LITERARY HISTORY OF Sanskrit Buddhism (From Winternitz, Syivain Levi, Huser) Ze G. K. NARIMAN ( Author of Religion of the Iranion Proples Sranian Influence on Muslim Literature ) Second Impremion. May 1923. Bombay: INDIAN BOOK DEPOT, 55, MEADOW STREET. FORT Linotyped and Printed by Mr. lhanythoy osabhoy at The Commercial Printing Press, (of The Tata Publicity Corporation, Limited,) 11, Cowasii Patell Strect, Fort, Jombay, and published by Indian Book lepot, 55, Meadow Street, Fort, Bonibay, LITERARY HISTORY OF SANSKRIT BUDDHISM (From Winternrrz, Syivain Tkevi, Huger) (Author of Religion of the Iranian Lranian May 1923. BOMBar: INDIAN BOOK DEPOT, G8, MEADOW STREET. FORT. OFFERED AS A TRIBUTE OF APPRECIATION TO Sir RABINDRANATH TAGORE THE POET SCHOLAR OF AWAKENING ORIENT. CONTENTS. FOREWORD, Paar, Introductory aes ‘sai aoe oe we CHAPTER I. ‘The two schools of Buddhism wee Essence of Mahayana... a eee «CHAPTER IL Sanskrit Buddhist canon oo ae on on . CHAPTER IIL. Mahavastu =... oe on ae oo on i Importance of Mahavastu ... ee tae so 18 Its Jatakas aes ove oe ove rE) Mabavastu and Puranas on on is More Mahayana affinities... one . 7 Antiquity of Mahavastu oo ae we on Ww CHAPTER Iv. Lalitavistara 4. oo oe o os 19 Extravagant imagery ... ae oo ae 20 Conception and Birth of Buddha... ase 20 Sin of unbelief - ne we oo te 22 Pali and Sanskrit. go back to an oldcr source 28 The Buddha at school aes oo 28 Acts of the Buddha ... oe oy 24 Component elements of Lalitavistara et Translation into Chinese and Tibetan “ee 25 Relation to Buddhist art ae - on 28 No image in primitve Buddhism ww 26 General estimate of Lalitavistara o “ 27 CHAPTER V. Pact Ashvaghosha and his school ... aa oe oo oe = 28 Life of Ashvaghosha one ove ave Pe 2) Ashvaghosha’s great work : the Buddha’s biography ... vs 80 Buddhacanta and Kalidasa os o «8 Statecraft, erotic art and warfare 88 Love and rehgion =... _ oe . 34 Synthesis of Schools ... oe tos oe oo | J Sutralankara se nee ee 86 Vajrasuci ; polemic against caste... 88 Other works of Aetrngpotas 89 Matriceta on ” or 40 Buddhist poet Shura ... oo oo on we oe 41 Master's selfless Jove s. tee as eee oa oe 42 CHAPTER VI. Literature of Avadanas oe oo on ow we 45 Veneration forthe Buddba pe eae ‘What is Avadana? ... oe eo 45 The fixed model ave vee ove 48 Culture evidences sx me ane 49 Maiden disciple: Story 28... ase 50 Extreme Compassion: Story 84 a 50 Dismterested pity : Story 36 ... one 50 Princess devout : Story 54... ‘: BL Guerdon of service to Buddha : Story ‘100 e BL Avadanashataka and cognate tales ... 52 ‘Tibetan and Chmese analogies oe bg Charactenstics on ow 58 Analysis of components on one 54 Shardulakarna : love of the untouchable 55 Ashokavadana od on we 57 Kunala : Queen mother and step son... 58 Pali parallels... oa aoe vee ae soe 5a Rupavati’s sacrifice 1. we or oe oon we «8D Pacer. Kalpadrumavadanamala was on one 59 Unequivocal Mahayanism a oe 60 Miscellaneous Avadanas or vee vee 61 Avadanas in Chinese and Tibetan... oe Mahayanasutras os 64 Worship of Books in Nepal ae . 4 Saddbarmapundanka ... on 64 Parable of house on fire see 67 Reclaimed son: a parable... 68 Figurative language... 69 Exaggeration of phrase and figure 69 In praise of Sutra. oo 70 Persistence of Puranic influence =... ow vas Elements of diverse epochs .. one o00 7 Age of the Sutra one a oa ove 78 Karandavyuha : its Theistic tendency ne rt Potency of Avalokiteshvara ... 7 His peregrinations —... ory 76 Sukhavativyuha : the Land of Bliss ... soe 7 Manjushri vee av oe we eon 78 Kurunapundarika Sutra ase ” 80 Lankavatara... aoe on on 80 Samadhuraja ... on oe oe ae 82 Suvamaprabhasa Sutra oo wee oo 82 Rashtrapala Sutra... oo wee on 88 Prevision of degeneracy ove see oo 84 CHAPTER VIII. Nagarjuna se ” os oo 89 Vindication of middie doctrine wn “ 90 Other works attributed to Nagarjuna... ae 91 iy, Pavr. Nagarjuna’s life an Aryadeva oo on Asanga... ose ee Asanga.. vee ov one Buddhist humour... we Opponent of Samkbya philosophy Shantideva we . Core of doctrine oo oo oa an 101 Importance of the book oe 102 Other virtues ... we ase oe oe 108 Quotations from previous works =... ae 108 Moral deal ae eee cee tee ate 105 Books contrasted =» fee ee o 105 The aspirant’s obligations =... vo 107 Self and other : the difference oo “ 107 Psychic identity wee a oe oe 108 Philosophical doubt we ue ee eee 108 109 CHAPTER IX. Stotras, Dbaranis, Tantras ... os ise 110 Hymns ; Buddhist and Hindu oe ose 110 Tara and her poet devotees... pee Dharanis or Necromantic formule 113 Sanskrit Dharanis in Japan... 116 Antiquity of Dharanis one 7 The Adikarmapradipa vee 118 Varieties of Tantras ; Yogi's training 118 Degrading instructions wae 19 Supreme Yogiship on 120 The authorship teres 121 Printed Tantra literature. wee te 122 Christianity and Buddhism... oo Ha 128 ve CHAPTER X. Packs Are Similarities accidental? .. eee aus 128 Seydel’s hypothesis... oo oa ove 124 “Loans” from Buddhism ... ow one 124 American scholar’s researches wee 125 Parallel texts ... wee ae nae oe 126 Legends nee on “ ae ove 126 7 Resurrection and Nirvana... we oe 128 Results of comparison fee nee ae 129 Vitahty of Buddhism a oe a wh CHAPTER XI. Ancient Indian National Literature see ate 188 Importance and extent of Indian literature ... 183 Peculiar traits of Indian genius au, ane 184 Aryan unity of speech oo oe 186 Impact of Indian genius on German thought t 188 CHAPTER XII. Beginnings of Indian Studies in Europe... 141 Great Britain and Brabmanic learning 142 Early Engbsh scholars on oe oe 148 Jones and Colebrooke tee see on 148 Sanskrit learning and Germany = a ow 147 Dara Shukob’s Persian Upanishad ... ae 150 Beginnings of Vedic studies... oo oe 152 Leader of research in three great religions ... 152 Christian Lassen 9. neste nae 158 The Great Dictionary... oe oe on 158 Histories of literature ae ae one 154 Catalogues of Mss... oo sen 7 oe 154 Encyclopedia of Sanskrit knowledge one 155 CHAPTER XII. The Chronology of Indian Literature on 156 A few dated events wu oe wae wi Paar, Extra-Indian helps... on on on ae awe 158 Indian's sense of history nase ane om we 160 APPENDIX 1. fi Constitution of the Buddhist Canon, by Sylvain Lévi awe 162 APPENDIX I. Sutralankara ... on on ae tes one we 177 Prefatory on teste tenets 197 ‘The outraged Pandit ... we oo on ave ae 178 Buddhist and Brahmanic controversy ow on we 179 Chinese Aid ... oan ‘he deg esa si oe 180 Japanese co-operation ae _ enn owe on 181 In search of treasure 0. 0 oe ee wetness LBB Life of Ashvaghosha «0 0 oe wee tee wee 188 Chinese reverence for Sanskrit texts... 9, nue 185 Was bea King? see of ana oa we 187 His method ... oo aa wae on ory vee 189 Authorship established fr cr res |) | The persone of the Story Book —... ve ae ow 196 The grade of civilisation «4, ane vue teeta 198 The Arts on one on on tee os on 200 Vindication of a neglected school ... toe oy a 201 Preserved in China though lost in India an ase ae 202 His renowned predecessors... oo ove ie ve 208 APPENDIX Ul, Most ancient Buddhist bane by M. Winternitz ... vee 207 ‘The Pali Canon ow see oe aee ane 207 APPENDIX iV. Buddhist Drama, by M. Winternitz ... os wee ow 219 Wie APPENDEX V, Pace. ‘Treagure-Trove of Ancient Literatures “ oe ate 234 The discovery—Scientific expeditions see oo oe 224 New old tongues—Resurrection of dead languages—the last creed of Manes—Pahlavi the religious and secular idiom of medizval Iran os a ove on 230 Enormous Buddhist Sansknt literature in original and vernacular versions=Great discovery of the century; Pali not the mother tongue of Buddhism; Pali represents translation from perished vernacular ow 235 The hiatus in classical Sanskrit supplied —Buddhist poetry or drama in Sanskrit—Matriceta and Ashvaghosha the forerunners of Loar araacsan A and verification of Tibetan treasures... om oe tee aoe 240 APPENDIX VI. The Inscription of Ara. By Prof. H. eee PhD, (Berlin) ve tee ve a eT) 245 Postscript... oo on oe oo ~ 255 APPENDIX VII. The Sources of the Divyavadana. Chinese translation of Sanskrit-Buddhist Literature... oo 257 How Chinese helps Sansknt ... wee oe oe oun 260 APPENDIX VIII. Inscribed frescos of Turfan, by Ed. Huber ... one see 264 A Bharhut Sculpture ... wee a “ woe oe 269 King Kanishka and the Mula Servastivadis oe ae 274 APPENDIX JX. The Medical Science of the Buddhists _ we ae 276 APPENDIX X. The Abhidharma Kosha Vyakhya ... on aes APPENDIX XI. Reference to Buddhism in Brabmanical and Jain Writings. 287 APPENDIX XII. Notes on the Divyavadana ... _ one vee on 293 Notes «.. ass in ee awe one one 801 Index ... tee on _ oo oe ase B41 ABBREVIATIONS. BEFEO—Bullétin de l’Ecole francaise d’Extréme Orient. Bibl. Ind.—Bibliotheca Indica. Ep. Ind.—Epigraphia Indica. ERE—Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethies, edited by James Hastings, Edinburgh. GGA Géttinger Gelebrte Anzeigen. Grandriss—Grundriss der indo-arischen Phuilologie und Altertums- kunde, founded by G. Buhler, continued by F.Kielhom, edited by HL Litders and Wackernagel, Strassbarg, Tritbner, Ind. Ant—Indian Antiquary (Bombay). JA—Joumal Asiatique, JAOS—Journal of the American Oriental Society. JASB—Joumal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. JBRAS—Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, JRAS—Journal of the Pali Text Society.
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