The photoreceptor program in Group 3 Medulloblastoma: Role of the TFs NRL and CRX Celio Pouponnot Institut Curie UMR3347 CNRS / U1021 INSERM Institut Curie - C. Pouponnot - 1 21 février 2018 Medulloblastoma (MB) MB cerebellum Pediatric tumor of the cerebellum (Median age 7 yrs) Most frequent Malignant brain tumor of childhood Treatment : surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy WNT G4 è70-80% overall survival at 5 years SHH èImportant secondary effects G3 2 21 février 2018 Medulloblastoma (MB) Ø Based on gene expression profil : 4 different molecular groups MB subtype WNT HH 3 4 incidence 10% 25% 25% 40% Overall survival Very good Intermediate Bad Intermediate (meta+++) (meta++) MYC amplification MYCN & CDK6 Driver pathway WNT HH OTX2 amplification amplification MYC & GABAergic & Expression Photoreceptor Neuronal & WNT signaling SHH signaling photoreceptor glutamatergic signature markers signature signature • Cancers often express aberrant differentiation programs unrelated to the tissue of origin •Although express as a result of cancer cell plasticity, they are not thought to actively participate to cancer progression. •Group 3 MB expresses an aberrant photoreceptor differentiation of unknown significance. 3 3 21 février 2018 Group 3 are enriched in active enhancer/SE controling photoreceptor genes 4 21 février 2018 Group 3 are enriched in active enhancer/SE controling photoreceptor genes Same enrichment observed in the analysis of enhancer-gene target in MB TF/SE interaction identifies two master regulators of the photoreceptor lineage: CRX and NRL 5 21 février 2018 NRL or CRX are involved in MB growth CRX KD NRL KD CRX or NRL KD increases survival of orthotpicallygrafted mice Institut Curie 6 21 février 2018 NRL in Medulloblastoma MAF NRL TA EHR DB LZ Role of NRL in medulloblastoma NRL belongs to the TF of the oncogenic MAF family (Multiple Myeloma) NRL expression is restricted to the photoreceptors of the retina (not expressed in the cerebellum) Role in photoreceptor terminal differentiation (KO NRL: lack of a subset of photoreceptors) Mutations of NRL in human (retinitis pigmentosa) è NRL has not yet been demonstrated to be involved in oncogenesis Role of NRL in medulloblastoma? Institut Curie 7 21 février 2018 NRL is not expressed during cerebellar development Institut Curie 8 21 février 2018 Transcriptomic analysis of NRL KD in D458MED shNRL Mean shNRL Ctl rep1 rep2 rep3 NCOA1 ZNF385A Up CYB5R1 PURB HNRNPU CRX FXR2 GNGT1 ARR3 RPS20 MRFAP1L1 NSF AIPL1 FAM57B NDUFS8 UNC119 NDRG3 ATP1A3 ELOVL2 SMUG1 STXBP1 PBX1 ABCA4 Down PDE6B CPE EPB41L2 PPP5C MEGF9 GNB3 PDC ALDOC ACTR1B RP1 GNGT2 RCVRN VTN SLC6A6 PDE6A RBP3 PLEKHB1 GUCA1A −27 0 4.8 Photoreceptor genes Institut Curie 9 21 février 2018 Transcriptomic analysis of NRL KD in D458MED shNRL Mean shNRL Mean shNRL Ctl shNRL Ctl rep1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 NCOA1 SMARCD3 ZNF385A LOC645513 RREB1 Up CYB5R1 PURB AMOTL2 HNRNPU TBC1D8 CRX JAG2 FXR2 Up CREBL2 GNGT1 DOK6 ARR3 CPLX3 RPS20 ERLIN1 MRFAP1L1 AK1 NSF FGD4 AIPL1 DDX31 FAM57B NDUFS8 IMPG2 UNC119 FLJ27352 NDRG3 SSX2IP ATP1A3 ARL4D ELOVL2 RNF5 SMUG1 TMEM57 STXBP1 GTPBP8 PBX1 KCTD21 ABCA4 Down PDE6B MXRA7 CKB CPE ICK EPB41L2 Down SPATA20 PPP5C NLK MEGF9 GNB3 ADCK1 PDC GNB3 ALDOC USH2A ACTR1B MAK RP1 ARL6 GNGT2 RD3 RCVRN KIAA1107 VTN NRN1 SLC6A6 TESK2 PDE6A FSTL5 RBP3 CNTN1 PLEKHB1 GUCA1A NRL −27 0 4.8 −7.1 0 3.4 Photoreceptor genes Group3 genes NRL regulates the photoreceptor differentation program and some of the group 3 specific genes Institut Curie 10 21 février 2018 In vitro KD of NRL Ø Growth curves/Viability assay D458Med: DAOY : endogenous NRL expression no endogenous NRL expression 5 12,0 12,0 shCtl 8,0 8,0 shNRL #1 4,0 4,0 Count x10 Count shNRL #2 0,0 0,0 Cell 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 Day Day PDX culture 1 PDX culture 2 3,0E+04 2,0E+05 NI 2,0E+04 shCtl 1,0E+05 1,0E+04 shNRL #1 Luminescence 0,0E+00 0,0E+00 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 shNRL #2 Day Day NRL is required for cell viability/growth 11 Institut Curie 11 21 février 2018 NRL protects MB cells from apoptosis Ø Apoptosis : cleaved caspase 3 (FACS) 60 *** 40 *** 20 NRL KD 0 induces apoptosis in MB cell % apoptotic cells apoptotic % shCtl shCtl lines and in PDXs shNRL #1 shNRL #2 shNRL #1 shNRL #2 shNRL D458Med DAOY PDX culture 1 PDX culture 2 100 ** 100 ** ** 80 80 60 * 60 40 40 20 20 % apoptotic cells apoptotic % 0 0 NI #1 NI shCtl shCtl shNRL #1 shNRL shNRL #2 shNRL shNRL #2 shNRL shNRL 12 Institut Curie 12 21 février 2018 Transcriptomic analysis of NRL KD in D458MED List of NRL correlated genes in human MB samples Institut Curie 13 21 février 2018 Transcriptomic analysis of NRL KD in D458MED List of NRL correlated genes in human MB Top 100 genes samples Institut Curie 14 21 février 2018 Transcriptomic analysis of NRL KD in D458MED shNRL Mean shNRL Ctl rep1 rep2 rep3 RALGPS2 ARHGAP28 PALMD Up LOC100130155 ATP5A1 CRX BCL2L1 GNGT1 ENOSF1 IMPG2 SSX2IP BCMO1 ARL4D PCK2 AIPL1 List of NRL correlated Genes significantly EML1 CALCOCO2 genes in human MB Top 100 genes deregulated ABCA4 PDE6B samples following NRL KD C14orf129 KCNH6 CTBS HSBP1L1 Down MNAT1 GNB3 USH2A MAK PHYHD1 PDC SLC1A7 CERS4 ARL6 RD3 RP1 DBP EPS8 GNGT2 RCVRN VTN GPR160 NRL −6.2 0 4.6 NRL correlated genes A Subset of the top 100 genes the expression of which is correlated to that of NRL are deregulated in KD NRL cells. Institut Curie 15 21 février 2018 NRL and BCL-XL expression are correlated Fattet dataset Wnt HH 3 4 XL - NRL Fattet dataset BCL-XL GSE12992 XL expression of BCLof -1.5 0 2.8 - Log2 expression Log2 corr.score: 0.719 / rank: 31/18901 genes) BCL Log2 expression of Wnt HH 3 4 NRL Kool dataset Wnt HH 3 4 XL - NRL Kool dataset BCL-XL GSE10327 XL expression of BCLof -1.5 0 2.4 - corr.score: 0.349 / rank: 925/18901 genes expression Log2 Log2 expression of BCL NRL Wnt HH 3 4 Northcott dataset #1 Wnt HH 3 4 XL - NRL Northcott dataset #1 BCL-XL GSE21140 XL expression - of BCLof -1.5 0 3.1 Log2 expression expression Log2 corr.score: 0.622 / rank 131/22370 genes BCL Log2 expression of NRL Wnt HH 3 4 Northcott dataset #2 HH 3 4 XL - Northcott dataset #2 NRL BCL-XL GSE37385 XL expression - of BCLof -1.3 0 3.7 Log2 expression Log2 corr.score: 0.516 / rank: 82/15896 genes BCL Log2 expression of Wnt HH 3 4 NRL Institut Curie 16 21 février 2018 BCL-XL is a NRL direct target gene -1694 -1681 MARE consensus TGCTGACTCAGCA ChIP known MAF hRhodopsin TGCCGATTCAGCC hInsulin TGCAGCCTCAGCC target genes 20,0 hBCL-XL TGCTGCCTCAGCC 10,0 +1 BCL-XL promoter Fold induction Fold 0,0 Ctl Ctl Ctl Ctl NRL Western-Blot NRL NRL NRL promoter 3’UTR promoter 3’UTR DAOY D458MED PDX culture 1 shNRL shNRL D458Med DAOY Empty vector NRL shCtl #1 #2 shCtl #1 #2 NRL BCL-XL β-actin NRL binds to the BCL-XL promoter and induces its expression Institut Curie 17 21 février 2018 IS BCL-XL a potential therapeutic target in MB? shBCL-XL 100 - Ctl #1 #2 cells 80 60 BCL-XL 40 apoptotic 20 β-actin % 0 - Ctl #1 #2 shBCL-XL EC shbclxl D458D458MED shBclxL PDX2 shCtrl (1/8) 100 Ctl (0/7) shCtrl (0/7) 100 Ctl (1/8) shBCL-XL #1 (0/8) shBclxL#3 (0/8) shBclxL#3 (4/8) (%) ) shBCL-XL #1 (3/8) ) (%) % shBclxL#5 (7/8) ( % shBCL-XL #2 (1/8) shBclxL#5 (1/8) shBCL-XL #2 (6/8) ( l l a a v i v 50 i 50 v v Survival r r Survival u u S S 0 0 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 DayDay DayDay KD of BCL-XL induces apoptosis in MB and increases survival 18 Institut Curie 18 21 février 2018 BCL2 proteins, as potential therapeutic targets Ø BCL inhibition using pharmacological agents : TW37 è Target the BH3-binding groove BH3 domain of Bcl Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic in Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic proteins pro-apoptotic protein protein In vivo experiments Inhibition of Tumor regression tumor formation Institut Curie 19 21 février 2018 19 TW37 induces MB regression In vivo experiments : tumor regression TW37 TW37 100 0 10 12 16 18 5 Ctl (n=12) Ctl TW37 Ctl TW37 10 Start p<0.005 Number of of Number 1 TW37 (n=11) photons/s x10 0,1 D9 D19 7 12 17 22 before treatment after treatment Day 1 0,8 0,6 Inhibitor of BCL anti-apoptotic 0,4 Survival 0,2 family induces tumor regression p<0.0001 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Stop TW37 treatment Institut Curie 20 21 février 2018 Model NRL and CRX are master regulators of the Group 3 MB photoreceptor program Photoreceptor transcriptional program is a dependency in Group 3 MB NRL control cell cycle by inducing CCND2 expression NRL protects MB from apoptosis by inducing BCL-XL expression BCL-XL as a potential therapeutic target in Group 3 MB Institut Curie 21 21 février 2018 Team Signaling and Cancer progression Alexandra Chloé Bertrand Morgane Alain Magalie Sabine Charlène Celio Collaborations: O. Ayrault/ F.Do z / O. Delattre (Institut Curie) Paul Northcott (St Jude) R.J. Weschler-Reya (Burhnam Institute) Charles Lin (Baylor College of Medecine) C. Haberler (Inst. Of Neurology) FranckInstitutInstitut Bourdeaut CurieCurie --nomnom dede(Institut l’émetteur l'émetteur - -Curie)TitreTitre dede lala présentationprésentation 22 21 février 2018 Group 3 MB is enriched in photoreceptor genes Kool et al., 2008 and Cho et al.
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