SA Scout VOLUME 7 | ISSUE 01 | MARCH 2013 | THE PUBLicatiON OF THE SCOUT ASSOciatiON OF AUSTRALIA (SA BRANch) From the From the Chief Commissioner Chief Executive Officer We are very fortunate that our Branch is assisting ‘operational Scouting’ at Government and although we can always in such a sound structural and financial our Activity Sections and our Scout do better, our Branch heads the nation in Heading for shape that we can support the Movement Groups. so many areas of Scouting. in so many ways. Over the last number of • adventure years, we have been delighted to be able • The assistance of $50 000 to pur- We enjoy this position because of our to grow our organisation, to the position chase a new GLIDER for the Scout raft of very talented staff and senior Just before Christmas I went to the where we have been able to deliver over Gliding Club at Blanchetown. This volunteers. Obviously past decision- airport to farewell three nervously excited $5 million in support of our ‘Youth Capital new Glider was purchased with the making, the many kind-hearted people Venturer Scouts who were heading off to Projects’. Over the last year alone we help of the Ken Maguire Fund and and the strategic outlook of the BEC, have either Denmark or the United Kingdom as have been able to support Scouting with by the Club taking a loan for the come together to place us in the very best part of the Scouts International Student over remainder of the amount to $75 000. position to grow our organization. Thank Exchange Program – SISEP. These young $450 000 in the following ways: The new Glider greatly enhances our you to all that have contributed to this Venturers were about to experience six • ability to provide Gliding to pas- success over the last 100 years and thank weeks of living with a host family and • A $50 000 distribution towards sengers who have special access you to those who will lead us through the participating in Scouting in that part of the Leader development and assistance requirements ~ who have missed out next 100 years. world. On their return it was very evident to Leaders across the State. This on the opportunity before. • that they had had the time of their life. allocation is being spent in the ‘Lead- The benefits of Scouting to both You will hear more about their experiences er Support’ area of Branch HQ on • The sum of $25 000 to ‘reach out’ to individuals and the global community Scouting in our Region. The com- are immeasurable and it is indeed our soon as they gather their thoughts and sights to be seen and the presentation of Today I would like to ask you all to programs designed to help Leaders mencement of a possible strategic aim to share the Scouting opportunity come round to encourage others to try a Hall is just one of the important aspects walk through every room of your Scout deliver the Scout program even bet- relationship and cross-benefit for our with as many youth as possible. Our this exciting Scouting adventure. that can contribute to the retention of buildings. Look with fresh eyes and ensure ter and with less work. This money Youth Members and our volunteers leadership team will continue to seek out people walking through the door. everything you see is acceptable to be will also help in the development of It was not long and I was back at the with Scouting in Fiji. opportunities that help grow Scouting in the presence of our Scouting Youth better volunteer-support systems at airport to farewell the first load of Troops Recently items that should not have been in South Australia and beyond. We will Members. Keep a watch for graffiti and the HQ. • A $50 000 allocation to support catching flights to the Australian Jamboree present in a Hall came to light and some seek the best external advice available please remove and destroy items that ‘Woodhouse’ (our magnificent camp- AJ2013 in Queensland. Wow, you all Leaders have now been suspended. I • The sum of $25 000 to support the to enable our Board to make the best should not be viewable in your Scouting ing and accommodation centre in the looked fantastic in your State Contingent would like to refer you to the Scouts identification of, and the further de- strategic decisions in the best interest of physical environment. Adelaide Hills). shirts and you behaved impeccably. Australia Policy and Rules 2008 edition, velopment of our most talented vol- Scouting. We will lead from the front. Congratulations to Brenton Whittenbury P7.1 – the Definition of Duty of Care. I continue to thoroughly enjoy receiving unteers to ‘position’ them for senior • Disbursements to a total of $70 000 We will continue to Do Our Best to be the and his team for the magnificent invitations to attend events at your roles within our Organisation. This to Roonka and Mt Gambier Scouts best Scouting organisation we can be, just organisation at the booking-in terminals. ‘The Association has a Duty of Care to all Scouting functions. It is such a thrill is a Strategic allocation to a long- to assist in flood recovery and Scout as we encourage our youth to do their The Jamboree went very well and I look members of the Movement and their par- to see Scouts and Leaders presenting, term strategy designed to incentivise, best. Group relocation respectively. • forward to reading the reports as we now ents/guardians to provide a safe environ- participating and proudly parading as retain and reward our best. • We are very fortunate to be able to do look towards preparing for our next major ment that protects members to the best of Members of our Association. At 1st Gawler ... and we still have the cheapest • An allocation of $35 000 to promote all of this, but as our Founder would like event in Adelaide. All the Scouts at AJ2013 its ability from physical or emotional harm. I was honoured to invest many youth and membership fees (they still will be - even th the benefits of the Leadership quali- to hear us say, we are preparing for the are eligible to attend the 16 Australian also some Leaders. By the time this is in if we lift them marginally this budget The Association shall ensure when recruit- ties that are developed and gained future, so that many more thousands Venture AV2015. It will be ‘Heaps Good’. print many of you would have celebrated round), the cheapest camping fees, the ing and managing leaders and other through joining Scouts. Our recent of young people can too, enjoy the fun, Check out the website www.av2015. the opening of your new District. I am best membership/information systems persons in control of, or in contact with, television commercials showing a learning, challenge and adventure that scouts.com.au to lodge an application. sure it was a huge success and I wish and the best ‘back-office’ support in young people that this duty is exercised. Fireman and a Doctor endorsing the results in the life long benefits Scouting you well while you get to know your new the Country. We have also purchased Scout Hall a mark of care ‘Join Scouts’ campaign have proven a plethora of ‘youth capital’ items such provides. All leaders are accountable to exercise this friends and renew old acquaintances. to be very important tools in growing as Gliders, Climbing Towers, Radio duty on behalf of the Association at all I am privileged and excited to have the our brand-awareness and indeed, in Equipment, Sound Equipment, Land Dan Ryan times.’ Your chance to be amazed opportunity to visit many Scout Halls our recruitment levels from year to Yachts, Boat Ramps, Safety Equipment, Chief Executive Officer around the State. There are some amazing year. Scouts SA Recently I visited the Scout Archive First Aid Kits and more. We have Activity Centre at Henley Beach and I • The granting of a total of $98 000 to innovative, relevant and contemporary invite you to arrange a visit with your many building and Scout Hall projects marketing and advertising campaigns, 1st Section or ask for a visit to your meeting. across South Australia ~ directly class policies and procedures, the best Contents There are some magnificent items in the relationships with the private sector and care of our Archive Centre and you will be From the Chief Commissioner 2 amazed. Perhaps you are seeking some history on your Group, District or an event From the CEO 3 from the past? Contact the Archive Activity Branch 4 Centre Branch Commissioner Tony Aldous International 6 via [email protected] or Joey’s Pouch 19 08 8261 9001. Cub Scout Happenings 22 Chris Bates Scouting About 24 Chief Commissioner Venturing On 27 Scouts SA Rover Ravings 30 2013 Branch Calendar 34 PAGE 2 | march 13 | SA SCOUT SA SCOUT | march 13| PAGE 3 Branch compulsory child protection police checks 02 9413 1133. Our MC for the day was the entertaining Royal in every state and territory, has compulsory Rain couldn’t Wayne ‘Flipper’ Phillips, and the Grange SA SCOUT leader training for all adult supervisors on Further updates and information on the Golf Club’s in–house golf professional, SA Scout is published quarterly the child protection policies and procedures Royal Commission can be found on the Warren Mercer, provided his expertise and on behalf of Scouts Australia (SA Commission and reinforces procedures for how Scouts National Scout website www.scouts.com.
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