August 19, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 23285 The Women's Pre-Qualification Pilot Loan has received a technical assistance grant ORDERS FOR MONDAY, AUGUST 22, Program is designed to streamline the appli- from the American Indian Consultants, Inc., 1994 cation process and provide a quick response U.S. Department of Commerce, to provide to a non-profit intermediary for loan re- marketing services for Santa Fe Coat Com- Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, on quests of $250,000 or less to women owned pany. behalf of the majority leader, I ask (51% or more) and managed businesses. It fo- Santa Fe Coat Company is an American In- unanimous consent that on Monday, cuses on the character. credit, experience dian owned apparel design, manufacturing following the prayer, the Journal of and reliability of the applicants. "During the and wholesaling business, located at Isleta proceedings be deemed approved to first few weeks that the pilot program has Pueblo, a village that lies 23 miles south of date and the time for the two leaders been in place our office has had many inquir- Albuquerque. New Mexico. Santa Fe Coat ies," Dowell states. "We hope to approve ad- reserved for their use later in the day; Company specializes in American Indian cus- that immediately thereafter, the Sen- ditional loans through this program and our tom designed women's coats, and its concept existing 7(a) guaranteed loan programs in is to produce Indian designed clothing from ate resume consideration of S. 2351, the the near future." drawing room to the finished product. Health Security Act. Under this SBA program, a women works The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The collection is comprised of natural fi- with a participating non-profit intermediary objection, it is so ordered. agency. These intermediaries assist the busi- bers, such as luxurious wool, cotton and high nesswoman complete a loan application after grades of leathers. Each garment is com- a complete analysis of the business owner's plimented with Indian silver buttons. This upscale contemporary fall collection has the business plan and loan proposal is made to RECESS UNTIL 10 A.M. MONDAY determine if client meets the SBA's loan cri- elements of the American Indian influence teria. The intermediary submits client's loan and accents. This means that colors, sym- Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, if application to SBA. The loan application is bols, leather, fringe and Indian buttons are there is no further business to come be- reviewed by SBA and if eligibility criteria the focal points of the collection and Ferrara fore the Senate today,I now ask unani- and requirements are met, SBA issues the has the education and experience in apparel, mous consent that the Senate stand in client a "pre-qualification letter" stating design, manufacturing and wholesaling. that SBA is willing to guarantee this loan recess as previously ordered. Debuting as a "limited edition", the dinner There being no objection, the Senate, request. The client can then take her loan coats, shawl coats, car coats and three but- packet which includes the SBA pre-qualifica- ton vests are manufactured at Isleta Pueblo. at 7:33 p.m., recessed until Monday, Au- tion letter, business plan and loan proposal Each of these garments are reversible, giving gust 22, 1994, at 10 a.m. to a commercial bank of her choice for sub- the consumer two beautiful designs. Gar- mission to SBA. New Mexico non-profit ment tags are tied to a corn husk bow and intermediaries participating with SBA on are placed on the front of the coat and fea- the Women's Pre-Qualification Loan Pro- tures a storyline of the Native American In- NOMINATIONS gram include the 17 New Mexico Small Busi- dians of Isleta Pueblo. Santa Fe Coat Com- Executive nominations received by ness Development Centers, New Mexico Na- pany manufacturers in pueblo because the the Senate August 19, 1994: tive American Business Development Center, Pueblo has produced creative and high qual- Enhancement Certified Development Com- ity designs for generations such as pottery, FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION pany, Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Com- jewelry and textiles. Santa Fe Coat Company MARSHA P. MARTIN. OF TEXAS. TO BE A MEMBER OF merce and the Women's Economic Self-Suffi- wishes to continue that tradition and herit- THE FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION BOARD. FARM ciency Team (WESSTCorp). CREDIT ADMINISTRATION, FOR THE TERM EXPIRING OC- age developed over the generations by pro- TOBER 13.2000. VICE BILLY ROSS BROWN.TERM EXPIR- Jeanette Ferrara, owner of Santa Fe Coat ducing a more contemporary, yet timeless ING. Company, submitted her loan application to line of coats. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SBA through the New Mexico Native Amer- ican Business Development Center, one of Looking towards the immediate future, PAUL G. KAMINSKI. OF VIRGINIA, TO BE UNDER SEC- Santa Fe Coat Company intends to produce RETARY OF DEFENSE FOR ACQUISITION AND TECH- the non-profit intermediaries participating NOLOGY.VICE JOHN M.DEUTCH. in this SBA program as a loan packager. In other types of upscale clothing apparel. Ms. addition to the loan through First Security Ferrara may be reached by writing to Santa IN THE ARMY Bank Jeanette Ferrara received an Indian Fe Coat Company, P.O. Box 338, Isleta, New THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT Mexico 87022. TO THE GRADE OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL WHILE AS- Business Development Grant from the Bu- SIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND RESPON- reau of Indian Affairs to start her business. Additional information on the SBA pro- SIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10. UNITED STATES CODE. SEC- The Bureau of Indian Affairs makes avail- grams and services can be obtained by con- TION 601(A): able to eligible tribal members the develop- tacting the New Mexico SBA Office at 625 To be lieutenantgeneral ment capital needed to finance projects on Silver Avenue, SW, Suite 320, Albuquerque. MAJ. GEN. THOMAS M. MONTGOMERY,000-00-0000. U.S. Indian reservations. In addition Ms. Ferrara New Mexcio 87102.. ARMY. 23286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE August 19,1994 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, August 19, 1994 The House met at 10 a.m. minute and to revise and extend his re- For example, the last time I checked, The Chaplain, James David Ford, marks.) fraud was still considered a crime. And D.D., offered the following prayer: Mr. SKAGGS. Mr. Speaker, as Mem- yet the leadership is on the verge of With all about that needs to be done bers of this House talk about how to perpetuating not just a fraud, but at and all the tasks that cry for attention get the crime bill to pass, and consider least an $8 billion fraud on the tax- and all the petitions that rise from our taking the assault-weapons ban out of payers. hearts, above all this, O gracious God, it, I would like to talk about Dion, Ty, Actually, when you consider that we pause for this moment of gratitude and Aaron. those taxpayers pay our salaries, it and praise. You have created us, You Last fall, these three students from could almost be considered embezzle- have redeemed us and show us the way, Ranum High School in Westminster, ment. You have comforted us by Your spirit. CO, were driving home. Not doing any- How else can you describe a bill that This day we ask for nothing and give thing wrong. By all accounts, they are purports to put 100,000 new cops on the thanks for everything. Almighty God, fine, young men, all members of the street but barely funds 20,000? Or a bill for all Your gifts of life and love, we school band. that claims to crack down on violent offer this prayer of thanksgiving. That night, as they were driving criminals, but actually eliminates Amen. home, two other young people opened mandatory sentences for criminals who fire on their car. use guns? Here is the granddaddy of them all- THE JOURNAL Luckily, none of the three was killed. But Dion was hit five times, Ty twice, they call this a crime bill, but it would The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- and Aaron once. hire two new social workers for every ined the Journal of the last day's pro- They were all shot, and shot so many policeman. Does anybody outside the ceedings and announces to the House times because the person shooting at tiny circle of the Democratic leader- his approval thereof. them was using an AK-47. ship actually think America's prolblems Pursuant to clause 1,rule I, the Jour- is that we need more social workers nal stands approved. That is an assault weapon designed by Communists for their armies. Its than cops? purpose is to kill lots of people, quick- This bill is a fraud, Mr. Speaker, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ly. It comes with a detachable 30-round plain and simple. And the American people are not fooled. The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- magazine-but if that is not enough, woman from Georgia [Ms. McKINNEY] you can always buy one with 150 please lead the House in the Pledge of rounds. It fires more than 100 bullets a GENERAL AVIATION REVITALIZA- Allegiance. minute. TION ACT IS THE FIRST STEP Ms. McKINNEY led the Pledge of Al- As a former Marine, I can tell you- (Mr. GLICKMAN asked and was given legiance as follows: that is a lot of firepower. What in the permission to address the House for 1 I pledge allegiance to the Flag ACT of the world is a weapon like this doing on minute and to revise and extend his re- United States of America and to the Repub- the streets of Westminster, CO, where marks.) lic for which it stands, one nation under God, it can be used against Dion, Ty, and Mr.
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