Volume 27 | Issue 6 November 18, 2013 what’s INSIDE Mayor meet-up Schoolcraft President Dr. Conway Jeffress addresses gathered members from the University of Toledo, Schoolcraft College, and Wayne State University during the press conference on Nov. 7, 2013, announcing the new partnership that will allow students to take Baccalaureate classes on Schoolcraft’s Livonia campus. Photo courtesy of Schoolcraft Marketing Department. Mayor stresses networking and personability for political success. Page 10 Three distinguished schools, PHOTOS BY LINDSEY WELLS Lightning strikes one bright future Schoolcraft to U partnership to offer bachelor’s and master’s degree programs on campus Thor, stealing thunder at the BY MattHEW MURPHY for the out-of-state UT student. box office. STAFF WRITER Second, students can avoid Page 18 The Presidents of School- the commute to either Detroit Student ID craft College, Wayne State or Toledo. Dr. Lloyd A. Jacobs, University and the University President of the University of of Toledo announced on Nov. Toledo spoke of the proximity 7 the creation of “Schoolcraft of the two schools, and also of DINING to U.” Schoolcraft to U is a the desire to blur the line be- partnership that, beginning tween Michigan and Ohio dur- TECHNOLOGY fall 2014, will bring WSU and ing his opening remarks. He UT class offerings directly to also spoke of a “congruence of SHOPPING Schoolcraft students, both values” and mentioned a “web (Left) Likening the new partnerships to cloud computing, online and on-site. Students of relationships” shared by the University of Toledo President Dr. Lloyd Jacobs hopes that will have the full resources Great IDeas for off campus partners in Schoolcraft to U. allowing students to take University of Toledo classes in Livonia of all three schools available uses. Dr. Jacobs said the partnership will blur the barriers between Michigan and Toledo. (Right) to them as they work to earn Page 13 is about “the possibilities for Provost of Wayne State University Dr. Margaret Winters speaks their Bachelor’s or Master’s students’ success, without re- on the advantages that the new Schoolcraft to U program has for degrees. The benefits don’t Diversions gard to borders.” the community and future Wayne State students. end there; there is a financial Dr. Margaret Winters, benefit, as well. First, the Uni- Wayne State University pro- in engineering, nursing and WSU or UT. versity of Toledo will waive vost, speaking on behalf of Mr. SUDOKU business.” She also said she The programs to be of- CROSSWORD out-of-state tuition fees for M. Roy Wilson, President of WORD SEARCH believes the program will al- students in the program. That Wayne State University, com- low the student a smoother SEE PARTNERSHIP reduction means a difference mented, “There was a need transition from Schoolcraft to ON PAGE 2 The perfect way to pass the of more than $8,000 per year to create more opportunities time between classes. Page 30 GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION BY URMILA BILGI INDEX Serving our safety News ..........................2 “The schools that can communi- Editorials ....................6 RAVE alert system cate effectively are the ones that keep Ocelot Opinions .........9 prepares Schoolcraft for people safe, and that’s our goal,” Frank Campus Life ............ 10 any emergency Ruggirello Jr., Schoolcraft College BY PETER HUBBARD Director of Marketing and Commu- Secrets of the Quill . 13 NEWS EDITOR nications said, regarding the need for A&E .......................... 18 In the event of any campus crisis, RAVE. Conceived with the notion that Sports ..................... 24 the college’s chief concern is the safety directions regarding safety concerns Crossword ............... 30 of Schoolcraft’s staff and students. must be promptly delivered, multiple Although blizzards, gas-leaks, and methods are used to ensure that these Horoscope ............... 31 blackouts are often unpredictable, messages are received. these events can all be appropriately “Let’s say we have a snow day; you’ll CONTACT US addressed in order to minimize havoc. get messages saying the school is To ensure the protection and conve- closed through text, email, and a phone News/Advertising: call,” Ruggirello said. This way stu- (734) 462-4422 nience of Schoolcraft’s student body and faculty, each person registering for dents and staff are not left in the dark Letter to the Editor: by chance events. Steven Kaufman, [email protected] classes will subscribe to an effective warning system, referred to as RAVE. Schoolcraft Chief of Campus Security Combining today’s most thorough Police, explained, “Each medium— communication methods with detailed calls, text-messages, and emails—go directions from Campus Security Po- out simultaneously.” Although not The RAVE system sends alerts via text message, lice, the early-warning alarm will help SEE RAVE email, and phone to advise students of lead individuals away from hazard and ON PAGE 3 emergency situations and campus closures. confusion. 2 NEWSANDFEATURES Helping our Heroes COMPILED BY JULIAN MAIDEN Schoolcraft STAFF WRITER SAUDI ARABIA WOMEN DEFY aids Veterans in AUTHORITY With the pandemonium occurring in understanding Saudi Arabia, women from the region benefits are exercising their denied privilege to drive a vehicle on commercial BY JASON WooleRY STAFF WRITER streets. While the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia is strictly en- On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, forced, several women in the region Schoolcraft hosted a fundrais- collaborated to oppose the ban that er sponsoring America’s de- is strictly mandated by the religious edicts, which encompass the ma- fenders of liberty. Lasting from jority of the region. The Women’s 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Henry’s Driving Campaign reports that ap- Food Court in the VisTa Tech proximately 25 women proceeded Center, $260 was raised to give to drive despite the ban in order back to those that had already to battle with current established given so much. laws over the region. Out of the 25 women, Saudi Arabian authorities Refreshments were avail- stopped five vehicles, of which Col. able and all donations ben- Fawaz Al-Meeman of Riyadh Police efited Piquette Square, an told CNN: “Each case was dealt with apartment complex in Detroit GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION BY URMILA BILGI accordingly.” One of the drivers and that provides housing and the factory, is a new four-story in a row, starting on Nov. 18 the veterans after they are advocates of the campaign said, support for homeless veterans. brick building, which consists and ending on Dec. 9, every discharged and are in search “I drove on the highway and was The key symbol of the event noticed by a couple of cars but they of 150 affordable one-bed- Monday between the hours of of some type of employment was a large yellow "Support were fine with it.” With the number room units. The complex also 8:30–10:30 a.m. training. I am actually plan- Our Troops" ribbon which of opposing advocates, many are left houses an 11,000 square-foot The events aim to inform ning on finishing my degree to believe that the ban will be eradi- students signed their names to common area for the veterans local veterans about the ben- when I retire from the Marines cated by globalizing norms. show support and gratitude. to mingle and socialize. The efits, services, and resources in a few years.” Piquette Square is not only DEADLY SHOOTING AT LAX first tenants in the Piquette available to military veterans, Schoolcraft College is prov- an apartment complex for vet- A 23 year-old male opened fire with complex moved in June 2010. with a strong focus on dis- ing to be a continuing leader erans. They also offer many an assault rifle at a Transportation “It is really great that the abled military veterans. There in the community with its vast services including mental Safety Authority (TSA) booth at Los veterans that come home to will be two experts on hand to efforts to support the local vet- Angeles International Airport. At the health counseling, substance the city of Detroit have a po- answer any questions veterans erans and community at large. present time, investigators are not abuse treatment, on-site job tential place to go,” Marine may have. One of the experts Veterans or students inter- certain of the motives that led to the training, educational pro- Cpl. Joseph Malas said. “I can’t is Toni Moses, department ested in either of these events shooting inside of Terminal 3. The grams, computer labs, and shooter is identified as Paul Anthony imagine coming home after service officer of the Disabled are encouraged to contact more. Essentially, they seek Ciancia, a resident of Los Angeles deployment and having to suf- American Veterans. In addi- Pam Paxton-Keehner at 734- to provide overall support ser- who killed one TSA agent and left fer the plight of homelessness, tion to the expert advice pro- 462-4400 ext. 5346 for addi- other bystanders in the area wound- vices to help veterans develop especially having just served vided by Moses, Pam Paxton- tional information. Veterans ed. Currently, investigators are trying healthy and independent life your country as a veteran.” Keehner, Veterans Services interested in Piquette Square to sort through the compiled infor- skills. Schoolcraft is supportive of Coordinator at Schoolcraft, apartment information can mation available about the individual. The Piquette Square project It was clear that the shooter’s initial veteran’s issues, and they are will also answer questions contact Terri Lopez directly at is located on historic ground intention was to murder anyone af- offering a handful of “Vet- about how veterans can use 313-297-1325. ■ in the New Center Area of De- filiated with a government agency. eran’s Coffee Hour Q&A” their educational benefits to troit.
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