• New Fringes Start March .1st * * * "Serving the men who move the earth!" * * * Hearing ENGINEERS: _:NEW S Drug Aid Aid For PUBLISHED TO PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE OF ALL ENGINEERS AND THEIR FAMILIES . Wi II c ut -•R et1rees. -Medicost JAM , WHERE AMER ICA'S DAY BEG INS HAWA II , THE 50TH STATE NORTHER N CALIFORNIA, THE GO LD EN STATE NORTHE RN NEVA DA, SILVER STATE UTAH , HEART OF THE ROCKIES . Extension of a key fringe International Vice President benefit for retirees was an­ Vol. 27-No. 2 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA February, 1968 and Business Manager AI Clem nounced this week by Interna­ has announced the establish­ tional Vice President and Busi­ ment of an Out of Hospital Pre­ ness Manager AI Clem with the scription Drug Program for the 32,000 members of Operating I \ start of Hearing Aid cove.rage ' for this group of members effec­ Engineers Local Union No. 3. tive March 1, 1968. The new prescription program Originally put in effect for will go into effect on March 1, active members in July _of last 1968 . year, the . benefit is now ex­ In announcing the program • tended to retirees and wili be Business Manager Clem said, added to the Union Labor Life "This is apother dramatic first Insurance ·policy. for our union and one that your Generally the benefit provides ~ business manager and the offi­ the cost of a hearing aid appliance cers have been studying care­ up to a maximum of $400_dollars fully for some time. As in all the for each year in a 4-year period, other fringes obtained for you subject to the 80%-20% co-insur­ by your elected leadership, ance and $100 deductible clauses · there must be a careful study of of the major medical coverage. A separate $100 deductible will not the need (number of members be required for the hearing aid benefited) and the soundness appliance if the deductible has al- . of our financial foundation in ready been satisfied under the ' undertaking ·the obligation of major medical benefit for a dis­ this additional benefit. There is ability which relates to a person's a need for the Out of Hospital hearing. Prescription Drug Program and • In making the announcement, our financial position is sound." Business Manager Clem pointed Under the new program mem­ out that this was another instance bers will · receive 100% of usual where the "responsibility for our and customary charges in excess con­ -<tlder members is a constant of $1.50 for each covered pre­ cern of the elected ~fficers and we. "PROGRESS ON DISPLAY" board was installed in fringe benefit gains and expenditures from 1960 scription. In other words, the have managed by careful conser­ the new Fringe Benefit Center during recent dedi­ through 1967. The fifteen-color display board can merriber pays the first $1.50 for vation of the members' dues to · ceremonies. Board sums up at a g_lahce be updated with a minimum of .mechanicaL effort. himself and/ or his dependent on a provide outstanding benefits with­ cation single prescription and the W el­ dues." out increasing the retirees' fare Trust Fund pays all addi­ tional costs of that single prescrip­ tion. Claim forms are now in the 'Progress Display' At FBC process of being prepared and will .· A· CalL For Help! be available shortly. , Local Union No. 3 is sending Charges covered under the new , qut an urgent call for help in program include: * * * * * * * * * ( 1) Pharmaceuticals requiling • cr;>llecting and categorizing his­ "Progress on Display" · was dedicating the new center andthe Business Manager Clem noted a written prescription, executed torical data on your. local union. the title given a fifteen-color display board which lists the bene­ . that $38,330,394 had been paid by a licenesd physician and dis­ ' All Brothers are asked to check display board that is now the fits and total dollar amounts paid out in membership benefits since basements and other for­ members since 1960. 1960. "This is a prime example of pensed by a licensed pharmacist . attics, center-piect: on t!J.e waH of tl:le . gotten places of hiding for pho­ On ·hand for dedication cere­ what good organl.zation, built on or by a hospital pharmacy during new Fringe Benefit Center lo­ tos, publications and any other monies were four retirees, E. C. membership cooperation and loy­ a period not involving hospital items of historical interest that cated at the headquarters of "Toby" Davis, Harry R. Hanson, alty, can accomplish," stated Mr. confinement. they would like to become part Operating Engineers Local W. C. "Bill Goddard and Ernie Clem. ( 2) Compounded dermatologi­ of their union's . historical re­ Union No. 3, 474 Valencia W. Ryd (see story on page 3), "Here at a glance for every cal preparations such as ointments search section. Old newspa­ Street in San Francisco. who could boast a total union member to see is the end product and lotions which must be pre­ pers, strike leaflets, brochures, ·Pointing out the importance of membership of some 180 years. of the efforts and hard work of pared by a pharmacist according badges, equipment manuals and keeping the membership in­ Each expressed his appreciation to the dedicated membership and to your physician's prescription. news clips may also be useful formed, International Vice Presi­ the union officers for benefits won leadership of Local Union No. 3- (3) Therapeutic Vitamins, contributions. The thought is dent and Business Manager Al for "both the old timers and the truly 'progress on display!' " Cough Mixtures, Anti-Acids, Eye that a great deal of this mate­ Clem, officiated at ceremonies membership as a whole." An excellent and beautiful vis­ and Ear Medications prescribed rial is being lost or thrown ual report in its own right, the by your physician to be used in • away. Much of it can be used "Progress on Display" board was the-treatment of a specific illness in preparing a history of the desined by Jim Jennings. , or complaint. union iri the future. Much can Displayed on the board in vivid ( 4) Insulin and Diabetic sup­ I UOE Convention raise d discs ·are the plies (prescription not required) . be used now for the old timers pastels, feature series and once devel­ T. J. "Tom" Stapleton, Recording-Corresponding Secretary of amounts expended and number of ( 5) Prescriptions as ·explained oped it will be of general inter­ Local-3, announces that the Election Committee met on-February members service d from 1960 above dispensed by a physician in , his oHice and for which a separate est and utility to all the mem­ 9, 1968; and finalized the eligibility of the candidates who are through 1967. Also 'listed are th~ various plans and their officers as charge is made. bers. Please address all cone­ running for Delegates am~ Alternates to the forthcoming I.U.O.E. well as the officers of the union. Charges Not Covered: . spondence to Local Union No. 28th Convention. There are eighty-three candidates on the ballot. · Also listed are the following ( 1) Prescriptions dispensed by 3, Att: Historical Research Sec­ (55) Delegates will attend the Convention. Fifty-five funds paid out through 1967 a ·licensed hospital during confine­ tion, 474· Valencia Street, San The Official Ballots will be mailed on February 18, 1968 and Francisco, CA 94101. under the trust fund: Health and ment. must be returned to the Post Office Box em ·a~ before February Welfare, $29,554,294; · Member (2) Contraceptives and Immu­ 28, 1968 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Local San Francisco time. - - Life Insurance, $2,216,506; De­ nization Agents as well as appli­ We,urge you to read the ballot instructions carefully to ensure pendent Life Insurance, $423,- ances and other non-drug items. Youth Programs that your ballot is not voided. Please comply with the instructions 565; Member Accidental Death ( 3) Pharmaceuticals lawfully • The President's Council on and make your ballot cotint. and Dismemberment, $603,938; obtainable without a prescription. Youth Opportunity has notified 50 Do not insert dues payments or anything .else in the White Pensioners Health & Welfare (in­ ( 4) Prescription charges due to occupational injuries or due to cities that $1.5-million in federal Ballot envelope. Put only your ballot in the. white ballot envelope cluded in above Health & Welfare, sickness covered by Workmen's funds will be made available for which is then to be inserted in the envelope addressed to: $249,028; Pension payments, $5,- grants to help finance staff and 334,712; · Post-Retirement Death Compensation Legislation or simi­ Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 planning for comprehensive youth Benefit $31,500; and Pre-Retire­ lar law. programs this sillnmer. The grants c/o Price Waterhouse & Co. ment Death Benefit, $165,879, (5) Any unreasonable supply will range from $20,000 to $60,- P.O. Box 7749; San Francisco, Califorhia 94119 which gives a total of $38,330,- of drugs. 000. See ELECTION RULES page 7 394. See DRUG PROGRAM page 3 Page _2 EN G·l NEE RS · NEWS February, 1968 ----~----~------------------------------------------------~~. mttllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllltltttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttlttttttttttltltt ltttlttttlltlltttllttlllltllttttttttttlttttttttttttttttrttttltttttttttr ttt tr ttt tt tttt!tttt!tttllttttltttt!tttttlllltttlltllttt you' 11 pay More ! C~lfective/1 Everything Higher In '68 By SIDNEY MARGOLIUS down. Farmers got 7 per cent less On top of that, mortgage inter­ c:£,~kiu! Consumer Expert for than a year ago. est rates are going up again. Engineer News Now, with farm prices expected If you must buy a house this to rise this year, the prices you waft AI Clem For 1968 you can expect nigher year, you may do better buying pay at the supermarket will jump living costs again ." ~A year ago this it in the winter before the spring sharply.
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