All_short_Notes_shorT_NoTE.qxd 08.08.2016 11:01 seite 16 92 shorT NoTE hErPETozoA 29 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2016 shorT NoTE logischen Grabungen (holozän); pp. 76-83. in: distribution of Ophiomorus nuchalis CABElA , A. & G rilliTsCh , h. & T iEdEMANN , F. (Eds.): Atlas zur Verbreitung und Ökologie der Amphibien NilsoN & A NdréN , 1978: und reptilien in Österreich: Auswertung der herpeto - faunistischen datenbank der herpetologischen samm - Current status of knowledge lung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien; Wien; (Umweltbundesamt). PUsChNiG , r. (1934): schildkrö - ten bei Klagenfurt.- Carinthia ii, Klagenfurt; 123-124/ The scincid lizard genus Ophio morus 43-44: 95. PUsChNiG , r. (1942): Über das Fortkommen A. M. C. dUMéril & B iBroN , 1839 , is dis - oder Vorkommen der griechischen land schildkröte tributed from southeastern Europe (southern und der europäischen sumpfschildkröte in Kärnten.- Balkans) to northwestern india (sindhian Carinthia ii, Klagenfurt; 132/52: 84-88. sAMPl , h. (1976): Aus der Tierwelt Kärntens. die Kriechtiere deserts) ( ANdErsoN & l EViToN 1966; s iN- oder reptilien; pp. 115-122. in: KAhlEr , F. (Ed.): die dACo & J ErEMčENKo 2008 ) and com prises Natur Kärntens; Vol. 2; Klagenfurt (heyn). sChiNd- 11 species ( BoUlENGEr 1887; ANdEr soN & lEr , M . (2005): die Europäische sumpfschild kröte in EViToN ilsoN NdréN Österreich: Erste Ergebnisse der genetischen Unter - l 1966; N & A 1978; suchungen.- sacalia, stiefern; 7: 38-41. soChU rEK , E. ANdErsoN 1999; KAzEMi et al. 2011). seven (1957): liste der lurche und Kriechtiere Kärntens.- were reported from iran including O. blan - Carinthia ii, Klagenfurt; 147/67: 150-152. fordi BoUlENGEr , 1887, O. brevipes BlAN- KEY Words: reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae: Ford , 1874, O. nuchalis NilsoN & A NdréN , Emys orbicularis , genetic analyses, cytochrome b gene, 1978, O. persicus sTEiNdAChNEr , 1867, O. different haplotypes, Austria, Carinthia streeti ANdErsoN & l EViToN , 1966, O. tri - sUBMiTTEd: November 7, 2014 dactylus BlYTh , 1853 and O. maranjabensis AUThor: Andreas KlEEWEiN , department of KAzEMi , FArhAdi QoMi , K AMi & A NdEr- integrative zoology, University of Vienna, Althan - straße 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, < andreas.kleewein soN , 2011 ( ANdErsoN 1999; r AsTEGAr - @gmx.net >. PoUYANi et al. 2008; KAzEMi et al. 2011). Fig. 1: Known record localities of Ophiomorus nuchalis NilsoN & A NdréN , 1978. - Type locality in Cheshmeh shah, Kavir Protected region, Teheran (34°44’N, 52°11’E) ( NilsoN & ANdréN 1978); – Five km north of the entrance to the Kavir Protected region (35°6’42”N, 51°46’14”E) (MozAFFAri et al. 2011); - Arisman village (33°39’27”N, 52°0’11”E) and Abouzeid Abad (33°54’52”N, 51°45’30”E), isfahan Province ( FArhAdi QoMi et al. 2011); - Kalmand and Bahadoran Protected Areas, Yazd (31°26’29”N, 54°59’54”E); - Cheshmeh Toti, Kolah Ghazi National Park, isfahan (32°18’39”N, 51°55’14”E); deyr-e-Gachin (35°3’18”N, 51°24’13”E), hosseinabad, Meshmast (34°25’28”N, 51°14’01”E), Qom; Jazan village, Natanz, Esfahan (33°33’16”N, 51°58’54”E). All_short_Notes_shorT_NoTE.qxd 08.08.2016 11:01 seite 17 shorT NoTE hErPETozoA 29 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2016 shorT NoTE 93 Fig. 2: dorsal view of an adult Ophiomorus nuchalis NilsoN & A NdréN , 1978, from Abouzeid Abad, isfahan, central iran. Photograph by M. FArhAdi QoMi . Fig. 3: habitats of Ophiomorus nuchalis NilsoN & A NdréN , 1978 . 1 - Cheshmeh Toti, Kolah Ghazi National Park, isfahan; 2 - hosseinabad, Meshmast, Qom; 3 - Jazan village, Natanz, isfahan. in the present note, the authors com - endemic O. nuchalis , and add new sites to pile the published records of the rarely en - the known distribution of the species in the countered Plateau snake skink, the iranian iranian Plateau, pointing to the substrate All_short_Notes_shorT_NoTE.qxd 08.08.2016 11:01 seite 18 94 shorT NoTE hErPETozoA 29 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2016 shorT NoTE types inhabited. The various inconspicu - habitat of the type locality. The place is sit - ous ground-dwelling Ophiomorus species uated 36 km south of the town of isfahan; prefer different kinds of substrate varying the climate is characterized by hot and dry from loams for O. punctatissimus (B iBroN summers. Minimum and maximum rainfall & B orY dE sT. V iNCENT , 1833) (rÖdEl et of the region is 111 and 144.6 millimeters al. 1989) and almost bare gravel ground for with minimum and maximum temperatures O. nuchalis (NilsoN & A NdréN 1978), to of 16 to 42 °C, respectively. The predomi - loosely consolidated sand for O. blanfordi nant vegetation comprised Alhagi , Arte - (shoCKlEY 1949), O. brevipes (ANdErsoN misia and Peganum ; sympatric reptiles were 1963) and O. raithmai ANdErsoN & l EVi- Trapelus agilis (o liViEr , 1807) , Ophisops ToN , 1966 (MiNToN 1966; r AThor 1970) elegans MéNéTriEs , 1832, Mesalina watso - (GrEEr & W ilsoN 2001). interspecific dif - nana (sToliCzKA , 1872) and Pseudoceras - ferences in the preference for certain sub - tes persicus (d UMéril , B iBroN & d UMéril , strate types may aid species discrimina - 1854) (Fig. 3.1). tion. Two more adult specimens were col - The type locality of O. nuchalis , siah lected on 3 July, 2009 from deyr-e-Gachin Kuh (Black Mountains), lies in the center of (35°03’18”N, 51°24’13”E), hosseinabad, the Kavir Protected region, iran (34°44’N, Meshmast (34°25’28”N, 51°14’01”E), Pro - 52°11’E), about 150 km south of Teheran vince of Qom. The specimens were cap - (NilsoN & A NdréN 1978). From its coordi - tured, measured and released into their habi - nates, the location is situated in the northern tat. They were found inhabiting the sand foothills of the Black Mountains at an alti - dunes and loose soil where plants of the tude of about 1,170 m a.s.l. The ground is genera Alhagi , Haloxylon , Peganum and rocky, the vegetation sparse and patchy, Tamarix are widespread. other reptile spe - with Artemisia herba-alba being the domi - cies observed in the same habitat were nant plant ( NilsoN & A NdréN 1978). Mo- Phrynocephalus scutellatus (o liViEr , 1807) , zAFFAri et al. (2011) reported the species Trapelus agilis , Agamura persica (d UMéril , from five km north of the entrance to the 1856) , Bunopus crassicaudus (N iKolsKY , Kavir Protected region at 35°6’42”N, 1907) , Eremias fasciata BlANFord , 1874 , 51°46’14”E in the vicinity of a dry river Eremias persica BlANFord , 1875 , Eremias with clay topsoil where Tamarix , Prosopis , velox (P AllAs , 1771) , Mesalina wat sonana , Alhagi and Artemisia are widespread. FAr- Ophisops elegans , Varanus griseus caspius hAdi QoMi et al. (2011) published records (E iChWAld , 1831) , Eryx jaculus turcicus and habitat characters of the species found (oliViEr , 1801), Platyceps ventromaculatus in agricultural farms in the Province of ventromaculatus (G rAY , 1834) and Psamm - isfahan (33°39’27”N, 52°00’11”E and 33° ophis schokari (ForsKål , 1775) (Fig. 3.2). 54’52”N, 51°45’30”E). recently, a speci - one specimen was collected on 20 men was found in the Kalmand and Baha- July, 2008 at Jazan village, Natanz, Pro - doran Protected Areas (31°26’29”N, 54°59’ vince of isfahan (33°33’16”N, 51°58’54” 54”E), Province of Yazd, inhabiting the E), in an area of low hills with rocky ground sand dunes between the desert and the that resembles the habitat of the type locali - mountains. The specimen was deposited at ty (Fig. 3.3). The specimen was captured, the zagros herpetological institute Museum measured and released into the habitat. (zhiM27) (Fig. 1). The available records show that O. Three more populations were found nuchalis is widely distributed across the by the authors in the Central iranian Plateau Central iranian Plateau including the Pro - (Figs. 1, 2). Two adults were collected on vinces of semnan, Tehran, Qom, isfahan 28 July, 2009 from Cheshmeh Toti, Kolah and Yazd. The type specimens were col - Ghazi National Park, Province of isfahan lected under stones on sparesly vegetated, (32°18’39”N, 51°55’14”E). The specimens almost bare gravel ground devoid of loose were captured, measured for morphometric sand ( NilsoN & A NdréN 1978). The characters and released into their natural authors’ new findings confirm that the habitat. The individuals lived in a hilly en - species occupies different habitat types as vironment on rocky soil, resembling the mentioned by previous studies which All_short_Notes_shorT_NoTE.qxd 08.08.2016 11:01 seite 19 shorT NoTE hErPETozoA 29 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2016 shorT NoTE 95 reported the presence of the species in low s. C. & l EViToN , A. E. (1966): A review of the genus hills with rocky ground, near dry river beds Ophiomorus (sauria: scincidae) with descriptions of three new forms.- Proceedings of the California with clay topsoil, at agricultural farms and Academy of sciences, san Francisco; (ser. 4) 33 (16): on sand dunes ( NilsoN & A NdréN 1978; 499-534. BoUlENGEr , G. A. (1887): les espèces du MozAFFAri et al. 2011; FArhAdi QoMi et al. genre Opiomore .- Bulletin de la société zoologique de 2011). The habitat types of O. nuchalis are France, Paris; 12: 519-534. FArhAdi QoMi , M. & KAMi , h. G. & s hAJii , h. & K AzEMi , s. M . (2011): common in many deserts in the Central Further recordes of the plateau snake skink iranian Plateau suggesting a wider distribu - Ophiomorus nuchalis NilsoN and ANdréN , 1978 tion of O. nuchalis than previously estimat - (sauria: scincidae) from isfahan pro vince, iran.- ed ( MozAF FAri et al. 2011). The closest rel - iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics, Mashhad; 7: 171-175. GrEEr , A. E. & W ilsoN , G. d. F. (2001): ative of O. nuchalis is O. brevipes , a taxon Com ments on the scincid lizard genus Ophiomorus , which includes members of both an eastern with a cladistic analysis of the species.- hamadryad, form of Ophiomorus and its sister species, Madras; 26: 261-271.
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