E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2009 No. 38 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was May Your blessings be with those Ms. Potter has served in a number of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- suffering from the ravages of war and leadership roles at both the State and pore (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas). our duty to them be ever on our minds. national levels of the American Legion f We are comforted by Your presence Auxiliary, and I would like to thank as we pray for a peaceful Nation. her personally for her ongoing service DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER In Your Name we pray, amen. to our Nation’s veterans. PRO TEMPORE f She is joined today by her husband, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- THE JOURNAL Toby, a retired Navy Seabee. fore the House the following commu- I ask my colleagues to join me in rec- nication from the Speaker: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ognizing Ms. Potter for her service to WASHINGTON, DC, Chair has examined the Journal of the our country. March 4, 2009. last day’s proceedings and announces I hereby appoint the Honorable SHEILA to the House her approval thereof. f JACKSON-LEE to act as Speaker pro tempore Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER on this day. nal stands approved. NANCY PELOSI, PRO TEMPORE f Speaker of the House of Representatives. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE bers are reminded to refrain from ref- PRAYER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the erences to persons in the gallery. gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) come Chaplain Cherita Potter, National f forward and lead the House in the Chaplain, American Legion Auxiliary, Pledge of Allegiance. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Seaside, Oregon, offered the following Mr. POE of Texas led the Pledge of PRO TEMPORE prayer: Allegiance as follows: Dear Lord, we thank You for this day The SPEAKER pro tempore. After I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and the opportunities it presents to us. consultation among the Speaker and United States of America, and to the Repub- the majority and minority leaders, and Fill us with a renewed spirit, never lic for which it stands, one nation under God, to waver when the way is hard. Prepare indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. with their consent, the Chair an- nounces that, when the two Houses each of us with open hearts and broad- f ened minds to face the many chal- meet in joint meeting to hear an ad- lenges set before us. WELCOMING CHAPLAIN CHERITA dress by the Right Honorable Gordon Direct our thoughts and emotions so POTTER Brown, Prime Minister of the United that we may exhibit fair judgment and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Kingdom of Great Britain and North- the practice of good core values. objection, the gentleman from Oregon ern Ireland, only the doors imme- May the principles of justice, free- (Mr. WU) is recognized for 1 minute. diately opposite the Speaker and those dom, democracy, and loyalty be ever There was no objection. immediately to her left and right will preserved for a happy and secure Amer- (Mr. WU asked and was given permis- be open. ica. sion to revise and extend his remarks.) No one will be allowed on the floor of Open our eyes to the needs of others. Mr. WU. Madam Speaker, I’d like to the House who does not have the privi- Make us sensitive to the issues of pov- first welcome my father, K.C. Wu, to lege of the floor of the House. Due to erty, racial, sexual, and age discrimi- the House gallery. the large attendance that is antici- nation, war and peace, pollution and It is also my distinct pleasure and pated, the rule regarding the privilege our environment. honor to welcome our guest chaplain of the floor must be strictly enforced. Help us to recognize and grasp the for today, Ms. Cherita Potter. Children of Members will not be per- opportunities for service, that each one Ms. Potter is the national chaplain mitted on the floor. The cooperation of of us might make a difference. for the American Legion Auxiliary and all Members is requested. God, we thank You for this great Na- one of my constituents in Oregon. She The practice of reserving seats prior tion and the service men and women is also an active member of Commu- to the joint meeting by placard will who defend and protect our freedoms. nity Presbyterian Church in Cannon not be allowed. Members may reserve Help us to know how to best honor and Beach, Oregon, where she participates their seats by physical presence only support them. Fill them with strength in Vacation Bible School, choir and following the security sweep of the and courage to endure. Bible study. Chamber. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2927 . VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:47 Mar 05, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04MR7.000 H04MRPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H2928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 4, 2009 RECESS The gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. tion, an America renewed under a new The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- PETRI). President, to say that America’s faith ant to the order of the House of Thurs- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Presi- in the future has been, is, and always day, February 26, 2009, the House dent of the Senate, at the direction of will be an inspiration to me and to the stands in recess subject to the call of that body, appoints the following Sen- whole world. the Chair. ators as members of the committee on Two centuries ago, your creation of Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 5 min- the part of the Senate to escort the America was the boldest possible affir- utes a.m.), the House stood in recess Right Honorable Gordon Brown, Prime mation of faith in the future. It’s a fu- subject to the call of the Chair. Minister of the United Kingdom of ture you have not just believed in but During the recess, beginning at 10:49 Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a future you have built with your own a.m., the following proceedings were into the House Chamber: hands. had: The Senator from Nevada (Mr. REID); On the 20th of January, you, the The Senator from Illinois (Mr. DUR- American people, wrote the latest f BIN); chapter in the American story, with a JOINT MEETING TO HEAR AN AD- The Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. transition of dignity, in which both DRESS BY THE RIGHT HONOR- KERRY); sides of the aisle should take great ABLE GORDON BROWN, PRIME The Senator from Connecticut (Mr. pride. And on that day, billions of peo- MINISTER OF THE UNITED KING- DODD); ple truly looked to Washington, D.C., DOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND The Senator from Wisconsin (Mr. as a shining city upon the hill, lighting NORTHERN IRELAND FEINGOLD); up the whole of the world. The Speaker of the House presided. The Senator from California (Mrs. Let me thank President Obama for The Majority Floor Services Chief, BOXER); his leadership, for his friendship and Mr. Barry Sullivan, announced the The Senator from Maryland (Mr. for giving the whole world renewed Vice President and Members of the CARDIN); hope in itself. U.S. Senate who entered the Hall of the The Senator from Virginia (Mr. And I know you will allow me to sin- House of Representatives, the Vice WEBB); gle out for special mention today one President taking the chair at the right The Senator from New Hampshire of your most distinguished Senators, of the Speaker, and the Members of the (Mrs. SHAHEEN); known in every continent and a great Senate the seats reserved for them. The Senator from Delaware (Mr. friend. Northern Ireland today is at The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints KAUFMAN); peace, more Americans have health as members of the committee on the The Senator from Kentucky (Mr. care, children around the world are part of the House to escort the Right MCCONNELL); going to school, and for all those Honorable Gordon Brown, Prime Min- The Senator from Arizona (Mr. KYL); things, we owe a great debt to the life ister of the United Kingdom of Great The Senator from Indiana (Mr. and courage of Senator EDWARD KEN- Britain and Northern Ireland, into the LUGAR); NEDY. Chamber: The Senator from Tennessee (Mr. Today, having talked to him last The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. CORKER); night, I want to announce, awarded by HOYER); The Senator from Georgia (Mr. Her Majesty the Queen on behalf of the The gentleman from South Carolina ISAKSON); British people, an honorary knighthood (Mr. CLYBURN); The Senator from Idaho (Mr. RISCH); for Sir EDWARD KENNEDY. The gentleman from Connecticut The Senator from Wyoming (Mr. Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, (Mr. LARSON); BARRASSO); and I come in friendship to renew, for new The gentleman from California (Mr. The Senator from Mississippi (Mr. times, our special relationship that is BECERRA); WICKER). founded on our shared history, our The gentlewoman from Connecticut The Majority Floor Services Chief shared values and, I believe, our shared (Ms.
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