P.egd. No. NE. 907 .... ' Mizoram· The - Gazette· Publish�d by Authority Vol. XVII' Aizaw1. Friday 10. 6. '198�. !ya'stha 20, SE 1910 Issue No. 24 Governmentaf'Mizoram , PA'RT I Appointments,.Postings. Transfers. Powers•. Leave and other Personal Notices and Orders. O!WERSBY GOVERNOR . N 0 T.l F I CAT I IJ N Mizoram No.A. 1901li50/86-PeFS (D), the. 8th JlUle,. 1988. The. Governor of is f pleased to grant extension of 76 (seventy SIX) days' earned leave with effect �om 9.5.1987 to 23.7.1987 and 8 (eight) days' Half Pay Leave with effect from 24.7.87 to 31.7.�7 to Pu J.M. Chowdhury, l.F.S., Conservator of Forests under the AIS (Leave) Rules, 1955 a, amended from time to time. r.ce During the·.,,'e of Pu I.M. Chowdhury, I.F.S. on leave, Pu C. Thang­ I.F.S. will lianal Deputy Conservator of Forests continue to look after works of Pu Ma Ch�wdhury, in addition to his own duties. �. 11 the interesLoC l' o.A.19013/2/80-APT(Aj, the 6th June,J988 ... .In public .eryice, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order extension of the servic� of Pu J. 'Mal'Sawrna, MCS, Director. of AdminlstratiYe., Training Institute.�, I\!i.izoram for � period of 3 (thret) days with effect from 1.3.1988 (AN) while_he was pr0ceeding. CSR. on superannuation cpollsioll under Vol-II Article 459.. i �f' Consequen · UPOll-- the extension S�vi��"_Of Pu -1.,'M�l�w'ma, .\fCS,. t'�.e :;�� vernor is further pleased to release hIm on superannuation pens:',on WIth etfrct from 3.3. 1988 (AN)' .. , R-24/88 2 The Governor is furtber pleased to order that Pu J. Malsawma shall hand over cbarre of Director (f A.T.L, Mizoram to Pu L.c. Thanga. Deputy Sec· retary, D.P. & A.Rs who will look after the current duties of Director of A.T.I, Mizoram in addition to his own duties until further orders. This supercedes this Department's Netic.tio" 0; ':ven number dt. 2.3.1988. B. Vijayan, Secretary to the Gov!. of M izoram. No. A. 19 2011O/86-HFW, the 7th June, 198R. Earned Leave for a period of 20 day' with elfeet from 14.6.88 to 3.7.88 is granted to Shri H. Th"nkima, Drug - Inspector on priva!e ground 'under CCS (Leave)Rules 1972 as amended from time to time. He would have continued to hold tbe same post but for his proceeding on leave. 1\0. A. 19020/2184-HFW. tbe 7th June, 1988. Earned Leave for a period 0f 30 days with eftect from the date of availing is granted to Miss Biaknungi, Principal Tutor, Civil Hospital. AilOwl cn private ground lInder c.C.S. (Leave) Rules 1972 as amended from time to time. During her leave, Srnt. Tbandingliani, P.H.N. Tutor will look after the work of the officer in addition to her own duties. ) The officer would bave continued to hold the sam, post but for her proce,· ding on leave. B.T. Sanga, Secretary to the Govt. of Mi7oram, Health & Family Welfare Department. ... No.A.190:4/125/87-Pers(B). tbe ,6th June. 1988. 45 (forty five) days Earned leave on medical groul,d is granted to .Shri Lalthantluanga, Administrative Officer (G) Vaseit1ang with effect from the date of availing (both days inclusive) under C.C.S. (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from bme to time. 1. Certified that the officer would have continued tu hold the post but for his proceediDg on leave and on expiry of leave there is every likelihood of his returning to the same post and place from where he proceeds on leave. 2. The Officer is also allowed to avail L.T.C. for the block year 1986-89 for ,i.iting Vellor. with his family consisting of 3 members plus bimself. 3. During the absence of Shri Lalthantluanga on leave, Shri R.L. Phena, Store Keefer, Vaseitlang will look after his works in addition to hjs O\\n Gt;ties. R-�4/88 No A.UC,15!2J/82-P&AR(D), the 8th June,198�. The Governor o' MizOl.; n i. pieased to sanction 30 days Earned Leave with eff«t from 25.5.19118 to ;4.,).1Q8& to Pi Sapnghaki, Superintendent Civil Secretariat, Labour & Emolt>yment Depart� ,ment. Mizoram. Aizawl on, Privaie ground -...r..ler the C.C.S .. lLeave\, Rubs, U7� a-- ,. , .. ::I .lllHmdeJ frO!;} Ll nc t,'" tI ne. 2. Certified that the officer wouJd have continUld to hrld -:h� post C"t: Superintendent but for her proceeding on leave. 3. Certified thai lhe officer on expiry of leavo is likely to return to the same post and place from where she proceeded on leave and is authorised to draw during leave period the pay and al10wances as admissible under the rules. 4. The officer is .1150 allowed to avail LT.C. durin!..! the Cii.'..ling !,e'ave '.vLh her - family consisting of 5 (five) members (Adults) including self for vi'siting Vasco-da­ Gama. The L.T.C. is lor the block year 1986-1989. L.C.Thanga, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mjzoram. No.A.19019,12/83-PF/Pt.95, the 10th June 1988. Subiect to ad,nissibility of leave, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant Earned Lf'ave for 15 days "ilh effect from 14.6.1988 or from the date of "vailing to Shrj Liansanea E.E., ( P.W.D., Aizawl Road Division on account of private affairs as annssible under the C.C.S. (Revised) Leave Rules, 1972, as amended from time to tJille, 2. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the s"me post but for, his proceeding on Leave. No.A.19019/12/83-PF/Pt.95 : The Governor is further pleased to ordor that during the leave period of Shri Liansanga Shri K.L Bere'lla E.E., PWD Hu ,IJing .... Division will take over Charge of E.E.,PWD� Road Divijon in ac',dition to his own duties. c� Nag, Deputy Secretary to the Go vt. of Mizotam Public Works Deplrtm,nt. No.A.IIOI613/88-AGR, Ihe 8th June, 1988. In the interest of public service, the Governor of .MizOf.i'm is pleased to allow Pu Laldingliana, the senior-:ITIost S.D.O. (M.O Lunglei to take over charge of E." (>,1.1, Lunglci with imrnediat� effect and till the regular posting is made Thuama, Deputy Secrt!tal'Y to the Govt Ul ., lllJl'<iiJ.1. Agriculture Department.. 4 No. MAf. 2/88{17 (A). the 8th Jut.e. 1988. Dr H.c. Thant.ranga, Deputy Secretary, Minllam LegislatiVe Assembly Secreotariat iag... nted, Earned Leave for a � of 25 days with effect from 21.6.1988 to 15.7. 1988, under tbe Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from, time to time. > , 1 The officer would have continue to hold th;! �ame post but for his proceeding On leave and there is every likelihood of his returnir.glo the p".t from where he proceeded on leave. J .K" Khenglawt, -- - Secr.etary, " Mizoram Legi.lative Assembly. No. A. 19018/11j81-IND, the 9th June, 1988. Subject to avaiiability of leave at credit, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to sanction 30 days Earned LOlIve fr_ 6�6,88 to 5.7.88 to Pu C. Ngunchunga Functional Manager i/c General Ma· nager, District Industries Centre Lunglei on private ground with a permission to leave his headquarter under CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 Certilied that the officer would have c"ulinued to' hold the post but for his proceeding on F.arnd Leave and, on expiry of the leave,: the, Ollicet' h&S t6 return to the sam .. pest and place from where he hlid proteeded on leav", During bis absence on Ieavo, Pu Thanhawla, Project Manager District Indus. ) tries Centre, Lung/ei will look after the works of Pu C. Nguncbunga Functional Manager if.: General Manager Eli.trict Industries Centne Lung1ei, in. addition to his own duties. Haukbum, Hauzel, . Secretary to the·.Govt. oLMi:fc>iam., lndustnies Department. : ' � No. A. IS02Ij6/84-PHE/89, the 9th June 1988. In partial modification of this Department Notification No. A-I902Ij6/84-PHEj82 dt 3.3.1988 The Governor of Miloram is pleased to grant 60 days Ea'ned Leave to Pu D.K. Pradhan, Assis­ tant Engineer, Office of Chief Engineer, P.H.E. with effect from 21.3.1988 to 19.� 1988 on private affairs as admissible under the C.C.S. (Leave) Rules 1972 as amended from time to time. 2. Certified that the officer would have contin\led to hold the same "",tfur Iris: proceedinS on leave. C. Lalkhuma, Under Secretary to the Gov!. of Mizoram, Public Health Engineering Dcpartment, • 24 N/,. A. 19019/15/85-AGR(PF), the 9th June,19'S. The Governor of MilOram is pJeased to grant an extension of commute-d ]eave for ,\" days on medical ground , to Pu Lalsangliana. SDAO, Mamit with effect from 13.5.08 to 11.6.8., under CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. 2. The officer would have continued to hold the same post but for his procee� ding on leave and there is every likelihood of his returning to the sarr:e post flOm where he proceeded on leave. 3. During his absence )'>. J. Lal7all'liana. A.E. O. l\'amit shall r, ntinut to hold the charges of SDAO, Mamit in addition to his r wn duties.
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