A Hamilton College Student Publication, Clinton, NY September 10, 2009 Volume L Number 2 THE SPECTATOR Students Rally for More Solidarity, Sensitivity by Daniel Steinman ’12 crease the attendance of female to say, we’ve been finding [these NEWS WRITER first-year students at the party. types of invitations] unacceptable Carroll expressed that the for a while now. In the past, lots of If you were on the dark words written around the car were fraternities making poor choices side on Monday, Sept. 7, you meant to send a message. have gone unchallenged.” She noticed the rally in Kirkland “It isn’t just this one word,” also wanted to note that she found Circle. Student activists parked she said. “It’s all of these things.” the “Women are Objects!” mock a car displaying “FAG” on the The party was called “Golf party invitations sent out by The sidewalk and surrounded it with Pros and Tennis Hoes” and fea- Duel Observer to be very fun- other derogatory terms written tured a very suggestive picture ny. “People think that Rainbow on the ground in chalk. The rally, of a woman in tennis attire. The doesn’t have a sense of humor,” sponsored by the Womyn’s Cen- fraternity sent out a campus-wide she said, “We do.” ter, featured participants wear- e-mail apology on Friday, Sept. In regard to the rally, Mat- ing “Person” signs and handing 4. “If they just apologize, it goes tison described the atmosphere out flyers intended to clarify the away, which is kind of the prob- as positive. “The best thing that difference between objects and lem,” said Carroll came out of it [was] that we had people. Laura Mattison ’10, a mem- a huge showing at the panel,” Jessica Carroll ’12, a mem- ber of Rainbow Alliance, cited she said, referring to the “Words ber of the Womyn’s Center, that the invitations were only sent Matter” campus forum, which participated in the rally. She ex- to new students as a large part was held the following evening plained that the rally was held of the issue, “There was nothing in the Kirner-Johnson Building. in response to two recent events subtle about [the invitations]. It According to Mattison, over on campus: an incident of hate was about taking advantage of 130 people attended the forum. speech being etched onto a stu- that balance of power.” She described the discussion dent’s car, as well as Alpha Delta Mattison responded to crit- as “a really good conversation” Phi’s dispensation of what many ics who point out that such invi- that incorporated a “much wider deemed to be offensive party in- tations are not new on campus. range of opinions than had ever vitations sent exclusively to in- “I think more people are trying been heard at these things.” PHOTO BY ERIN HOENER ’10 Students express frustration over recent incidents on Womyn’s Center Relocates campus by holding a rally outside KJ this past Monday. by Russ Doubleday ’11 all into the new space,” said Amy what we want to accomplish as NEWS EDITOR Tannenbaum ’10, a member of a group,” she said. the Womyn’s Center. “As soon The Womyn’s Center had Students Save Big at When the South Court build- as we got on campus this year, been housed in South Court ing was set to be demolished last we started unpacking and finally since 1986. That space was sub- 2nd Cram and Scram spring, it’s most notable tenant finished last Saturday, just in time stantially larger than the room was faced with the task of pack- for our open house on Monday.” on the second floor of the Azel by Emily Delbridge ’13 materials of those leaving the Hill. ing up memories and vacating The Center’s first meeting Backus house they are using now NEWS WRITER This past May, they helped to re- their longtime home. On Satur- every year is an open house. and the old space also contained duce the campus’ waste produc- day, Womyn’s Center members This allows prospective first-year many unmovable but irreplace- When you’re packing up shop tion by about 35 percent. finished setting up their new members to see the space and get able items. at the end of the school year and Materials such as food, kitch- home on the second floor of the to know the members. “The Womyn’s Center was there isn’t room for all of your en items and clothing were sent Azel Backus House. Tannenbaum was very im- there for a very long time and furniture and food in the car, what to charity organizations such as “At the end of last year, we pressed with the turnout at their had a lot of historic value,” Tan- do you do? Thanks to the employ- the Salvation Army and Clark’s packed the [Womyn’s] Center up new location. “There were be- nenbaum explained. “The walls ees of Hamilton’s Mills Food Pan- into boxes and sometime over the tween 30 and 40 people; we dis- Cram and Scram, “The turnout was try. All bed- summer physical plant moved it cussed events for the year and see Womyn’s Center, page 2 you no longer ding materials have to throw terrifying,” said were sent to the it out. On Aug. local Humane 25 and 27, the Kathryn Arpino ’10. Society to be second annual “We’ve actually been used as pet beds. Cram and Scram Other items such helped to give contacted by people as microwaves, back to the Ham- furniture, rugs, ilton community from other colleges and lamps were what some stu- who are considering stored for the dents left behind. summer in antic- The trend starting similar ipation of a col- here at Hamil- programs.” lege-wide sale at ton is to study the beginning of intensely for ex- the fall term. ams, take the exams, and get out About a week prior to the se- of town as fast as possible, thus mester’s beginning, ten students the term “cram and scram.” For returned to unload and prepare the past two years, Ashley Langer four trailers full of merchandise, ’09 has led a small group of stu- including over 150 couches, fu dents in gathering up the unwanted supplies, furniture, and recyclable see Cram and Scram, page 2 OPINION: Face Off - Are Forums the Cure? 6 FEATURES: Stangers in a Stange World, Again 11 PHOTO BY JESSICA CARROLL ’12 A&E: Brother Ali Comes to Hamilton 13 Womyn’s Center members host an open house in their new space in the Azel Backus House. About 40 people showed up to tour the room and meet the group members. INSIDESCI&TECH: Probability of H1N1 Epidemic Low 14 September 10, 2009 Page 1 NEWS THE SPECTATOR Forum Weighs Words’ Impact SA Update Committee to Determine Community Values by Eve Denton ’12 STUDENT ASSEMBLY CORRESPONDENT Last semester, in light of the controversy surrounding an on-campus party theme, Student Assembly created a committee to work on a “Statement of Community Values.” Although there was also discussion by Student Assembly last semester regarding the formation of a social honor code, it was decided that such a code could infringe on First Amendment rights. Student Assembly would like the committee to continue its work on a community values statement this semester. It is their hope that the statement from the committee could be sent to incoming freshmen alongside the honor code and signed by all future classes. The statement would put forth the values held by Hamilton College, which could include respect of others and awareness of differences. The committee will meet next on Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 4 p.m. Students interested in participating in the drafting of this statement should e-mail Student Assembly President Amy Gold- stein at [email protected]. PHOTO BY TRANG NGUYEN ’13 Savannah Kanell ’10 participated in the student rally on Monday. The “Words Mat- ter” forum, held on Tuesday, directly addressed the concerns of these participants. Womyn’s Center by Adam Fix ’13 planning the forum before either groups feel disenfranchised, lead- of the aforementioned events took ing to violence and even outright Finds New Home NEWS WRITER place, and that the discussion was genocide. He also cited Survival from Womyn’s Center, page 1 fore, as Tannenbaum points out. Do actions speak louder than also intended to address the issue of in Auschwitz, a narrative on the However, the new space wasn’t words? Not necessarily, according words and their impact in a broader concentration camp of the same were covered with artwork and big enough to hold everyone who to some members of the Hamilton context. name, as a “sinister alarm signal,” other physical memories that old turned out for the open house. community. On Tuesday, Sept. 8, Said forum attendee Chiuba that emphasized the dangers of any members put up. We worked with Azel Backus will not be students and faculty gathered to Obele ’13, “As a freshman, I want- kind of group oppression. physical plant and they were able a permanent home for the discuss the power of language and ed to understand the community A member of Alpha Delta to save some of our favorite parts Womyn’s Center. When the its usage at an all-campus forum here and how we can overcome Phi attending the forum apologized of the wall, but many other parts Cultural Education Center is entitled “Words Matter.” The event tensions between us. I think it’s to all offended by the inappropriate were permanently lost.” built, the group plans on perma- was hosted by a number of orga- great that Hamilton brings people party theme.
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