Bulletin1947,No. 2 lamming. Education (41 in ECUADOR .s liyCAMERON.D.Eli.i))117GM --,-Senior Spode Whitn EdneatioaInLatinAmerleaìoCountries AmericasliorabIlesgoad's,DivisionofInternational t." ; T`t lidneat1ora1Relations 1'2 - I :. Aat s IIPRIMUIAL$RCVRITY£ICT, *MoonS.inner,Administrator 9 of Ce n, NAIRenties John W.Iligndebacor,CoanamiaaSpair .0 4 e N. CONTENTS 1111.. Page FOREWORD_ 11. MID a, we. m ........ rm. es. ..... CHAPTERI.EVOLUTIONOFEDUCATIONIN 'ECtTADOR__ ro rrn " ....... 1 Introduction_ _ _ _ e a Geography .... 1 __ .=mirgm me Próducts_ r e r . 1 - ele People - m ow, t .1" ..... O. 2 Government Me ...... r 2 Education MD - .... ...... m. 3 Colonial period_ r ' QM/ 3 Republic_e eC Mir ......... ..... ° 4 Developments between1861and1930__ 4 National tongressof Elementaiyand Nor- mal School Education.__...... _. 5. Education.today _ .. 6 Administration Fr e .... 7 0 Finance.. __ r %. 9 Organization... ..... to 10 CHAPTER II. ELEMENTARYEDUCATION _ _ 12 Preschooledutiation ..... Noe :II 12 Kindergartens 12 Number of kindergartensandenrollment__ 13 Buildifigs,materials,andmethodsof teaching 40 ..... or 13 Jardfn de InfanAs"LucindaToledo"in Quito Mo. Elementary 18 48._ . education__ ea ........ 14 Aim ale° I, rrnMer e. ... 14 Numberof schools MI . IMP ..... mws ..... 15 School year and day 11 ... m 0,0/ l 15 Enrollments 4j, 41 a 15 Buildings_ N'aGP __ ........ J 15 Methods ofteaching.._ OP The eur 16 curriculum r .......... .. .... 16 Materialsandlibraries. "bibelot M. aw 17 la Catélica"School, No.15 .. 17 Municipal schools me. me .old rila .... 18 Ruralschool& ...... 40 40 ow 4, " . ..... 4.... 19 Course of a Mo. study ... .. C. 19 "October 12" School r, ma 19 Complementaryor continuationschools .... 20 Praedialschools _ ...... ..... _.... ..._..... -. .._ 21 Experimentalschools ..---.Ò.. 21 . Education in theeasternprovinces 22 School supeArbdon .. ......... ... a Parente 4110 116 MP 23 40 410 organisations............ 40 4. ab C. 24 UI .% : IV CONTENT'S f CHAPTER 111.---Coutianed Page ..LiteracyCAMpatgn ..... Mo a. 25 Educational activitieA cif the Minietryof Welfare 4 25 and Labor__ _ 6 CHAPTER III. SECONDARV EDUCATION ...... 28 Aims_ . _ . _ _________._______.______________ 28 , Mr ... in. ly Organization._ : . - AD .......__ iN Administration___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ........_____ ... _ _ 22.4 Internal. inspectors_ _ _ _ --- - ---i-....... .. _ _ II 29 School.support..._ _ .. __ 30 . ______ _ _ . Number of schools i enrollments_ _ 30 , 'Schoolplanue ._ a a .......... _ _. _ _ ._,. _ 31 _ . Libraries___- ______ __ ..._ _ 31 Laboratories_...........____ ... 31 Schoolyearand day__ _ _____ ________ _ _ --I. 32 ; Entrance requirements.... .. w a a a. 32 Studentlefti____ _ __ ____............_..._..... _ ..OP ... 32 a Scholarsh.ips 1 - .. .:... 33 .__..... a WO . IN. a 0 a aw Curriculum . aa 33 Methods of instniction_ ___..... _ _ ... _ _ _ _ 33 4 ExtraclaPtsactivit ies _.. -_ 34 __ 1-Aaniinations and grading_ _ __ ____ _____7 _. _. I.- _ 35_ ,1 Baccalaureateexamination___ . _ _ _ . _ 37 National Colegio "24th of May" 37 ..d Private secondary schools . .._._ _ ...........__ _nu _ _ 38 American School of Quito_ _ _ _ _ .... 39 CHAPTER IV. VOCATIONAL EMI CATION.....r- 42 Technical schools;_ _ ____ .. ._ ..... ._ .._ 42 Surnber of technicalschools. ._ _ .._________: 42- Administrationaridorganization. _ _____ . 42 Admission requirements --________ 43 Fees_______ . _ _ .. ..............._ ..... ....._______ 43 Aims and curricula__ _ ________...... __________ _ 43 Methods ofinstruction_ _ _ _ _alb VW ____ ___ . ..... 44 Examinations andgrading__ _______ ________ 45 Buildings andequipment.._ ........ _. _ . .... _.. 45 , State Central Tecimical School._._. ___ . 2 46 Is Business education__ _ _ _ _ _ a IM,M .011. _ a .0. ,M 48 _ ..... _________................___________ _ 48 Administration_................._ ___________ 48 Organization.............____. 10. a. mg. goo ii. __..... 149 Plan of studies and diplomas oonferrld*______ _ _ _ _ 49 Degreeortitle examinations__ _ _.. _ _:..._ _-0 ... _ _ 50. Evening classes in business education...._ _ ___ _ _ 51 , Number of business schools and enrollmeilta___ _ .. ,.40 51 'National School a Physical Education__. ....a__ ... 51 Objectives_..... .__________............. 52 V. Requirements for adininion.4...... ... ...... 4WD . 52 ., , Plans aj studies.._ _ _________ ..... 53 - Other special ichook_.J... ....-- e- ... 53 National School of Fine 4ets.... _........ 53 k i Schools of mute__ .........................___....0t 54 Militaryandltaval{Moak.6.D...6...6.m............ 54 CONTENTS V A Page CHAPTER V. TEACHERS .. 55 Numberand classification of Ecuador'steehe rs_ I, OP- a. 55 Qualificationsand salaries _ _ _ . 55 Elementaryschotolteachers.__ _ -- -- 57 __ _ __ ._ Preparetion. - eg, .. 57 Methods._ _ _ _. -.__ _ . 58 _ _ vb. _ ftp . dá. Diplomas andtitle_ .011, _ 59 Normil school teacheN_ _ _.. - . ._ __. (4) Hurst!normal schools __ 60 Uyunibicrio RuralNormalSthool 60 Thetitle of ruralnormal Nehoo1graduate_ 61 Secondary schoolteachem_ 62 Pr'eparation _ . 63 HigherInstitute EA-111cation and 144t teNof QuitA) á . _ - d dt 63 Admintsaation 63 Professors 0. ow a. , .... O. 64 Admission _ and fees _ AMP - 65 Schoolyearand day OP OM _ _..... _ _ 65 ..Plan . of studies , . _ .. _.. 65 Examinatlions,grading:andt1tIe _ _ ..__. 6-4, : Enrollmentand graduates_ _ -..... 68 gchool . _ plant MD. _ _s 69 Technicaland professional school teachers._.. 4, OP 69 TeacherimproVement._ _ __ . ... 70 ...k Courses forteacher improvement___.... __ _ __ _ 71 ÑationalTeachers' Union' . 71 CHAPTERVI.HIGHERIMITATION_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ t. 73 Objectives ofhighereducation 74 __ _ Administration'. _ _ ... _ .._ _. _ ________ 741 Stiperior ... UniversityCouncil_ ........ ___.. _ 74 wo . The lictor _ __ ......,.. _ ..... _ ._ ..... 41. .. _ 75 .. % University ._ _ _ _ MP _ Council_ .. _ e SP -75 Universiti. , Assembly._ ..._. ., , 75 Faculty Council,Directive Board,and1)ein___ _ . 76 Profelisors -..* _ a .11. _ _ _ I. a.1Mp.N. ... ow . _ ........... ,.. wo ._ _ OP76 Academic 40 d. yea"and day... Ill tIP 4. ,.. _4" k77 Library and _ laboratorYfacilities 4. Of. 4. MI MP MD M. 7$ - t ranoe ,requirements _ . _ .. ,.... __l _ _ al. OP MS. TS . Preparatory _.__ .._ _ _ _ do _ _ .11, dd ... mr ...al, courses_ _ ... .. - P 8 Admission of do CO do 4.de. foreign students_A 41. M '/9j . 4. o Fees ode MI. - 40 OP OM .4. Mow IND MI CO 1 e il 1. -.). - a. .a. or _ /9 , . Schblirships 79 Enrollments .... ow and graduates . .. il . 4......v., ... _ _.. _ _ _._. 80 Central Universityof Quito_- .... _ ,..w MID ... am IND w 80 O Plans 40 4 404110-4. vo. Ap . 4.. a study,....______ 41M_ _ a _ _ - ......... 81 -, Mithods ainstruction we ,.... .. ._______ 87 Examiriationsand grading_.... 4. 4111 MI. ..........._ 88 Degreesortitles_. at .4. ao. 4. ea40ill I., a.....ow.1, .4.,,._ _ _ _ ....C. 88 ttlein Journalism.r ib 4111.411!PODC ab 4 , _...p........-... 89 Faculties in otheruniversities:___ ....-*0aOWill m, 0.- Or_ 90 Higher edueitkmin Ecuador today.... Pr. e ......... ........ 90 6 insuoisArily.......... ..... # 91 %L. e : y- FOREWORD. HE U. S. Officeof Education his undertaken theprep- . TAration of a-series OfgaaicstudiedontOilCitionina number of Centraland South Americancot;triesunder the .. sponsorship of the Inttrapartmeiltal,CimmitteeonScien- tific ind culturalCooperation. series of studies is :partó fa program to promote erst.anding of educational condi4ions in theAmeriqui/countriesandtoencourage co- operation in the-field.' of 1ntek-Americaneduation. The project.,apart eta Government-wideprogramof cultural cooperation -1Inderthe auspices of the Depapnentof State, was,beplp in thefall of uMs.It involies travel by Office !-IfsfÉducationspecialists in thevarious countries forthe I purposeof gathering datafirst handontheir, educational systems, and the preparation ofreportsfrom these data for publication. Educationin Ecuador is basedondata gathered bythe author in Ecuador in1944 and supplemented sincethen through documentation. - To themany personsandorganizationarinEcuador sand the Unitod States who haveaided in bringingthis studyto completion, the U. S. Office ofEducationexpressesgratitude.I.c - I HAROLD BENJAMIN, Director, Division of InternationalEducational Relations. o WO o CHAPIfigit lip e e- Kvolutipn of Edur;itionIn Etuador _a° !",m,-.....=.....A1W--.,--,- I. INTRODUCTION GEOGILAPOIT The Republicof Ecuador is situatedonthe northwestcoastof Sputh Americak between Colombiaand Peru. Includtkiin itsareaofap-s proximately 275,936squaremilesarethe Galapagos islands,600 miles tothewestin the Pacific, with 3,028squareMiles.About 100 miles south of the Colombian border thecountry is crossed by the Equator, o from which it derives itsname. Ecuador istrarersed, from northtotiouth bytwolofty cordilleras =1 of the Andes, joined bynumerous transverse ranges,manyof which extend eastward into the Amazon Basin.A dozen peaks riseto heights ofmorethan 16?000 feetChimborazo,with 21,424 feet and Cotppnxi, with' 19,550, being 'the highest.Several others, notably CoyambeIndAltisank,areabove 19,000 feet. A; its in Peru, the cordilleras in Ecuador dividethecountryinto three naturalzones.A tropical 'coastal region, drainedand irrigated by nuiterous rivers and smallerstreams, borders the Pacific Ocean. E .4.th-eAndes lies the fertile but little-knownexpansereferredttylifts tire Orient (el Oriente),drained byaveritable networkof riyeryand 'streams 'tributarytothe mighty Amazon.Between thesetwareas the central plateau formed by the Andes risestoaltitud sranging
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