U) NI66 IffiMSfWyy oef 0 7 20BS er Vol. XCIII, Issue No. 8 SINCE 1916 Friday, October 7, 2005 Committee considering minors by Amber Obermeyer Sept. 28 meeting. The committee to.' This way, people might stop once THRESHKR EDITORIAL STAFF did not vote on that proposal either, they have a minor." instead asking Jones School Dean Psychology Professor Jim Pomer- A proposal from Dean of Under- William Glick to compile logistical antz, also a curriculum committee graduates Robin Forman calls for the information about the potential un- member, said having two or more establishment of academic minors. dergraduate business program. majors is sometimes appropriate. The University Standing Committee The proposal considered at "For some students, it's not a bad on the Undergraduate Curriculum Tuesday's meeting defines a minor thing to double and triple major, but discussed the proposal at its meet- as an interdisciplinary group of sue to for others, they're going for a cre- ing Tuesday. Curriculum committee eight courses and lists business, legal dential at the expense of breadth," chair Bill Wilson said committee studies, medical humanities, African Pomerantz said. members like the idea of minors but American studies, communication Registrar David Tenney, an ad- wanted a more detailed proposal to and leadership as examples. viser to the committee, is compiling be developed. President David Leebron said add- data on how many students have "Since there is interest in looking ing minors could give students more multiple majors. into it, we decided Dean Forman and I flexibility in choosing their courses. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, wou Id draft a concrete proposal of just "Minors allow students to get rec- Rice offered "coherent minors," a what the rules would be, send it out ognition in an area of concentration set of three or four courses, usually to the committee, and then get back without the burden of an additional from the same department, intended together and talk about it some more," major," Leebron said. to encourage students to study Wilson, an electrical and computer Wiess College sophomore John subjects outside their majors. Coher- engineering professor, said. Kehoe, one of three undergraduates ent minors included archaeology, Wilson said he wrote a first draft on the curriculum committee, said Lgal studies, modern Germany and and sent it to Forman Wednesday. he thinks students would benefit statistical science. If the committee approves a from minors. The curriculum committee will proposal for minors, that proposal "It would be good just in terms of probably meet again the week of Oct. ADAM GINSBURG/THRESHER would then have to be approved by alleviating the pressure for double 17, Wilson said. the Faculty Senate, Forman said. majors," Kehoe said. "The feeling "We want to move quickly because Currently, Rice's only minor is in is that a lot of people think, 'Well, I the whole process is going to take Power forward Naval ROTC. have already taken this many history some time," he said. "We'd like to get Lovett College sophomore CaCaitllH n Robblns attempts to fake out a The curriculum committee sepa- classes, and if I take a couple more Marshall University defender In Rice's 2-0 win Sunday. this finalized so if we do it, minors are rately considered a proposal to adopt I'll finish the major, so I'll take those in the catalog next year." a business certificate or minor at its extra classes even though I don't want See MINORS, page 6 Mayor Bill White named 2006 commencement speaker by David Brown officials," the article states. The announcement of this year's tion president, said Leebron discussed not have been very meaningful, but THRESHER EDITORIAL STALE Murphy, a bioengineering graduate speaker comes two months earlier in the short list with the committee at least it's interesting," Meguac said. student, said White's leadership and the year than the 2004 announcement and advised them on which potential "Years later, you're not going to say, 'Oh, Mayor Bill White, who drew national his national reputation influenced the of Psychology lYofessor Mikki Hebl, speakers were most practical but let 1 had the mayor. I can't remember his recognition when Hurricane Katrina committee. who was the first Rice faculty memberto the committee decide. name though.'... A world figure would evacuees came to Houston and when "We were looking for someone who deliver a commencement address. Lastyear, thecommittee submitted a have been more interesting." Houston residents evacuated before was going to be newsworthy," Murphy After last year's controversial se- list of 10 names to Leebron, who made However, Jones senior Mark Pond Hurricane Rita, will speak at Rice's 93rd said. "White was kind of on the radar, lection, the speaker was chosen early the final selection. said he is pleased with the choice. Commencement this spring. White but with everything that happened with this year to ease students' concerns, Adviser to the President Maryana "I think having someone who's a was announced as the commencement Katrina, he really shot up the list" Murphy said. Iskander (Wiess *97) said names of local political figure is a good idea," speaker in a news release Tuesday. Murphy said committee members "We wanted to have the speaker potential speakers were concealed Pond said. White was selected by the Com- also liked White because he is uncontro- decided upon as early as possible so this year in order to avoid suggesting Wiess College senior Marc Burrell mencement Speaker Committee, com- versial and has widespread appeal. students wouldn't have to worry about the committee's preference for certain agreed. He said having White as com- posed of undergraduates James Lloyd "I think he was a good choice that it nor would those planning commence- potential speakers over others. mencement speaker is a good way to and Breck Garrett, graduate students everyone can be happy with because ment ceremonies," Murphy said. Garrett said he was pleased with the represent Houston and that having a Matthew Murphy and Sheila Moore, he is well respected both at Rice and The committee began by gathering process overall but that he thought the politician speak is not a problem. and chaired by Sociology Professor throughout Houston," Murphy said. opinions from the Classof2006through committee should have more under- "I doubt that people are going to Katherine Donato. Garrett a senior and Jones Col- an online survey. Most students said graduates than graduate students. look at the speech as a partisan event" President David Leebron, who lege president, said the committee they wanted a speaker from outside "A commencement speech is Burrell said. "Commencement is more served as an adviser to the committee, considered many potential speakers, Rice, and the most requested people something undergrads care a lot more about a progression than something said he thinks White is an excellent but that politicians were appealing be- were cyclist Lance Armstrong and about than graduate students," Garrett that follows political party lines." choice. cause they are less expensive to book actress Tara Reid, Garrett said. said. "In past years, there were three White, who is running for reelec- "Bill is an extraordinary person of than many celebrities. Rice does not Murphy said the committee com- undergrads and one grad. I don't tion in November, was elected mayor integrity and vision and has been a ter- have a maximum amount it is willing piled a long list based on students' really understand the switch [to two in a 2004 runoff election. He served as rific leaderofourcity," leebron said. "At to spend, but historically has not paid recommendations. undergiaduates and two graduate deputy secretary of energy for Presi- this particular point in time, he's clearly large honorariums for commencement "[After the survey,] each member students]." dent Bill Clinton from 1993r'95, and he a person with a national reputation speakers. thought moreaboutthecandidatesand Sid Richardson College senior was the Texas Democratic Partv chair —someonewho has really represented Among politicians disctissed, White asked other students for their input to Kathleen Keif said she was satisfied from 1995-*97. Houston well and has made a major was acceptable partly because he has get a feel of which candidates would be with the selection of White but would Before entering politics. White contribution to the city." moderate views, Garrett said. well accepted," Murphy said. have preferred an outsider. was an attorney and taught law at the AA'etv York Times article cited White "People would've definitely had Murphy said the committee nar- "It might be more fun for my com- University of Texas. as instrumental in Houston's reception concerns with a very liberal or very rowed the list to about 10 names. mencement guests to hear a speaker White has spoken at Rice twice this of Hurricane Katrina evacuees. conservative speaker," Garrett said. Garrett said the committee then met from outside of Houston," Keif said. semester. He gave a Sept 1 speech "Many credited the leadership of "We discussed candidates of both par- with President Leebron to discuss the Lovett College senior Yigit Menguc to the Young Democrats and made Mayor White ... who kept tight reins ties, and as long as the politician was candidates, but that the committee said having a famous speaker should be an appearance on a Sept. 21 Scientia on the relief effort through daily meet- a moderate, we didn't feel like it was a chose the speaker. Lloyd, a Brown the most important criterion. panel about preparations for Hur- ings of city, county, state and federal huge issue." College senior and Student Associa- "It seems like having Bill Cosby may ricane Rita.
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