CONTENTS -Þt-k7'*.+ . Étf*fl$*:Ëit¿*, F, t8Z, F,llþ"1':\Zs l5l. llEf0 55 +. Bull Fuji Women's ColÌege, No 18, Ser II 129 - 151 . KAZUO KUROSAWA : Problems of rubella -- A su¡vev of the female college students in Sapporo MORPHOLOGICAL, KARYOLOGICAL AND TAXONOM]C STUDIES SIìUGO INOUE : An exar¡ination of the parallel Tern OF FRESHWATER PLANAR]ANS FROM SOUTH BRAZIL Technique of ski (Step Parallel Tu¡n) .. I. A HISTORY OF THOSE STUDIES AND A LIST OF LOCALITIES HIROKO KA\\IBATA and KAZUAKI ITô : Creative dance ancl IN THE V]CINITiES OF SÃO LEOPOLDO peculiar ils expressions 19 by FUSAE MIURA, Sr : Changes in the habit of the Fransiscan Sislers \4ASAHARU KAWAKATSU, HAUSER, and of Maria In, Sapporo JJ JOSEF' S J SI{INOBU ÎVUnR and MAMORU ONO: A survey of medical treatment SIRLAI MALVINA GEHRKE FRIEDRICH and preservation of health in thinly populated districLs I The Ofuyu vilìage, Mashike chô in no¡thwestern Hokkaidô INTRODUCTION before the opening of the ''Mashjke,Ofuyu Hamamasu,' National Road ... ... 53 Although lhe freshwater planarian fauna in the vrcinities of São Paulo was studied well by YÛKO SAWADA: The relationship between va¡ieties of the late Dr Ernst MARcus and Dr Eveline DU Bots'REYMoND MARcus, his wife, with their coìaborators apples and their brcwning 7t durrng the period of 1940 to 1950, the fauna of this animal group in South Brazil has not been studied yet these many years The real identifrcation of Lhe experrmentaì animals by a laxonomrst is now RYUSUKE SASAKI, 'IOYOKO NODA and KAZUYO F-URUZAKI: found necessary by HAUSER and FRtEDRtcH fo¡ their siudy of the morphogenetic problem of the South A survey conccrning the attitude towards problems the of Brazllian freshwater planarians collecled in the vicinities of São Leopoìdo, Rio Grande do Sul everyday life óf young women and the necessity of ln 1975, KAw KA'ISU, who received several specimens bolh lìve and preserved from Hnusen . ..... lifelong education 77 and FRIEDRtcH, identified one of theìr materials as Dugesia schubarti (M^Rcus,1946) And he had ¿ paper published on the taxonomy and ecology of this species in cooperátion with them (cf Knwexn'rsu, MUNEKAZU AIHARA: Ottorino Respighi and his songs ............ ô< HAUSER & FRteoRtcH, i976) From the morphological and anatomical examinations based upon the MASAHARij KAW^KATSU : A list of publications on Japanese additionaì animals collected from two different Ìocalities in the vicinities of São Leopoldo, il was 'lurbellarians (1979) -- lncluding titles of publìcations on demonstrated that this species may show a rather wide morphologjcal variation in its penial anatomy foreign TurbeLlarians written by the Japanese autho¡s t77 This data has not been published yet In the wjnter of 1.979 in Brazil, Knw¡x¡rrsu stayed at the HAUSER and FnteoRrcu's labora. MASAHARU KA\^/AKATSU, JOSEF HAUSER, S J and SIRLAI tories in Histologia da Unrversidade doVale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), São Leopoldo, as a visiting MAI-VINA GEHRKE IìRIEDRICH: N4orphological, kar.yologicat professor of UNISINOS, which gave the autho¡s a chance to make cooperalive survey lrips in the and taxonomic studjes of freshwater planarians from Brazil vìcrnities of São Lcopoldo Over lhirly localities were visited in two monlhs (July and August) Trips I A hislory of those studics and a lisL of localities rn were successful in coìlecling a sufficjent number of fully mature specimens for taxonomic study ..,....... KAWAKATSU also had a chance to colLect the materials in the vicinities of São Paulo by the courlesy the vicinjties of São Leopoldo r29 of Dr Eudóxia M FnoeHl-lcs and Dr Diva D ConnÊn, Departamenlo de Biociências, Unrversidade do São Paulo Those preserved specimens from tsrazil arc now kepl in KAwAKntsu's laboratory in Sapporo When K¡w¡rnrsu was stayed in UNISINOS, lhe authors made the sÌides of the anjmals of three Brazilian species that are for the chromosomal analysis Those slides and about 200 or more live specimens were broughl into Dr Ot<t's laboralory in Ôsaka by KAwAKA"rsu Dr Oxr also received a few numbe¡ of additronal live specìmens Seþaratell' þrinted, with original þagenation, of Dugesta schubarti from H¡.uspn when they met at the InternationaL Symposium on TurbelLaria held in Hasselt (Diepenbeek), BeÌgium, in the mid August front N"umber jB, Series II, of 1980 December 25. J980. _129_ Some of the results of the preliminary studies on South Brazilian freshwater planarians based upon the autho¡s' 1979 materials were given at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Zoological ¡\ û&nl4^ l¿ø^þþE Society of Japan held rn Shizuoka, on October 2-4, \980 (K¡wex¡rsu, OKr, TÂMURA, Y¡rvr¡vosu¡, HAUSER & FnreoRlcH ; Oxl, T¡rvluRn, Ynu¡yosHl, KAWAKATSU, HAUSER & FRTEDRTCH) The final results of the authors' studies wilL be published in the near future in cooperation with Dr OKI and his co-researchers The purpose of the presen[ paper (the first issue of the series entitled "Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarìans from South Braztl") is to describe histori- TURBELLARIA (AddENdA) caL notes on the previous studies of Braztlian freshwater planarians and the field data of the localities of animals visited by the authors A list of publications on Brazilian freshwater planarians wiìl be found in the "Referencesl' E MÀRCU5 T A H]STORY OF THE STUDIES ON BRAZILIAN FRESHWATER PLANARIANS It is difficult to ascertain when and by whom the Brazilian freshwater planarìans were first collected In 1887, the first Brazlliao species in this animal group was described by Dr Böuutc based upon the collection of Dr IHpnrNc . Planaria Iheringii n sp. This species of imperfect description is now classified as Dugesia iheringii (Boawtc, 1887) (cf KENK, 1974) From 1890's to 1910's, freshwate¡ planarians from several countries in South America were studied by European zoologists such as BoRELLI (1895, 1897, 1898,1901), KENNELL (1888), BöHMlc (1902), and FUHRMANN (1914) Thus, the freshwater planarian faunae of Trinidad, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, BoÌivia, Chile, Argentina, and Paraguai had been gradually clarified Later, DE BEnucnnlr¡p (1939) and HvMAN (1939) studied the pìanarians f¡om Lake Titicaca However, the investgation of the B¡azilian freshwater planarian fauna had been neglected until the middle of 1940's n FÌù1, Ernst MARcus was t¡ansferred from Germany to the Departamento de Zool- \* /(-\.,ri\ ogia, Universidade do São Paulo He promoted a ca¡eful and minute study of the B¡azilian inverte- F^ brate animals Dr MARcus studied various kinds of animaÌ groups such as Turbellaria, Oligochaeta, Fig I The iate Professor D¡ Ernst MARcus (June 8,1893-June 30, 1968; lefl) and the cover of Bryozoa, Marine Gastropoda, Pantopoda, etc Dr Eveline ou Bors-REyMoNÐ MARcus also studied the reprint of his last paper (1970) on African turbeÌlarians (right) Turbellaria, Nemertini, Archiannelida, Phoronidea, Bryozoa, Kamptozoa, Marine Gastropoda, etc from BrazlL and many other countrjes Many of their papers were pubüshed under joint authorship MARcus wilL live in the history of lurbelìariology as one of lhe finest scholars who promoted a modern published papers l) ln the field of turbellarian studies, Dr MARcus series of on Brazilian taxonomic study of turbellarians in the world animals entitled "Sôbre TurbeÌlaria Brasileiros", (I944,1945a, b,1946,1947,1948,1949,1950, l-II MARTTNS (1970) describcd two new species of freshwate¡ planarians of lhe genus Dugesia 1951, 1952, 1954a) Dr MARcus and ou Bors-REvMoND MARcus also published many other papers Dr from the State of São Paulo on various groups turbellarians from various countries America, area and of in South the Carrißn Th" South Ame¡ican freshwaler planarians were discussed by Bnul Africa Their coresearchers studied on BraziÌian tu¡bella¡ians, They are : Diva Diniz ConnÊn @_gIll!ryf too D¡ (1969, I97I, I974a, b, c, 1975, 1977a, b), Hvv¡r (1957, 1959), KAwAK¡írsu, HAUSER & FnreonrcH (land planarians, Polyclads and Acoela after 1947), Maria Dolores Përez GorzÃlez, Dr Penpln¡, Dr C (1976), KENK (1974), and MTTCHELL & Knw,crcArsu (1973) F¡om these studies, the every known and D¡ R Cuocor-o (Temnocephalida 1941 and 1949), and Eudóxia Ma¡ia Fnoeultcs and Dr in D¡ species of Brazilian freshwater planarìans can be tentatively classified as shown in the folìowing Ìist Claudio GiLbe¡to FnopHt-rcH (land planarians after 1954) All of them may be placed in the family Dugesiìdae BALL, 1974 Among the pape¡s on turbellarians published members the Paulo school, the by the of São Dugesia arndti Mencus, 1946 O¡iginal descnption in MARcus, 1946, pp 155-158, 174, Figs foìlowing papers ìnclude descriptions and discussions freshwate¡ planarians These papers are: of 163-169, Pl XXXI, Fig 14 Brlr- (1974a) classified the species as Dugesia (Girardia) arndti MARcus (1946,1948,1953, Ì954b.1955a, Bors,REYMoND MARcus (1953); DU-Bors- b,1960); ou MARcUs, 1946 Revpto¡.tn MARcus MARcus (1951, & 1957) Original descriptions of Brazilian species of freshwate¡ Dugesià hrþoglozc¿ M¡.Rcus, 1948 Originaì description in Mnncus, 1948, pp Ì68-176, 193, Figs planarians are only included in MeRcus (1946, I948) Dr Ernst MARcus passed away on June 30,-1-GÐ A study of African turbellarians (includ- l\ ln memonan of Dr E M^Rcus in Japanese rs found ¡n KAw^KATsu (1968b) A portrarl of Dr E DU Bols REYMOND MARcus is found rn KAWAKAISU (19?4, Þ 63, Fr¡ 13) A short Japanese revrew on turbellailan studres rn Brazrl rs found rn KAWÀKATSU ing one species of freshwater planarians) was posthumo-uily published in 1970 the name of Dr Ernst (1966. Planaria scholars of world over, No 23, Chapl XVIII) -130- -131- 80 89 BALL (1974a) classificd lhe species as Dugesia (Ghirardia) h1þoglauca MARCUS, 1948 SOBRE TURBELLARTA BRÂSILEIROS Dugesia iheringii (BöHMIG, 1887) OrrgLnal description in BöHIvrtc, 1887, pp 482'484 Species É^o .4¡ f2./r-.
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