No. June 1996 120 Nolul. odonatol., Vol. 4, 7, pp. 109-124, 1, New odonate records from Argentina and Uruguay* J. Muzón Institute de Limnologia“Dr Raul A. Ringuelet”, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, C.C. 712, AR-1900 La Plata, Argentina Abstract – - Cyanallagma nigrinuchale (Sel.) and Cyanallagma nigrinuchale (Selys) National Oxyagrion brevistigma Sel. are recorded for the Argentina: Misiones prov., Iguazu Park, time and Hetaerina Muz6n 1 - first from Argentina, rosea 13-1V-1991, leg., 3 9, <S (MLP); Sel. from Uruguay. New Argentinian records of Misiones prov., San Pedro, 12-IV-1991, Muzdn H. rosea Sel., H. sanguinea Sel. and Castor- leg., 1 S (MLP). aeschna Dunkle & and From the 9 decurvata Cook, some species currently known for corrective lists notes on the previously published Cyanallagma only C. interrumptum (Sel.) and C. are also provided. bonariense (Ris) were previously recorded for Argentina. None of these species shares the dis- Introduction tribution area of C. nigrinuchale. The odonate checklists ofArgentina and Uruguay have been provided by RODRIGUES CAPI- Oxyagrion brevistigma Selys DE ABENANTE TULO (1992) and (1982), re- Argentina: Misiones prov., San Pedro, 15-XI- spectively. From the list of Rodrigues Capitulo -1973, Claps & Escobar leg., I tJ (IML). (224 spp), Erythrodiplax minuscula (Ramb.) The genus Oxyagrion includes aproximately should be excluded RODRIGUES CAPI- 20 6 of (cf. species. them are present in Argentina, TULO & MUz6n, 1990), and from that of De mostly represented in the province of Misiones. Abenante (51 spp.) Argiaforsteri Calv., a junior synonym of A. albistigma Hag., is to be deleted. Hetaerina rosea Selys several additions lists Recently, to these have Argentina: Buenos Aires prov., Pergamino,Dulce been made, viz. Phyllopetalia stictica Hag. for stream at national road No. 188, Flint & Suarez Argentina(MUZÓN & DEBAND1, 1992);Lestes leg., I3-XII-1979, 2 2,4 t? (MLP); - Cordoba spatula Fraser for Uruguay (MUZ6N, 1993); prov., Villa General Belgrano, 7-I1I-1983, Mola - Entre R(os El Antiagrion grinbergsi Jurzitza, Phenes raptor leg., 1 S (MLP); prov., Palmar Ramb, Gomphomacromiaetcheverryi Fraser and National Park,El Palmar stream. LaGlorieta, IX- Neopetalia punctata Hag. f® Argentina -1988, I 2, 1 6 (MLP). (MUZ6N, 1995); Lestes auritus Hag. for Argen- Uruguay: Tacuarembd, 9-1-1960, Morey leg., tina and Lestes 1 paulistus Calv. for Uruguay S (MLP); same data except 13-1-1960, 1 S (MUZON, in press). (MLP). In this paper Cyanallagmanigrinuchale (Sel.) This is the first record of Calopterygidae for and Oxyagrion brevistigma Sel. are recorded for Uruguay. The record for Pergamino,Buenos Aires the first time for Argentina, as well as Hetaerina province, is the southernmost for the family in In South America. rosea Sel. for Uruguay. addition, new records for Argentina of Hetaerina rosea, H. sanguinea Sel. and Castoraeschna decurvata Dunkle & Hetaerina sanguinea Selys Cook Salta are provided. Argentina: prov., Salvador Mazza, XI-1986, in The specimens are deposited the following R. Capitulo leg., 1 S (MLP). collections: DepartamentoCientlfico de Entomo- This species was listed for the first time for logr'a, Museo de La Plata (MLP), Institute Miguel Argentinaby FRASER (1947); nevertheless, this Lillo, Tucumdn (IML) and Laboratorio de Ento- record should not be incorporated into the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Odonata list FRASER mologi'a, y Argentinian because, as Naturales, UBA (FCEN). pointed out in his second paper on Argentinian Odonata (1948), the specimen of H. sanguinea * ILPLA Scientific Contribution No. 621 studied, has no collection data. Previously, Nolul. odonatoi, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 109-124, June 1, 1996 121 RODRIGUES CAPITULO (1992) included in his Cyanallagma nigrinuchale and identifying the list this record without comments. GARRISON Hetaerina specimens. For the loan of specimens mentioned H. I (1990) sanguinea only for Colom- am grateful to AXEL O. BACHMANN and Brazil and bia, Venezuela, Bolivia. The present HIS4 ANGRISANO (FCEN), and to record is the first available information about the ABRAHAM WILLINK and EDUARDO of this in presence species Argentina. DOMINGUEZ (IML). Castoraeschna decurvata Dunkle & Cook References –CABRERA, A.L. & A. WILL1NK, Entre Rios El Palmar National de Argentina: prov., 1980, Biogeografìa América ialina, O.E.A. Park, XI-1982,1-I983, Angrisano leg., 1 9,1 3, (Biol.), Vol, 13; - DE ABENANTE, Y.P., 1982, Malaise trap (FCEN). Notai, odonatol. 1(9): 151; - DUNKLE, S.W., This species was known only from a small area 1988, Odonalologica 17(3): 263-265; -FRASER, of 25 km radius around the of Alta Acta 4: 427-461 type locality F.C., 1947, zool. lilloana ; -1948, The Gracia, Crirdoba province(DUNKLE, 1988). ibidem 5: 47-67; - GARRISON, R.W., 1990, present record is 600 km E of the type locality. Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 116(1): 175-259;-MUZÓN, All the three localities known for presently this J., 1993, Odonalologica22(4): 443-454;— 1995, Cdrdoba and El eni. in species (Alta Gracia, city Palmar) Revta Soc. argent. 54(1/4); 1-14; - press, in the included - are Espinal biogeographicalprov- ibidem, MUZÓN. J. & G. DEBANDI, 1992, ince (CABRERA & WILLINK, 1980), which is Notai, odonatol. 3(10): 171; - RODRIGUES semicircular in shape and comprises areas within CAPITULO, A., 1992, Fauna Agua dulce Rep. the following Argentine provinces: S of Argent. 34(1): 1-92; - RODRIGUES CAPITULO, Corrientes, N of Entre Rios, of Santa Fe A. & J. Revta Soc. center MUZÓN, 1990, ent. argent. and Cordoba, center and S of San Luis, E of La 48(1/4): 106. Pampa and the southern portion of Buenos Aires. Received August I, 1995 Acknowledgements –I thank ROSSER W. GAR- of RISON (Azusa, CA) for sending me drawings.
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