TRITA-ETS-2004-04 ISSN 1650-674x ISRN KTH/R 0404-SE ISBN 91-7283-803-5 A PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR FOR AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE - DESIGN ANALYSIS Yung-kang Chin Stockholm 2004 ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND POWER ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SWEDEN Submitted to the School of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Engineering Physics, KTH, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Technical Licentiate. Copyright © Yung-kang Chin, Sweden, 2004 Printed in Sweden Universitetsservice US AB TRITA-ETS-2004-04 ISSN 1650-674x ISRN KTH/R 0404-SE ISBN 91-7283-803-5 PPrreeffaaccee This technical licentiate thesis deals with the design analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous motor for an electric vehicle. A thesis is a report that conveys the used theoretical approach and the experimental results on a specific problem in a specific area. A thesis could also develop a purely theoretical approach to a topic. It is my aim as the author to present these findings and theoretical approaches clearly and effectively with this concise report. Never Say Never! This is the phrase I have always referred to and it even appears on my screensaver. When I started my doctoral study at KTH, my plan was to write my doctoral dissertation directly without taking the licentiate examination. Well, as I am now writing the preface of my licentiate thesis, my thought has obviously changed through out the duration of the project work. A good friend of mine, who has a PhD degree in Physics himself, once told me that working on a doctoral degree is just like walking through a long dark tunnel. The light is gradually diminished as you enter the tunnel and the time you finally get a glimpse of the light again is when you almost reach the other side. Not surprisingly, it is often that one feels he/she is complete lost. I, personally, was experiencing this miserable feeling during the stretch. I am glad that I can use this licentiate thesis to summarize on how much I have progressed thus far and to benchmark where I am going. Just like a candle light in the middle of the darkness, my spirit is rejuvenated. I am truly grateful to those who assist me in lighting many small but necessary candles along the way. Indeed, 1% of aspiration and 99% of inspirations. i AAbbssttrraacctt This thesis presents the study and the design analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) for the traction application of an electric vehicle. An existing induction traction motor for an electric forklift benchmarks the expected performances of the proposed PMSM design. Further, the possibility of using the identical stator as the one used in the induction motor is explored for the fast prototyping. The prototype motor is expected to be field-weakened and to have a constant power speed range (CPSR) of 2.5 to 3. A design approach based on the CPSR contour plot in an interior permanent magnet (IPM) parameter plane is derived to obtain the possible designs that meet all the design specifications and the targeted CPSR. This study provides the possible alternative designs for the subsequent future prototype motors. An analytical approach to estimate the iron loss in PM synchronous machines is developed and included in the design procedure. The proposed technique is based on predicting the flux density waveforms in the various regions of the machine. The model can be applied at any specified load condition, including the field-weakening operation region. This model can be ultimately embedded in the design process for a routine use in loss estimations. The first prototype motor with an inset permanent magnet rotor has been built and the available measurements are used to validate the design performance. In particular, the thermal analyses based both on the lumped-circuit approach and the numerical method are compared with the measured results. A second and possibly a third prototype motor targeting a wider and higher performance will be carried out in the continuing phase of the project. Keywords: Constant Power Speed Range, Electric Vehicles, Field-weakening, Reference Flux Linkage, Iron Loss, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, Thermal Analysis iii AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeennttss To my project leader at PMD, Dr. Juliette Soulard, for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. To my supervisor, Prof. Chandur Sadarangani, for his guidance and impressive broad vision during this thesis work. To Dr. Öystein Krogen, from Danaher Motion in Flen, for his support and encouragement throughout the thesis work. To Tech. Lic. Lars Lindberg, Mr. Thord Nilson, Tech. Lic. Anders Lindberg, from Danaher Motion in Stockholm, your invaluable assistances in helping me to solve various difficulties are greatly appreciated. To Axel, Corney, Sarah, from Danaher Motion in Flen, I will never forget your friendly attitude in guiding me throughout the time I spent in Flen for the measurements. I am truly grateful for your friendship. To Prof. J.F. Gieras, my former mentor from University of Cape Town, for introducing me to the field of electrical machines and giving me many words of wisdom for life. To Dr. D.A. Staton, from the Motor Design Ltd, for your friendship and the remarkable work you have done in our cooperation. v To Florence, my dear office-mate at EME, for having faith in me no matter how unwise I can be sometimes. You are wonderful. To Dr. Peter Thelin, the project leader at 4QT group at EME, for listening to my whining every time I hit the rock bottom. The EVS20 was my most enjoyable conference by far. To Tech. Lic. Mats Leksell, for being both a teacher and a friend to me ever since I first arrived at ETS in 1999. To Dr. W.A. Arshad, from ABB corporate research in Västerås, for being my mentor when I started at EME. Your work ethic is something I am still learning from. To Sylvain, my fellow PhD student at EME, for simply being yourself and a really good friend to me since the “Red Bull Challenge” in 2000. Let’s make this summer another blast. To Maddalena, Juan, Ruslan and Stefan, the gang, for all the joyful time we had together. You guys are truly the best. To Erik, my training buddy, I seriously don’t know what I should thank you for. Well, as long as you and I know about it, who cares! To Lilantha, my former office-mate, for having many meaningful conversations and sharing those common thoughts together. To Stephan, the ex ex-jobber at EME, for his splendid contribution to this project, but more importantly, for organizing those fantastic parties. To Freddy, the smartest Norwegian at EME, for helping me to look at problems from a different angle with your sometimes annoying but proof-to-be right questions. To Peter, the system administrator at ETS, for patiently assisting me to solve any computer issue whenever it is needed. To the entire staff member at EME, for making EME the best place to study at. vi To Marcus, Eva, Jonas, Robert, Anna, Sofia, Disala, Erica, Lisa, Patrik, Helena, Benedicte, Sarah, Germun, Tommie, Patrik, Cecilia, Jens, Roger, for your friendship. To my parents and families, for giving me your endless love throughout. I love you all! Finally, last but not least, to Joanna, my full time girlfriend for so many years, for many years of encouragement and understanding. Yung-kang Chin Stockholm Spring 2004 vii CCoonntteennttss Preface i Abstract iii Acknowledgements v Table of Contents ix List of Illustrations xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective of the Project 2 1.3 Objective of the Thesis 2 1.4 List of Publications 2 1.5 Thesis Outline 6 2 Field-Weakening Operation of PM Motors 7 2.1 Principle of Field-Weakening Operation 7 2.2 Field-weakening Operation of Permanent Magnet Motors 8 2.3 Reviewed Literatures 9 2.4 Influences of Parameters on Field-weakening Performances 11 2.5 IPM Parameter Plane 12 ix 2.6 Summary 16 3 Design Procedure 17 3.1 Design Specifications and Given Information 17 3.2 Design Procedure 20 3.2.1 Variable Parameters 20 3.2.2 Reference Flux Linkage (RFL) 20 3.2.3 Example on Obtaining a Possible Design for a Specific CPSR 25 3.2.4 On the Magnet Coverage 29 3.3 Investigations on Different Design Solutions 31 3.3.1 Designs with a Targeted CPSR of 2 or 3 31 3.4 Summary 34 4 Analytical Iron Loss Model 35 4.1 Iron Loss in PM Motors 35 4.2 Reviewed Literatures 36 4.3 Strategy 37 4.4 Analytical Model Developed 38 4.4.1 Flux Density Waveform 38 4.4.2 Calculation of Stator Iron Losses 44 4.5 Summary and Further Improvement 48 5 Prototype Motor and Measurements 49 5.1 Prototype Motor 49 5.2 Measurements 51 5.2.1 Induced back EMF 51 5.2.2 Inductances in d- and q- axis direction 53 5.2.3 Thermal Analysis 56 Lumped-circuit approach and numerical analysis 56 Measurements 59 5.3 Summary 65 x 6 Conclusions and Future Work 67 References 71 Glossary of Symbols, Subscripts and Acronyms 75 Appendix A. Leakage Inductance Approximations 79 B. Per-unit System 81 Paper I Modeling of Iron Losses in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with Field-weakening Capability for Electric Vehicles 85 Errata on Paper II 97 Paper II A Theoretical Study on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors for Electric Vehicles 99 Paper III Thermal Analysis – Lumped-Circuit Model and Finite Element Analysis 107 Errata on Paper IV 115 Paper IV A Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Traction Applications of Electric Vehicles 117 Paper V Thermal Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Traction Motor 127 xi LLiisstt ooff IIlllluussttrraattiioonnss Figures Chapter 2 Figure 2.1 Ideal field-weakening characteristics: (a) Torque characteristics; (b) Power versus speed curve.
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