162, 181-182, [225], 320, 322 65, 75, 112, 131, 177, 221, 393 Crowtree Lane, BpW 147 Blackhall 149 The Blue Bell, Fulwell 68 Dean Street, Newcastle 95 Blue House, Hendon 14, 68 Deptford 112, 221, 353-354, 363 Bodlewell Lane, S 203 Derby Street, BpW 136 5 Dock Street, MW 165, 391 Gateshead 23, 25, 55-56, 55n, 59, 95, Dogger Bank 13, 322 106-107, 111, 121, 121n, 180, 260, 303, 368 Douro Terrace, BpW 251, 253-254, 256 Glen Villa (Glenville), Roker 1, 188, 191, 243, 259, 396 Drury Lane, S 79 Glororum 51-52, 51n, 55 Dundas Street, MW 418n Gosforth 241, 249, 400 Dunn’s Farm, Roker 3, 16n, 294-296, 298, 390 Grangetown 303 Durham Lane End, BpW 68 The Grange (School), BpW 19, 80, 253 Durham Cathedral 7, 369 Great Usworth (see Usworth) Durham (City) 93n, 154, 157, 247, 263 Grey’s School, S 131 Durham (County) Grey’s Monument, Newcastle 357 6, 7, 11, 21, 25, 28-29, 33, 55, 65, 87, 157-158, Grimsby 195, 322 263, 273 The Grove, Hamsterley 275 Durham School 263 Gutzlaff Island 135 Dykelands Road, Seaburn 280n, 283 The Hall School, BpW 139p, 143, 377, 377p Easington 110, 232 Harraton 24 Easington Street, BpW 237 Hartlepool 82, 121, 123, 149, 158, 192, 207, Eden House, BpW 297 207n, 210-211, 247, 263, 286, 319, 322-324, 414 East House, MW 8, 11, 126, 390 Harton 155n, 156 Egerton Street, BpW 139 Hayes Lane, Bromley 275, 411 Exchange Building, S 35, 69, 77, 80, Hebburn 34, 155n, 158 117-118, 360 Heddon House, Heddon-on-the-Wall 27 Ewesley Road, BpW 309 Hedworth Street, MW 136 Hendon/ New Hendon 14, 68, 133, 139, Falmouth 78, 194, 197, 199p, 203, 147, 152, 218, 232, 299, 377 298, 320, 400 Hendon Bay, S 332 Falstone Manor (Hotel), Roker 3, 159n, 176, Hendon Dock, S 217, 330 332 177, 191, 224, 259, 267n, 297, 333, 335-336, 338, 365 Hendon Lane, S 147 Farne Islands 155 Hendon Rock 322 Fatfield 24 Herrington 13, 24, 80, 294, 299n, 359n Fawcett Street, BpW 110, 147, 183, 307, 394 Heworth 155 Featherstone Street, Roker i, 392 High Broad Street, MW 165 Felling 155n High Street (East), S 68, 69, 72, 82, Felton 63n, 274-275 114, 131, 136, 140, 147, 266, 358, 370 The Fence, MW 111 The Highlander, Whitburn 150n, 151-153 Fenchurch Street, London 34 Holey Rock, Roker [see also Through-Hole Rock] The Fisherman’s Arms, S 136 66, 105, 170-172, 218 Fisher’s Island, Russia 13, 13n Holmeside 170, 182, 187n, 246 Follingsby 6, 154 Holmes Wharf 237 Folly End, MW 246 Holy Island (Lindisfarne) 25, 384 Foo Chow 133, 135, 135n Hornscastle (Horncastle) 50, 53, 62, Fort House, MW 8, 11 Hong Kong 125, 125n, 129, Frederick Street, BpW 147, 191, 193n, 307, 309 133, 135n, 163, 375 Front Street, Cleadon 197 Houghton-le-Spring 14, 83n, 84, 106, 364 Front Street, Southwick 88 Hudson Road, BpW 141, 143 Front Street, Whitburn 121 Huon Island 135 Fulwell i, ii, iv, 3, 5-6, 8, 11, 16, 18-19, 38- Hylton Aerodrome 247 39, 41, 47, 65, 68, 78, 111, 122, 125-126, 148, 155n, Hylton/ Hylton Castle 1, 6, 7, 19, 23, 165, 169, 207, 225, 248, 259, 264n, 280, 329, 349, 65, 107, 213, 310, 347 398-399 Hylton Ferry 347 Fulwell Hills 169 Fulwell Lane 125, 165, 391 Ingleby Arncliffe 8, 12, 110, 125-126, 371 Fulwell Mill 6, 7, 18, 68 Fulwell Road 122, 226 Jarrow 5, 115, 157, 161, 177, 266 Jarrow Slake 16-17, 20p Galveston, Texas 144, 146, 326 John Street, BpW 139, 147, 168, 184, 241, 307 The Jolly Sailor, Whitburn 122, 149-151, 150n, 153, 164 6 Kay’s Hotel, BpW 82 Neasham Square, S 131 King Street, South Shields 155 New Brunswick 62, 319 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Lambton Street, BpW 147, 361 iv, 7, 14, 20-21, 23-25, 28-29, 51, 54, 60-61, 67, 82, The Lifeboat, S 115 95-97, 99, 107, 109, 111, 114, 119, 126, 140n, 147, Lizard Point 108, 124 158,
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