Index Abbott, Tony 350 National Reorganization Process Abdülhamid II 121 (1976–83) 259 accountability 41, 52, 235, 265, 333, public sector of 259–60 338, 451 Aristotle 110 collective 82 Asian Financial Crisis (1997–9) 342 democratic 106 Association of Education Committees mechanisms 173 68 political 81, 93 Australia 4, 7, 17, 25, 96, 337, 341–2, shared 333 351, 365 webs of 81, 88, 93, 452 Australian Capital Territory 361 administrative management principles Australian National Audit Office planning, organizing, staffing, (ANAO) 333, 350 directing, coordinating, Australian Public Service reporting and budgeting Commission (APSC) 328–9, (POSDCORB) 211 336 Afghanistan 445–6 Changing Behaviour (2007) Operation Enduring Freedom 346–7 (2001–14) 69, 200, 221, 443 Tackling Wicked Problems (2007) presence of private military 347 contractors during 209 Australian Taxation Office (ATO) African National Congress (ANC) 5, 334 138, 141 Centrelink 335, 338 Cadre Policy and Deployment closure of 330–31 Strategy (1997) 141 Council of Australian Governments Albania 122 (COAG) 344–5, 352 Alfonsín, Raúl Closing the Gap program 355–8, administration of 259–60 365 electoral victory of (1983) 259 National Indigenous Reform Algeria 177–8 Agreement (NIRA) (2008) Andrews, Matt 107 355–7 Appleby, Paul 272 Reform Council 357, 365 Report for Government of India trials (2002) 352–4 (1953) 276 Department of Education, Argentina 6, 251, 262 Employment and Workplace bureaucracy of 259–60, 262–3 Relations (DEEWR) 335 democratic reform in 259 Department of Families, Housing, Anticorruption Office 262 Community Service and managerial reform in Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) 23,696 State Reform Act (1989) 334–5 260 Department of Finance 327–8, 333, 23,697 Economic Emergency Act 344 (1989) 260 Department of Human Services Second Reform of the State 261–2 (DHS) 330, 335 463 Andrew Massey and Karen Johnston - 9781781954492 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 10:29:44AM via free access 464 The international handbook of public administration and governance Department of Prime Minister and Public Service (APS) 25, 64, 92, 324, Cabinet 327–9, 338, 344, 346, 326, 328–9, 331, 335, 338–9, 351, 357, 363 342–3, 345, 348–9, 363 Cabinet Implementation Unit 332 Ahead of the Game: Blueprint Department of Social Security 330 for the Reform of Australian Department of Treasury 344, 363 Government Administration environmental policies of (2010) 326–7, 329, 331–2, Environment Protection and 336–7, 347–8 Biodiversity Conservation Commonwealth Financial Act (1999) 360 Accountability Review 328 Garnaut Review 362–3 community engagement 336–7 greenhouse gas reduction 362 Project Wickenby 334 government of 323–5, 332, 334, Tackling Wicked Problems (2007) 341–3, 347, 349–50, 363 351 Engage (2009) 347 use of NPM in 325 NRM policies of 359, 361, 363 Public Service Commission 327 Great Barrier Reef 359 Secretaries Board 329 Indigenous population of 349–51, Queensland 360 354–7, 364 senior executive service (SES) 330 Aboriginal and Torres Strait State of the Environment report Islander Commission (2011) 359, 363 (ATSIC) 353 Tasmania 360 disadvantages facing 351–2, 358 Victoria 360 expenditure 350 Austria 8, 371, 377, 387 Indigenous Affairs Arrangements public service reform in (IAAs) 353–4 perceptions of 390, 392 Indigenous Communication Austrian School 25 Coordination Taskforce 354 autonomy 41, 135, 146, 377–80, 395 Indigenous Coordination Centres business 303 (ICCs) 352–5 expression of 48 Ministerial Taskforce on managerial 135, 379 Indigenous Affairs 353–4 professional 64 Secretaries’ Group on Indigenous Aylwin, Patricio 256 Affairs (SGIA) 354 Shared Responsibility Agreements Bachelet, Michelle 258–9 (SRA) 352 Barclays PLC 426 Kimberly region Barnett formula 430 Mulan Aboriginal Community Barroso, José Manuel 352 President of EC 429 Management Advisory Committee Basel System 66 (MAC) Al Beblawi, Hazem 161 Connecting Government (2004) Belgium 346–7, 349, 351 social service system of 65 Empowering Change (2010) 348 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 290 Murray-Darling Basin 360–62 Blackwater Murray-Darling ministerial personnel of 217 Council 361 Blair, Tony 58, 422, 432, 436 New South Wales 360 administration of 71 Productivity Commission 364–5 ‘Modernising Government’ public administration reform in 343 programme of 22–3 Andrew Massey and Karen Johnston - 9781781954492 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 10:29:44AM via free access Index 465 electoral victory of (1997) 376 Ministry of Administration and ‘Third Way’ 376–7 Reform of the State (MARE) Boles, Nicholas 431 236 Book of Song, The 297 Ministry of Education 242 Bouckaert, Geert Ministry of Finance 242, 244 Public Management Reform 195 Ministry of Health 242 Bourgon, Jocelyne 185 Ministry of Planning 242, 244 Brazil 6, 444, 448, 450 Movimento Nacional pela Reforma administrative reform in 234–8 Urbana (National Movement civil society involvement 238–9 for Urban Reform) 241 Fiscal Responsibility Law (2000) Pernambuco 227, 238, 243 236, 243 Porto Alegre 240 Law 8.666 (1993) 236, 243 Rio Grande do Sul 227–8, 240 Master Plan for State Reform Santa Catarina 238 236 São Paulo 227–8, 238, 243 national conferences 241–2 Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos participatory budget 240–41 role in creation of MARE 236–7 policy councils 239–40 Bretton Woods 2 Regime Júridicio Único dos British Petroleum (BP) Servidores 236, 243 Deepwater Horizon Oil Crisis (2010) urban master plan 241 425 administrative structure of 227–9, Buddhism 299 234 bureaucracy 90–91, 115–16, 159–60, Chamber of Deputies 229, 231 162, 164, 170–71, 182, 195, 199, executive power in 230–31 242, 248, 256, 273, 290–91, 304, Federal Supreme Court (STF) 308, 374–5, 384, 390, 404, 412, 232–3 445, 449, 454–6, 458 judiciary power in 232–4 American 215 Legislative Assembly 229 Argentinian 259–60, 262–3 legislative power in 231–2 Canadian 182 National Congress 231, 238 Chilean 255, 263 Senate 229, 231–2 Chinese 309, 312 Brazilian Federal Public Chinese Imperial 114, 295, 297–8 Administration 234–5 Egyptian 160, 162, 164, 175–6, 180 Department of Public Prosecution federal 249, 251, 253–4 233–4 meritocratic 297–8, 301–2 Department of Public Service modern 113 Administration (DASP) 235 public 248, 251, 254–5, 363 Federal Constitution 226, 228–30, reduction of 376, 390 233–4, 239, 241 reform 248 Article 49 232 relationship with corruption 404, Article 5 233 412 Federal Court of Accounts 232 Bush, George W. FIFA World Cup (2014) 243 administration of 220 GDP per capita 226 use of program-level assessment government of 227 213 Independence of (1822) 227 military government (1964–85) Calderón, Felipe 254 226 administration of 255 Minas Gerais 227–8, 238, 243 Cambodia 27 Andrew Massey and Karen Johnston - 9781781954492 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 10:29:44AM via free access 466 The international handbook of public administration and governance Canada 5, 25, 185, 450 criticisms of 94 bureaucracy of 182, 186–7 of policy making 88–9, 434 government of 188, 193 of power 221, 238 management culture of 192 Chavan, Ashok Office of the Auditor General 193 Chief Minister of Maharashtra 287 Ottawa 187, 189, 193 Chicago School 25 Parliament 188, 195–6 Chile 6, 251, 263 Privy Council Office 189, 195–6 bureaucracy of 255, 263 Public Accounts Committee 193 Concertación alliance 255–6 public service reform in 25–6, 182, Congress 257–9 185, 189–91, 194–5 Constitution of 256 focus on NPM in 189–90, 452 democratic reform in 255–6 focus on private sector Consejo para la Transparencia management practices 189–93 (Council on Transparency) Prime Minister’s Advisory 259 Committee on the Public Transparency Law (2008) 259 Service 189 managerial reform in 249, 258 Treasury Board Program on State Modernization ‘Health of the Evaluation and Reform (2000) 257 Function’ 193 Strategic Plan for Public Secretariat 39, 189, 192–3 Management Modernization Canada-US Free Trade Agreement 186 256–7 capacity 330–32, 339, 444–5 Ministry of Finance via collaboration 332–3 Budget Directorate 256 concept of 323–4 public administration 257–8 development of 323 public sector of 256 loss of 425–7 China 7, 66, 104, 113, 115, 122, 298–9, in public sector reform 326 311, 318, 444 central 327 Anhui Province 313–14 externalizing 326 Lixin County 316 internal 327 Beijing 313–14 management 326 bureaucracy 302–3, 309 third-party 327–8 decentralization 309 capital Imperial 114, 295, 297–8, 298 accumulation 171 Civil Service Law 308 finance 63 Company Law (1994) 310 human 166, 328 Confucianism as state ideology in capitalism 165–6, 184, 317, 443 297, 302 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique 226, 242 corruption in 116 administration of 236 economy of 312 Carroll, Lewis GDP per capita 309, 312 Alice in Wonderland (1865) 110 government of 200 Central Agency for Public Guangdong Province Mobilization and Statistics Shunde District 316 (CAPMAS) 172 Han Dynasty (206BC–220AD) 114, central performance management 61 297, 299 Central Rural Policy Research Centre Hebei Province 315 313 Xian’an District 315 centralization 48, 59, 90–91, 93, 173, Hong Kong 112, 117 255, 264, 309, 372, 418, 449 Ministry of Civic Affairs 311–12 Andrew Massey and Karen Johnston - 9781781954492 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 10:29:44AM via free access Index 467 Opium Wars (1839–42/1856–60) 296 Conservative Party (Australia) 362–3 public administration in 104, Conservative Party (UK) 25, 417, 428, 111–12, 114, 295, 304 431 reforms 311, 314–17 decline in Scotland 429–30 Qin Dynasty (221–206BC) 295 electoral manifesto (2015) 429 Song Dynasty (960–1279) 297 corporatization
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