"JflK 8 B72 Branch of Chemistry of Kilauea and Mauna Loa Lava in Space and Time GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 735 Chemistry of Kilauea and Mauna Loa Lava in Space and Time By THOMAS L. WRIGHT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 735 An account of the chemical composition of lavas from Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes. Hawaii, and an interpretation of the processes of partial melting and subsequent fractional crystallization that produced the chemical variability UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1971 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS G. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. A. Radlinski, A cting Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 74-178247 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Price 50 cents (paper.cover) Stock number 2401-1185 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract ________________________________________ 1 Observations Continued Introduction _____________________________________ 1 Olivine-controlled lavas _________________ 16 Acknowledgments ________________________________ 2 Petrography __________ __ 16 Definitions and terminology _______________________ 2 Chemistry _______________________ 16 Tholeiite ____________________________________ 2 Differentiated lavas ______ _ ___ 23 Mineral control lines _________________________ 4 Chemical variation within Kilauea lava and differ­ Olivine-controlled and differentiated basalt _____ 4 ence between Kilauea and Mauna Loa lavas____ 23 Previous work ___________________________________ 5 Discussion _____________________ ___ 23 Methods of study _________________________________ 5 Olivine-controlled chemical variation in Kilauea Sampling ____________________________________ 5 and Mauna Loa lavas ____________________ 26 Chemical analyses ___________________ 6 Olivine-pyroxene-plagioclase control of Mauna Loa Computer reduction of chemical data ___________ 6 lava compositions _ . __ 27 Observations _____________________________________ 6 High-pressure fractionation of Kilauea lava ____ 28 Kilauea ___ ____________________________ 8 Long-term chemical variation _____________ 29 Olivine-controlled lavas ___________________ 8 Short-term chemical variation __ 31 Petrography _________________________ 8 Chemistry ___________________________ 9 Model for melting and fractionation of Kilauea and Differentiated lavas ______________________ 15 Mauna Loa magmas ___________ . __ 33 Mauna Loa __________________________________ 16 References cited ______-_____ 39 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Index map showing the five volcanoes that make up the Island of Hawaii ___ _________ 2 2-12. MgO Variations diagrams: 2. Mauna Loa and Kilauea lava flows and minerals that control the chemical variation 3. Lavas erupted at Kilauea summit ______ _ ____________________________ 10 4. Lavas erupted from the Kileauea southwest rift zone _______ - _________ 11 5. Lavas erupted from the Kilauea east rift zone _________ ___________ 12 6. Kilauea lavas erupted in 18th and 19th centuries ____________ __________ 13 7. Lavas from the summit and northwest slope of Mauna Loa _______________ 19 8. Lavas from Mauna Loa southwest rift zone __________ _ ____________ 20 9. Lavas from Mauna Loa northeast rift zone ___________________________ 21 10. Lavas from the Ninole Hills ___________________________________________________ 22 11. Differentiated lavas from Kilauea and Mauna Loa ______________________________ 24 12. Kilauea summit lavas 1952-68 _________________________________________________ 32 13. Hypothetical model of Kilauea and Mauna Loa outlining regions of melting, fractionation, and storage of magma prior to eruption _____________________________________________________________________ 34 III IV CONTENTS TABLES Page TABLE 1. Historic eruptions of Mauna Loa __-__ 3 2. Historic eruptions of Kilauea ______ __ 3 3. Data for equation y = ax + b to define mineral control lines for suites of olivine-controlled lavas from Kilauea and Mauna Loa __ ____ _ 8 4 6. Chemical analyses of olivine-controlled lavas from Kilauea 4. Summit ___________________ ___ _____ _ 9 5. Southwest rift zone __________ _ _ - _ _ 14 6. East rift zone ____________________________________-______ _ - 15 7. Modal data for selected porphyritic lavas from Mauna Loa _ _ 16 8-11. Chemical analyses of olivine-controlled lavas from Mauna Loa 8. Summit ______________________ _______________________-__ _ _ 16 9. South rift zone ______________________________________________ _________ 17 10. Northeast rift zone ____________________ _____ _ _ _ 17 11. Northwest slope ______________________ _____ _ _ _ 18 12. Chemical analyses of lavas from the Ninole Hills, southeast slope of Mauna Loa _ _ 18 13. Chemical analyses of differentiated lavas from Mauna Loa _ _ _ 23 14. Summary of chemical composition of historic flows from Mauna Loa and of flows of different ages from Kilauea ____________________________________________________________ 23 15. Analyses of minerals used in differentiation calculations _ ___-____ _ __ _ 25 16-18. Results for differentiation calculations for 16. Kilauea and Mauna Loa control lines __ _ _ _ 26 17. Olivine-controlled lavas from Mauna Loa _ 27 18. Differentiated lavas from Mauna Loa __ 28 19. Calculated mode and pyroxene composition of a "Mauna Loa" mantle _______________________ 29 20. Lava compositions used in high-pressure fractionation calculations - 30 21. Results of high-pressure fractionation calculations for Kilauea summit lavas _ _ _ _ ___ 30 22. Calculated high-pressure solidus assemblages and pyroxene compositions for Kilauea summit lavas _____ 31 23. Sample data for the chemical analyses of tables 4-6 and 8-13 ___________________________ 35 24. List of references to published chemical analyses of Kilauea (olivine-controlled) and Mauna Loa flows other than those reported in this paper ____ - - - 38 CHEMISTRY OF KILAUEA AND MAUNA LOA LAVA IN SPACE AND TIME By THOMAS L. WRIGHT ABSTRACT The increase in KzO and PzOs in the more recent Kilauea Kilauea and Mauna Loa, Hawaii's two active shield vol­ eruptions suggests that the magma which supplies Kilauea canoes, are composed of tholeiitic basalt having MgO con­ eruptions has been fractionating. The time-related chemical tents ranging from more than 20 percent to less than 4 per­ variation can be expressed by two mineral assemblages: (1) cent. Most eruptive vents are located either within the olivine-orthopyroxene-plagioclase (An eo-es) where the ratio central caldera or on two rift zones extending to the east of orthopyroxene to plagioclase equals 2:1 and (2) olivine- and southwest from each volcano's summit. Mauna Loa also aluminous orthopyroxene-aluminous and jadeitic clinopyrox- has a few isolated vents on its northwest slope that are ap­ ene where the ratio of orthopyroxene to clinopyroxene equals parently unrelated to any rift zone. The chemical variability 2:1. Both assemblages indicate relatively high pressure frac­ of Mauna Loa and Kilauea lava having more than about 6.8 tionation. Neither of the calculated mineral assemblages is percent MgO is principally explained by addition or removal of basalt at high pressure, and it may be that the magmas of olivine (olivine control), but other minerals are involved entirely consistent with recent studies on the crystallization to a lesser degree. The chemical variability of these lavas is have undergone more than one stage of fractionation. described and interpreted in this paper. Lavas having less A model is proposed for the origin of Kilauea which em­ than 6.8 percent MgO are fractionated by separation of bodies the following points: pyroxene, plagioclase, and Fe-Ti oxides in addition to oli­ 1. Generation by partial melting of picritic magmas (20-25 vine. Fractionated basalt from Kilauea is confined to the percent MgO) at depths of greater than 60 kilometers. rift zones. The rare fractionated lavas from Mauna Loa are 2. High-pressure fractionation of these magmas during rel­ also confined to the rift zones and are less fractionated atively slow ascent to a storage region at 20-30 km (higher MgO) than those from Kilauea. depth. The chemistry of nonfractionated lava from single erup­ 3. Minor fractionation during storage followed by rapid as­ tions of Kilauea may be explained by olivine control alone, cent into shallow crustal reservoirs at 2-4 km depth. and this process is consistent with the observation that oli­ 4. Settling of olivine during storage at 2-4 km and periodic vine is the only true phenocryst in unfractionated Kilauea eruption of the upper parts of these reservoirs, or lavas. The chemistry of nonfractionated lava from single rarely, the entire reservoir including settled olivine. eruptions of Mauna Loa can be explained by a more complex mineral control involving olivine, hypersthene, augite, and INTRODUCTION plagioclase, all being commonly present as phenocrysts. The addition or removal of these minerals is inferred to take Kilauea and Mauna Loa are two active shield vol­ place at pressures not exceeding 2 kilobars in shallow canoes on the island of Hawaii (fig. 1), which rise magma reservoirs located beneath the two volcanoes. to heights above sea level of 1,260 and 4,200 meters, The chemistry of Mauna Loa lavas shows no correlation respectively. The undersea part of each volcano is with either the time of eruption or location of the eruptive probably composed of overlapping pillow lavas vents. By contrast the lavas erupted at Kilauea summit may separated by a thin layer of hyaloclastic material be subdivided into three
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