^ LIBRARY "^ BROCK UNIVERSITY ^ ^ - --^'--'—«--«-«- ^it»*^MiA **«!•* -Sai J?iiilft0rit THE AX X UAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE MILITIA LIST OF CANADA 1st March, 1867 ^y/ .v.:vxED BY G. E. DESBAEATS. 18(]' *PiiiPi i nn >p>»t>i>»>p>>> m T m ^ » pp,,,p,pp,ii^piip,;^, pp,^ ^ THE ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE ANIJ LIFE. ONE OF THE liiiiif iHiiiiiii.iiMpiMiEi' IN THE WORLD. I'AMTAS. - - - - JC3,000,000. xlccumiilated Fuuds in hand exceed £1,000,000—Annual Income exceeds £GOO,0Of rilHIS Company continues to INSURE Building-M and all other desfrip- J. lions ol Properly, against loss or damage by Fire, on .ii.ost liberul terms. All jusl losses prompliy settlt^d witriout deduction or discount and without reference to Eng^land. The large Capital and judicious, management of this Comnanv insiin s ihe most perfect safety to ihe assured. No charge for Policies or Transfers. ZiIFB B12FAB.TMBMT. The following advantages, amon-. st numercnis others, are ulfered by ti' Company to parties intendinar to insure their lives : Perfect security for the fulfilment of its engagements to Policy Holders. Favorable R^'es of Premiums. A high reputation for prudence and Judgment, and the, most liberal cousideralion of all questions connected with llie interests of the o.ssured. Thirty days grace allow, d for payment of renewal preiumms, and no forfeiture of policy from unintentional mistake. Pohcies lapsed by non-payment of premiums may l>e renewed within three months, by payinsr the premium, with a fine often sliillincs per cent., on the production ofsatisfactory evidence ol the good stale of health of the lite assured. Participation of profits by the assured, amounting to two-thirds of the net amount. Large Bonus declared IS.JO and IJrX^O, amounting to £2 percent, per annum, on the sum assured^ being on ages from twenty io forty, SO per cent, on the premium. Stamps and Policies not charged for. All Medical Fees paid hy the Cotiipany. Mec^/calBe/eree.• W. K. 3C0TT,M.D H. L. KOUTJL Ag( Montreal, February, 1SG7. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE FIRE AND LIFK 2MgI[JlAN(DE (GdDMlPMiT, ESTABLISHED IN 1809. CAPITAL, ^2,000,000 Sterlm^. Accumulated Funds, £2,233,927 17s. 7d..Sterliii-. Annual Income, - £497,263 14s. 3d. Sterling. Head Offices-EDINBURGH AUD LONDON. President—HIS GRACE THE DUKi. OF ROXBURGHE, K. T HEAD OFFICE : Office, St. Fran(;;ois Xavier Street. nnOSTTREAZi. MANAGING DIRECTORS: D. LORN MACDOUGALL, Esquire, THOMAS DAVIDSON, Esciuire. Ordinary Directors: The Hon. LOUIS RENAUD, M. L, G. The Hon. JOHN ROSE, M. P. P. The Hon. THOS. RYAN, M. L. G. JAMES LAW, Esq. Merchant. G. J. BRIDGES, Esq., Managing Director G. Trunk Ilailway, .of G«,i>ada. Mbdical Adviser~WM^ SUTHERLAND,. M.D. Inspector—WM. EWING, Eeq. Secretary—H. J. JOHNSTON, Esq. MAGDOUGALL & DAVljJb j.n, General Agents for Canad;i. Agencies have been established throughout the Province. ESTABLISHED 1818. Cathedral Block, Montreal, Have constantly in Stock, a very large assortment of m@mm Mmm mwmwmm wM^wmmmm^ Of all kinds and of the best description ^nd latest Styles. ELECTRO PLATED WARE, MARBLE MANTEL CLOCKS, OPERA AND MARINE GLASSES, MICROSCOPES AND BAROMETERS, LEATHER BAGS AND DRESSING CASES, — ALSO — SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SETS, PITCHERS, JUGS, CUPS, TRAYS, MEDALS. &c., &c., &c., AND Fie/rf, Cavalry^ Artillery^ Rifle and Infantry Ofpcer^s Swords^ Belts, Sashes, Lace, &c.^ &c., &c. Orders for any of the above last named in quantities executed with despatch. 271 CATHEDRAL BLOCK, Notre Dame Street, Montreal ^i^.^.^#^ §8 ^nttmUj. ' /y/^^^a^^ THE ANNUAL VOLUNTEER AND SERVICE MILITIA LIST OF CAKADA 1st March, 1867. PEINTED BY G. E. DESBARATS. 1867. Entered, according to the Act of the Provincial Parliament, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, by Thomas Wily, in the Office of the Registrar of the Province of Canada. , EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. The names in italics are those of Officers who belong to or have served in H. M's. Regular Army. 1, 1. First Class Cavalry and Infantry Certificates. 1 First Class Certificate. a Second Class Certifiacate. * Brevet Kank. /. c Lieutenant-CoIoneL m Major. c. Captain. h. c Honorary Captam. I Lieutenant. h. t. Honorary LieutenanU a Adjutant. b. m Brigade Major. p. s Provincial Stoiekeeper. m. t Musketry Instructor. D. I Drill Instructor- ill L C... Member Legislative Council. M P P... Member Provincial Parliament. X Temporarily appointed, passed Cadetof the Mily School. I* Provisionally appointted only. A. .... Appointed acting till further orders only. Oy Errors and omissions will be rectified on notification thereof to Lieut. Col. Wily, Militia Department, Ottawa. THE ANNUAL VOLUNTEER AND SERVICE MILITIA LIST OF CANADA, 1st March, 1867. COMMANDER IN CHIEF. His Excellency the Right Hon. Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Governor General of British Morth America, and Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, iNova Scotia and the Island of Prince Edward, (fee, &c. Denis Godley, Governor General's Secretary ; Lieut, Colonel the Hon. Richard Monck, Military ."secretary and Principal A. D. C. ; Captain Pemberton, 60th Kifles, A. D. C. provincial"aide-de-camp. Lieut Colonel 1 G Irvine, November 1,52. EXTKA PROVINCIAL AIDES-DE-CAMP. Lieut. Colonel Philip J. Duchesnay, December 13,6^. " 1—Hewitt Bernard, January 14,65. " Frederick W. Cumberland, August 4,65. MINISTER OF MILITIA. Lieul. Colonel the Hon. John A. Macdonald, M. P. P., August 7,65. 1> Adjutant Geiitnd's Departrntnt, iSoc. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Colonel Patrick heoiiard MacDoiigcdl, Adjutant General of Militia of the Province of Canada, May 13,65. Lieut Colonel the Hon M A de Salaberry, Deputy Adjutant General for Lower Canada, July ',48. Lieut Colonel Walker Powell, Deputy Adjutant General for Upper Canada, August 19,62. Asst Adjt Genl Vol Cavalry : Lieut Colonel E D David. I c March 2,66. Attached to the Staff" at Head Quarters, in the Quarter Master General** Department : Ljeut Colonel W F Coffin, December 11,56. SUPERINTENDENT OF STORES. Lieut Colonel TIios Wily, I c, August 2,62. Asst Qr Mr General March 23,66. PROVINCIAL STOREKEEPERS. 1—Major JJy Goodwin, Toronto, March 1,56. John. Shephard, Montreal, Mav 1,56. William Starr, London, April 23,57. T. 1—F Lampsoii, Quebec;, Feby 15,67. Wm Manton, Kingston, March 1,67. John Brown, HamiUon, Mar S,67 MUSKETRY INSTRUCTORS. Brigade Major W H Jackson, Brockville, August 1,61. Serjt W Johnston, Vol R Coy, Peterborough, August 1,61. Lt Col WD Jarvis, 12th Bait, JSewmarket, August 1,61. Lt and Adjt D Rooney, 5th Batt S M, Montreal, August 1,61. Brigade Major D Shaw, Kingston, Novr 8,61. Captain R H Ramsay, 2nd Batt Q O Rs, Toronto, Novr 8,61. Brigade Major iif V F/Z/icrs, Hamilton, Novr 8,61. Brigade Major J as Moffat, London, Novr 8,61. Lieut A Crawford, 5th Batt H L Infy, Montreal, Novr 24,65. OFFICERS WITH BREVET RANK, OR HAVING RANK IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE OF AN ANTERIOR DATE TO THEIR PRESENT APPOINTMENTS. COLONELS, " while in Command of the Active Force at Quebec, Montreal and Toronto, such Rank to confer no authority or precedence while acting in conjunction with Her Majesty's Troops." John Sewell, Commg Volunteer Militia, Quebec, May 2,60. John Dyde, Commg Volunteer Militia, Montreal, May 3,60. George T Denison, Comtng Volunteer Militia, Toronto, Octr 10,60. Lieutenant Colonels. LIEUTENANT COLONELS. 1856. E D David, A A G,"Vol Cavalrv, Montreal, January 17. * H B .lessop, Comm^ iM V K Coy, Prescott, Novr 20. T/ws Wily, Sup of Store?, Ottawa, Deer 11. W S Dune, A A Genl, Toronto, Deer I J 1857. * 1 D'Arey E Boulton, Commg Squadron Vol C, Cobourg, Novr 26. 1858. * 1—A Booker, Conimg Volunteer Force, Hamilton, June 8. 1861. * 1—John Boomer, Vol Gar Arty, Quebec, Novr 20, 1862. W O Smith, A A G, Montreal, J any 31. * George Smith, A Adjt Gen! Vol Mil, Montreal, January 31. J H Bellerose, M P P, Commandant V M Slh B D, March 14. Frederick W Cumberland, Extra PAD C, March 28. * Jas Shaniy, Comms: Vol Puree, London, May 14. * 3—David Shaw, tn. /', Brigade Major, Kingston, Novr 26. * 'T, 1—J S Dennis, Brigade Major, Toronto, December 4. 1863. - T. 1—N T McLeod, Commg Squad V C, Oak RiJges, September 4. i — VVm Hayes Jackson, 7n i, B M, Brockville, Sept 4, 1864. * i—A R Stephen, Ll Col Solh Bait, Collingwood, Septr 16. 1—Jno B Taylor, D A A Genl, London, May 12. 1865. * 1—Theodore Lyman, A Q, M General, Vol. Mil. Montreal, Feby 17. * 1—Hewitt Bt^rnard, Extra P A D (;, April 13. * B. \—Jno Fletcher, B M, St Johns, August 25, * 1—Jno Macpherson, D A A General, Montreal, Novr 24. 1866. * a—C E Bflle, Payr V F, Montreal, January 19. * 1 — KB Denisoii, Brigade Major, Toronto, February 2. ^ 1— Ja.s Crawford, Commg 4ls Brockvlle llifles, March 16. * '1\ 11 — VV H Sweliiian, Vol Cavalry, Na[)anee, Sepir 13. * 1—J B For^ylh, Commg Squadron Vol Cavalry, Quebec, Seplr 13. * 1—G T Denison, Vol Cavany, Toronto, Septr 13. * Mexr Fattenon, B M, Cobourg, Septr 13. — . Lieutenant Colonels and Majon * \—H V Villiers, m i, B M, Hamilton, Septr 13. « \—Clis King, B M, Sherbrooke, Septr 13. * 1—Jas Moffat, m i, B M, London, Septr 13. * 1—Jas A Barretto, B M, Stratford, Septr 13. * 1 Robt Lovelace, Adjl Squadron Cavalry, Montreal, Novr 30. 1867. * X. 1—Thos Barwis, V R Gov, Megantic, February 1. * 1—J W" Hanson, B M, St Andrews, February 1. * 1—Wm B Gallwey, B M, G T % Regt, Montreal, Feby 22.
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