Chronicle V3.indd 1 05/10/2018 16:31 2 Chronicle V3.indd 2 05/10/2018 16:31 Celebrating 40 years in 2018 Dathlu 40 mlynedd yn Image / Llun © Maurice Broomfi eld Broomfi Image / Llun © Maurice 2018 Chronicle V3.indd 3 05/10/2018 16:31 CHRONICLE Published by Ffotogallery 4 Wales Limited Turner House, Plymouth Road, Penarth, CF64 3DH ISBN-13: 978-1-872771-49-6 Writer & Editor: David Drake The Valleys Project Text: Paul Cabuts Publication Design: Oliver Norcott Installation Images: Marc Arkless Cover Image: André Gelpke All images © The Artists All text © The Authors Translation: Siân Edwards, Owen Martell and Sian Jones Printed in Wales by Zenith Media All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission of the publisher. Published October 2018 Edition of 300 Chronicle V3.indd 4 05/10/2018 16:31 Foreword / 6 Rhagair Our Story / 8 Ein Stori Supporting Welsh Artists / Cefnogi 80 Artistiaid Cymreig Diffusion - 88 Legacy / Gwaddol International 5 Engagement 98 / Ymgysylltiad Rhyngwladol Exhibitions / Arddangosfeydd 114 1978–2018 Publications / Cyhoeddiadau 120 1978–2018 Acknowledgements / 123 Cydnabyddiaeth Chronicle V3.indd 5 05/10/2018 16:31 In September 1978, the first gallery Ym mis Medi 1978, agorodd oriel in Wales dedicated to photography gyntaf Cymru ar gyfer ffotograffiaeth opened in Charles Street, Cardiff, yn benodol yn Heol Charles, under the name Yr Oriel Ffotograffeg. Caerdydd, o dan yr enw Yr Oriel Changing its name to Ffotogallery in Ffotograffeg. Gan newid ei henw 1981, the organisation continues to i Ffotogallery ym 1981, mae’n dal thrive forty years on and is currently i ffynnu ddeugain mlynedd yn establishing a new city centre base ddiweddarach ac mae wrthi bellach in Cardiff. yn sefydlu canolfan newydd yng Chronicle draws on archival and nghanol dinas Caerdydd. contemporary material to tell the Mae Chronicle yn defnyddio 6 story of how Ffotogallery developed deunydd archifol a chyfoes i adrodd over those forty years, against the sut y datblygodd Ffotogallery backdrop of seismic changes in the dros y deugain mlynedd hwnnw, nature and role of photography in yn erbyn cefnlen o newidiadau society and the rise of digital culture. seismig yn natur a swyddogaeth From the beginning, Ffotogallery ffotograffiaeth mewn cymdeithas, a has given early exposure for thwf y diwylliant digidol. O’r cychwyn photographers and artists such as cyntaf, rhoddodd Ffotogallery Martin Parr, Paul Graham, Catherine sylw yn gynnar yn eu gyrfaoedd i Yass, Helen Sear and Bedwyr Williams artistiaid fel Martin Parr, Paul Graham, who went on to enjoy international Catherine Yass, Helen Sear a Bedwyr Williams sydd wedi mynd ymlaen i success. The organisation remains fwynhau llwyddiant rhyngwladol. committed to nurturing emerging Mae’r sefydliad yn parhau ag talent and providing mid-career ymrwymiad i feithrin doniau sy’n opportunities for photographers and dod i’r amlwg a chynnig cyfleoedd lens-based artists. Chronicle highlights canol-gyrfa i ffotograffwyr ac artistiaid Ffotogallery’s longstanding focus yn seiliedig ar lens. Mae Chronicle on the South Wales Valleys and a yn pwysleisio ffocws Ffotogallery series of commissions and exhibitions dros gyfnod maith ar gymoedd that documented the Valleys in de Cymru, a chyfres o gomisiynau various aspects during a period ac arddangosfeydd yn dogfennu of rapid transition. Chronicle also gwahanol agweddau ar y cymoedd celebrates Ffotogallery’s international yn ystod cyfnod o drawsnewid engagement, realised through carlamus. Mae Chronicle hefyd yn publications and exhibitions of work dathlu ymgysylltiad rhyngwladol from five continents, and initiatives Ffotogallery, ar ffurf cyhoeddiadau such as European Prospects, Wales in ac arddangosfeydd o waith o bum Venice 2015, the Dreamtigers India- cyfandir, a mentrau fel Rhagolygon Wales project, and three editions Ewropeaidd, Cymru yn Fenis 2015, FOREWORD / / FOREWORD RHAGAIR Chronicle V3.indd 6 05/10/2018 16:31 of the biennial Diffusion: Cardiff project Dreamtigers India-Cymru, a International Festival of Photography. thri rhifyn o’r ŵyl ddwy-flynyddol, It shows how over four decades Diffusion: Gŵyl Ffotograffiaeth Ffotogallery has played a pivotal Ryngwladol Caerdydd. role in developing a vibrant and Dengys fel y mae Ffotogallery, contemporary photographic dros bedwar degawd, wedi chwarae culture in Wales and internationally rhan ganolog mewn datblygu through exhibitions and festivals, diwylliant ffotograffig bywiog extensive print and online a chyfoes yng Nghymru ac yn publishing activities, and pioneering rhyngwladol trwy arddangosfeydd education and outreach work that a gwyliau, gweithgareddau 7 offers opportunities for creative cyhoeddi print ac ar-lein helaeth, engagement for a wide cross-section a gwaith addysgu a chymunedol of society. arloesol sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd i drawstoriad eang o gymdeithas i ymgysylltu’n greadigol. Chronicle V3.indd 7 05/10/2018 16:31 8 OUR STORY / OUR STORY STORI EIN Chronicle V3.indd 8 05/10/2018 16:31 The early 1970s saw a resurgence Yn yr 1970au cynnar, cafwyd ton of interest in photography across newydd o ddiddordeb mewn the United Kingdom, and the ffotograffiaeth ar draws y Deyrnas establishment of a small number of Unedig, a sefydlwyd nifer fechan o independent galleries dedicated orielau annibynnol yn arbennig ar to photography including The gyfer ffotograffau, yn cynnwys The Photographers Gallery and Photographers Gallery a Camerawork Camerawork in London, Stills in yn Llundain, Stills yng Nghaeredin, Edinburgh, Impressions in York, Open Impressions yn Efrog, Open Eye yn Eye in Liverpool and Side Gallery Lerpwl a Side Gallery yn Newcastle. in Newcastle. Pan sefydlwyd yr Ysgol With the School of Documentary Ffotograffiaeth Ddogfennol yng 9 Photography at Gwent College of Ngholeg Addysg Uwch Gwent yng Higher Education in Newport being Nghasnewydd gan y ffotograffydd set up by Magnum photographer Magnum, David Hurn, yn 1973, David Hurn in 1973, momentum was roedd y momentwm yn tyfu ar building for a specialist photography gyfer sefydlu oriel ffotograffiaeth gallery to be established in Wales arbenigol yng Nghymru i arddangos exhibiting work on a regular basis. gwaith yn rheolaidd. Yn gynnar In early 1978, the artist and academic yn 1978, cyhoeddodd yr artist a’r Alistair Crawford published an article academydd Alistair Crawford erthygl in Planet magazine calling for a yn y cylchgrawn Planet yn galw am oriel neu amgueddfa newydd a new gallery or museum that would fyddai’n “dangos arddangosfeydd “originate and travel exhibitions gwreiddiol a theithiol yng Nghymru a both within and outside Wales….at thu allan i Gymru….ar yr un pryd dylai the same time it should acquire, in gael gafael, mewn ffordd systematig, a systematic way, a collection of the ar gasgliad o’r ffotograffau cyfoes best contemporary photography gorau gan ffotograffwyr o Gymru from Welsh photographers sy’n gweithio tu allan i Gymru ac working outside Wales and from hefyd gan ffotograffwyr sy’n gweithio photographers working within Wales”. yng Nghymru”. During 1977 and 1978 David Yn ystod 1977 a 1978 bu David Hurn helped organise a series of Hurn yn helpu i drefnu cyfres o lectures on photography through the ddarlithoedd ar ffotograffiaeth Extra Mural Department of University drwy Adran Efrydiau Allanol College, Cardiff in collaboration Coleg Prifysgol Caerdydd mewn with the Welsh Arts Council. Sir Tom cydweithrediad â Chyngor Hopkinson, one time editor of Picture Celfyddydau Cymru. Roedd Syr Tom Post, was the Director of the Centre Hopkinson, cyn-olygydd Picture for Journalism Studies at University Post, yn Gyfarwyddwr ar y Ganolfan College, Cardiff and a key advocate Astudiaethau Newyddiaduriaeth Chronicle V3.indd 9 05/10/2018 16:31 for photography in Wales at the time. yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Caerdydd The lectures drew a large audience ac roedd yn eiriolwr allweddol with guest speakers including Bert dros ffotograffiaeth yng Nghymru Hardy and Don McCullin. As a direct ar y pryd. Denodd y darlithoedd result of the interest generated by gynulleidfa fawr gyda siaradwyr the lecture series, in May some fifty gwadd megis Bert Hardy a Don people connected with photography McCullin. O ganlyniad uniongyrchol came together in Cardiff to discuss i’r diddordeb a sbardunwyd gan y the establishment of a permanent gyfres hon o ddarlithoedd, ym mis centre for photography in Wales, and Mai daeth oddeutu hanner cant o bobl four months later that vision became oedd â chysylltiad â ffotograffiaeth 10 a reality. at ei gilydd yng Nghaerdydd i On 4 September 1978, the drafod sefydlu canolfan barhaol ar first gallery in Wales dedicated to gyfer ffotograffiaeth yng Nghymru, photography opened in Charles a phedwar mis yn ddiweddarach Street, Cardiff, under the name Yr gwireddwyd y freuddwyd. Oriel Ffotograffeg, Caerdydd (The Ar 4 Medi 1978, agorodd yr oriel Photographic Gallery, Cardiff). gyntaf yng Nghymru oedd wedi’i Fittingly, the gallery’s inaugural hymroddi i ffotograffiaeth yn Stryd exhibition was Collected Photographs Charles, Caerdydd, o dan yr enw Yr – Photographs from the collection of Oriel Ffotograffeg, Caerdydd. Yn David Hurn. briodol iawn, arddangosfa agoriadol yr oriel oedd Collected Photographs Largely run by volunteers, – Photographs from the collection of from that September onwards a David Hurn. diverse and ambitious exhibition O’r mis Medi hwnnw ymlaen, programme was initiated with a cychwynnwyd rhaglen arddangos combination
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