<p>Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document 5002B NEW STANDARD: SPECIFICATION FOR EDA COMMON METADATA</p><p>Notice: This background statement is not part of the balloted item. It is provided solely to assist the recipient in reaching an informed decision based on the rationale of the activity that preceded the creation of this Document.</p><p>Notice: Recipients of this Document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patented technology or copyrighted items of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. In this context, “patented technology” is defined as technology for which a patent has issued or has been applied for. In the latter case, only publicly available information on the contents of the patent application is to be provided.</p><p>What is the problem being solved? The Equipment Data Acquisition (EDA) standards (SEMI E125, E134, and supporting standards) have entered a second freeze, based on the 0710 standards release, in preparation for widespread commercial use. The equipment metadata specified by SEMI E125 plays an important role in allowing the factory client to largely self-configure in support of rapid deployment and on-the-fly adjustment of data collection. Experience from initial EDA implementation showed that more direction is needed to attain the consistency of metadata definitions needed to optimize the data collection management process in a factory. SEMI E120 provides the basic building blocks to model the equipment structure in metadata. SEMI E125 adds the definitions of state machines, objects, parameters, and exceptions. These general requirements provide a solid basis for metadata definitions. However, experience shows that much of the metadata model's concepts are already covered in other SEMI standards. This includes those most typically used for 300 mm process equipment. A consistent rendering of ProcessJobs, Substrates, Load Ports, and other such concepts specified in these standards would make the job of the EDA clients simpler. A standard definition of these concepts acceptable to all users would also make the job of the equipment-side implementer much easier. EDA standards E125 and E120 define the structure and format of the metadata. What is needed is a specification that provides a definition of the metadata content commonly found on most equipment. This document proposes a new specification for that purpose. This specification does not conflict with SEMI E125. This means that an implementation can conform to both SEMI E125 and this specification. This specification is expected to be synchronized with SEMI E125 so that if and when SEMI E125 changes, this specification will be changed to accommodate it.</p><p>What is the history of this issue and ballot? This subject was first addressed by publicly available ISMI-published guidance and sample metadata. This material was refined through public input and various ISMI activities. The resulting content was brought into the SEMI standards process to undergo the global consensus process for the purpose of creating a specification acceptable to all. This is the third time this document has been balloted. It has undergone close scrutiny by standards members in multiple regions.</p><p>Who will this affect? How? Why? This document will affect implementers and users of the 0710 version of EDA. All known EDA implementations to date are of the 1105 version. The industry is expected to transition to 0710 EDA beginning in 2012, a process that had begun. This specification is timely and if approved promptly, will aid this transition. Many implementers are already aware of the ISMI version of EDA Common Metadata and are using it to influence their current work. Is this a change to an existing solution, or, is it a new activity? This is a new activity that is related the existing E125 Equipment Self-Description specification.</p><p>Revision Control This revision control records activity within the task force as well as formal submit and resubmit dates and results per SEMI. Entries have been made by the task force. Date Version Name Edits 1/11/2012 2.1 Lance Rist First draft of 5002B for DDA TF review. Issues addressed noted in issues list at top. 1/17/2012 2.2 Lance Rist Second draft of 5002B for DDA TF review. Updated XML files included with this draft. Issues addressed noted in issues list at top. 1/24/2012 2.3 Lance Rist Third draft of 5002B for DDA TF review. Incorporated new I&C- Japan inputs and feedback from telecons on 1/19. 1/30/2012 2.4 Lance Rist Fourth draft of 5002B for DDA TF review. Most issues resolved. 2/2/2012 2.5 Lance Rist Fifth draft of 5002B. This version was approved for Cycle 2 ballot by the DDA TF pending final edits. 2/3/2012 3.0 Lance Rist Sixth draft of 5002B. This version includes the final edits and modifications approved by the DDA TF.</p><p>A Note on Requirements ID’s Requirements ID’s are included in the proposed new standard by direction of the North America Information & Control Committee. The Requirements Identification section of the conventions, ¶6.1 describes how these are delimited. All requirements are clearly marked. No other text should be considered a requirement. Sections near a requirement may provide examples or other supporting text that can help with interpreting the requirement. Note that the word “should” is used in some non-requirements text and it denotes a recommendation or a suggestion, not a requirement. The authors of this proposal have suggested requirement id numbers, but the final assignment will be made by SEMI. Corrections to the requirement numbers are considered editorial by agreement of the Information & Control Committee.</p><p>Review and Adjudication Information Task Force Review Committee Adjudication Group: Diagnostic Data Acquisition Task Force North America I&C Committee Date: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 Wednesday, April 4, 2012 Time & Timezone: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Pacific Time 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Pacific Time Location: SEMI Headquarters SEMI Headquarters City, State/Country: San Jose, California San Jose, California Leader(s): Gino Crispieri (ISMI) Jack Ghiselli (Ghiselli Consulting) Brian Rubow (Cimetrix) David Bricker (Applied Materials) Lance Rist (RistTex) Standards Staff: Paul Trio (SEMI NA) Paul Trio (SEMI NA) 408.943.7041 /[email protected] 408.943.7041 / [email protected] This meeting’s details are subject to change, and additional review sessions may be scheduled if necessary. Contact Standards staff for confirmation. Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and Standards staff.Standards contact please meetingsin to wouldlike attend but to these by beperson telephone/web, participate not able you the willmeetingdate partiesIf web interested approaches. be to as information distributed and Telephone emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Page jn l jn 3 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and APPENDIX1 Standards9.3 Content Requirements Metadata9.2 General Requirements REQUIREMENTS 9 8.1 PREREQUISITES 8 COMMON METADATAOVERVIEW7 Listings6.2 Parameter 6.1 CONVENTIONS 6 5.2 5.1 TERMINOLOGY 5 4.1 DOCUMENTSREFERENCED AND 4 STANDARDS LIMITATIONS 3 SCOPE 2 PURPOSE 1 COMMONSTANDARD: FORMETADATASPECIFICATION EDA NEW Draft Document SEMI 5002B emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 Self- Equipment for Specification E125 SEMI Description. on based metadata equipment of conventions and representations 1.1 1 2 RELATED INFORMATION 1 RELATED INFORMATION APPENDIX2 Scope Purpose Required Standards Required Requirements Identification Definitions Abbreviations and Acronyms SEMI Standards This specification applies only to production equipment that act onsubstrates. production act appliesto equipmentthat specification only This onSEMI based and equipmentmetadata SEMIE120-0310. defines E125-0710 specification This of scope this includes:The specification common defining by implementations among commonality promote to is specification this of purpose The ...... in 300 mm semiconductor 300mm in factories standards, communication SEMI selected those widely representation used including metadata of The of equipmentmetadata defining elements specific for Common approaches ...... Table ofContents Page ...... jn l jn 4 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT 79 74 63 40 13 6 6 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 6 6 4 3 3 2 2</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and SEMI E116 SEMI E94 SEMI E90 SEMI E87 SEMI E40 SEMI E39 SEMI E30 4.1 4 3.2.2 Privileges exist specifications. SEMI or data. accessspecific by limit other to may grant that limitations. 3.2.1 may exist. 3.2 data associated be wouldnot its required.implemented, 3.1.1 3.1 3 and practices, health and safety other ofprior thelimitations use. applicability regulatoryor to determine appropriate establish to Documents the of users the of responsibility the is It use. NOTICE: emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This standards these that reference. those specifications XML/SOAP 5.1.1 5.1 5 NOTICE: SEMI E157 SEMI E148 SEMI E145 SEMI E138 SEMI E134 SEMI E132 SEMI E128 SEMI E125 SEMI E120 Referenced Standards Referenced Documents and Limitations Terminology SEMI Standards SEMI security data for mechanism A collection. data related is that issue known a is protection property Intellectual SEMIcommunicationstandards. selected data representations for metadata from defines specification This Acronyms andAbbreviations Acronyms Data security and intellectual property protection mechanisms scopethis arebeyond andprotection specification. of intellectualproperty the security Data user-controlled to subject be may metadata equipment’s an in specified items the to access client’s EDA An not is standard aIf equipment. in implemented be standards those require to intended not is specification This EDA Client-by-client data access limitations are not within the scope this within accessarenot document. limitations of Client-by-client the data and suppliers equipment by Privileges of definition the for provides (Section E132-0310 SEMI — Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, Services —Object Unless otherwise indicated, all documents cited shall be theversions. latestpublished otherwise documents all cited be shall Unless indicated, their with associated issues safety all address to purport not do Guidelines Safety and Standards SEMI qimn aa Aqiiin — Rfr o te cleto f SM tnad ht dfn the define that standards SEMI of collection the to Refers — Acquisition Data Equipment — — Specification for Control for JobManagement— Specification Substrate Tracking for — Specification (CMS) Carrier Management for — Specification for Management— Standard Processing Communications of Modeland for (GEM) Manufacturing Control Equipment — Generic — TimeSynchronization Object the for TS-Clock and— Specification Definition of Symbols MeasurementXML Unit in for — Classification Semiconductor Common Components — XML (DCM) Data Management for Collection — Specification EquipmentAuthentication and for Authorization Client — Specification XML MessageStructures for — Specification Equipment for Self-Description(EqSD)— Specification theModel Common(CEM) for Equipment — Specification Equipment for (EPT) Tracking Performance — Specification - based data collection interface and consists of SEMI E125, SEMI E132, SEMI E134, SEMI E120, and E120, SEMI E134, SEMI E132, SEMI E125, SEMI of consists and interface collection data based Specification for for Specification Module Process Tracking Page jn l jn 5 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and format notation of notation theprefix. requirements format 6.1.1 6.1 6 See locationdefinition. also the FIMS the equipment. 5.2.7 5.2.6 5.2.5 for atprocessing. the theload carrier port directly and from unloaded Substrates areloaded storage. carrier 5.2.4 or removed. inserted wafers the in represented be 5.2.3 to are which equipment the for behavior and of¶ the scope this within See specification. equipment metadata data of definitions containing standards of 5.2.2 AMHSPort).(e.g., form all-capitals the retain they included, are abbreviations When removed. are underscores and hyphens, spaces, 5.2.1 5.2 5.1.5 5.1.4 5.1.3 also includes manyhandler. cases,thea EFEM substrate In mechanisms. associated other and handlers, carrier locations, carrier ports, load encapsulates EFEM An equipment. 5.1.2 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table and white printouts) black /RQ .nn nnnnn RQ Esss.ss [ Esss.ss-RQ-nnnnn-nn</p><p>Conventions Requirements Identification Requirements Definitions Format Notation Format The following notation specifies the structure of requirement identifiers. requirement notation following theof structure The specifies location undocked equipment buffer internal bufferinternal equipment buffer fixed location FIMS standards content camelcase Unique ISO/IEC11578. Identifier —Definedin —Universally uuid identifier onuuid. IdentifierE120Nameable —SEMI instance based Uid —Unique Mechanical Standard. —Front-OpeningFIMS Interface EFEM 1 Requirement Identifiers Requirement Requirements in the body text are highlighted with a border and light green background (may appear gray in gray appear background (may green light border and awith highlighted text are body the in Requirements used. is thesuffix thetext following requirement the end format of To mark See text. requirement of beginning the at used is format prefix requirements following The — Equipment Front-End Module — A hardware component that provides access for carriers to the to carriers for access provides that component hardware A — Module Front-End Equipment — [/RQ] [ Esss.ss — the practice of writing compound words or phrases in which each word is capitalized and all and capitalized is word each which in phrases or words compound writing of practice the — — a set of locations within the equipment to store carriers. within locations load ports. —alocationsexclude store the setequipmentto These of — the "docked" position of a FOUP at a Load Port where the FOUP may be opened and opened be may FOUP the where Port Load a at FOUP a of position "docked" the — -RQ- ] Requirement [/RQ] text. ] — for the purpose of this specification, the term term the specification, this of purpose the for — — the position of a FOUP at a load port where the FOUP may be loaded or unloaded from unloaded or loaded be may FOUP the where port load a at FOUP a of position the — nnnnn-nn Indicates the of requirementend a version a of requirement) Two-digit that number indicates level the version of requirement used the (.00 is for first SEMI. Unique number this five-digit within specification. are 90000-99999 reserved use for by Indicates is this a identifier. requirement SEMI specificationstandards identifier.E087.00, E134.00 Examples: E087.01, — production equipment that has only fixed load ports and no internal buffer for buffer internal no and ports load fixed only has that equipment production — — equipment that uses an internal buffer. uses —equipmentthat ] ] Page jn l jn 6 9.1 Purpose for a list of athe contentfor list standards. content standards content refers to the collection the to refers Document Document Number: Doc. Table 1 Table Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 for the for DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00xxx-00] Esss.ss-RQ-nnnnn-nn 6.1.3 Table is the samedone. mixingin typically inthetable not Intwo approaches formats. practice, twoalternative presented similar the body in text. suffix requirements to two. theline rows broken indicated is the byseparating a between blank. is this left case,the1cell requirements. 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Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table example. ofthe Parameter in each column Table contents of format the using tables in specified is Parameters to variables data the of mapping 6.2.1 The equipment. such to only 6.2 apply also requirements child any requirement. eachchild be not for restated need condition equipment, photolithography to only apply to stated is requirement parent a if example, For children. their to passed are these criteria, selection or conditions 6.1.4 a not requirement.best practice, the requirement. of Requirement ID Requirement Parameter Listings Parameter RequirementID Only text marked with the requirement identifier is a requirement of this specification. specification. isof requirement this theidentifier requirement with a marked Only text of aredelimitedtwoways. in one in Requirements tables Data variables from the content standards are represented in the equipment metadata as Parameters. 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There beshall no color the similar in panel. the position the leftmost in light The light typicallyblue is placed at Type N/S Table 3 Table See E999-0707, ¶4.3.5. Additional Detail Additional . . Document Document Number: Table 4 Table Doc. Explanation Date: explains the explains SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and Explanation Type SECS Variable isTransient Req EDA Parameter RequirementID specified as not required. Parameters listed as not required are typically included so that when the implementer the when that so included typically are required not as listed Parameters required. not as specified replicated generally are those here. conditions, specifies standard content the If it. requires always nearly specification this variable, the requires standard content the If standard. content the in variable that of specification the on based 6.2.2 Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 1 7.2 SEMIE125. as in defined format 7.1 7 specification, this in not SECSinterface, is it EDA.equipment’s required for requirement parent ultimate The equipment. RQ the by support E40 upon conditional also is PRJobState the Thus, condition. that inherits PRJobState E40. SEMI of equipment the by support upon conditional in example, For requirements. include theyconsistently. to them, are implemented chooses</p><p>This requirement is actually the parent of the parent requirement. Such conditions cascade to each succeeding inheritance level. inheritance each cascade level. parent actuallyrequirement. the parent succeeding requirement the Suchconditions to is of This Common Overview Common Metadata - 00002, also includes a condition that, in this example, means that if PRJobState is not included in the in included not is PRJobState if that means example, this in that, condition a includes also 00002, SEMI E125 specifies equipment self-description. The equipment describes itself using metadata in XML equipment using obtained is by fromservicesspecified SEMIE125: metadata seven the Equipment in metadata using itself describes equipment The self-description. equipment specifies E125 SEMI Column The column labeled Req shows whether a Parameter is required for isthis to shows conformance whetheraspecification. required labeledParameter column Req The 4 Parameter TableColumns Parameter oe ta aaees ta r eurd o odtoa r pcfe ihn te cnet o h parent the of context the within specified are conditional or required are that Parameters that Note is Parameter corresponding the standard, content the in required not explicitly is variable the Where generally is value Req the standard, content a from variable corresponding a upon based Parameters For GetTypeDefinitions GetExceptions GetStateMachines GetSEMIObjTypes GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions GetEquipmentStructure GetUnits content standard of variable.specification the Text conditionalexplaining requirements referencing and/or the Type SECS variable:of data these variables used SECS are corresponding in (e.g., for events). this This metadata Parameter. parameter used EDA is in wherever of The the name data or attributeSECS variable object represented by Value the of isTransient of Parameter:attribute the Whether the is Parameter required: associatedcontent standard. the Name of Parameter it as appears the metadata in filesXML the for Requirement identifier accordingdefined to ¶ N/S Not – Specified DVVAL Data – Value SV Status – Value Restricted. Unrestricted Transient C Conditional in – (required specified circumstances) N Not – Required Y Required – Table 9 Table , PRJobState is specified as required. A parent A required. as specified is PRJobState , Description Page jn l jn 8 6.1 1 requirement, RQ requirement, Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI - 00061, is 00061, 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9 9 8.1.1 8.1 8 the byfollowing directions versions be in Other can supported standards. content the of each of version one support files These metadata. equipment E125 into files content the of renderings 7.6 E90 SEMI and Ports), listed standards ¶ in of Each the(Substrates). content Load and (Carriers E87 SEMI (ProcessJobs), E40 SEMI as such standards communication in 7.5.2 specified is EventID the for format The report. event E134 ¶ SEMI each of part key a are EventIDs example, 7.5.1 of for the metadata. parts selected content specifies 7.5 not of Itcontent. does thespecify metadata. form 7.4 byreference. and type included definitions, exceptions, unitsmachines, separately aredefined and state objects, SEMI The component. equipment each to machines state and objects, SEMI exceptions, parameters, 7.3.1 one the in contents responseto theof metadata response. another from references 7.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This as Make,Model Supplier, andbe such can excluded, and are optional Other for Name elements Nameables. Uid and the includes This Standards. SEMI other from SEMIReticle andManagement. not here,suchPod standardsand as above others E109 include listed content taken elements models that content metadata all to apply section ¶ (see files metadata attached the in reflected are requirements These 9.2.1 9.2 9.1.1 separate a in addressed is standards content the of Each specification. are: content standards subsection. 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[/RQ] and and XML specifications associated schemas subordinate its this SEMIE125-0710 Conformance to and requiresconformance [Esss.00-RQ-00001-00] specification in the EDA Common Metadata.[/RQ] the EDA in Requirements Prerequisites Required StandardsRequired files additionthis containingthe thisactual thein also requirements includesIn to specification document, XML standard this implementations, metadata equipment among commonality desired the achieve to order In the on primarily focuses E120 SEMI standard, subordinate its and E125 SEMI in metadata of specification The many are There collection. data of purpose the for equipment the describe to combine responses seven The General MetadataRequirementsGeneral are that requirements contains part first The parts. two into divided are specification this in requirements The Note that the SEMI E125-0710 standard specifies conformance to SEMI E120-0310. SEMI to conformance theE125-0710 SEMI specifies that standard Note SEMI used commonly by defined concepts from draw requirements content metadata specific More For identifiers. certain of content the includes This content. general to relate requirements these of Part add EquipmentNodeDescriptions The definition. the for basis the provides structure equipment The In this section requirements are defined that apply generally to all applicable constructs within a metadata set. metadata a within constructs applicable all to generally apply that defined are requirements section this In 1.1 . SEMI E125 and E120 include a number of string elements. Some of the elements are required, for example for required, are elements the of Some elements. string of number a include E120 and E125 SEMI catalogs the requirements for this thefor requirements specification. catalogs SEMI E157 — Specification for Module Process for Tracking SEMI E157—Specification TimeSynchronization Object the for TS-Clock andSEMI E148—Specification Definitionof Equipment for (EPT) Tracking Performance SEMI E116—Specification Control for JobManagementSEMI E94—Specification Substrate Tracking for SEMI E90—Specification (CMS) Carrier Management for SEMI E87—Specification for ManagementSEMI E40—Standard Processing Communications of Modeland for (GEM) Manufacturing Control Equipment SEMI E30—Generic</p><p>9.1 Page are addressed in separate in subsections. areaddressed jn l jn 9 9.3 for more detail). Some requirements in this in requirements Some detail). more for 2 . This is. This further below. discussed Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and oue usse, IDvc, MtraLcto, ad Lgcllmn. Ec aebe i ikd t an to linked is Nameable Each LogicalElement. and MaterialLocation, EquipmentNodeDescription. IODevice, Subsystem, Module, discussion. See components. structural its to function equipment the relate should It accuracy. sacrificing without data the to accessibility and equipment the of understanding promotes model metadata the that important is It view. and data of sources as components its and point ofmodels should that a equipmentstructure the equipmentit of functional metadata from match The behavior. equipment the about information context static the provides structure 9.2.3 and behavior dynamic components provide thethat data. metadata to structure 9.2.2 equipment. equipment. metadata. throughin E134services, not areprovided because the theirSEMIObjTypes values accurate contain they that useful information. and important is it metadata, the in supplied are strings such When EquipmentElement. for emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This ¶ in discussed in ¶ objects object EPTTracker E116 SEMI the also and sections, following immediately the in discussed are which JobManager, and MaterialManager the include LogicalElements components. context. other need provide whenattributes to needed included, which, [/RQ] and "N/A", "None". [/RQ] "Unknown", "NA", donot that the beintentthe attribute, not orincluding shall zerolengthstrings values metadata satisfy of Unless elements string the SEMIE125orallows[Esss.00-RQ-00003-00] it,in SEMIE120explicitly included that can change independently from the main equipment control software. [/RQ] from theequipmentcontrol main changeindependently can that be shall software software.SoftwareModules any included components Additional for other equipment control Supplier forModel attributes. [/RQ] values the and ImmutableID accurate hasincluded that also Any shall have an EquipmentElement value [Esss.00-RQ-00006-00] the attribute. Supplier [/RQ] for value accurate also shall have Modelattribute value has that Any an a included EquipmentElement [Esss.00-RQ-00005-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00004-00] The metadata shall not describe optional Modules that donot Modules that describe optional not Theshall onthe exist equipment. metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00004-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00007-00] The equipment metadata shall contain a SoftwareModule to represent SoftwareModuleto the main contain Theshall a equipmentmetadata [Esss.00-RQ-00007-00] Equipment Structure EquipmentNodeDescription LogicalElement SoftwareModule EquipmentElement Nameable equipment The definition. structure equipment the create to how specifies standard E120 SEMI The equipment static the links It metadata. equipment the of heart the at is EquipmentNodeDescription The the on exist not do that IODevices and Subsystems optional describe not should metadata the cases, most In the of instance that on included components the only model to intended is metadata equipment’s An A LogicalElement defines a persistent, non-structural element in the equipment structure. Examples of Examples structure. equipment the in element non-structural persistent, a defines LogicalElement A software equipment the to changes identify help to used is attribute version SoftwareModule The elements some are there However, excluded. be to allowed are EquipmentElement for attributes Several Equipment, include Nameable of Types Nameable. of type a is structure equipment the in node Each and NodeDescriptions for defined Parameters of values the to apply not does RQ-00003 that Note Material . Page jn l jn 10 9.3.8 . See also the discussion of persistent of discussion the also See . Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 1 for more for 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and material-related Parameters, SimpleEvents, Exceptions, and object instances. The actual content is determined by ¶ in requirements determined is content actual The instances. object and Exceptions, SimpleEvents, Parameters, material-related the theEquipment. NodeDescription wouldotherwisein for information that defined be organize to serves items material-related these together grouping of function MaterialManager The parameters. and instances emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This ¶ implementer. and content standards by the the various in requirements by determined is content actual The instances. object and Exceptions, Parameters, related JobManager. the in organize to serves items job-related these together grouping of function JobManager for defined the Equipment. the be NodeDescription in information wouldotherwise that The parameters. and jobs or activities (see¶ “MaterialManager”. [/RQ] “MaterialManager”. attributesbe andshall value ElementType the name node. for the Equipment The with associated a LogicalElement MaterialManager,modeled as include Theshall a equipmentmetadata [Esss.00-RQ-00008-00] [/RQ] attributesshall “JobManager”. ElementType the namebe for Theand the Equipment. value with associated as JobManager,a LogicalElement includemodeled Theshall a equipmentmetadata [Esss.00-RQ-00009-00] (LogicalElement) MaterialManager Equipment Jobs In ¶ In processing instances object job-related holding to of purpose the for related defined LogicalElement E120 an are is JobManager that parameters and objects SEMI various define standards content The 1 Figure object material-related holding of purpose the for defined LogicalElement E120 an is MaterialManager to related (see¶ that material variousparameters define are content SEMIobjects standards and The 1 9.3 9.3 , specific object instances and parameters from the content standards are designated for inclusion for designated are standards content the from parameters and instances object specific , for the various content standards and content standards by the implementer. the various for</p><p>Figure 2 Figure illustrates the MaterialManager concept. It shows that the MaterialManager may include may MaterialManager the that shows It concept. MaterialManager the illustrates (SEMIObjType) 9.3 1..* 1 Substrate ). illustrates the JobManager concept. It shows that the JobManager may include job- include may JobManager the that shows It concept. JobManager the illustrates Locator= "Equipment\MaterialManager" EquipmentNodeDescription (SEMIObjType) MaterialManager Concept MaterialManager 1..* SubstLoc Figure Page jn l jn 11 1</p><p>(SEMIObjType) 1..* Carrier DuplicateCarrierIDInProcess CarrierLocationMatrix CarrierID(Transient) DuplicateCarrierID SlotMapVerificationFailed SlotMapReadFailed CarrierVerificationFailure SimpleEvents Document Document Number: Parameters Exceptions Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT 9.3 9.3 for ).</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and ny oe Eupet nd n te eupet srcue ecp n te cs f lne qimn eg, a (e.g., equipment linked of case the in the Equipment. part LogicalElement orof the Equipment as a for EquipmentNodeDescription except structure equipment the in node to linked track stepper). wafer coat/bake/develop Equipment one only emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This information in accessthe a metadata. to this in uniform defined MaterialLocations way all provides level and parameters level maximum minimum settings. as for set well point as the sensor. valuessensor they that affect. and actuators. sensors and named [/RQ] “MaterialID.” and a formatted parameter string be as shall the heldMaterialLocation. That in currently identifiesthat the material not that a locations(seeSEMIE90) have Parameter All shall batch [Esss.00-RQ-00012-00] are MaterialLocations modeled ProcessDurablesas Substrates, SEMIE120MaterialLocations.[/RQ] be hold Carriers,shall or to of equipmentmetadata in the With exception slotslocationsdefined all [Esss.00-RQ-00011-00] carriers, the in aor froman sensor an to [/RQ] actuator. from output the IODevice IODevice input represents the that to atan least IODevice one Each Parameter include shall [Esss.00-RQ-00010-00] (LogicalElement) JobManager Equipment MaterialLocation IODevice Equipment A parameter is specified by RQ-00012 to hold the identifier of the material in a MaterialLocation. This MaterialLocation. a in material the of identifier the hold to RQ-00012 by specified is parameter A in modeling in RQ-00220 ¶ requirement For the detailsof slots see carriers, level for parameters contain also might level tank measuring parameter a with IODevice an example, For as IODevice same the in modeled be also should values sensor to related closely are that parameters Other the as IODevice same the in modeled be should actuators representing parameters control cases, most In the of part as modeled be should equipment equipment via physical the to links direct withcomponents equipment represent to are intended IODevices entire the to apply that SEMIObjTypes should hierarchy. the equipmentstructure annode be There Equipment atof the top set has metadata Each 1 1 (SEMIObjType) ProcessJob 1..* Locator = "Equipment\JobManager" EquipmentNodeDescription JobManager Concept (SEMIObjType) Figure Page ControlJob jn l jn 12 2 1..*</p><p>SubstrateDestinationUnknown SubstrateDestinationNotAccessible SetUpName (Configuration) QueueAvailableSpace QueuedCJobs CtrlJobID (Transient) Parameters Exceptions . Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and E87 EventReport,included. Events. Initis that especially, the anEventID is most E134 usedevents. discrete for construct the SimpleEvent with along considered, is elements these of each Below, StateMachines. embedded and Events, Transitions, States, 9.2.5 itsid. instance contains 9.2.4 not for locations,but identifier MaterialIDallowed batch defined. is required. batch standard ¶ (See identifier (see¶ identifier emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the StateMachines: of Document Draft a is This embedded three the contain to State Top the already not was "Carrier" name is wouldavoid theconflict. This naming CarrierObject. thecould TopState be named used, state the which Since CarrierAccessingStatus. state and CarrierSlotMapStatus, Carrier CarrierIDStatus, a requires E87 "ProcessJob" stateId to and attributes stateName equal for TopState wouldhave StateMachine that The haseliminated. duplication the been id since “NoState”, remain could parent the in NoState for id The “B:NoState”. be could StateMachine embedded the in NoState for id the case, this In NoState. StateMachine’s parent the with conflict will StateMachine embedded the leveltop StateMachine”. state model as it appears in the standard, presented in CamelCase. presented in the [/RQ] standard, in model it appears state as the model>the andname is zeros),<state andyear of of "mmyy" release, thetwo-digit month standard is leading mmyy form where <standardof id>:<stateid> is the standard SEMI themodel>, form take <standard a shall a by state defined model attribute of representing The eachStateMachine stateMachineId [Esss.00-RQ-00014-00] to [/RQ] attribute equal ObjID. name a instance have shall AttributeParameter Thecontainsid that the SEMIObjType object [Esss.00-RQ-00013-00] defined in one of the content[/RQ] onestandards. in of defined unless doingas with the stateMachineId (seeRQ-00014) state contains that names it of soconflicts mandated portion machine> stateIdthe <state The and attributesequal stateName shall TopState's [Esss.00-RQ-00016-00] necessary [/RQ] the eliminate duplication. to as the SEMIstandard of prependedthefrom the State name byato RQ-00014,colonbe asshall in followed defined value machine> id Ifwill wherethe <state thisabove resultduplicate values. resultduplicate in values, id thein will rule the case in inexcept standard, SEMI asthat State modelthat in CamelCase, thespecified name presented of state be shall ona based SEMIstandard a in whichStateMachine State defined The attributeis of id [Esss.00-RQ-00015-00] a - 0709:LoadPortTransfer. StateMachines Objects where "V" is the SEMI standard volumedesignator, wherethe SEMIstandard "V"is " For example, using a recent version of SEMI E87, the LoadPortTransfer StateMachine id would be: would id StateMachine States LoadPortTransfer the E87, SEMI of version recent a using example, For and, Transitions, States, StateMachines, standard of ids exact the time of ahead know to useful very is It including behavior, describe to elements several combine they because complex appear can StateMachines that set Attribute its in Parameter a include must SEMIObjType each ¶, E125-0710, to According Top StateTop for for Bthe StateMachineid StateMachine within the embedded exists NoState A, where an For example, the in states all across “unique be attribute id State the that requires 38 Table E125-0710, SEMI that Note no is there because types values ofuseMaterialID defined should if MaterialLocations standard for available. other All RQ-00012 from exempted are They E90. SEMI in defined are locations Batch Substrate the contain would MaterialID the supported, is E90 and Substrates for is MaterialLocation the If Carrier the would contain MaterialID the then supported, E87 is and Carriers for is MaterialLocation the If An example of an exception for RQ-00016 is found in the E87 Carrier state model. For this state model, state this For model. state Carrier E87 the in found is RQ-00016 for exception an of example An E40-0709:ProcessJob. of id StateMachine a have might StateMachine ProcessJob E40 the example, For RQ RQ-218). - 00126). Page jn l jn 13 xxx " is the standard number thecharacters,no standard is " (1-3 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: Vxxx- SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and with State with wouldcontain This a “SubstrateObject.NoState”. stateName NoState “SubstrateObject”. stateName Top a have would StateMachine SubstrateObject E90 the example, For name>). path <state the of part emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This the holds that EquipmentNodeDescription the to applies it as StateMachine the StateMachineInstance. of state previous the and state the equipmentcomponents. used will definition by eachof StateMachine be same the that expected is it events), and transitions states, same the is, (that behavior same the exhibit components theE116event SEMI andEPTStateChangeEvent. and Remote Local, Offline, number of the Transition as it appears in the SEMI standard definition of the state model, and the <source state> SEMIstate in and model, itthe of<source ofdefinition the appears standard the Transitionas number is <transition number> the standard, in the it machine ofappears levelas the thetop state name is machine> where <state state> state>-<target number>:<source formmachine>:<transition be shall <state ofvalue the state eachEvent’s model, standard attribute basedSEMI id Within StateMachine ona [Esss.00-RQ-00022-00] a 3a, [/RQ] (e.g., 3b,etc.). upof appendedbya aits letter made have uniquenumber resultingTransitionshall id originaltransition Each multiple Conditional state. symbol Transitions,oneeachpossibledestination History for or beas shall represented RQ-00021. [/RQ] in specified requirement as amended thattransition if onein may specified be be shall is number, The thenumber transition standard. attribute value Transition’s id Standard basedSEMI Withinstate StateMachine each model, ona [Esss.00-RQ-00020-00] a [/RQ] practice. occur in state can changethat to forStateMachine Transitionsdefined correspond each [Esss.00-RQ-00019-00] a shall[/RQ] 0710, Section in aas pseudo-state SEMIE125- StateMachine “NoState” described Each include shall [Esss.00-RQ-00018-00] [/RQ]transition. theof besourcenor shall a any neither the target StateMachine The of TopState [Esss.00-RQ-00017-00] being referenced. [/RQ] being referenced. of the attributestate withvalue defined andthe stateId hold shall isTransient="Unrestricted" attributes be shall and byaPreviousState StateMachineInstance’sCurrentState referenced The Parameters [Esss.00-RQ-00023-00] multiplefor Transitions.[/RQ] be to areany used from the sourceSEMIstandards Eventsin specified this requirement respectively. Excepted attributes theTransition’stargetStateId theassociated values sourceStateId state>from and <target are and [Esss.00-RQ-00021-00] Within a StateMachine based on a SEMI Standard basedSEMI end that a Within state StateMachine transitions in model, ona [Esss.00-RQ-00021-00] a StateMachineInstances Events Transitions CurrentState and PreviousStateCurrentState equipment different When StateMachineInstances. multiple used by be can E125, StateMachines SEMI In events model state Control E30 SEMI the are RQ-00022 to exceptions the standards, content the Among correspondingdefined. Event theis EDA to if a clientonly Transitions arereportable NoState The StateMachineInstance includes attributes that reference parameters to hold the value of the current the of value the hold to parameters reference that attributes includes StateMachineInstance The last the is “NoState” is, (that pseudo-state this of name the be “NoState” that specifies E125-710 SEMI the StateMachine. initialneeded) and final NoStateof represents(if pseudo-states the The Page jn l jn 14 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and EquipmentNodeDescription. that LogicalElement part is that of a 9.2.7 of substrates,status systems,etc. carriers, related including jobs, process exception, the of source the on influences external to related Parameters any report also should It data. sensor any the of cause exception. the diagnose to information enough with user the provide ExceptionParameters, the with conjunction ExceptionID.the same toexception that pertains. which component 9.2.6 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This significantly This interval. trace but system, each factory the at by stored value. noadded with and reported interface EDA the and via transferred collected be must that be data of must amount the increases structure entire the then structure, a in only available is interest of parameter the If reports. trace using collected are parameters process Important data. EventMaps). for a with available given event. reporting values valid represented in the equipment metadata as an[/RQ] E125StateMachine. as the equipmentmetadata in represented shall state, more stateit standard with SEMI model than one be Where a a specifies [Esss.00-RQ-00025-00] [/RQ]SimpleEvent. theof id>id is this <SimpleEvent <standard id> followsused theRQ-00014attribute definition in and where the form have shall SimpleEvent attribute of The CamelCasethe presented name the in format. thesourcestandard, event from of setname to the SimpleEvent as modeledthe Thebe metadata aattributeshall in of the id SimpleEvent. be shall state it thatmodel, of a aevent independent defines discrete is When SEMIstandard [Esss.00-RQ-00024-00] the SEMI Standards. [/RQ]the SEMIStandards. be as not numericshall defined typein string Parametersreport unless that mandated data [Esss.00-RQ-00028-00] those withor datatypes Boolean. Numeric offloatingpoint, [/RQ] include data integer, arrays. Parameters beor shall as defined numericindividual Non-transient, data [Esss.00-RQ-00027-00] parameter to [/RQ] Transient. attribute set the isTransient have shall anconstruct in ParameterAvailableParameter referenced Each [Esss.00-RQ-00026-00] urn:semi-org:event:<standard id>:<SimpleEvent id> id>:<SimpleEvent urn:semi-org:event:<standard Parameters Exceptions ParameterTypes AvailableParameters in included be should or describes it which EquipmentNodeDescription the of part a be should Parameter A especially exception, the source of the of status describe the that Parameters any report should Exception An in and, problem the of nature the of picture clear a provide should text field Description Exception The equipment have should the they condition, same the represent represent equipment the within that sources multiple from Exceptions If EquipmentNodeDescriptions the by referenced be should Exceptions SimpleEvents These data values may additionally be included in Parameters formatted as formatted Structures in valuesif necessary. be may data included Parameters additionally These that of use and collection the in problems presents data process hold to (within type data Structure the of use The StateMachineInstances in and SimpleEvents in found are constructs AvailableParameter have will that Parameters transient the designate to is construct AvailableParameter the of purpose The Date and time values are not considered to be numeric data for the purpose of data bethe considered purpose RQ-00028. to time arenot numeric for and values Date Page jn l jn 15 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00035-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00034-00] 9.3 more one Parameters.to or the to Events and Alarms, Variables, the equipmentmetadata. in corresponding constructs Data SECS of mapping requires and supports E125-0710 well. as interface 9.2.8 databases.by most xmltype definitions files String80, contain Common for andSee Metadata String128, String255. also ¶ possible,maximum specified. size be the should Wherever emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This an the aidreader. to the arenoted results.of hereas in Some theseconsistency conventions Table the standards. than one of more apply to RQ-00037¶ in see example, standards ofE125equipmentmetadata. in the content of theaddress modeling each 9.3.2 ¶ in arelisted standards 9.3.1 [Esss.00-RQ-00032-00] Combined besyntaxin shall using defined formed [Esss.00-RQ-00032-00] units SEMIE145.[/RQ] the [/RQ] applicable. SEMI E145wherever from unit employ The shall prefixes,and powers, equipmentmetadata symbols, names [Esss.00-RQ-00031-00] arrays withinincludes [/RQ] structures. = XML). (MaxElements 0in be as Parametersnot shall defined This unlimited[Esss.00-RQ-00030-00] arrays [/RQ] usingcan data contain. this type Parameter that the maximum of any and characters represents number numeric xis or"Stringx" more characters one where type includestring Theshall definitions simple the format metadata using [Esss.00-RQ-00029-00] named in in metadatathe typeand Alldefinitions units the use files[Esss.00-RQ-00033-00] shall in listed defined equipment Table 5 Table Content StandardsContent Requirements RequirementID Mapping toEquipment SECSMetadata E125 Data EDA Common MetadataXML FilesEDA Common (¶ section this within included are standard content each to relating requirements The 5 XML Files The ApplyMultipleContentStandards To XMLFilesThe Included in the XML file collection are two files, listed in in listed files, two are collection file XML the in Included .zipincluded. structure format directory XML relative a fileswith in are delivered The For content. file XML the address to included is filesrequirement separate a standards, These content the of each For files. XML attached the of contents the are standard this for requirements the in Included mapped metadata equipment the in appear typically should identifier) (variable VID SECS each result, a As EDA the via available be typically should interface SECS-II the via available are that variables Data Units Conventions Used in the EDA Common Metadata XML Files Used EDA Common inConventions the MetadataXML Unlimited Strings and Strings Unlimited Arrays General promote to used were conventions some files, XML Metadata Common EDA the constructing When as they apply to the content standard-specific XML file content. [/RQ] XML standard-specific file content. as theythe applycontent to Any use of andAny unlimitedbebythe supplier. strings,should justified documented "Stringx"shouldof used place data the datain unlimitedThe length"string" type. be types EDA inefficiently handled The are strings large Very practical. as characters. small as kept be 80 should length maximum of The maximum a have would String80 type of Parameter a example, For handle. to systems database many for difficult are size undetermined an of are that constructs Data 9.1 . CommonGetUnits.xml CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml 9.3.3 . File Name File Page jn l jn 16 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata \EDA Common 0710 Metadata Table 5 Table File Location collection File Within , that hold type definitions and units that units and definitions type hold that , Document Document Number: 9.3 Doc. ). The content The ). Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT . </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and Unrestricted) parameter in the Attributes collection of the SEMIObjType. Where the object is taken from one of the of one from taken is object the Where SEMIObjType. the of collection Attributes the in parameter Unrestricted) ¶ themodule. process in located Location Substrate E90 SEMI the as such equipment, the on present consistently are that those are objects Persistent parameters. translated transient to were DVVALs are these of Some data. same the for existed DVVAL and single into parameter. a combined EDA SV SECS a standards content some (unrestricted) In non-transient EDA into parameters. translated are DVVALs SECS each many reason for this For defined source. that be for event report the can in included be can plans source each for collection parameters data unique that data means This event. separate the of source possible that so defined are StateMachineInstances Independent of style this or support object To an report.event instance. of single instances a all represents represent it particular a of subject the is instance whichever sent, for reported (CEIDs) be can value a that so created were DVVALs is reporting, events report model event state the When cases, many component. In equipment variable. data a of source ¶ in tables various in noted is This parameters. see example, EDA into translated were attributes object and variables element. the corresponding prevents that standard it. requirement content emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This the theinstanceevent. specific for generated that data provides report event each but instances), all to applying is, (that SEMIObjType the of terms in defined typically are definitions. the SEMIObjType only specifies metadata ¶ E125.1-0710, SEMI (see ObjID the includes which Source, the using differentiated is instance object specific a for attribute The SEMIObjType. the in supplied are and object the of instance each for same the are names attribute The collection. data hoc ad or reporting for available always are attributes its instance, in formatted but attribute, standard the match to named CamelCase. typically is parameters these of each standards, content 9.1 . Dynamic ObjectsDynamic Parameters As shown in in shown As object the of lifetime the During instance. object an to relation in non-transient are values attribute The = (isTransient non-transient a as defined been has attribute SEMIObjType each specification, this In in listed standards content the in defined objects dynamic model to used are SEMIObjTypes E125 SEMI ProcessJobs. E40 SEMI as such time, over destroyed and created are that those are objects Dynamic SECS Some EDA. in needed are parameters transient where cases some remain there that Note provided. is structure equipment The equipment. the of view sophisticated more a provides EDA the is that component equipment the specify not does It equipment. the of view simplistic a uses SECS data SECS files, Metadata Common EDA the in standards content the of representations the create To specifies that standard content the from text including populated are fields description possible, Where a is there unless notation CamelCase using populated are strings as formatted fields id and name All Table 7 ). ). Figure 3 Figure , the SEMIObjType is a template for each object instance. Data collection plans collection Data instance. object each for template a is SEMIObjType the , Page jn l jn 17 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 9.3 DRAFT (for</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and AsSEMIObjTypes, with areeliminated. duplicate the correspondingobject. to values EquipmentNodeDescription metadata. in notspecification object it instances usedpersistent model the not to objectsdoes of is allow because construct SEMIObjType The metadata. the in represented be to types object these of instances the allows approach ¶ (see MaterialLocations content the in specified were value same the of ¶ was needed(see if theversion eliminated not DVVAL standard, versions DVVAL and EventDataSV both the Where parameter, Attribute removed. an was of parameter usage and value the duplicated parameter EventData resulting a Where definition. SEMIObjType the within collection EventData the in Parameters as modeled are SEMIObjType a with emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This be to determined was values these for form and form the non-transient eliminated. adequate transient The process. mapping the during attributes corresponding ¶ requirements, see (for Substrate Location Persistent Objects bet atiue n eae aa vrals ae rpeetd a aaees i the in parameters as represented are variables data related For example, and attributes Object ¶ (see LogicalElements as modeled are standards content the in defined objects Persistent associated are that standard content the in specified ECV) or SV, DVVAL, (SECS variables data Any The Substrate Location variable data all duplicate attribute values. These were combined with the with combined were These values. attribute duplicate all data variable Location Substrate The Figure 4 SEMI Substrate Mapping to E87 Location MaterialLocation ), or other equipment components represented by EquipmentNodeDescriptions. This EquipmentNodeDescriptions. by represented components equipment other or ), illustrates theofobjecta mapping illustrates to theMaterialLocation E90Substrate Location Illustration ofIllustration SEMIObjType Concept ). ). Figure Figure Figure Page jn l jn 18 3 4</p><p> ). Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT ),</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and standards. The files contain the Parameter, StateMachine, Exception, SEMI Object, and SimpleEvent definitions. SimpleEvent and Object, SEMI Exception, StateMachine, Parameter, the contain files The standards. might be not cases. knownall in state previous the since required not are parameters state previous The above. as same the is xxx where “xxxPrevState” is convention naming Its the metadata. in also defined is parameter state previous states, a morewith StateMachines ProcessJobCurrState. will StateMachine named yielda the E40ProcessJob parameter For example, standard. content the in model state the of name the = xxx where “xxxCurrState”, convention the follows parameter PreviousStateattributes. CurrentState and these by referenced parameters the for taken is approach consistent a files, XML Metadata Common EDA the For state. valuesareinconsistent. contained theand naming the However, zero. number transition assigned often most are transitions initial These transitions. initial exclusively almost are These numbers. corresponding EquipmentNodeDescriptions. specification. ObjType The E90). SEMI from name variable data descriptive itMaterialLocation MaterialType value. implied includedis not because byattribute the is more the (using parameter SubstLocID the by representedis attribute ObjID The MaterialLocation. representing the EquipmentNodeDescription of the parameters emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This as upon acted and carefully read be should comments All process. from should comments removed of the These finalthe metadata. version be appropriate. implementation the during make should process. wouldbe during the removed merging Any such EDA. Parameters required in are not required or mustincludeareconditionally optional. that whichto among the items determine items implementer suggested described merger here. is addingprocess theA equipment-specific metadata. andstandards then named file a contain not does set file XML 30 SEMI the notobjects. because any E30does define E30GetSEMIObjTypes.xml example, For files. six as many as and three as few as ¶ in (listed service E125 E30GetEquipmentStructure.xml). SEMI each to alsofor contain definitions supporting andThey Units TypeDefinitions. 1. Constructing An Equipment's Metadata From The EDA Common TheConstructing MetadataFrom Equipment's An EDA Identify the content standards that will be implemented. Begin with thein XML bewith files Begin implemented. provided will the that this contentIdentify standards specification for those standards. those standards. for specification To construct the final metadata for the equipment manually, the user should take the following take theshould equipmentmanually, thesteps: thefor user final metadata To construct The equipment. the of substance the fit to modified be must files XML Metadata Common EDA The content supported the of each for metadata the merging requires equipment for metadata the Constructing have They standard. that by affected are that files those only contains set metadata standard content Each multiple corresponding in XML constructsfiles eachcontentareprovided –one metadata standard for The content the of each for defined constructs metadata the contain files XML Metadata Common EDA The files. the metadata in arealso contentincluded standard’sstate parameters The ParametersState TransitionsStateMachine Most of the metadata files contain embedded comments that explain actions or choices the implementer the choices or actions explain that comments embedded contain files metadata the of Most interface SECS the in implemented not parameters standard content that says RQ-00002 Requirement For obvious. is state previous the then NoState), (excluding states two only has StateMachine the If the of name The metadata. the in defined is parameter state current a StateMachineInstances, all For previous and current for parameters reference can that attributes provides StateMachineInstance The state. previous the sometimes and state the report to parameters define standards content the of Most transition assigned are numbered not are that transitions standards, content the for metadata the In A similar process was used to map the attributes and variable data of other persistent objects to the to objects persistent other of data this variable and attributes the to map to used unique was process similar A requirements on based included are SubstrateLocationCurrState and MaterialID as represented are DisableEvents and SubstLocState, SubstID, attributes Location Substrate The 7.2 o oti h eaaa fo h qimn fr example (for equipment the from metadata the obtain to ) Page jn l jn 19 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This reviewofeasier. implementation. the helps examples forcommercial make This a expected set. metadata complete to the detailnecessary specific internal an is example TrackSysInternalBuffer The equipment. buffer equipment. buffer fixed a is example TrackSysFixedBuffer merge withprocess. toedit instructions additional the and help 4. 3. 2. 5. Example EquipmentExample MetadataSets complete the equipmentmetadata.complete metadatato any elements standards'equipment-specific add the various metadata, After combining supported responses,combinefrom content thestandards. seven metadata the For eachof resolve. the implementer that requirements must optional conditional for represent and These eachstandard. file the following directions as eachmetadata embedded commentsin files and theby metadata reading Update standard.that provided provided, in the accordinginstructions theto modify XML files directly supported. willversion that standard eachstandard Forany thenot versionbe Identify supported of The number of process parameters and exceptions included in these examples is far lower than would be would than lower far is examples these in included exceptions and parameters process of number The equipment additional and standards content the of representations required the combine examples These The sets. metadata equipment E125 complete of examples are files XML attached the with included Also Neither example is intended to represent any particular commercial process equipment. process particularcommercial intendedrepresent is to any example Neither the \EDA zipthe in filefolder 0710Common under Metadata\TrackSys. files arefound These contain that comments include files GetEquipmentNodeDescription and GetEquipmentStructure All g. f. e. d. c. b. a. for nodes of that type that for nodes particularstandard.for of that etc. StateMachineInstances, providesneeded the Parameters, NodeDescription IODevice). Each of anode representative or type(Equipment,Module, Subsystem, of NodeDescriptions are association the equipmentstructure, –By with GetEquipmentNodeDescriptionsResponse where they apply. the corresponding elements and equipmentstructure, add actual the forcorresponding to nodes contentthe Matchstandards in the supported the templates node. of particularcontentona standard particulartype focus of that the onthe effect are templates case,the provided the supported equipmentcomponents In standards. eachof each for Metadata the Common thein equipmentstructure examine being modeled. is equipment that Then the specific for equipmentstructure the –Construct basic GetEquipmentStructureResponse first. thenumber lowestwith standard bebystandard recommendedgrouped contentItthe is that SEMIObjTypes standard. supported theprovided collectionseach of for SEMIObjTypes GetSEMIObjTypesResponse –Concatenate first. thenumber lowestwith standard be by recommendedstandard contentItthegrouped is that StateMachines standard. supported each StateMachinesfor the collections provided – Concatenate of GetStateMachinesResponse id be suggested It is sortedstandard. the that list Exception attribute. using theprovided listseachsupported of for content Exceptions –Concatenate GetExceptionsResponse EDA. be suggested It is sortednameof the that list TypeDefinition using attribute. from this thefile neededentries CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml for version Addstandard. any content the lists provided ofeachsupported units for ResponseGetTypeDefinitions –Concatenate the listunit that using besuggested sorted symbol. the from any It is thethisof neededentries CommonGetUnits.xmlfile for EDA. Add version units thecontent lists –Concatenate standard. of provided eachsupported GetUnitsResponse for iii. ii. i. MaterialLocation nodes (i.e., Substrates or for Carriers).MaterialLocation nodes types theMaterialLocationnodesof common similar for to Apply the elements set definestypesit that metadata standard theaffects. node only eachcontent that Modules,Note Subsystems, thefor process and LogicalElements. IODevices, Repeat node. Equipment and the actual thestandards applyto other them those supported from thewith content standards nodeeachof the elementsthe Equipment for Combine for Page jn l jn 20 2 that are applicable to to areapplicable that Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00047-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00046-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00045-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00044-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00043-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00041-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00040-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00039-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00038-00] Data Variable pairs which have duplicate content may have the same or different names. The required Parameter required The names. different or same the have may content duplicate have which pairs Variable Data files. includedthe Common in XML been Metadata have that String80,String32, and String128, String255. GetSEMIObjTypes, files).norequiredGetExceptions, GetUnits. caseofcontent is for SEMIE30,there In or as the Table 9.3.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table Parameter. additional Variables. such Data duplicate-content standard Parameterrepresent lists oneto this only in EDA specify version is the version supported, shall the Equipment to conform representing EquipmentNodeDescription supports the the Parameters Where for the[Esss.00-RQ-00042-00] equipment E30-0307, equipment. [/RQ] onthe E30 implemented version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) modified: listed of thein E30Common files Metadata content relatingE30with SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00037-00] represent [/RQ] Equipment SEMIE30Generic Model. entitled this Equipmentthein implementrequirements to [Esss.00-RQ-00036-00] section, conform SEMIE30shall which Requirement ID Requirement RequirementID SEMI E30 Generic E30 EquipmentSEMI Model 6 7 Equipment Node Parameters fromSEMIE30 EquipmentNodeParameters XMLFilesForSEMIE30 Table 7 Table int, file: CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E30 The here (listed responses service seven all for content specific require not do standards content some that Note The implementer of this specification is not prohibited from providing the excluded Data Variable as an as Variable Data excluded the providing from prohibited not is specification this of implementer The These information. same thehold that Variables Data multiple define standards content cases, the some In</p><p> and other Parameter tables in Section Section in tables Parameter other and PPChangeName Clock ControlState State PreviousProcess ProcessState EDA Parameter Table 7 E30GetTypeDefinitions.xml E30GetStateMachines.xml E30GetEquipmentStructure.xml E30GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml contents shall modified bythe appropriatein instructions contents be Req File Name File Y C C C C Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Transient Table 6 Page 9.3 jn l jn list the SECS Data Variables from the content standards content the from Variables Data SECS the list 21 . The content of the files listed content of in the . The PPChangeName Clock ControlState tate PreviousProcessS ProcessState SECS Variable SECS \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E30-0307 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E30-0307 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E30-0307 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E30-0307 Table 7 File Location Collection File Within . In the case where a different the casewhere a . In DVVAL Type SV SV SV SV process programs equipment supporting Requiredonly on See E30-0307,¶5.2. Clock capability equipment supports E30 Requiredonly if See E30-0307,¶5.2. See E30-0307,¶5.2 simpleevent is defined ProcessingStateChange Requiredonly if the See E30-0307,¶5.2. simpleevent is defined ProcessingStateChange Requiredonly if the See E30-0307,¶5.2. Document Document Number: 2 Table 6 Table , if any. [/RQ] Doc. Explanation Date: shall be shall SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00058-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00057-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00056-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00055-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00054-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00053-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00052-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00051-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00050-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00049-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00048-00] emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This accordance with SEMI E30 and associated with the Equipment node. SEMIE30and the Equipment [/RQ] with with associated accordance a representation Processing in of includeStateMachine Theshall a equipmentmetadata [Esss.00-RQ-00060-00] node. the Equipment [/RQ] with associated model [Esss.00-RQ-00059-00] The equipment metadata shall include a representation of the SEMI E30 Control state theE30Control SEMI representation state of include Theshall a equipmentmetadata [Esss.00-RQ-00059-00] Requirement ID Requirement ControlPrevState ControlCurrState TimeFormat Timeout Communications Establish DataSetName Constant Equipment Command Operator PPError PPFormat PPExecName PPChangeStatus EDA Parameter Req N Y C C C C C C C C C Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Transient or Transient isTransient Transient Transient Transient Transient Page jn l jn 22 PPError PPFormat PPExecName PPChangeStatus n/a n/a TimeFormat Timeout Communications Establish DataSetName ECID Command Operator SECS Variable SECS DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL Type ECV ECV SV SV n/a n/a n/s See See E30-0307,Table 8. defined as Unrestricted itotherwise beshall recipeverificationfailure; recipeverification or providedanis eventfor Transientbe if defined as process programs; it shall equipment supporting ¶5.2. Required only on See E30-0307,¶, Management capability Process Recipe equipment supports E30 Requiredonly if See E30-0307,¶5.2. process programs equipment supporting Requiredonly on See E30-0307,¶5.2. process programs equipment supporting Requiredonly on See E30-0307,¶5.2. See See ¶ See ¶ TransitionTimestamp) E116 (for TimeIn/TimeOut), or Clock E90 capability,(for equipment supports E30 Requiredonly if See E30-0307,¶5.2. capability Communications Establish equipment supports E30 Requiredonly if See E30-0307,¶5.2. execution recipes process programs or uploading of large equipment supporting Requiredonly on See E30-0307,Table 8. supported.geis event EquipmentConstantChan Requiredonly if Operator Bullet; ¶6.0 8. Table See E30-0307,¶4.5.4 3rd event is supported OperatorCommandIssued Requiredonly if the Document Document Number: Doc. Explanation Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00073-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00072-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00071-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00070-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00067-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00066-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00065-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00064-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00063-00] quantity. and SlotArray, RecipeVariableArray, RecipeVariable, PauseEventArray, CarrierSlotList. String255, String128, String80, long, Table 9.3.4 files. the SEMIE30metadata statein Parametersand (ProcessState Processing PreviousProcessState)areprovided The sets. metadata TrackSys the in provided are Examples implementation. the for these requires E30 SEMI that emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table Object associated with the EquipmentNodeDescription representing the JobManager LogicalElement. representing the[/RQ] EquipmentNodeDescription the with JobManager associated Object as equipmentmetadata a in SEMI object The be shall SEMIE40ProcessJob modeled the [Esss.00-RQ-00068-00] equipment. onthe E40 implemented version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) modified: listed of thein E40Common files Metadata content relatingE40with SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00062-00] represent [/RQ] SEMIE40Processingentitled Management. this Equipmentthein implementrequirements to [Esss.00-RQ-00061-00] section, conform SEMIE40shall which Table 9 Table conform shall SEMIObjType to supports the theProcessJob Parameters Where for the[Esss.00-RQ-00069-00] equipment E40-0709, Requirement ID Requirement RequirementID SEMI E40 Processing E40 ManagementSEMI 8 9 ProcessJob ObjectAttribute ParametersfromSEMIE40 ProcessJob XMLFilesForSEMIE40 The E40 metadata files need the following entries from the CommonGetUnits.xml file: non-dimensional file: CommonGetUnits.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E40 The boolean, file: CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E40 The for or GetUnits. thenouniqueGetExceptions caseofrequired is content SEMIE40,there In Note files. metadata E30 SEMI the in provided is StateMachineInstance or StateMachine Processing No and Table 10 Table ObjID PRJobState PauseEvent ObjType contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modifiedby thein appropriate EDA Parameter E40GetTypeDefinitions.xml E40GetStateMachines.xml E40GetSEMIObjTypes.xml E40GetEquipmentStructure.xml E40GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml Table 9 Table</p><p>[/RQ] and Req File Name Y Y N Y Table 10 Table Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Table 8 Page . In the case where a different version supported, is athe . Indifferent the casewhere jn l jn 23 . The content of the files listed content of in the . The PRJobState PauseEvent ObjType ObjID SECS Variable SECS \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E40-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E40-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E40-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E40-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E40-0709 File Location Collection File Within Type 2 Attr Attr Attr Attr , if any. [/RQ], if any. needed EDA.in PRJobState is DVVAL not ¶ See 2,E40-0709, Table needed EDA.in PauseEvent is DVVAL not ¶11.2, ¶7.1.E40.1, See 2,E40-0709, Table ¶ See 2,E40-0709, Table needed EDA.in PRJobID is DVVAL not ¶ See 2,E40-0709, Table, E40.111.2,, Document Document Number: Table 8 Table Doc. Explanation ¶ ¶ 11.2, E40.111.2, E40.111.2, Date: shall be shall ¶ 7.1 SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT ¶ ¶ 7.1. 7.1.</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00090-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00089-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00088-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00087-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00086-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00085-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00081-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00080-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00079-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00078-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00077-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00076-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00075-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00074-00] Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table 9.3.5 [Esss.00-RQ-00082-00] The ProcessJob SEMI Object shall include a StateMachineInstance of a StateMachine of StateMachineInstance Objecta SEMI The include shall ProcessJob a [Esss.00-RQ-00082-00] E87 implemented on the equipment. onthe E87 implemented version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) modified: listed of the in E87Common files Metadata content relatingE87with SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00084-00] represent SEMIE87Carrier Management.[/RQ] entitled this Equipment thein implementrequirements to [Esss.00-RQ-00083-00] section, conform SEMIE87shall which Model. JobState [/RQ] the models SEMIE40Process that Requirement ID Requirement Requirement ID Requirement RequirementID SEMI E87 Carrier E87 ManagementSEMI 10 11 In the case of SEMI E87, there is no unique required content for the nouniqueGetUnits. caseof required is content SEMIE87,there In XMLFilesForSEMIE87 fromSEMIE40 ObjectEventDataParameters ProcessJob RecVariableList RecID PRRecipeMethod PRProcessStart PRMtlType PRMtlNameList EDA Parameter ProcessJobPrevState ProcessJobCurrState E87GetTypeDefinitions.xml E87GetStateMachines.xml E87GetSEMIObjTypes.xml E87GetExceptions.xml E87GetEquipmentStructure.xml E87GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml EDA Parameter EDA </p><p>[/RQ] File Name File Req N Y Y N Y Y Req N Y Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Table 11 Page Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient jn l jn 24 . The content of the files listed content of in the . The RecVariableList RecID PRRecipeMethod PRProcessStart PRMtlType PRMtlNameList SECS Variable SECS \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E87-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E87-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E87-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E87-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E87-0709 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E87-0709 n/a n/a Variable SECS File Location Collection File Within Type Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Type n/a n/a ¶11.2, ¶11.2, ¶7.1.E40.1, See 2,E40-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed ¶11.2, ¶7.1.E40.1, RecID See 2,E40-0709, Table is needed EDA.not in PRRecipeMethod DVVAL ¶11.2, ¶7.1.E40.1, See 2,E40-0709, Table not in needed EDA. PRProcessStart is DVVAL ¶11.2, ¶7.1.E40.1, See 2,E40-0709, Table needed EDA.in PRMtlType is DVVAL not ¶11.2, ¶7.1.E40.1, See 2,E40-0709, Table not in needed EDA. is PRMtlNameList DVVAL ¶11.2, ¶7.1.E40.1, See 2,E40-0709, Table not in needed EDA. RecVariableListDVVAL is Document Document Number: Table 11 Table Doc. See ¶ See ¶ Explanation Explanation Date: shall be shall SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00094-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00093-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00092-00] the or level one at included be must it See the metadata. also in SEMIE87-0709, ¶10.7.7.other SECS, in exist BypassReadID that requires E87-0709 SEMI Since node. Table quantity. String128,LocationStateEnum.short, String80, and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This shall conform to to conform shall supports the theCarrier ParametersSEMIObjType Where for the[Esss.00-RQ-00096-00] equipment E87-0709, [/RQ] theLogicalElement. MaterialManager with associated Object a SEMI be shall as modeledthe equipmentmetadata The in SEMIE87Carrier[Esss.00-RQ-00095-00] object is the version supported, shall the Equipment to conform representing EquipmentNodeDescription supportsthe the Parameters Whereof the[Esss.00-RQ-00091-00] equipment E87-0709, Table 14 Table Requirement ID Requirement 12 SEMI E87 Carrier E87 ObjectSEMI Equipment E87 SEMI Node Non-dimensional file: CommonGetUnits.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E87 The boolean, file: CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E87 The Equipment Node Parameters fromSEMIE87 EquipmentNodeParameters The BypassReadID is listed as a conditional parameter for the Equipment node and for each Load Port Load each for and node Equipment the for parameter conditional a as listed is BypassReadID The contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modifiedby thein appropriate Table 13 ControlTrigger Unclamp Trigger CarrierHold BypassReadID Table 12 and and Parameter EDA Table 14 contents shall modified bythe appropriatein instructions contents be . In the case where a different version is the different version thesupported, casewhere a . In Req Y Y C Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Page jn l jn 25 ControlTrigger Unclamp Trigger CarrierHold BypassReadID SECS Variable SECS 2 , if any. [/RQ], if any. Table 12 Type ECV ECV ECV . In the case where a different the casewhere a . In See E87-0709, ¶15.4 See E87-0709, ¶15.2 Port not level, but both. at or Load Equipment at Table Must included37; be See E87-0709, ¶19.2.1 Document Document Number: 2 Table 13 , if any. [/RQ] , if any. [/RQ] Doc. Explanation Date: and SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00115-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00114-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00113-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00112-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00111-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00110-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00109-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00108-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00107-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00106-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00105-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00104-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00103-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00102-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00101-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00100-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00099-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00098-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00097-00] Table Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This models the SEMI E87 Carrier State[/RQ] the Model. models SEMIE87Carrier of StateMachineInstance athat include shall StateMachine a The Carrier[Esss.00-RQ-00116-00] SEMIObject Requirement ID Requirement ID Requirement 14 13 Carrier Object EventDataParametersfromSEMIE87 CarrierObject Attribute ParametersfromSEMIE87 CarrierObject Usage SubstrateCount SlotMapStatus SlotMap ObjID ObjType LocationID ContentMap Status CarrierAccessing CarrierIDStatus Capacity StatusPrevState CarrierSlotMap StatusCurrState CarrierSlotMap PrevState CarrierIDStatus CurrState CarrierIDStatus StatusPrevState CarrierAccessing StatusCurrState CarrierAccessing Reason PortID EDA Parameter EDA Parameter Req Req Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y N Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Transient Transient Page jn l jn 26 ObjID ObjType LocationID ContentMap Status CarrierAccessing CarrierIDStatus Capacity Usage SubstrateCount SlotMapStatus SlotMap n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Reason PortID SECS Variable SECS Variable SECS DVVAL DVVAL Type Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Type n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a See 6,E87-0709, Table needed EDA.in CarrierID is DVVAL not Table Table37, E87.1, 4. See 6,E87-0709, Table See 6 E87-0709, Table needed EDA.in LocationID is DVVAL not Table Table37, E87.1, 4. See 6,E87-0709, Table See 6 E87-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed CarrierAccessingStatus Table Table37, E87.1, 4. See 6,E87-0709, Table not in needed EDA. CarrierIDStatus is DVVAL Table Table37, E87.1, 4. See 6,E87-0709, Table See 6 E87-0709, Table See 6 E87-0709, Table See 6 E87-0709, Table not in needed EDA. SlotMapStatus is DVVAL Table Table37, E87.1, 4. See 6,E87-0709, Table needed EDA.in SlotMap is DVVAL not Table Table37, E87.1, 4. See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ E87.1, 4 Table See 37,E87-0709, Table E87.1, 4 Table See 37,E87-0709, Table Document Document Number: Doc. Explanation Explanation Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00130-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00129-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00126-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00125-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00122-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00121-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00120-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00119-00] Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table Table MaterialType = Carrier shall conform to =to Carrierconform shall MaterialType supports with MaterialLocations the Parameters Where for the[Esss.00-RQ-00124-00] equipment E87-0709, Carrier. [/RQ] MaterialType = MaterialLocation with a in represented E87Carrieras SEMI Location the metadata Each be shall [Esss.00-RQ-00123-00] is the version supported, the EFEM to conform shall representing EquipmentNodeDescription supportsthe the Parameters Whereof the[Esss.00-RQ-00118-00] equipment E87-0709, [/RQ]mechanisms. and Ports associated of of andthe parent the theis equipment'sLoad aEquipment that is node that child setinclude shall with a equipmentmetadata = Subsystem Each "EFEM" ElementType [Esss.00-RQ-00117-00] contents shall modified bythe appropriatein instructions contents be to conform shall LogicalElement supports the theMaterialManager Parameters Wherefor the[Esss.00-RQ-00128-00] equipment E87-0709, [/RQ] ofPort. Equipmentmodeled a as Load nodes child an be shall out Carriersinto MaterialLocations) Locations usedtransferring All or (i.e., for of [Esss.00-RQ-00127-00] Carrier 16 Requirement ID Requirement ID Requirement ID Requirement contents shall modified bythe appropriatein instructions contents be 15 17 16 MaterialManager Node Parameters from NodeSEMI E87 Parameters MaterialManager Carrier E87 Location SEMI EFEM E87 SEMI Node MaterialManager NodeParametersfromSEMI E87 MaterialManager ParametersfromSEMIE87CarrierLocations MaterialLocation fromSEMIE87 EFEMNodeParameters See ¶ See 5.1.2 for a list of the components that should be included in ofEFEM. athebe components should for list that included an Matrix CarrierLocation CarrierID MaterialID LocationID StateList PortAssociation StateList LoadPortReservation PortTransferStateList PortStateInfoList EDA Parameter EDA Parameter EDA Parameter Table 15 Table 17 Table contents shall modified bythe appropriatein instructions contents be Req Req Table 16 Y Y Y Y . In the case where a different version supported, is athe . Indifferent the casewhere Req Y Y Y Y Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient isTransient Transient . In the case where a different version is the different version thesupported, casewhere a . In Page Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient jn l jn 27 2 , if any. [/RQ] Matrix CarrierLocation CarrierID CarrierID LocationID 2 SECS Variable SECS Variable SECS , if any. [/RQ] Table 15 StateList LoadPortReservation PortTransferStateList PortStateInfoList List PortAssociationState i SECS Variable SECS i . In the case where a different the casewhere a . In DVVAL Type SV SV Type SV Table 37 See E87-0709, ¶10.3.6 and See 37 E87-0709, Table E87.1, 4 Table See 37,E87-0709, Table E87.1, 4 Table See 37,E87-0709, Table Type N/S N/S N/S Document Number: N/S 2 , if any. [/RQ] Doc. Explanation Explanation Table 17 Table Date: 37 ¶19.2.1 Table See E87-0709, 37 ¶19.2.1 Table See E87-0709, 37 ¶19.2.1 Table See E87-0709, 37 ¶19.2.1 Table See E87-0709, Explanation SEMI Table </p><p>5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00134-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00133-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00145-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00144-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00143-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00142-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00141-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00140-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00139-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00138-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00137-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00136-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00135-00] Table and a StateMachine StateMachineInstance.a or IODevice Subsystem. a as not separate only simpleis It showsthe metadata beas upin it to a device, represented = "Carrier".MaterialType number SEMI Location, notin specified is however, the E87. Carrier formally location. arethe FIMSthe undocked Locations locationand emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This [/RQ] version supported, is the different the Load Subsystem Port to representing conform EquipmentNodeDescription shall supports the the Parameters Wherefor the[Esss.00-RQ-00132-00] equipment E87-0709, [/RQ] = with “Carrier”. at Port”)least one MaterialType “Load and MaterialLocation contain shall = (ElementType an be shall equipmentSubsystem Port modeled Theas SEMIE87Load [Esss.00-RQ-00131-00] object Requirement ID 18 SEMI E87 Load E87 PortSEMI Load Port Load ParametersfromSEMI E87 tends it Because port. load the of part undifferentiated an as modeled been has CarrierIDReader E87 The Load aretwotypes Ports. SEMIE87,there of According to hs are oain r oee n te EA Cmo eaaa a aeiloain with MaterialLocations as Metadata Common EDA the in modeled are Locations Carrier These equipment. This of other Load forinternalLoad typeis buffer has typically The Port type of Port one an Carrier two These Locations." Carrier different two "has equipment buffer fixed a for Port Load A AccessModeCurr State AssociationCurr LoadPortCarrier ionCurrState LoadPortReservat PrevState LoadPortTransfer CurrState LoadPortTransfer BypassReadID LocationID PortID PortStateInfo AccessMode State PortAssociation ReservationState LoadPort PortTransferState EDA Parameter EDA Table 18 Table Req Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y C contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modifiedby thein appropriate Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Transient Page jn l jn 28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a BypassReadID LocationID PortID PortStateInfo AccessMode State PortAssociation ReservationState LoadPort PortTransferState SECS Variable i i i i i i DVVAL Type SV SV SV SV SV SV SV n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Table 18 See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See not level, but both. or Load Equipment at Port be atMust included E87-0709,Table See 37; E87-0709,Table See 37 EDA.in DVVAL not PortID is needed E87-0709,Table See 37; in needed EDA. DVVAL not PortStateInfo is E87-0709,Table See 37; in needed EDA. AccessMode is DVVAL not E87-0709,Table See 37; not in is needed EDA. DVVAL PortAssociationState E87-0709,Table See 37; EDA. is needed DVVAL not in LoadPortReservationState E87-0709,Table See 37; needed EDA.not in DVVAL PortTransferState is E87-0709,Table See 37; . In the casewhere a . In Document Document Number: Doc. Explanation Date: 2 SEMI , if any. , if any. 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00153-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00152-00] Table internal buffer. called the locationsarecollectively storage emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This by the appropriate instructions by thein appropriate to conform buffer Subsystem representing EquipmentNodeDescription the internal for shall the theimplemented, Parameters Subsystem supports internalis buffer and Where an the[Esss.00-RQ-00151-00] equipment E87-0709, [/RQ] set to Buffer”. asElementType namedwith “Carrier a Subsystem “InternalBuffer” modeled shall the internal supportsbuffer be E87internal buffer, Where the[Esss.00-RQ-00150-00] equipment the Association state [/RQ] model. themodels SEMIE87Carrier StateMachine Load of Each SubsystemStateMachineInstance Port a that [Esss.00-RQ-00149-00] include shall a state [/RQ] model. themodels SEMIE87Reservation StateMachine Load of Each SubsystemStateMachineInstance Port a that [Esss.00-RQ-00148-00] include shall a Mode state [/RQ] model. themodels SEMIE87Access StateMachine Load of Each SubsystemStateMachineInstance Port a that [Esss.00-RQ-00147-00] include shall a model. Port state the[/RQ] models SEMIE87Load Transfer StateMachine Load of Each SubsystemStateMachineInstance Port a that [Esss.00-RQ-00146-00] include shall a modified by the appropriate instructions modified by the in appropriate to conform shall partition representing EquipmentNodeDescription the buffer LogicalElement for the theimplemented, Parameters supports buffer LogicalElement andpartition is Where a the[Esss.00-RQ-00155-00] equipment E87-0709, “Buffer [/RQ] to Partition”. Subsystem value equal and ElementType with the InternalBuffer Requirement ID Requirement ID [Esss.00-RQ-00154-00] Any buffer partition that is implemented shall be modeled as a LogicalElement within a be shall LogicalElement Any implemented modeled bufferis that as [Esss.00-RQ-00154-00] partition 19 InternalBuffer ParametersfromSEMIE87 InternalBuffer SEMI E87 BufferPartition E87 SEMI InternalBuffer E87 SEMI Internal buffers may contain one orpartitions. maymore contain one buffer buffers Internal ElementType “Carrier definesvalue. Buffer” SEMI E120-0310 the These Ports. Load the in those than other locations in Carriers store can equipment buffer Internal Table 19 Table 20 State . In the case where a different version is the different version thesupported, casewhere a . In EDA Parameter EDA BufferCapacityList BufferPartitionInfo EDA Parameter . In the case where a different version is the different version thesupported, case where a . In 2 , if any. [/RQ], if any. Req Req Y Y 2 , if any. [/RQ], if any. isTransient Unrestricted isTransient Transient Page jn l jn 29 SECS Variable BufferCapacityList BufferPartitionInfo SECS Variable SECS Table 19 Type Table 20 DVVAL Type contents shall modified contents be SV contents shall contents be See 37 E87-0709, Table See 37 E87-0709, Table Document Document Number: Doc. Explanation Explanation Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00170-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00168-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00167-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00166-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00165-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00164-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00161-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00160-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00159-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00158-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00157-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00156-00] Table 9.3.6 Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table String80,String32, LocationStateEnum. String128, E90 implemented on the equipment. onthe E90 implemented version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) modified: listed of thein E90Common files Metadata content relatingE90with SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00163-00] represent SEMIE90Substrate [/RQ] entitled Tracking. this Equipment thein implementrequirements to [Esss.00-RQ-00162-00] section, conform SEMIE90shall which version is the version supported, shall the Equipment to conform representing EquipmentNodeDescription supports the the Parameters Wherefor the[Esss.00-RQ-00169-00] equipment E90-0707, Requirement ID Requirement ID Requirement SEMI E90 Substrate Tracking E90 SEMI RequirementID 21 20 22 SEMI E90 Equipment E90 SEMI Node boolean, file: CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E90 The for or GetUnits. thenouniqueGetExceptions caseofrequired is content SEMIE90,there In Equipment Node Parameters fromSEMIE90 EquipmentNodeParameters XMLFilesForSEMIE90 fromSEMIE87 BufferPartitionParameters PartitionCapacity Unallocated PartitionCapacity Capacity AvailPartition PartitionType PartitionID Info BufferPartition Enabled SubstrateReader EDA Parameter EDA Parameter Table 22 E90GetTypeDefinitions.xml E90GetStateMachines.xml E90GetSEMIObjTypes.xml E90GetEquipmentStructure.xml E90GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml contents shall modified bythe appropriatein instructions contents be</p><p>[/RQ] Req Req C N N N N N Y File Name File Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient isTransient Table 21 Page jn l jn 30 . The content of the files listed content of in the . The PartitionCapacity Unallocated PartitionCapacity Capacity AvailPartition PartitionType PartitionID Info BufferPartition Enabled SubstrateReader SECS Variable SECS SECS Variable SECS i \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707 i i Table 22 i File Location Collection File Within i i Type ECV . In the case where a different the case where a . In Type SV SV SV SV SV SV Substrate Reader. if equipment the provides a 5.1Table Required 5. only See E90-0707, 8.3; E90.1, BufferPartitionInfo contained in See 37; E87-0709, Table BufferPartitionInfo contained in See 37; E87-0709, Table BufferPartitionInfo contained in See 37; E87-0709, Table BufferPartitionInfo contained in See 37; E87-0709, Table BufferPartitionInfo contained in See 37; E87-0709, Table See 37 E87-0709, Table Document Document Number: 2 Table 21 Table , if any. [/RQ] Doc. Explanation Explanation Date: shall be shall SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00186-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00185-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00184-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00183-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00182-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00181-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00180-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00179-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00178-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00177-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00176-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00175-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00174-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00173-00] Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table 24 Table to conform shall supports the theSubstrate Parameters Wherefor SEMIObjType the[Esss.00-RQ-00172-00] equipment E90-0707, [/RQ] representing the EquipmentNodeDescription the with MaterialManager associated LogicalElement. SEMI Object as the equipmentmetadata a be in shall represented The SEMIE90Substrate[Esss.00-RQ-00171-00] object Requirement ID 23 SEMI E90 Substrate Object E90 SEMI Substrate ObjectAttribute ParametersfromSEMIE90 Substrate contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modifiedby the in appropriate Table 23 SubstLocID SubstIDStatus SubstHistory SubstDestination MaterialStatus LotID BatchLocID AcquiredID ObjType ObjID SubstState SubstSource SubstProcState SubstPosInBatch EDA Parameter EDA and and Table 24 Req . In the case where a different version is the different version thesupported, casewhere a . In Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C C C C Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Page jn l jn 31 AcquiredID ObjType ObjID SubstState SubstSource SubstProcState SubstPosInBatch SubstLocID SubstIDStatus SubstHistory SubstDestination MaterialStatus LotID BatchLocID SECS Variable SECS 2 , if any. [/RQ], if any. Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Typ e and 15.RequiredTable on batch See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table not in needed EDA. readers.AcquiredID DVVAL is equipment Substrate with ID and 15.RequiredTable only on See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table See 2 E90-0707, Table See 2 E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstState Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstSource Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstProcState Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table needed EDA.in SubstPosInBatch is DVVAL not equipment Batchwith Locations. and 15.RequiredTable only on See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstSubstLocID Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. ID SubstIDStatus readers. Substrateon equipmentwith and 15.R Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstHistory Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstDestinationTable See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstMtrlStatus Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstLotID Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table not in needed EDA. SubstBatchLocID is DVVAL process equipment only. Document Document Number: Explanation Table 23 Doc. equired onlyequired Date: and SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00199-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00198-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00197-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00196-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00195-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00194-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00193-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00192-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00191-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00190-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00189-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00188-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00187-00] Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Requirement ID Requirement ID 24 Substrate ObjectEventDataParametersfromSEMIE90 Substrate SubstUsage SubstType SubstLocIDList SubstIDStatusList SubstIDList SubstID SubstHistoryList List SubstDestination List SubstBatchLocID AcquiredIDList List SubstPosInBatch List SubstMtrlStatus SubstLotIDList EDA Parameter EDA EDA Parameter EDA Req N N Req Y C C C C C C C C C C Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient isTransient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Page jn l jn 32 SubstUsage SubstType SECS Variable SECS List SubstBatchLocID AcquiredIDList List SubstPosInBatch List SubstMtrlStatus SubstLotIDList SubstLocIDList SubstIDStatusList SubstIDList SubstID SubstHistoryList List SubstDestination SECS Variable Attr Attr Typ e DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL Type DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15.SubstUsageTable See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table DVVAL not in is needed EDA. and 15. SubstType Table See 2,¶8.5.1,E90-0707, Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, Batch Locations buffer with equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, Substrate readersID buffer with equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, locations equipment batchwith only internal on buffer and 15; Table Required See E90-0707, ¶8.5.2, buffer equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, buffer equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, buffer equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, ID readers equipment Substrate with only internal on buffer and 15.RequiredTable See E90-0707, ¶8.5.2, buffer equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, and 15 Table See E90-0707, ¶8.5.1, buffer equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, buffer equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table Document Document Number: Explanation Doc. Explanation Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00210-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00209-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00208-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00207-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00206-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00205-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00204-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00203-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00202-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00201-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00200-00] emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This fixed individual standards alocations. locations(slots)others Carrier. within All arethe are the content in specified locations dynamic only The appropriate. as deleted and created are locations Dynamic times. all at exist appropriate instructions in appropriate 25 Table to Substrate conform shall a MaterialType MaterialLocation with = represents that EquipmentNodeDescription supports each the Parameters Where of the[Esss.00-RQ-00213-00] equipment E90-0707, [/RQ] Substrate. a MaterialType MaterialLocationwith = as location)the metadata bein shall substrate represented SEMIcalled fixedlocationwithin Each equipment substrate the equipment(in [Esss.00-RQ-00212-00] E90 Model. State [/RQ] themodels SEMIE90Substrate Object of athat include shall StateMachine Thea SubstrateStateMachineInstance [Esss.00-RQ-00211-00] SEMIObject Requirement ID SEMI E90 Substrate Location E90 SEMI This specification differentiates between fixed substrate locations and dynamic ones. The fixed locations fixed The ones. dynamic and locations substrate fixed between differentiates specification This . In the case where a different version supported, is a the . Indifferent the casewhere PrevState Transport Substrate CurrState Transport Substrate StatusPrevState SubstrateReading StatusCurrState SubstrateReading PrevState Processing Substrate CurrState Processing Substrate SubstUsageList SubstTypeList SubstStateList SubstSourceList List SubstProcState EDA Parameter EDA 2 , if any. [/RQ], if any. Req N Y N Y N Y C C C C C Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Page jn l jn 33 SubstUsageList SubstTypeList SubstStateList SubstSourceList List SubstProcState n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SECS Variable Table 25 Table contents be shall modifiedby the DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL Type n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a equipment equipment where only internal on buffer and 15.RequiredTable See E90-0707, ¶8.5.2, implemented SubstType is attribute buffer where equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, buffer equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, buffer equipment Required on only internal 8.5.2,and 15. Table See E90-0707, ¶8.4.1, equipment only internal on buffer and 15.RequiredTable See E90-0707, ¶8.5.2, See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ See ¶ implemented SubstUsage is attribute Document Document Number: Doc. Explanation Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00228-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00227-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00226-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00225-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00224-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00223-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00222-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00219-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00218-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00217-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00216-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00215-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00214-00] the SubstLoc objects were associated with an equipment-level LogicalElement, the MaterialManager. LogicalElement, an with the associated equipment-level the SubstLocobjects were through those sameEDA EDAthe tables in provide values messaging. Parameters listed The reports. The mechanisms. event 6 SECS Stream and queries 1 different Stream via accessed are through SVs The services. object values E39 through accessed same are attributes the provides pair each because is This object. SubstLoc Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table Table [Esss.00-RQ-00221-00] Where the equipment supports the theSubstLoc Parameters Where for the[Esss.00-RQ-00221-00] equipment E90-0707, [/RQ] theLogicalElement. MaterialManager representing SEMIObjType“SubstLoc”) as the metadata a = thein (ObjType EquipmentNodeDescription with associated Table 26 Table conform shall SEMIObjType to [Esss.00-RQ-00220-00] Each slot in a carrier (in SEMI E90 called carrier substrate location) be shall substrate slotrepresented carrier Each a (in in SEMIE90called carrier [Esss.00-RQ-00220-00] Requirement ID Requirement ID Requirement ID Requirement 25 27 26 SubstLoc Object EventDataParametersfrom SEMIE90 SubstLocObject Attribute Parametersfrom SEMIE90 SubstLocObject ParametersfromSEMI E90SubstLocObject MaterialLocation For internal buffer equipment, the carrier, and thus the slots, may move around the equipment. Therefore, equipment. the around move may slots, the thus and carrier, the equipment, buffer internal For 25 Table and Table 27 Table</p><p> shows some EDA Parameters representing both a status variable and an attribute from the E90 the from attribute an and variable status a both representing Parameters EDA some shows CurrState SubstrateLocation MaterialID SubstLocState SubstID DisableEvents SubstLocID CurrState SubstrateLocation MaterialID SubstLocState SubstID DisableEvents ObjType ObjID EDA Parameter EDA EDA Parameter contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modifiedby thein appropriate EDA Parameter EDA Table 26 Table Req and Req Req Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Table 27 Table Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Page . In the case where a different version supported, is athe . Indifferent the casewhere jn l jn 34 SubstLocState SubstID DisableEvents ObjType ObjID n/a SubstID SECS Variable SECS n/a SubstID SubstLocState SubstLocState or SubstrLocSubstrID SubstID or DisableEvents SubstLocID ObjID or SECS Variable SECS Variable i i Type i Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Type Attr n/a 2 Type , if any. [/RQ], if any. Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr SV SV SV n/a needed EDA.in is SubstLocState DVVAL not See 5.E90-0707, Table is needed EDA.not in SubstrLocSubstrID DVVAL See 5.E90-0707, Table Configuration parameter See 5; E90-0707, Table See 5 E90-0707, Table needed EDA.in SubstLocID is DVVAL not See 5. E90-0707, Table See ¶ Table 16. See 5 E90-0707, Table and See ¶ See 5.E90-0707, Table is needed EDA.not in SubstLocState DVVAL and 18.Table See 5 E90-0707, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed SubstrLocSubstrID and 18.Table See 5 E90-0707, Table Configuration parameter See 5; E90-0707, Table not in needed EDA. SubstLocID is DVVAL and 18.Table See 5,E90-0707, Table Document Document Number: Explanation Doc. Explanation Explanation Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00243-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00242-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00241-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00240-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00239-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00238-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00235-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00234-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00233-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00232-00] Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 9.3.7 Table [/RQ] version supported, is the different conform shall a Batch Location to representing EquipmentNodeDescription supports an the Parameters Where for the[Esss.00-RQ-00237-00] equipment E90-0707, MaterialLocation. [/RQ] as the metadata a bein shall The represented SEMIE90Batch[Esss.00-RQ-00236-00] Location equipment. onthe E90 implemented version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) listed in the files listed Location content in with Common offiles Metadata the E90Batch Locations the relatingE90Batch SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00231-00] represent E90Batch section, SEMI Location. entitled this [/RQ] in requirements to Locations conform Equipmentshall implement the [Esss.00-RQ-00230-00] SEMIE90Batch which with [/RQ] the= SEMIObjType to “SubstLoc”. ObjType Substrate and a MaterialType MaterialLocationwith = representing eachEquipmentNodeDescription to attached SEMISubstrate Location AofModelbe State shall StateMachineInstance the [Esss.00-RQ-00229-00] E90 entitled SEMI E94 Control Job Management. [/RQ] JobManagement. SEMIE94Control entitled this Equipment thein implement requirements to [Esss.00-RQ-00245-00] section, conform SEMIE94shall which [/RQ] a Batch Location. eachMaterialLocation representing to [Esss.00-RQ-00244-00] A StateMachineInstance of the SEMIBatch Location Modelbe AofState shall StateMachineInstance attached the [Esss.00-RQ-00244-00] E90 Requirement ID Requirement RequirementID SEMI E94 Control E94 JobSEMI Management 28 29 SEMI E90 Batch Location Batch E90 SEMI MaterialLocation Parameters for Batch Locations fromSEMIE90 ParametersforBatchLocations MaterialLocation BatchLocation XMLFilesForSEMIE90 In the case of SEMI E90 Batch Location, there is no required content for GetExceptions or GetUnits. Location,norequired GetExceptions content is for there the caseof SEMIE90Batch In Table 28 CurrState BatchLocation MaterialID BatchLocID BatchLocState BatchSubstIDMap DisableEvents EDA Parameter EDA E90BatchGetTypeDefinitions.xml E90BatchGetStateMachines.xml E90BatchGetEquipmentStructure.xml E90BatchGetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml shall be modified: be shall Table 29 Table</p><p>[/RQ] File Name Req Y Y Y Y N Y contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modifiedby thein appropriate Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Page jn l jn 35 n/a n/a BatchLocID BatchLocState BatchSubstIDMap DisableEvents SECS Variable SECS \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707\Batch \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707\Batch \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707\Batch \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E90-0707\Batch Table 29 Table File Location Collection File Within Type Attr Attr Attr Attr n/a n/a . In the case where a. In the casewhere Table 28 See ¶ See ¶ and 17 Table See 7 E90-0707, Table and 17 Table See 7 E90-0707, Table and 17 Table See 7 E90-0707, Table Configuration parameter See 7; E90-0707, Table Document Document Number: . The content of . The Doc. Explanation Date: 2 SEMI , if any. , if any. 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00260-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00259-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00258-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00257-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00256-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00255-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00252-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00251-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00250-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00249-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00248-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00247-00] Table quantity. String80, long, int, and String128, PauseEventArray, CarrierSlotList. SlotArray, Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table 31 Table conform shall SEMIObjType to supports the theControlJob Parameters Where for the[Esss.00-RQ-00254-00] equipment E94-0709, LogicalElement. representing the[/RQ] EquipmentNodeDescription the with JobManager associated Object metadataa in SEMI object be The shall as modeled the SEMIE94ControlJob equipment [Esss.00-RQ-00253-00] equipment. onthe E94 implemented version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) modified: listed of thein E94Common files Metadata content relatingE94with SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00246-00] represent Requirement ID RequirementID 31 30 ControlJob non-dimensional file: CommonGetUnits.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E94 The boolean, file: CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E94 The for thenouniqueGetUnits. caseofrequired is content SEMIE94,there In ControlJob Object Attribute Parametersfrom SEMIE94 ControlJobObject XMLFilesForSEMIE94 and Table 32 Table CurrentPRJob ObjType ObjID MtrlOutSpec CarrierInputSpec DataCollectionPlan EDA Parameter contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modifiedby thein appropriate E94GetTypeDefinitions.xml E94GetStateMachines.xml E94GetSEMIObjTypes.xml E94GetExceptions.xml E94GetEquipmentStructure.xml E94GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml Table 31 Table</p><p>[/RQ] and Req File Name Y Y Y Y Y N Table 32 Table Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Table 30 Page . In the case where a different version supported, is athe . Indifferent the casewhere jn l jn 36 . The content of the files listed content of in the . The MtrlOutSpec CarrierInputSpec DataCollectionPlan CurrentPRJob ObjType ObjID SECS Variable \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E94-0309 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E94-0309 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E94-0309 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E94-0309 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E94-0309 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E94-0309 File Within Location Collection 2 Type Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr , if any. [/RQ], if any. EDA. DVVAL not in is needed and ¶13.1.1.MtrlOutSpec See 1 E94-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed CarrierInputSpec and ¶13.1.1. See 1 E94-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed DataCollectionPlan and ¶13.1.1. See 1 E94-0709, Table not in needed EDA. CurrentPRJob is DVVAL and ¶13.1.1. See 1 E94-0709, Table See 1 E94-0709, Table needed EDA.in CtrlJobID is DVVAL not ¶13.1.1,and Table 15. See 1,E94-0709, Table Document Document Number: Table 30 Table Doc. Explanation Date: shall be shall SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00269-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00268-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00267-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00266-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00265-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00264-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00263-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00262-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00261-00] Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 2 supported, is a the different version where conform shall the JobManager to LogicalElement representing EquipmentNodeDescription supports the the Parameters Wherefor the[Esss.00-RQ-00271-00] equipment E94-0709, Model. JobState [/RQ] the models SEMIE94Control that StateMachine of StateMachineInstance Object SEMI a The include shall a ControlJob [Esss.00-RQ-00270-00] Requirement ID , if any. [/RQ], if any. Requirement ID 32 JobManager ControlJob Object EventDataParametersfromSEMIE94 ControlJobObject Some Parameters associated with the JobManager come from SEMI E94. SEMI come from the JobManager Parameters with associated Some State StartMethod ProcessOrderMgmt ProcessingCtrlSpec PRJobStatusList PauseEvent MtrlOutByStatus EDA Parameter ControlJobPrevState ControlJobCurrState EDA Parameter Req Y Y Y Y Y N N Table 33 Table Req N Y Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modified by thein appropriate Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Page jn l jn 37 ProcessOrderMgmt ProcessingCtrlSpec PRJobStatusList PauseEvent MtrlOutByStatus State StartMethod SECS Variable n/a n/a SECS Variable SECS Type Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Type n/a n/a Table 33 Table DVVAL not in is needed ProcessOrderMgmt and ¶13.1.1. See 1 E94-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed ProcessingCtrlSpec and ¶13.1.1. See 1 E94-0709, Table is needed EDA.not in PRJobStatusList DVVAL and ¶13.1.1. See 1 E94-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed and ¶13.1.1.PauseEvent See 1 E94-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed MtrlOutByStatus and ¶13.1.1. See 1 E94-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed and ¶13.1.1.State See 1 E94-0709, Table EDA. DVVAL not in is needed and ¶13.1.1.StartMethod See 1 E94-0709, Table EDA. Document Document Number: See ¶ See ¶ Doc. Explanation Explanation . In the case Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00281-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00280-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00279-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00278-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00275-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00274-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00273-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00272-00] Table 9.3.8 Exceptions (seealso ¶ SubstrateDestinationNotAccessible Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This attribute. EDA in Common aMetadata. the LogicalElement as andquantity second. short,String32, long, boolean, String80, String128. and GetUnits. E116 implemented on the equipment. onthe E116 implemented version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) modified listed of thein E116Common files Metadata content relatingE116with SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00277-00] represent entitled [/RQ] Tracking. Performance section, SEMIE116Equipment this Equipmentthein implementrequirements to [Esss.00-RQ-00276-00] conform SEMIE116shall which instructions in in instructions version supported, is athe different case where LogicalElementto conform shall eachEPTTracker representing EquipmentNodeDescription [/RQ] to attribute theequal value "EPTTracker". with the ElementType for LogicalElement [Esss.00-RQ-00283-00] Where the equipment supports the the Parameters Wherefor the[Esss.00-RQ-00283-00] equipment E116-0707, [Esss.00-RQ-00282-00] The equipment metadata shall model each SEMI E116 EPTTracker object as a object as eachSEMIE116EPTTracker model Theshall equipmentmetadata [Esss.00-RQ-00282-00] Requirement ID Requirement RequirementID SEMI E116 Equipment Tracking E116 SEMI Performance 34 33 SEMI E116 defines the EPTTracker object. The EPTTracker is a persistent object, and is thus represented thus is and object, persistent a is EPTTracker The object. EPTTracker the defines E116 SEMI file: non-dimensional CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml file: CommonGetUnits.xml the from entries the following the need files metadata from E116 The entries following the need files metadata E116 The or GetSEMIObjTypes, GetExceptions, for content required unique no is there E116, SEMI of case the In XMLFilesForSEMIE116 ParametersfromSEMIE94 JobManager Note that the E116 EPTTracker object ObjType value of “EPTTracker” is contained in the ElementType the in contained is “EPTTracker” of value ObjType object EPTTracker E116 the that Note and SubstrateDestinationUnknown the support to created was Parameter CtrlJobID The 2 , if any. [/RQ] SetUpName Space QueueAvailable QueuedCJobs CtrlJobID EDA Parameter EDA E116GetTypeDefinitions.xml E116GetStateMachines.xml E116GetEquipmentStructure.xml E116GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml</p><p>[/RQ] Req Y Y Y N File Name Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Table 35 Table Transient Page Table 34 contents shall be modified by the appropriate contents be shall modified by the appropriate jn l jn 38 SetUpName Space QueueAvailable QueuedCJobs CtrlJobID SECS Variable SECS . The content of the files listed content of in the . The ). \EDA Metadata\E116-0707 0710Common \EDA Metadata\E116-0707 0710Common \EDA Metadata\E116-0707 0710Common \EDA Metadata\E116-0707 0710Common DVVAL File Location Collection File Within Type ECV SV SV See E94-0709,See Table 15 E94-0709,See Table 15 E94-0709,See Table 15 Mode. Redirection Material supporting only on equipment included be should parameter Table 5;E94.1, This E94-0709, See Table 15and Table 35 Document Document Number: Explanation Doc. Table 34 Table Date: . In the . In SEMI shall be shall 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00301-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00300-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00299-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00298-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00297-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00296-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00295-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00294-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00293-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00292-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00291-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00290-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00289-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00288-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00287-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00286-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00285-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00284-00] Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Requirement ID Requirement 35 EPTTracker NodeParametersfromSEMI E116 EPTTracker TaskType TaskName PreviousTaskType PreviousTaskName PreviousEPTState EPTElementName EPTStateTime EPTState EPTElementType Transition DisableEventOn BlockedReasonText BlockedReason CurrState EPTModule PrevState EPTEquipment CurrState EPTEquipment TrackerEventID Transition Timestamp Transition EDA Parameter EDA Re Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C C C q Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Page jn l jn 39 EPTStateTime EPTState EPTElementType Transition DisableEventOn BlockedReasonText BlockedReason n/a n/a n/a TrackerEventID Transition Timestamp Transition TaskType TaskName PreviousTaskType PreviousTaskName PreviousEPTState EPTElementName SECS Variable SECS Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Attr Typ n/a n/a n/a e EDA. is needed DVVAL not in Table and 4. EPTStateTime E116-0707,Table See 3 EDA. is needed DVVAL not in Table and 4. EPTState E116-0707,Table See 3 E116-0707,Table See 3 E116-0707,Table See 3 EDA. is needed DVVAL not in BlockedReasonText Table and 4. E116-0707,Table See 3 needed EDA.not in BlockedReason is DVVAL Table and 4. E116-0707,Table See 3 level is EPTTracker Module ¶ See level is EPTTracker Equipment ¶ See level is EPTTracker Equipment ¶ See E116-0707,Table See 3 E116-0707,Table See 3 E116-0707,Table See 3 EDA. is needed DVVAL not in Table and 4. TaskType E116-0707,Table See 3 EDA. is needed DVVAL not in Table and 4. TaskName E116-0707,Table See 3 EDA. is needed DVVAL not in PreviousTaskType Table and 4. E116-0707,Table See 3 EDA. is needed DVVAL not in PreviousTaskName Table and 4. E116-0707,Table See 3 not in is needed EDA. DVVAL PreviousEPTState Table and 4. E116-0707,Table See 3 E116-0707,Table See 3 Document Document Number: Doc. Explanation Date: . if . Required if . Required if . Required SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00310-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00309-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00308-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00302-00] 9.3.9 All StateMachine. EPTEquipment an have will and level aremodulelevel EPTTrackers. others equipment is node Equipment the in EPTTracker An E120Modules, Subsystems, to groupsmultiple may“Module” refer including Modules and/or or Subsystems. separate two requires this EDA, different In two provides level. module but the each, for EPTModule. EPTEquipment and StateMachines: one for and states level same equipment the the for contains one which tables- transition model, state EPT the by differentiated are emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This String80, int,boolean, and float, dateTime. GetUnits. GetStateMachines, or Table section, entitled [/RQ] Synchronization. section, SEMIE148Time this Equipment thein implementrequirements to [Esss.00-RQ-00306-00] conform SEMIE148shall which transitions. model Module[/RQ] state level with E116EPT modelsSEMI that StateMachine structureathe of StateMachineInstance a include shall the equipment in Equipment components below tracks that level the EPTTracker Each LogicalElement [Esss.00-RQ-00305-00] [/RQ]transitions. Equipment state with themodel models SEMIE116EPT athat level StateMachine of StateMachineInstance it that [RQ] tracks. node bethe shall SEMIE120structural with associated EPTTracker Each LogicalElement [Esss.00-RQ-00303-00] "TS-Clock". [/RQ]"TS-Clock". to object. attribute theE148TS-Clock LogicalElementan equal SEMI This have ElementType shall representing the Equipment with associated a define Theshall LogicalElement equipmentmetadata [Esss.00-RQ-00311-00] equipment. onthe E148 implemented version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) modified: listed of thein E148Common files Metadata content relatingE148with SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00307-00] represent Requirement ID Requirement [Esss.00-RQ-00304-00] Each EPTTracker LogicalElement that tracks the Equipment node shall include a node theinclude Equipment shall a tracks that EPTTracker Each LogicalElement [Esss.00-RQ-00304-00] RequirementID SEMI E148 Time Synchronization E148 SEMI 36 h 18 mtdt ie ed te floig etis fo h omneTpDfntosxl file: CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml the from the theentriesCommonGetUnits.xml file:second. filesfollowing need E148metadata from The entries following the need files metadata E148 GetSEMIObjTypes, The GetExceptions, for content required unique no is there E148, SEMI of case the In defined. are they where node the by differentiated are EPTTrackers level equipment and level module The These level. module and level equipment – object EPTTracker the of variations two specifies E116 SEMI XMLFilesForSEMIE148 Note that SEMI E116 EPT defines "Module" slightly differently than SEMI E120. In SEMI E116, SEMI In E120. SEMI than differently slightly "Module" defines EPT E116 SEMI that Note PrevState EPTModule EDA Parameter EDA E148GetTypeDefinitions.xml E148GetEquipmentStructure.xml E148GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml</p><p>[/RQ] File Name Re C q Unrestricted isTransient Page Table 36 jn l jn 40 . The content of the files listed content of in the . The n/a SECS Variable SECS \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E148-1109 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E148-1109 \EDA Common 0710 Metadata\E148-1109 File Location Collection File Within Typ n/a e level is EPTTracker Module ¶ See Document Document Number: Doc. Table 36 Table Explanation Date: . if . Required SEMI shall be shall 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00326-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00325-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00324-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00323-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00320-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00319-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00318-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00317-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00316-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00315-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00314-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00313-00] 9.3.10 in listed Table attribute. emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This String andString80, 128,String255, RecipeVariableArray. GetUnits. Table b) According to the additional instructions in Appendix 2 for adapting the files to the specific version specific instructionsto of the additional Accordingto SEMI Appendixadapting in the 2for files b) as those embedded thecommentsin files, instructions Accordingto anda) modified: listed of thein E157Common files Metadata content relatingE157with SEMI to constructs shall the metadata Implementers [Esss.00-RQ-00322-00] represent entitled [/RQ] Tracking. section, SEMIE157Module Process this Equipment thein implementrequirements to [Esss.00-RQ-00321-00] conform SEMIE157shall which 2 supported, is a the different version where theLogicalElementto TS-Clock conform shall representing EquipmentNodeDescription supports the the Parameters Wherefor the[Esss.00-RQ-00312-00] equipment E148-1109, version is the version supported, to eachModuleconform shall representing EquipmentNodeDescription supports the the Parameters Wherefor the[Esss.00-RQ-00327-00] equipment E157-0710, equipment. [/RQ] onthe E157 implemented , if any. [/RQ], if any. Requirement ID Requirement RequirementID 37 38 SEMI E157 Module E157 SEMI ProcessTracking SEMI E148 does not specify SECS data variables but does specify object attributes. The EDA Parameters EDA The attributes. object specify does but variables data SECS specify not does E148 SEMI Table 37 XMLFilesForSEMIE157 Attribute ParametersfromSEMIE148 TS-ClockObject The E157 metadata files need the following entries from the CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml file: int, file: CommonGetTypeDefinitions.xml the from entries following the need files metadata E157 The or GetSEMIObjTypes, GetExceptions, for content required unique no is there E157, SEMI of case the In Note that the E148 TS-Clock object ObjType value of “TS-Clock” is contained in the ElementType the in contained is “TS-Clock” of value ObjType object TS-Clock E148 the that Note match the E148 TS-Clock attribute the E148TS-Clock names. match Status LastSyncTimeServer LastSyncTime TimeSyncInterval TimeServers Offset UseTimeSync DateTime EDA Parameter EDA E157GetTypeDefinitions.xml E157GetStateMachines.xml E157GetEquipmentStructure.xml E157GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions.xml Table 39 contents shall modified bythe appropriatein instructions contents be File Name File Table 37 Table Req N N N Y Y N Y Y contents shall be modified by the appropriate instructions contents be shall modifiedby the in appropriate Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Page Table 38 jn l jn 41 . 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In Explanation Date: </p><p>SEMI [/RQ] shall be shall 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and [Esss.00-RQ-00339-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00338-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00337-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00336-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00335-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00334-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00333-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00332-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00331-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00330-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00329-00] [Esss.00-RQ-00328-00] Table emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This [/RQ] thatProcess StateMachine Model. State ofthe models SEMIE157Module StateMachineInstance a includeshall a eachModulethe equipmentstructure in The representing EquipmentNodeDescription [Esss.00-RQ-00340-00] Requirement ID Requirement 39 Module Node Parameters fromSEMIE157 ModuleNodeParameters PrevState ModuleProcess CurrState ModuleProcess StepCount StepID RecipeParameters ProcessJobIDList ProcessJobID SubstrateIDList SubstrateID ModuleID RecID RCID EDA Parameter Req N Y Y Y Y Y C C C C C C Unrestricted Unrestricted isTransient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Transient Page jn l jn 42 RecipeParameters ProcessJobIDList ProcessJobID SubstrateIDList SubstrateID ModuleID RecID RCID n/a n/a StepCount StepID SECS Variable SECS DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL DVVAL Type n/a n/a See 4.E157-0710, Table See 3 E157-0710, Table Module simultaneously. ProcessJobs affectcan this Required multiple if See 3.E157-0710, Table this Module. at supportedtime is fora Required one if ProcessJob See 3.E157-0710, Table a time. Substrates processedare at Required multiple if See 3.E157-0710, Table time. Substrate processedis at a Required only if one See 3.E157-0710, Table See 3 E157-0710, Table See 3 E157-0710, Table See 3 E157-0710, Table See ¶ See ¶ supported. Required recipeif steps are See 4.E157-0710, Table supported. Required recipeif steps are Document Document Number: Doc. Explanation Date: ; ; SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 8.1 Capability: Prerequisites 8 A1-3 A.1-2 A.1-2 A.1-2 A.1-1 Capability: of Statement Compliance A1.2.2 A1.2.2 also be should NA. therequirements child marked NA, marked A1.2.1 A1.2 A1.1 responsible by approval of date [insert on procedures committee]. ballot standards regional letter full by approved was and code] (month-year) NOTICE OF STATEMENT COMPLIANCE 1 APPENDIX emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table A1.1 [Esss.00-RQ-90004-00] An explanation for NC shall be provided bythe An supplier. be explanationshall [/RQ] NC [Esss.00-RQ-90004-00] provided for [/RQ] currentimplementation. for applicable thenot requirement the the condition render to and evaluates conditional a only is forrequirement be shall code used the The casewhere NotApplicable in NA [Esss.00-RQ-90003-00] [/RQ] –NotApplicable. 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Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.2.5 9.2.4 Capability: Metadata 9.2 General Requirements 9 Capability: Requirements9 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00018-00 Esss.00-RQ-00017-00 Esss.00-RQ-00016-00 Esss.00-RQ-00015-00 Esss.00-RQ-00014-00 Esss.00-RQ-00013-00 Esss.00-RQ-00012-00 Esss.00-RQ-00011-00 Esss.00-RQ-00010-00 Esss.00-RQ-00009-00 Esss.00-RQ-00008-00 Esss.00-RQ-00007-00 Esss.00-RQ-00006-00 Esss.00-RQ-00005-00 Esss.00-RQ-00004-00 Esss.00-RQ-00003-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00025-00 Esss.00-RQ-00024-00 Esss.00-RQ-00023-00 Esss.00-RQ-00022-00 Esss.00-RQ-00021-00 Esss.00-RQ-00020-00 Esss.00-RQ-00019-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00011-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 None Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00019-00 Esss.00-RQ-00019-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 44 ------*Must answeredbe per Parameter SECSParameter = - StandardDiscreteEvent = ------Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 Capability: SEMI Generic Model 9.3.3 E30 Equipment 9.3.2 9.3.2 9.3.2 RequirementsCapability: Standards 9.3 Content emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00043-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00041-00 Esss.00-RQ-00040-00 Esss.00-RQ-00039-00 Esss.00-RQ-00038-00 Esss.00-RQ-00037-00 Esss.00-RQ-00036-00 Esss.00-RQ-00035-00 Esss.00-RQ-00034-00 Esss.00-RQ-00033-00 Esss.00-RQ-00032-00 Esss.00-RQ-00031-00 Esss.00-RQ-00030-00 Esss.00-RQ-00029-00 Esss.00-RQ-00028-00 Esss.00-RQ-00027-00 Esss.00-RQ-00026-00 Esss.00-RQ-00050-00 Esss.00-RQ-00049-00 Esss.00-RQ-00048-00 Esss.00-RQ-00047-00 Esss.00-RQ-00046-00 Esss.00-RQ-00045-00 Esss.00-RQ-00044-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00036-00 Esss.00-RQ-00037-00 Esss.00-RQ-00037-00 Esss.00-RQ-00037-00 Esss.00-RQ-00037-00 Esss.00-RQ-00036-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00033-00 Esss.00-RQ-00033-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00031-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 45 ------NumericParameter = - - E30ProcessRecipeMgt= ProcessPrograms = ProcessPrograms = ProcessPrograms = Clock = - ProcessingStateChange = ProcessingStateChange = E30-0307 = - - - - - E30Support = - Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 Capability: 9.3.4 SEMI Processing E40 Management 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00067-00 Esss.00-RQ-00066-00 Esss.00-RQ-00065-00 Esss.00-RQ-00064-00 Esss.00-RQ-00063-00 Esss.00-RQ-00062-00 Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Esss.00-RQ-00060-00 Esss.00-RQ-00059-00 Esss.00-RQ-00058-00 Esss.00-RQ-00057-00 Esss.00-RQ-00056-00 Esss.00-RQ-00055-00 Esss.00-RQ-00054-00 Esss.00-RQ-00053-00 Esss.00-RQ-00052-00 Esss.00-RQ-00051-00 Esss.00-RQ-00073-00 Esss.00-RQ-00072-00 Esss.00-RQ-00071-00 Esss.00-RQ-00070-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00068-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00036-00 Esss.00-RQ-00036-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00042-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00068-00 Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 46 PrevState PrevState = - E116Support = E90Support = Clock = E30EstablishComm = LargeRecipe = OperatorEqpConstChange = OperatorCommandIssued = RecipeVerEvent = ProcessPrograms = - PauseEvent = - - E40-0709 = ------E40Support = - - Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.3.5 9.3.5 9.3.5 9.3.5 9.3.5 9.3.5 9.3.5 9.3.5 Capability: 9.3.5 SEMI Carrier E87 Management 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00092-00 Esss.00-RQ-00091-00 Esss.00-RQ-00090-00 Esss.00-RQ-00089-00 Esss.00-RQ-00088-00 Esss.00-RQ-00087-00 Esss.00-RQ-00086-00 Esss.00-RQ-00085-00 Esss.00-RQ-00084-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00082-00 Esss.00-RQ-00081-00 Esss.00-RQ-00080-00 Esss.00-RQ-00079-00 Esss.00-RQ-00078-00 Esss.00-RQ-00077-00 Esss.00-RQ-00076-00 Esss.00-RQ-00075-00 Esss.00-RQ-00074-00 Esss.00-RQ-00099-00 Esss.00-RQ-00098-00 Esss.00-RQ-00097-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00095-00 Esss.00-RQ-00094-00 Esss.00-RQ-00093-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00091-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00061-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00069-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00095-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00091-00 Esss.00-RQ-00091-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 47 - PrevState = - RecVariableList = - - PRProcessStart = - - - - - E87-0709 = - - - BypassReadID = E87-0709 = ------E87Support = Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00119-00 Esss.00-RQ-00118-00 Esss.00-RQ-00117-00 Esss.00-RQ-00116-00 Esss.00-RQ-00115-00 Esss.00-RQ-00114-00 Esss.00-RQ-00113-00 Esss.00-RQ-00112-00 Esss.00-RQ-00111-00 Esss.00-RQ-00110-00 Esss.00-RQ-00109-00 Esss.00-RQ-00108-00 Esss.00-RQ-00107-00 Esss.00-RQ-00106-00 Esss.00-RQ-00105-00 Esss.00-RQ-00104-00 Esss.00-RQ-00103-00 Esss.00-RQ-00102-00 Esss.00-RQ-00101-00 Esss.00-RQ-00100-00 Esss.00-RQ-00126-00 Esss.00-RQ-00125-00 Esss.00-RQ-00124-00 Esss.00-RQ-00123-00 Esss.00-RQ-00122-00 Esss.00-RQ-00121-00 Esss.00-RQ-00120-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00118-00 Esss.00-RQ-00117-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00096-00 Esss.00-RQ-00124-00 Esss.00-RQ-00124-00 Esss.00-RQ-00123-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00118-00 Esss.00-RQ-00118-00 Esss.00-RQ-00118-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 48 ------E87-0709 = - - - - - E87-0709 = - - PrevState = - PrevState = - PrevState = - Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00146-00 Esss.00-RQ-00145-00 Esss.00-RQ-00144-00 Esss.00-RQ-00143-00 Esss.00-RQ-00142-00 Esss.00-RQ-00141-00 Esss.00-RQ-00140-00 Esss.00-RQ-00139-00 Esss.00-RQ-00138-00 Esss.00-RQ-00137-00 Esss.00-RQ-00136-00 Esss.00-RQ-00135-00 Esss.00-RQ-00134-00 Esss.00-RQ-00133-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00131-00 Esss.00-RQ-00130-00 Esss.00-RQ-00129-00 Esss.00-RQ-00128-00 Esss.00-RQ-00127-00 Esss.00-RQ-00152-00 Esss.00-RQ-00151-00 Esss.00-RQ-00150-00 Esss.00-RQ-00149-00 Esss.00-RQ-00148-00 Esss.00-RQ-00147-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00131-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00132-00 Esss.00-RQ-00131-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00119-00 Esss.00-RQ-00128-00 Esss.00-RQ-00123-00 Esss.00-RQ-00123-00 Esss.00-RQ-00151-00 Esss.00-RQ-00150-00 Esss.00-RQ-00083-00 Esss.00-RQ-00131-00 Esss.00-RQ-00131-00 Esss.00-RQ-00131-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 49 - - - - E87-0709 = - - - E87-0709 = - - E87InternalBuffer = E87-0709 = E87InternalBuffer = ------PrevState = - BypassReadID = - - - Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.3.6 9.3.6 9.3.6 9.3.6 9.3.6 9.3.6 9.3.6 TrackingCapability: 9.3.6 SEMI Substrate E90 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00170-00 Esss.00-RQ-00169-00 Esss.00-RQ-00168-00 Esss.00-RQ-00167-00 Esss.00-RQ-00166-00 Esss.00-RQ-00165-00 Esss.00-RQ-00164-00 Esss.00-RQ-00163-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00161-00 Esss.00-RQ-00160-00 Esss.00-RQ-00159-00 Esss.00-RQ-00158-00 Esss.00-RQ-00157-00 Esss.00-RQ-00156-00 Esss.00-RQ-00155-00 Esss.00-RQ-00154-00 Esss.00-RQ-00153-00 Esss.00-RQ-00177-00 Esss.00-RQ-00176-00 Esss.00-RQ-00175-00 Esss.00-RQ-00174-00 Esss.00-RQ-00173-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00171-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00169-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00155-00 Esss.00-RQ-00155-00 Esss.00-RQ-00155-00 Esss.00-RQ-00155-00 Esss.00-RQ-00155-00 Esss.00-RQ-00155-00 Esss.00-RQ-00154-00 Esss.00-RQ-00150-00 Esss.00-RQ-00151-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00171-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 50 BufferPartitionDetail = BufferPartitionDetail = BufferPartitionDetail = BufferPartitionDetail = BufferPartitionDetail = - E87BufferPartition = E87-0709 = - - - BatchProcess = SubstrateIDReader = - - E90-0707 = - SubstrateIDReader = E90-0707 = ------E90Support = Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00195-00 Esss.00-RQ-00194-00 Esss.00-RQ-00193-00 Esss.00-RQ-00192-00 Esss.00-RQ-00191-00 Esss.00-RQ-00190-00 Esss.00-RQ-00189-00 Esss.00-RQ-00188-00 Esss.00-RQ-00187-00 Esss.00-RQ-00186-00 Esss.00-RQ-00185-00 Esss.00-RQ-00184-00 Esss.00-RQ-00183-00 Esss.00-RQ-00182-00 Esss.00-RQ-00181-00 Esss.00-RQ-00180-00 Esss.00-RQ-00179-00 Esss.00-RQ-00178-00 Esss.00-RQ-00201-00 Esss.00-RQ-00200-00 Esss.00-RQ-00199-00 Esss.00-RQ-00198-00 Esss.00-RQ-00197-00 Esss.00-RQ-00196-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 51 SubstType SubstType = - - - BatchLocations = - SubstrateIDReader = - - - InternalBuffer = InternalBuffer = BatchLocations = InternalBuffer = InternalBuffer = InternalBuffer = InternalBuffer = SubstrateIDReader = InternalBuffer = InternalBuffer = - InternalBuffer = InternalBuffer = BatchLocations = InternalBuffer = SubstrateIDReader = InternalBuffer = SubstUsage = Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00219-00 Esss.00-RQ-00218-00 Esss.00-RQ-00217-00 Esss.00-RQ-00216-00 Esss.00-RQ-00215-00 Esss.00-RQ-00214-00 Esss.00-RQ-00213-00 Esss.00-RQ-00212-00 Esss.00-RQ-00211-00 Esss.00-RQ-00210-00 Esss.00-RQ-00209-00 Esss.00-RQ-00208-00 Esss.00-RQ-00207-00 Esss.00-RQ-00206-00 Esss.00-RQ-00205-00 Esss.00-RQ-00204-00 Esss.00-RQ-00203-00 Esss.00-RQ-00202-00 Esss.00-RQ-00226-00 Esss.00-RQ-00225-00 Esss.00-RQ-00224-00 Esss.00-RQ-00223-00 Esss.00-RQ-00222-00 Esss.00-RQ-00221-00 Esss.00-RQ-00220-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00213-00 Esss.00-RQ-00213-00 Esss.00-RQ-00213-00 Esss.00-RQ-00213-00 Esss.00-RQ-00213-00 Esss.00-RQ-00213-00 Esss.00-RQ-00212-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00172-00 Esss.00-RQ-00221-00 Esss.00-RQ-00221-00 Esss.00-RQ-00221-00 Esss.00-RQ-00221-00 Esss.00-RQ-00221-00 Esss.00-RQ-00220-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 52 - PrevState = - PrevState = - SubstUsage = InternalBuffer = SubstType = InternalBuffer = InternalBuffer = - - - - E90-0707 = ------E90-0707 = - - PrevState = Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.3.7 9.3.7 9.3.7 9.3.7 9.3.7 9.3.7 9.3.7 Capability: 9.3.7 SEMI Control Management E94 Job emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00244-00 Esss.00-RQ-00243-00 Esss.00-RQ-00242-00 Esss.00-RQ-00241-00 Esss.00-RQ-00240-00 Esss.00-RQ-00239-00 Esss.00-RQ-00238-00 Esss.00-RQ-00237-00 Esss.00-RQ-00236-00 Esss.00-RQ-00235-00 Esss.00-RQ-00234-00 Esss.00-RQ-00233-00 Esss.00-RQ-00232-00 Esss.00-RQ-00231-00 Esss.00-RQ-00230-00 Esss.00-RQ-00229-00 Esss.00-RQ-00228-00 Esss.00-RQ-00227-00 Esss.00-RQ-00251-00 Esss.00-RQ-00250-00 Esss.00-RQ-00249-00 Esss.00-RQ-00248-00 Esss.00-RQ-00247-00 Esss.00-RQ-00246-00 Esss.00-RQ-00245-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00230-00 Esss.00-RQ-00237-00 Esss.00-RQ-00237-00 Esss.00-RQ-00237-00 Esss.00-RQ-00237-00 Esss.00-RQ-00237-00 Esss.00-RQ-00237-00 Esss.00-RQ-00230-00 Esss.00-RQ-00230-00 Esss.00-RQ-00231-00 Esss.00-RQ-00231-00 Esss.00-RQ-00231-00 Esss.00-RQ-00231-00 Esss.00-RQ-00230-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00162-00 Esss.00-RQ-00221-00 Esss.00-RQ-00221-00 Esss.00-RQ-00246-00 Esss.00-RQ-00246-00 Esss.00-RQ-00246-00 Esss.00-RQ-00246-00 Esss.00-RQ-00246-00 Esss.00-RQ-00245-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 53 ------E94Support = - E90-0707 - Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: </p><p>(C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.3.8 9.3.8 Capability: Performance9.3.8 SEMI Equipment Tracking E116 9.3.7 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section e Esss.00-RQ-00271-00 Esss.00-RQ-00270-00 Esss.00-RQ-00269-00 Esss.00-RQ-00268-00 Esss.00-RQ-00267-00 Esss.00-RQ-00266-00 Esss.00-RQ-00265-00 Esss.00-RQ-00264-00 Esss.00-RQ-00263-00 Esss.00-RQ-00262-00 Esss.00-RQ-00261-00 Esss.00-RQ-00260-00 Esss.00-RQ-00259-00 Esss.00-RQ-00258-00 Esss.00-RQ-00257-00 Esss.00-RQ-00256-00 Esss.00-RQ-00255-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00253-00 Esss.00-RQ-00252-00 Esss.00-RQ-00277-00 Esss.00-RQ-00276-00 Esss.00-RQ-00275-00 Esss.00-RQ-00274-00 Esss.00-RQ-00273-00 Esss.00-RQ-00272-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00245-00 Esss.00-RQ-00245-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00253-00 Esss.00-RQ-00245-00 Esss.00-RQ-00246-00 Esss.00-RQ-00276-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00271-00 Esss.00-RQ-00271-00 Esss.00-RQ-00271-00 Esss.00-RQ-00271-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 54 - - - DataCollectionPlan = - - - E94-0709 = - - - E116Support = - - - MaterialRedirectionMode= E94-0709 = - PrevState = ------PauseEvent = Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00297-00 Esss.00-RQ-00296-00 Esss.00-RQ-00295-00 Esss.00-RQ-00294-00 Esss.00-RQ-00293-00 Esss.00-RQ-00292-00 Esss.00-RQ-00291-00 Esss.00-RQ-00290-00 Esss.00-RQ-00289-00 Esss.00-RQ-00288-00 Esss.00-RQ-00287-00 Esss.00-RQ-00286-00 Esss.00-RQ-00285-00 Esss.00-RQ-00284-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00282-00 Esss.00-RQ-00281-00 Esss.00-RQ-00280-00 Esss.00-RQ-00279-00 Esss.00-RQ-00278-00 Esss.00-RQ-00302-00 Esss.00-RQ-00301-00 Esss.00-RQ-00300-00 Esss.00-RQ-00299-00 Esss.00-RQ-00298-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00282-00 Esss.00-RQ-00276-00 Esss.00-RQ-00277-00 Esss.00-RQ-00277-00 Esss.00-RQ-00277-00 Esss.00-RQ-00277-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Esss.00-RQ-00283-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 55 - - - - E116-0707 = - - - - - EPTTrackerLevel= PrevState = EPTTrackerLevel= EPTTrackerLevel= PrevState = EPTTrackerLevel = ------Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 Capability: 9.3.10 SEMI Module Tracking E157 Process 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 Capability: 9.3.9 SEMI Time E148 Synchronization 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.8 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00320-00 Esss.00-RQ-00319-00 Esss.00-RQ-00318-00 Esss.00-RQ-00317-00 Esss.00-RQ-00316-00 Esss.00-RQ-00315-00 Esss.00-RQ-00314-00 Esss.00-RQ-00313-00 Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00311-00 Esss.00-RQ-00310-00 Esss.00-RQ-00309-00 Esss.00-RQ-00308-00 Esss.00-RQ-00307-00 Esss.00-RQ-00306-00 Esss.00-RQ-00305-00 Esss.00-RQ-00304-00 Esss.00-RQ-00303-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00326-00 Esss.00-RQ-00325-00 Esss.00-RQ-00324-00 Esss.00-RQ-00323-00 Esss.00-RQ-00322-00 Esss.00-RQ-00321-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00312-00 Esss.00-RQ-00311-00 Esss.00-RQ-00306-00 Esss.00-RQ-00307-00 Esss.00-RQ-00307-00 Esss.00-RQ-00307-00 Esss.00-RQ-00306-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00303-00 Esss.00-RQ-00303-00 Esss.00-RQ-00276-00 Esss.00-RQ-00321-00 Esss.00-RQ-00322-00 Esss.00-RQ-00322-00 Esss.00-RQ-00322-00 Esss.00-RQ-00322-00 Esss.00-RQ-00321-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 56 - - - - E148Support = EPTTrackerLevel= EPTTrackerLevel= - E157-0710 = - - - - - E157Support = Status = LastSynchTimeServer = LastSyncTime = - - Offset = - - E148-1109 = Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.1 2 Adapting Different Capability: Versions Appendix to Standards 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 9.3.10 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00343-00 Esss.00-RQ-00342-00 Esss.00-RQ-00341-00 Esss.00-RQ-00340-00 Esss.00-RQ-00339-00 Esss.00-RQ-00338-00 Esss.00-RQ-00337-00 Esss.00-RQ-00336-00 Esss.00-RQ-00335-00 Esss.00-RQ-00334-00 Esss.00-RQ-00333-00 Esss.00-RQ-00332-00 Esss.00-RQ-00331-00 Esss.00-RQ-00330-00 Esss.00-RQ-00329-00 Esss.00-RQ-00328-00 Esss.00-RQ-00350-00 Esss.00-RQ-00349-00 Esss.00-RQ-00348-00 Esss.00-RQ-00347-00 Esss.00-RQ-00346-00 Esss.00-RQ-00345-00 Esss.00-RQ-00344-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00342-00 Esss.00-RQ-00037-00 Esss.00-RQ-00002-00 Esss.00-RQ-00322-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00327-00 Esss.00-RQ-00349-00 Esss.00-RQ-00347-00 Esss.00-RQ-00347-00 Esss.00-RQ-00084-00 Esss.00-RQ-00344-00 Esss.00-RQ-00344-00 Esss.00-RQ-00062-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 57 - *Must answeredbe per Module MultipleJobs = *Must answeredbe per Module MultipleJobs = *Must answeredbe per Module MultipleSubstrates = *Must answeredbe per Module MultipleSubstrates = - - - - E87-0706OrEarlier = - E87-0707OrEarlier = - - E40-0304OrEarlier = - E30-0303OrEarlier = ChangeVersion = - PrevState = - *Must answeredbe per Module RecipeSteps = *Must answeredbe per Module RecipeSteps = Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Section Esss.00-RQ-00370-00 Esss.00-RQ-00369-00 Esss.00-RQ-00368-00 Esss.00-RQ-00367-00 Esss.00-RQ-00366-00 Esss.00-RQ-00365-00 Esss.00-RQ-00364-00 Esss.00-RQ-00363-00 Esss.00-RQ-00362-00 Esss.00-RQ-00361-00 Esss.00-RQ-00360-00 Esss.00-RQ-00359-00 Esss.00-RQ-00358-00 Esss.00-RQ-00357-00 Esss.00-RQ-00356-00 Esss.00-RQ-00355-00 Esss.00-RQ-00354-00 Esss.00-RQ-00353-00 Esss.00-RQ-00352-00 Esss.00-RQ-00351-00 Esss.00-RQ-00377-00 Esss.00-RQ-00376-00 Esss.00-RQ-00375-00 Esss.00-RQ-00374-00 Esss.00-RQ-00373-00 Esss.00-RQ-00372-00 Esss.00-RQ-00371-00 Requirement ID Esss.00-RQ-00367-00 Esss.00-RQ-00367-00 Esss.00-RQ-00367-00 Esss.00-RQ-00364-00 Esss.00-RQ-00364-00 Esss.00-RQ-00364-00 Esss.00-RQ-00359-00 Esss.00-RQ-00359-00 Esss.00-RQ-00359-00 Esss.00-RQ-00359-00 Esss.00-RQ-00359-00 Esss.00-RQ-00357-00 Esss.00-RQ-00357-00 Esss.00-RQ-00163-00 Esss.00-RQ-00355-00 Esss.00-RQ-00351-00 Esss.00-RQ-00351-00 Esss.00-RQ-00351-00 Esss.00-RQ-00351-00 Esss.00-RQ-00349-00 Esss.00-RQ-00375-00 Esss.00-RQ-00375-00 Esss.00-RQ-00373-00 Esss.00-RQ-00373-00 Esss.00-RQ-00254-00 Esss.00-RQ-00367-00 Esss.00-RQ-00367-00 Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 58 - E90-0306OrEarlier = - E90-0706OrEarlier = - E87-0703OrEarlier = - - - E87-1105OrEarlier = - - E94-1106OrEarlier = - E94-1108OrEarlier = - - - - - E90-0304OrEarlier = - - E90-1104OrEarlier = - - - Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 E116-0705OrEarlier DataCollectionPlan Clock BypassReadID BufferPartitionDetail BatchLocations BatchProcess Table A1.1 Table A1.1 equipment. A1.3.1 A1.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A1-2, Equipment Conditional Criteria. Equipment [/RQ]A1-2, equipmentsuppliercriteriaper document Each shall conditional Esss.ssspecific Table [Esss.00-RQ-90005-00] Section Compliance Table: Equipment Conditional Compliance Conditional CriteriaTable: Equipment Conditional criteria are used to identify when Conditional requirements are to be implemented on the on implemented be to are requirements Conditional when identify to used are criteria Conditional Name Conditional Criteria Esss.00-RQ-00384-00 Esss.00-RQ-00383-00 Esss.00-RQ-00382-00 Esss.00-RQ-00381-00 Esss.00-RQ-00380-00 Esss.00-RQ-00379-00 Esss.00-RQ-00378-00 Requirement ID LoadPort Equipment False True False True False True False True False True False True Values Esss.00-RQ-00383-00 Esss.00-RQ-00381-00 Esss.00-RQ-00381-00 Esss.00-RQ-00379-00 Esss.00-RQ-00379-00 Esss.00-RQ-00375-00 Esss.00-RQ-00375-00 version False Equipment not E116 – does support version or earlier 0705 an True Equipment E116 0705 an– supports version or earlier version DataCollectionPlan of ControlJob attribute the object False The – equipment not the does support E94 attribute the objectof ControlJob True The – equipment the DataCollectionPlan supports E94 False The parameter– Clock is defined not True The Clock – E30 on capability the implemented equipment. LoadPort BypassReadID supported– is at Load each Port Equipment BypassReadID– is at Equipment supported the level partition parameters False The – the equipment not has detailed implemented buffer parameters True The – equipment implemented detailedhas the buffer partition False The – equipment no Locationshas Batch True The – equipment Batch has Locations False Not batch– a process equipment True Batch – process equipment Parent RequirementParent ID Page jn l jn 59 Description - E116-0705OrEarlier = - E94-1104OrEarlier = - E94-0705OrEarlier = - Condition Selection / Criteria Document Document Number: Doc. Date: (C/NC/WC/NA) Compliance 2.7 9.3.3 SEMI Section 5/8/2018 DRAFT</p><p> and</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and E30Support E30ProcessRecipeMgt E30EstablishComm E30-0307 E30-0303OrEarlier E157Support E157-0710 E148Support E148Status E148Offset E148-1109 E116Support E116-0707 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Name True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False Values False The – equipment not SEMI does support E30 True The E30 – equipment SEMI supports implemented theon equipment. False E30 Recipe- Process Management capability not is on equipment.the True E30 Recipe– Process Management capability implemented is Communications capability False The the - Establish equipment not E30 does implement Communications capability True The the – Establish equipment E30 implements False The – equipment a version SEMI supports different of E30 True The – equipment the version SEMI supports 0307 of E30 version False Equipment not E30 – does support version or earlier 0303 an True Equipment E30,version or – supports 0303 an versionearlier False The – equipment not SEMI does support E157 True The E157 – equipment SEMI supports False The – equipment a version SEMI supports different of E157 True The – equipment the version SEMI supports 0710 of E157 False The – equipment not SEMI does support E148 True The E148 – equipment SEMI supports the TS False The – equipment not the Status of does support E148 attribute TS True The – equipment the Status of supports E148 attribute the of TS the False The – equipment not the Offset attribute does support E148 TS True The – equipment the Offset attribute the supports E148 of False The – equipment a version SEMI supports different of E148 True The – equipment the version SEMI supports 1109 of E148 False The – equipment not SEMI does support E116 True The E116 – equipment SEMI supports False The – equipment a version SEMI supports different of E116 True The – equipment the version SEMI supports 0707 of E116 - - Clock object Clock object - Clock object Clock - Clock object Page jn l jn 60 Description Document Document Number: Doc. Date: 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.8 9.3.8 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 2.2 9.3.9 9.3.9 9.3.9 SEMI Section 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and E90-0304OrEarlier E87Support E87InternalBuffer E87BufferPartition E87-1105OrEarlier E87-0709 E87-0707OrEarlier E87-0706OrEarlier E87-0703OrEarlier E40Support E40PauseEvent E40-0709 E40-0304OrEarlier emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Name False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True Values version False Equipment not E90 – does support version or earlier 0304 an True Equipment E90 0304 an– supports version or earlier version False The – equipment not SEMI does support E87 True The E87 – equipment SEMI supports False Equipment not E87 – does support internal buffer True Equipment E87 – supports internal buffer False Equipment not – doesE87 implement partition an buffer True Equipment E87 – implements partition an buffer version False Equipment not E87 – does support version or earlier 1105 an True Equipment E87,version or – supports 1105 an versionearlier False The – equipment a version SEMI supports different of E87 True The – equipment the version SEMI supports 0709 of E87 version False Equipment not E87 – does support version or earlier 0707 an True Equipment E87,version or – supports 0707 an versionearlier version False Equipment not E87 – does support version or earlier 0706 an True Equipment E87,version or – supports 0706 an versionearlier version False Equipment not E87 – does support version or earlier 0703 an True Equipment E87,version or – supports 0703 an versionearlier False The – equipment not SEMI does support E40 True The E40 – equipment SEMI supports attribute ProcessJob of False The – equipment not the PauseEvent does support E40 ProcessJob True The – equipment the PauseEvent of supports E40 attribute False The – equipment a version SEMI supports different of E40 True The – equipment the version SEMI supports 0709 of E40 version False Equipment not E40 – does support version or earlier 0304 an True Equipment E40,version or – supports 0304 an versionearlier Page jn l jn 61 Description Document Document Number: Doc. Date: 2.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 9.3.4 2.3 2.5 9.3.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 SEMI Section 5/8/2018 DRAFT , , and , , , </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and InternalBuffer EPTTrackerLevel E94Support E94-1108OrEarlier E94-1106OrEarlier E94-1104OrEarlier E94-0709 E94-0705OrEarlier E90Support E90-1104OrEarlier E90-0707 E90-0706OrEarlier E90-0306OrEarlier emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Name False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True True Module Equipment False True Values False Not internal– an buffer equipment True Internal – buffer equipment Module EPTTracker Module– is level Equipment EPTTracker Equipment– is level False The – equipment not SEMI does support E94 True The E94 – equipment SEMI supports version False Equipment not E94 – does support version or earlier 1108 an True Equipment E94 1108 an– supports version or earlier version version False Equipment not E94 – does support version or earlier 1106 an True Equipment E94 1106 an– supports version or earlier version version False Equipment not E94 – does support version or earlier 1104 an True Equipment E94 1104 an– supports version or earlier version False The – equipment a version SEMI supports different of E94 True The – equipment the version SEMI supports 0709 of E94 version False Equipment not E94 – does support version or earlier 0705 an True Equipment E94 0705 an– supports version or earlier version False The – equipment not SEMI does support E90 True The E90 – equipment SEMI supports version False Equipment not E90 – does support version or earlier 1104 an True Equipment E90,version or – supports 1104 an versionearlier False The – equipment a version SEMI supports different of E90 True The – equipment the version SEMI supports 0707 of E90 version False Equipment not E90 – does support version or earlier 0706 an True Equipment E90,version or – supports 0706 an versionearlier version False Equipment not E90 – does support version or earlier 0306 an True Equipment E90,version or – supports 0306 an versionearlier Page jn l jn 62 Description Document Document Number: Doc. Date: 9.3.6 2.5 ?? 2.5 2.5 9.3.8 9.3.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 SEMI Section 5/8/2018 DRAFT</p><p> and and</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and PrevState ProcessingStateChange PauseEvent OperatorEqpConstChange OperatorCommandIssued NumericParameter MultipleSubstrates MultipleJobs MaterialRedirectionMode LastSyncTime LastSynchTimeServer LargeRecipe emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 2</p><p>This criteria is used for each instance of a PreviousState parameter specified in this document. used each in criteria a this instanceof specified is for PreviousStateparameter This Name False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True Values PreviousState PreviousState parameter implemented this not for StateMachine PreviousState forparameter StateMachine implemented this False The - ProcessingStateChange is definedevent not True The – ProcessingStateChange is event defined attribute ControlJob of False The – equipment not the PauseEvent does support E94 ControlJob True The – equipment the PauseEvent of supports E94 attribute E30 equipmentoperator constantevent change not supported E30 equipmentoperator constantevent change supported supported False The E30 – SEMI OperatorCommandIssued is event not True The E30 – SEMI OperatorCommandIssued is event supported False The – Parameter not numeric does data report True The – Parameter numeric data reports this Module False The – equipment process one can only Substrate in a at time this Module True Equipment – can simultaneouslymultiple substrates in process False One at– is ProcessJob afor Module supported time this True Multiple can– ProcessJobs affect Module this simultaneously False The – equipment not Material does support Redirection Mode. True The – equipment Material supports Redirection Mode. attribute the of TS False The – equipment not the LastSyncTime does support E148 the TS True The – equipment the LastSyncTime of supports E148 attribute LastSyncTimeServer attribute the of TS False The – equipment not the does support E148 attribute the of TS True The – equipment the LastSyncTimeServer supports E148 programs executionor recipes False The – equipment not uploading large does support of process programs executionor recipes True The – equipment uploading large supports of process - Clock object Clock Page - - Clock object Clock object Clock jn l jn 63 Description - Clock object Clock Document Document Number: Doc. Date: ?? ?? 9.3.3 Various 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.3 9.3.10 9.3.10 SEMI Section 5/8/2018 DRAFT 2</p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and SubstUsage SubstType SubstrateIDReader StandardDiscreteEvent SECSParameter RecipeVerEvent RecVariableList RecipeSteps PRProcessStart ProcessPrograms emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Name False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True Values attribute the of Substrate object False The – equipment not the SubstUsage does support E90 Substrate object True The – equipment the SubstUsage attribute the supports E90 of attribute the of Substrate object False The – equipment not the SubstType does support E90 Substrate object True The – equipment the SubstType attribute the supports E90 of False The – equipment not a ID does have Substrate reader True The – equipment a ID has Substrate reader standard. False The – discrete is specifiedevent not by supported a SEMI discrete event True A standard by – SEMI supported the specifies equipment the the parameter in not is SECS implemented True variable = The data or attribute item object that to corresponds the parameter implemented SECS is in True variable = The data or attribute item object that to corresponds implemented Recipe verification recipe of verification event failure not Recipe verification recipe or verification event failure implemented attribute ProcessJob of False The – equipment not the does support RecVariableList ProcessJob True The – equipment the supports RecVariableList of attribute Module. False Equipment not individual– does support recipe for steps this True Equipment individual – supports recipe for Module.steps this attribute ProcessJob of False The – equipment not the does support PRProcessStart ProcessJob True The – equipment the attribute supports PRProcessStart of False The – equipment not ProcessProgramsdoes support True The - equipment ProcessProgramssupports Page jn l jn 64 Description Document Document Number: Doc. Date: 9.3.4 9.3.10 9.3.4 9.3.3 9 9.3.3 SEMI Section 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A2.2.3.1 A2.2.3.1 A2.2.3 to be updated must E30-1103. metadata A2.2.2.1 A2.2.2 A2.2.1 A2.2 A2.1.4 describedaccumulated. changes must one moving version, morebe When back the than version. A2.1.3 leftthe implementerdetermine. to to earlier versions neededfor 2003. Adjustments are March of in current those as early as standards content the of versions previous for adjust to needed information the provides Appendix This standards. those of versions earlier to conform to files XML the to basis per-standard a on A2.1.2 date). publication 0710SEMI 2010 (the A2.1.1 A2.1 responsible by approval of date [insert on procedures committee]. ballot standards regional letter full by approved was and code] (month-year) NOTICE DIFFERENT VERSIONSSTANDARDS ADAPTING TO 2 APPENDIX emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A2.3.4 to be updated must E40-0307. metadata A2.3.3.1 A2.3.3 to be updated must E40-1107. metadata A2.3.2.1 A2.3.2 A2.3.1 A2.3 A2. A2.2.4.1 A2.2.4 to be updated must E30-0703. metadata reference the needed version of that content standard. [/RQ] thatstandard. neededversion of content the reference to specificationupdated provided references this to all thewith be version shall standard, of aversion content provided different metadatathis changing with represent When to a a specification set [Esss.00-RQ-00341-00] values 5through 16.[/RQ]values for In Integer removeEnumeration[Esss.00-RQ-00343-00] the the PPFormatEnumTypeDefinition, elements the this toin perform the changesoutlined section.E30-0703 [/RQ] support E30-0303, versions or any E30-0307, of E30-1103, In set from changethe E30metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00342-00] orderto SEMIMetadataE40 VersionsModificationsFor PriorE40-0709 To SEMIMetadataE30 VersionsModificationsFor PriorE30-0307 To MetadataModifications E40-1106 (from E40-0307) E40-0307 (from E40-1107) E40-1107 (from E40-0709) SEMIE40hasimplemented ontheversion: following The for been equipmentmetadata E30-0303 (from E30-0703) E30-0703 (from E30-1103) E30-1103 (from E30-0307) SEMIE30hasimplementedontheversion: following The for been equipment metadata standard version bethe metadata.In of changed must within the everycase,the version-by- backward metadata the adjust to provided are instructions standard, each of release each For made be can adjustments standards, content the of versions these on based not are that implementations For July, in current standard content each of representations contain files XML Metadata Common EDA The E40-0709 (latest release as (latestof 2010) release July E40-0709 as (latestof 2010) release July E30-0307 : The material in this appendix is an official part of SEMI [insert designation, without publication date publication without designation, [insert SEMI of part official an is appendix this in material The : The changes in this revision do not impact the metadata. However, all references to E40-1107 in the in E40-1107 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The the in E40-0709 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The to tobe within updated must references E30-0303. theAll E30-0703 metadata the within E30-1103 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The the within E30-0307 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The Only values 1, 2, 3, and 4shouldOnly values 1,2,3,and exist. Page jn l jn 65 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A2.3.6.1 A2.3.6.1 A2.3.6 to be updated must E40-0705. metadata A2.3.5.1 A2.3.5 to be updated must E40-1106. metadata A2.3.4.1 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This “ProcessComplete-NoState”, the source state is “ProcessComplete”, the target state is “NoState”, and the and state“NoState”, the is the sourcestate“ProcessComplete”,the target is “ProcessComplete-NoState”, newProcessid thename Notransition the 7for Set transition to State. transition “7”, is a Complete to o Create the"Material description complete". is: processing “ProcessComplete”, and istarget is state name the sourcestate “Processing”,is transition “Processing-ProcessComplete”, the Complete newtheid Processingthe transition the 6for Process Set transition to transition. “6”, a to o Create “ProcessJob:17:Stopping-Stopped.” the events “ProcessJob:16:Aborting-Aborted”and o Remove the transitions 17. the transitionIdo Remove with 6,7,16,and bythe specified PR Job".material all processing has the description: "Theresource completed processing and “Active.Executing.ProcessComplete”, with ProcessComplete.“ProcessComplete”,name statethe theastate id Executingfor Create new state,o In add PostActive remove and the ProcessJobchildren. all o In state, the state make In StateMachine, thechanges: following [Esss.00-RQ-00346-00] the ProcessJob 11. [/RQ] values Inthe enumerated remove for strings 10and[Esss.00-RQ-00345-00] the PRJobStateEnumTypeDefinition, this in performtheoutlined section. orchanges [/RQ] E40-0705 support E40-0304, 0307, E40-1106, to versions E40- any E40-0709, of E40-1107, Inset from changethe E40metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00344-00] orderto moved out as part of the error part recovery." of as the moved out are is equipmentthesubstrates andsome related processing procedure for complete "Processing abort resource is and “16”, the description name is “Aborting-NoState”, reference is the the transition event NoState”, is id transitionNo Aborting The to State. for “ProcessJob:16:Aborting- event 16from the event o Create material." onthe same job process another by completed, AND superseded OR post-conditioning departedresource the processing resource material "Job to nocontrolis job when the same specifies used." that job material process by another replaced is thejob process job process departsextinctbecause the equipmentor becomes the material from "Job “ProcessJob:7:PostActive-NoState” from the descriptionthe event for o Change complete.Jobis is Process procedure deleted.""Processing stop resource and state“NoState”, the is description the sourcestate“Stopping”,the target is is “Stopping-NoState”, newStoppingNo Settransitionthe to State. transition 17for “17”, is transition a to o Create id the name errorProcess part recovery. deleted". of Jobis as the moved out are isequipmentthesubstrates andsomerelated processing procedure for complete "Processing abort resource and state“NoState”, the is description the thetarget is sourcestate“Aborting”, is “Aborting-NoState,”, No newAbortingSettransitionthe to State. transition 16for “16”, is transition to a id o Create the name deleted." job when theJobis sameused. specifies is that nocontrol Process material job process by another replaced post job process departscomplete, isthe equipmentand is or processing is material the description from "Job E40-0304 (from E30-0705) E40-0705 (from E40-1106) All references to E40-0705 in the metadata must E40-0304. to metadata to in be references updated All E40-0705 the the in E40-1106 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The the in E40-0307 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The Page jn l jn 66 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A2.4.2.1 A2.4.2.1 A2.4.2 A2.4.1 A2.4 should made the reportedPRJobStatethe in equipmentmetadata. attribute.in No be change neverbe can A2. using is However, the equipmentmetadata. in EDA strings.Nobe changeshould no significantmade change. was numbers, there uses GEM Since enumeration. the forvalue legal a never is and state parent ais state Pause The state. Paused the match to it for was intent The variable. data PRJobState the for correctly defined was It attribute. A2. A2. A2.3.8.2 A2.3.8.1 A2.3.8 to be updated must E40-0703. metadata A2.3.7.1 A2.3.7 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A2.4.4.1 A2.4.4 A2.4.3.1 A2.4.3 "Host or operator has executed a Change Access service with the value of Auto" the servicevalue with of Change has Access executed a or"Host operator description from changes Mode transitionThe thestate description machine. of 2ontheo Change Access AccessMode to following Make StateMachine the [Esss.00-RQ-00348-00] the changes outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in perform the to version E87-0709 In setsupport from E87-0707, changethe E87metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00347-00] orderto completed." is [/RQ] procedure stop is and name“17”, the description “Stopping-NoState”, is "The is thereference event the transition NoState”, is id transition StoppingNo The for to State. “ProcessJob:17:Stopping- event 17from the event o Create perform the changes outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in perform the to version E87-0706 Inset support from E87-1105, changethe E87metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00351-00] orderto elements. and [/RQ] Removeeventchildren the all simple [Esss.00-RQ-00350-00] “DuplicateCarrierInProcess” outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in perform the to version E87-0707 Inset support from E87-0706, changethe E87metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00349-00] orderto [/RQ]allowed." transfers Manual.arenot the servicevalue with Automated of Change has Access executed a or"Host operator to Manual" the servicevalue with of Change has Access executed a or"Host operator description from changes Mode transitionThe thestate description machine. of 3ontheo Change Access allowed." Auto.Manualarenot the servicevalue with deliveries of Change has Access executed a or"Host operator to SEMIMetadataE87 VersionsModificationsFor PriorE87-0709 To E87-1105 (from E87-0706) E87-0706 (from E87-0707) E87-0707 (from E87-0709) SEMIE87hasimplementedontheversion: following The for been equipment metadata E40-1102 (from E40-0703) E40-0703 (from E30-0304) E87-0709 (latest release as (latestof 2010) release July E87-0709 All references to E87-0706 in the metadata must E87-1105. tometadata to in be references updated All E87-0706 the must E87-0706. tometadata in be references updated All E87-0707 the must E87-0707. tometadata in be references updated All E87-0709 the Definitions Parameter Type must E40-1102. to metadata to in be references updated All E40-0703 the the in E40-0304 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The PRJobState The 1102 standard defined an enumerated value for the Executing state. This state is a parent state and parent a is state This state. Executing the for value enumerated andefined 1102 standard The PRJobState the on Paused than rather Pause for value enumerated an defined standard 1102 The Page jn l jn 67 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A2.4.5.1 A2.4.5.1 A2.4.5 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A2.4.8 A2.4.7.1 A2.4.7 to be updated must E87-0304. metadata A2.4.6.1 A2.4.6 to be updated must E87-0705. metadata "Carrier ID is read successfully and the equipment has verified the carrier ID the verified carrier [/RQ] andsuccessfully". readsuccessfully the is equipmenthas ID "Carrier to and issued thea host Event or ProceedWithCarrier" UnknownCarrierID, Fail Carrier ID the equipmentsent a Read placement uponcarrier CarrierNotification service and viainstantiated a ID theor verified carrier was carrier andsuccessfully; readsuccessfully the is equipmenthas ID "Carrier from IDThe state description machine. Status changes Carrier Object event onthe theCarrier description “CarrierIDStatus:6:IDNotRead-IDVerificationOk” of o Change ID the verified carrier andsuccessfully" readsuccessfully the is equipmenthas ID "Carrier to and issued thea host Event or ProceedWithCarrier" UnknownCarrierID, Fail Carrier ID the equipmentsent a Read placement uponcarrier CarrierNotification service and viainstantiated a ID theor verified carrier was carrier andsuccessfully; readsuccessfully the is equipmenthas ID "Carrier from changes IDThe /state transition description machine. the descriptionStatus of Carrier 6ontheo Change Carrier follows: StateMachine Change as the[Esss.00-RQ-00354-00] Carrier Carrier [/RQ] Slot Map of failed". "Verification to of failed" verification Carrier Slot"Equipment Map changes from exception.description onthe SlotMapVerificationFailure Change The the[Esss.00-RQ-00353-00] description [/RQ] Carrier Id failed". of "Verification to failed" of verification Carrier Id "Equipment changes from exception.description ontheThe CarrierVerificationFailure Change the[Esss.00-RQ-00352-00] description CarrierStopped state".CarrierStopped [/RQ] or the CarrierCarrierComplete in hasissuedor bythe host been operator ona service CarrierRecreate port, startedor signalservice is is this thea PIO for CarrierIn Ready active, load transfer beginning and is transfer, PIO theofa logicalindication anunload themanual start automated unload recognizes of "Equipment to hasissuedor bythe host been operator". service CarrierRecreate port, startedor signalservice is is this thea PIO for CarrierIn Ready active, load transfer beginning and is transfer, PIO theofa logicalindication anunload themanual start automated unload recognizes of "Equipment from changes description The of Machine. 7ontheState ChangeLoad transition theTransfer [Esss.00-RQ-00356-00] description Port this toin perform the changesoutlined section.E87-0304 [/RQ] support E87-0703, versions or any E87-1105, of E87-0705, In set from changethe E87metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00355-00] orderto E87-0303 (from E87-0703) E87-0703 (from E87-0304) E87-0304 (from E87-0705) E87-0705 (from E87-1105) All references to E87-0304 in the metadata must E87-0703. tometadata in be references updated All E87-0304 the the in E87-0705 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The the in E87-1105 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The Page jn l jn 68 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A2.5.3.1 A2.5.3.1 A2.5.3 A2.5.2.1 A2.5.2 A2.5.1 A2.5 to be updated must E87-0303. metadata A2.4.8.1 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This [Esss.00-RQ-00360-00] In the Substrate object, change the description of the attribute In changetheSubstLocID description[Esss.00-RQ-00360-00] theof from Substrate object, outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in perform the to version E90-0706 In setsupport from E90-0306, changethe E90metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00359-00] orderto movesontobatch of[/RQ] iflocation". they areagroup, (batch)even of the part substrates, "A group to location" the groupthe substrates movedbatch onto have "All of from description “BatchLocation:1:Unoccupied-Occupied” the event o Change location." the SubstHistoryin the the batch Substratesin for placed created is movesontobatch of iflocation.A they areagroup, record (batch)even of the part substrates, "A group to location." the batch Substrates in placed the SubstHistory in the location.A for record thecreated groupthe substratesmovedbatch is onto have "All of 1description the transition fromo Change make In StateMachine, thechanges: following [Esss.00-RQ-00358-00] the BatchLocation outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in perform the to version E90-0707 Insetsupport from E90-0706, changethe E90metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00357-00] orderto GEM selected format". selected [/RQ] GEM EDA format, the reportedstandard in time the is not exited parameter the the substrate location.This "Time to timethe GEM not format" selected EDA the format, standard in is parameter the location.This reported exited untildeparts empty the the substrate location; the"Time substrate from In description[Esss.00-RQ-00361-00] the SubstHistoryEntryTypeDefinition, of thefield TimeOut changethe allowsattributes in theDV SubstSubstLocID EDA (since attribute reports)".[/RQ] and SubstLocID parameter location.This the E90Substrate merges currentequipmentsubstrate "Identifier for to reports)"attributes in attribute(since theandallows E90Substrate merges SubstLocID theDV SubstSubstLocID EDA parameter the substrate locationthat This locationor substrate occupies. carrier currentequipmentsubstrate "Identifier for E90 ModificationsFor To Metadata Versions Prior E90-0707 E90-0306 (from E90-0706) E90-0706 (from E90-0707) SEMIE90hasimplementedontheversion: following The for been equipmentmetadata E90-0707 (latest release as (latestof 2010) release July E90-0707 All references to E90-0706 in the metadata must E90-0306. tometadata in be references updated All E90-0706 the must E90-0706. to metadata to in be references updated All E90-0707 the the in E87-0703 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The Page jn l jn 69 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A2.5.5.2 A2.5.5.2 A2.5.5.1 A2.5.5 to be updated must E90-1105. metadata A2.5.4.1 A2.5.4 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A2.5.6.1 A2.5.6 already required by the standard.were BatchLocState the for variable data and variable status the because metadata equipment the within anything change A2. already required by the standard.were BatchLocState the for variable data and variable status the because metadata equipment the within anything change A2. of E39requiresthe presence ObjType. because the E125equipmentmetadata affect A2. A2. "All substrates of the group substrates the[/RQ] (batch)location". "All of moves off to SubstHistory Substrate thein group TimeOut updated." substrates is the (batch)location.The "All of moves off 2description the transition fromo Change movesontobatch of iflocation" they areagroup, (batch)even of the part substrates, "A group to location." the SubstHistoryin the thebatch Substratesin for placed created is movesontobatch of if location.A they areagroup, record (batch)even ofthe part substrates, "A group 1description the transition fromo Change make In StateMachine, thechanges: following [Esss.00-RQ-00363-00] the BatchLocation the[/RQ] "Substrate location". moves off to SubstHistory thein "Substrate location.TimeOut updated." moves off is 2description the transition fromo Change location" the substrate "Substrate moves into to the location." the SubstHistory in the Substratein location.A for placed record thecreated substrate "Substrate is moves into 1description the transition fromo Change make In StateMachine, thechanges: following [Esss.00-RQ-00362-00] the SubstrateLocation Parameter for this version of the standard. [/RQ] forthe standard. version this of Parameter optional definedE90-1104 It be not shall SubstIDStatusList specification. data an was by variable the o The forthe standard. version this of Parameter shall specification.an optional was variable bythe E90-1104 be defined It AcquiredIDListnot data o The thechanges: following Forthe Substrate objectmake [Esss.00-RQ-00365-00] definition, this to in performthe changesoutlined section.E90-0705 [/RQ] support E90-1104, versions or any E90-0306, of E90-1105, Inset from changethe E90metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00364-00] orderto E90-1104 (from E90-0705) E90-0705 (from E90-1105) E90-1105 (from E90-0306) All references to E90-0705 in the metadata must E90-1104. tometadata in be references updated All E90-0705 the NodeEquipment Definitions must E90-0705. tometadata in be references updated All E90-1105 the the in E90-0306 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The BatchLocation The Substrate Batch Location attribute BatchSubstIDMap is optional in the standard. This does not does This standard. the in optional is BatchSubstIDMap attribute Location Batch Substrate The not does This standard. the in optional is BatchLocState attribute Location Batch Substrate The not does This standard. the in optional is ObjType named attribute Location Batch Substrate The Page jn l jn 70 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and state machine. state A2.5.7.2 A2.5.7.1 A2.5.7 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A2.6.2 A2.6.1 A2.6 to be updated must E90-0303. metadata A2.5.9.1 A2.5.9 to be updated must E90-0703. metadata A2.5.8.1 A2.5.8 [Esss.00-RQ-00372-00] The E90-0304 specification does not define the substrate ID reader. Locate all all Locate the doessubstrate define reader. specification not The ID E90-0304 [Esss.00-RQ-00372-00] AcquiredIDList. [/RQ] for parameters the available remove includingstate machines, the Substrateinstance, nested all state machine o In theSubstrateReadingStatus. nested remove for state the Substrateinstance, machine state machine o In this offor the standard. version SubstHistoryList, SubstPosInBatchList, SubstTypeList, SubstUsageList. and beParameters shall optional These SubstProcState, definedE90-1104 arenot specification: variables SubstDestinationList, following by the o The andSubstrateReadingCurrState, SubstrateReadingPrevState. SubstIDStatus, theParameters: AcquiredIDList, following SubstIDStatusList, AcquiredID, o Remove definition, In thechanges: following [Esss.00-RQ-00371-00] the Substrate make object [/RQ] definition. state machine SubstrateObject SubstrateReadingStatus for the Removedefinition existing the state within [Esss.00-RQ-00370-00] machine child Removeall theTypeDefinition[/RQ] SubstIDStatusArray [Esss.00-RQ-00369-00] and elements. Remove the SubstIDStatusEnumand elements.[Esss.00-RQ-00368-00] child TypeDefinition all [/RQ] outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in 0304, performthe versions any E90-1104 support of E90- to Inset from changethe E90metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00367-00] orderto [/RQ]DisableEvents. the Parameter remove "Substrate", In MaterialType = [Esss.00-RQ-00366-00] eachMaterialLocationwith perform the changes outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in perform the to version E94-0309 Inset support from E94-1108, changethe E94metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00373-00] orderto delete [/RQ] them. and definitions corresponding EquipmentNodeDescription delete the all Locate structuresubstratethem. and in readers represent that thecomponents equipment E94 M E94-1108 (from E94-0309) SEMIE94hasimplemented ontheversion: following The for been equipmentmetadata E90-0303 (from E90-0703) E90-0703 (from E90-0304) E90-0304 (from E90-1104) E94-0309 (latest release as (latestof 2010) release July E94-0309 The changes in this revision do not impact the metadata. However, all references to E90-0703 in the in E90-0703 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The the in E90-0304 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The “ id the with element StateMachine the is This must E90-0304. to metadata to in be references updated All E90-1104 the etadataVersionsModificationsFor PriorE94-0309 To Page E90:SubstrateReadingStatus jn l jn 71 ” within the “ the within ” Document Document Number: Doc. Substrate Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 Object” DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A2.6.2.1 A2.6.2.1 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A2.6.5.1 A2.6.5 to be updated must E94-1107. metadata A2.6.4.1 A2.6.4 to be updated must E94-0308. metadata A2.6.3.1 A2.6.3 "Receive CJAbort command from host or operator through operator console and all process jobs under the control or under host and operatorjobs through process all CJAbortcommandoperator console from "Receive to state"PostActive entered commandthe CJAbort washave when thewerereceived controlthat Active the under job jobs process internally, CJAbort and orall the ahost operatora or CJAbortcommand from generated received "Equipment “ControlJob:12:Active-Completed” description the event fromo Change is processing stopped and been stopped" material have job the control or under host and operator jobs throughprocess CJStopall commandoperator console "Receive from to state"PostActive entered CJStopcommand the washave when thewere controlthat received Active the under job jobs process CJStopinternally, and or athe all host operatora CJStopor command received from generated "Equipment “ControlJob:11:Active-Completed” description the event fromo Change processing and aborted aborted" material is been have job the control or under host and operatorjobs throughprocess all CJAbortcommandoperator console from "Receive to state"PostActive entered commandthe CJAbort washave when thewerereceived controlthat Active the under job jobs process internally, CJAbort and orall the ahost operatora or CJAbortcommand from generated received "Equipment 12description the transition fromo Change is processing stopped and been stopped" material have job the control or under host and operatorjobs throughprocess CJStopall commandoperator console "Receive from to state"PostActive entered CJStopcommandthe washave when thewere controlthat received Active the under job jobs process CJStopinternally, and or atheall host operatora CJStop or command received from generated "Equipment 11description the transition fromo Change InStateMachine thechanges: following [Esss.00-RQ-00374-00] the ControlJob make MtrlOutSpec attribute and the MtrlOutSpec DV (since EDA and (since theallowsreports)". [/RQ] MtrlOutSpec attributes in MtrlOutSpec DV attribute E94ControlJob merges parameter This the from after processing. destination sourceto "Maps material to reports)"attributes in allows MtrlOutSpec MtrlOutSpecDV attributeEDA and the (since E94ControlJob the merges parameter the Inintegritylist fromafter processing. be destination shall slot sourceto empty.This "Maps material mode fromdescription Inobjectchangethe MtrlOutSpec definition, attribute[Esss.00-RQ-00376-00] the parameter ControlJob this to in performthe changesoutlined section.E94-1107 [/RQ] support E90-1106, versions or any E94-1108, of E94-0308, Inset from changethe E94metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00375-00] orderto processing [/RQ] and aborted aborted". material is been have job E94-1106 (from E94-1107) E94-1107 (from E94-0308) E94-0308 (from E94-1108) All references to E94-1107 in the metadata must E94-1106. tometadata in be references updated All E94-1107 the the in E94-0308 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The the in E94-1108 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The must E94-1108. to metadata to in be references updated All E94-0309 the Page jn l jn 72 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A2.6.7.1 A2.6.7.1 A2.6.7 to be updated must E94-0306. metadata A2.6.6.1 A2.6.6 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A2.6.8.1 A2.6.8 and had no material associated with it, or the host requested the deletionof job with associated the controlControl or hadjob. requested is the nomaterial it, host and control completed job from controlhasremoved job the material been equipment,the this with "All associated event the description “ControlJob:13:Completed-NoState”from of o Change Jobis"Control deleted" to deleted" deletionof job with associated the controlControl or hadjob. requested is the nomaterial it, host and control completed job from controlhasremoved job the material been equipment,the this with "All associated transition the description of 13fromo Change thechanges: In StateMachinefollowing [Esss.00-RQ-00380-00] themake ControlJob definition, this in performtheoutlined section. changes [/RQ] E90-0705, or version E94-0306 support E94-1106 to Inset from changethe E94metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00379-00] orderto JobManager for [/RQ] EquipmentNodeDescription from twoexceptions the of Remove thethese ExceptionRefs SubstrateDestinationUnknown. and Remove the Exceptions[Esss.00-RQ-00378-00] SubstrateDestinationNotAccessible information".[/RQ] the sourcecarrier information for carrier "Destination to locationsissubstrate empty" positions carrier finished intofollowedthe list materialSequentialorderis placed. when of which is "Describes fromdescription field In SourceDestinationMap,changethe DestinationMap [Esss.00-RQ-00377-00] the TypeDefinition job have been aborted and material processing and aborted aborted" material is been have job the control or under host or operator jobs throughprocess all CJAbortcommand operator console from "Receive to processing and aborted aborted" material is been have job the control or under host and operator jobs throughprocess all CJAbortcommand operator console from "Receive description of 12fromo Change transition is processing stopped and been stopped" material have job the control or under host or operatorjobs throughprocess CJStop all commandoperator console "Receive from to is processing stopped and been stopped" material have job the control or under host and operatorjobs throughprocess CJStop all commandoperator console "Receive from transition the description of 11fromo Change thechanges: InStateMachinefollowing [Esss.00-RQ-00382-00] the make ControlJob definition, outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in perform the to version E94-0705 In setsupport from E90-1104, changethe E94metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00381-00] orderto Jobis [/RQ]"Control deleted". to deleted" E94-1104 (from E94-0705) E94-0705 (from E94-0306) E94-0306 (from E94-1106) All references to E94-0705 in the metadata must E94-1104. tometadata in be references updated All E94-0705 the must E94-0705. tometadata in be references updated All E94-0306 the the in E94-1106 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The Page jn l jn 73 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and metadata must be updated to be updated must E116-0306. metadata A2.7.3.1 A2.7.3 to be updated must E116-0706. metadata A2.7.2.1 A2.7.2 A2.7.1 A2.7 to be updated must E94-0702. metadata A2.6.9.1 A2.6.9 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This appendix. A2.8.2 A2.8.1 A2.8 A2.7.4.1 A2.7.4 PostActive state".PostActive [/RQ] the received entered thecommand CJAbort have was ControlJob when under were that ProcessJobs Active the internally, CJAbort or orall the ahost operatora or CJAbortcommand from generated received "Equipment to state"PostActive the received entered thecommand CJAbort have was ControlJob when under were that ProcessJobs Active the internally, CJAbort and orall the ahost operatora or CJAbortcommand from generated received "Equipment from the event the description “ControlJob:12:Active-Completed” of o Change state"PostActive the received entered the CJStop command have ControlJobwas when under were that ProcessJobs Active the CJStopinternally, or or atheall host operatora CJStop or command received from generated "Equipment to state"PostActive the received entered the CJStop command have ControlJobwas when under were that ProcessJobs Active the CJStopinternally, and or atheall host operatora CJStop or command received from generated "Equipment from the event the description “ControlJob:11:Active-Completed” of o Change o On the event “EPTModule:EPTStateChange,” remove the transition reference “1c". reference the[/RQ] transition remove the event “EPTModule:EPTStateChange,” o On thestate initializationtransitionEPTModule machine. statewith transition “1c”from o Remove id is be or initialized, material a present" cannot Modulemodule initializationfault the exists, EPT "EPT complete, to EPTbe a Moduleinitialized" initializationfault or exists, cannot "EPT complete, module the 1bdescription the transition fromo Change make In definition, thechanges: StateMachine following [Esss.00-RQ-00384-00] the EPTModule outlinedsection. changes [/RQ] this in perform the to version E116-0306 In setsupport from E116-0705, changethe E116metadata [Esss.00-RQ-00383-00] orderto SEMIE148 metadataforversions modifications prior toE148-1109 E116Metadata ModificationsVersions For PriorE116-0709 To No earlier versions of SEMI E148 are supported. Thus, no instructions for such changes are included in this in included are changes such for instructions no Thus, supported. are E148 SEMI of versions earlier No SEMIE148hasimplemented ontheversions: following The for been equipmentmetadata E116-0705 (from E116-0306) E116-0306 (from E116-0706) E116-0706 (from E116-0707) SEMIE116hasimplementedontheversion: following The for been equipment metadata E94-0702 (from E94-1104) E148-1109 (latest release as (latestof 2010) release July E148-1109 as (latestof 2010) release July E116-0707 All references to E116-0306 in the metadata must E116-0705. tometadata in be references updated All E116-0306 the the in E116-0706 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The the in E116-0707 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The the in E94-1104 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The Page jn l jn 74 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and metadata must be updated to be updated must E157-0211. metadata A2.9.2.1 A2.9.2 newer E157exist.version earlierSEMI this considered versionsItin a exists. is of section.No However, A2.9.1 A2.9 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This </p><p>SEMIE157 metadataforversions modifications prior toE157-0710 E157-0211 (from E157-0710) SEMIE157hasimplementedontheversion: following The for been equipmentmetadata E157-0710 (latest release as (latestof 2010) release July E157-0710 The changes in this revision do not impact the metadata. However, all references to E157-0710 within the within E157-0710 to references all However, metadata. the impact not do revision this in changes The Page jn l jn 75 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and should provide a clear statement of the purpose of the element it describes that is understandable to a user who has a has who user a to understandable is that describes it element the of purpose the of statement clear a provide should R1.2.3 R1.2.2.1 or the thisEDA in in specified standards.otherwise document R1.2.2 or “Pump” or “Valve” as MakeModel is information such or as discouraged.hardware-specific such values, attribute Name generic of Use “BleedValve.” and “VentValve” or “NH2” R1.2.1.2 (e.g., owns it. R1.2.1.1 fieldprovided,the applyID is to should this whofamiliarnoname is thefield.user equipment.If with approach R1.2.1 R1.2 wouldbe applied.it which to equipment specific the for appropriately act and listed suggestion each of implications the consider should R1.1.2 one from metadata the another. equipment to of uniformity the and quality metadata’s equipment an improve to recommendations these R1.1.1 R1.1 approval]. authorized, was publication which by method the [insert by publication for approved was information related This information]. the of origin [insert from derived was and code] (month-year) NOTICE CONSTRUCTION FOR PRACTICES E125 EQUIPMENTMETADATA RECOMMENDED 1 RELATED INFORMATION emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This equipment. should maximum production sufficient oflevels the hierarchy most ofin the equipment. A be for five representation R1.3.1 R1.3 currentconnection. used the ofEDA for EDA the client’s version to R1.2.6.1 version. standard newly to related active constructs the report changed be should metadata for requests Subsequent should E125. SEMI in required as message MetadataRevised the metadata via reported and the changes, version active the If time. the at active version the to related constructs R1.2.6 and Name, Uid, version(s), options and same the havesame model, installed. software the and their for except R1.2.5.1 identical be should components equipment attributes. ImmutableID duplicate those from metadata R1.2.5 the sameinstalled.version(s), options and R1.2.4.1 of Name the forEquipment. of attribute the equipmentand the the SEMIE120components R1.2.4 knowledgetype that of equipment. of general EquipmentStructure General Introduction Equipment that can support multiple versions of the content standards should report in the metadata only the only metadata the in report should standards content the of versions multiple support can that Equipment the model, equipment the within times multiple appear IODevices or Subsystems, Modules, identical Where of attributes ImmutableID and Uid the for except identical be should equipment identical from metadata The etc.) exception, event, parameter, component, (equipment element metadata each of field Description The where except notation CamelCase in formatted be should elements metadata all of fields ID and name The a to element the of nature the conveys that text brief contain should elements metadata of field name The implementer The situations. some in apply not might but cases, most in appropriate are suggestions These Follow metadata. equipment's an improving for practices recommended contains Information Related This h eaaa mdl sol nld h eet heacia ees ncsay t rsn n accurate an present to necessary levels hierarchical fewest the include should model metadata The Equipment that can support multiple versions of EDA simultaneously should return metadata conformant metadata return should simultaneously EDA of versions multiple support can that Equipment make same the of are they when identical considered are IODevices and Subsystems, Modules, of Pairs software same the have model, and make same the of are they when identical considered are Equipment the format best optionComputerinterpretationhuman readability both The provides for CamelCase and and “CF4” as such values attribute Name functional or descriptive use to encouraged is implementer The that object the about information embed not should element metadata a of attributes ID the and Name The : This related information is not an official part of SEMI [insert designation, without publication date publication without designation, [insert SEMI of part official an not is information related This : Etch1 ExhaustPump Subsystem ). Page jn l jn 76 Regulations , ¶12.2] on [insert date of date [insert on ¶12.2] , Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and modules). settings or instructions by R1.3.6.2 processing its in directed be should bythe factory managed system. that be a in can recipe contained Module a as designated component equipment R1.3.6.1 inspectionlocationsonthe equipment. measurement, and Substrate as function R1.3.6 and component EFEM the within contained not Locks. Handlers,and Load Handlers, Carrier are which Subsystems any include also components equipment Major EFEM. the and Modules all include components equipment Major Equipment. the R1.3.5 R1.3.4.1 to references SEMIObjTypes. and StateMachineInstances, SimpleEvents, Events, Exceptions, Parameters, following: the among from elements total R1.3.4 one only with Subsystem a has that of the equipmentstructure. representation valid Module a of case the a is This Module. in parent the to assigned Parameter the and model the of out left Thus, be could subsystem that Parameter, hierarchies. structural sparse deep, of end the at data needed obscures components such of modeling The information. useful no or little have that components reveal not implementer the that recommended is It modeled. typically not are bolts and nuts individual the example, R1.3.3.1 equipmentstructure. in be node should the combinedthenot parent with R1.3.3 board I/O the of itself. status the monitoring for Parameter a I/O were there the if However, model metadata the card. in included I/O be the might card to not chamber, the to related be should temperature that representing Parameter R1.3.2.1 of and (sensorbus,I/Oracks,etc.). the controlinfrastructure cards,computer computers representations explicit R1.3.2 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This and Make, Supplier, the for Model attributes. values accurate including metadata the in defined EquipmentElement corresponding R1.3.13 and Module, possible. Subsystem, IODevice)wherever R1.3.12 not it it theit equipment.That is, does, is. describe within what should EquipmentElement R1.3.11 and 11578 ISO/IEC in defined as format in Uidrepresented for the metadata. a value uniqueeach uuid generation of string uuid correct the of use includes This feasible. where encouraged R1.3.10.1 generated separately a is value. uuid Equipment each of attribute Uid the that ensure should implementer the uniqueness, this R1.3.10 R1.3.9 as a Subsystem.modeled R1.3.8 measure. R1.3.7.1 an yield can IODevice each to Parameter one assigns that approach IODevices numbernobenefit. for of unmanageable An metadata. the of clarity the improves it R1.3.7 Any EquipmentElement that does not fit the definition of Equipment, Module, or IODevice should be should in shouldused E125equipmentmetadata cases. 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Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and R1. R1. ofTransition out state. that R1.5.2.3 substates. of does athat correspond the orits with not State sourceStateIdto one value substates and R1. at leastState. that one Transitioninto contain R1.5.2.2 exitedthe StateMachine. upondestruction enteredand of uponcreation is Top State R1.5.2.1 any as aredefined transitions. pathways These path out. with supplemented table, transition the R1.5.2 of column “Trigger” the from text includedthe Description. in and “Action” was “Comment”columns from text important the the standards, content the for R1.5.1.2 ignored. shouldallowed or They be not R1.5.1.1 R1.5.1 R1.5 R1.4.2.1 R1.4.2 ignored. shouldallowed or They be not R1.4.1.1 and R1.4.1 Model, Make, Supplier, the R1.4 for values accurate including metadata attributes. ImmutableID the in defined EquipmentElement R1.3.14 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This ignored. shouldallowed or They be not R1.6.1.1 EquipmentNodeDescription. R1.6.1 R1.6 this the or metadata. in CurrentStateNamedefined PreviousStateName other for Transition) where R1.5.2.8 recent respectively, <StateMachine>PrevState, most and the <StateMachine>CurrState form (before appearsthestandard. asoriginating thein thestate nameit is machine of <StateMachine> the of State be previous should attributes the of attribute R1.5.2.7 id the holds StateMachineInstance. that string a as formatted Parameter non-transient a reference should attribute PreviousState StateMachineInstance’s referencing R1.5.2.6 for currentState StateMachineInstance. attribute theofthis id holds the that String a as formatted Parameter non-transient a reference should attribute CurrentState StateMachineInstance’s R1.5.2.5 R1.5.2.4 substates. its of one or State the to correspond not does that value targetStateId a with and super-states its of one or substates, Exceptions StateMachines SEMIObjects ah Ecpin i h eEcpin( epne sol e rfrne y a es one least at by referenced be should response GetExceptions() the in Exception Each a and in path a have to needs StateMachine a in State each useful, functionally be To - Accessibility State StateMachineInstance. byat least should one referenced StateMachine Each be under withof ObjType a bethe Attributeslist SEMIObjType.There should the noParameter name one EquipmentNodeDescription. 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Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and R1.8 is changed.Parameter the of unit the when value constraint the of conversion the for provision no is There AvailableUnits. R1.7.8 the metadata. in theeachEvent EventReport defined in for inclusion R1.7.7 R1.7.6.1 R1.7.6 ignored. shouldallowed or They be not R1.7.5.2 is that VariableType.TypeDefinition a R1.7.5.1 R1.7.5 R1.7.4 R1.7.3 to transient. for setIt theseisbe entity)can Parameters ReadWrite values. appropriate not (external R1.7.2.1 Unrestricted. R1.7.2 definition. or leastException oneconstruct Transient AvailableParameter beby at should referenced as R1.7.1 R1.7 implementation. R1.6.3.1 R1.6.3 toof the nature the problem. indicate interpretable R1.6.2 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This match whypossible. SECSdata donot a and is documentitems mapping explain should which R1.10.1 R1.10 pressure. temperature ofand such characteristics, mix as R1.9.4 R1.9.3 Parameters possible. wherever andfor enumeration dateTime, R1.9.2 ignored. shouldallowed or They be not R1.9.1.2 R1.9.1.1 R1.9.1 R1.9 collection. data it for and available interval) makes (update R1.8.3 supplier allto personnel. available includes data R1.8.2 R1.8.1 TypeUnitsDefinitions and Sensor Data Parameters UnitConfigs in a set should refer to units that apply to the same characteristic, such as temperature, not for a for not temperature, as such characteristic, same the to apply that units to refer should set a in UnitConfigs Units besensorsthe measure same should consistentfor an type of of equipment. within binary, Boolean, string, real, integer, as such types, data basic only employ should metadata equipment The Parameter. byat least Unitresponseshould the one GetUnits() referenced Each from be value sensor’s each reads equipment the which at interval time This the document should EDA. suppliers Equipment using Parameters as available made be should equipment the on available data sensor All be sensorvaluesunits. should asNumeric specified defined floatingpoint with data multiple with specified been have that Parameters with constraints of use the avoid should Implementations for available made and Parameters individual as defined be should information context appropriate All a the metadata. Parameterin (ifreference defined definition should AssociatedParameter any) Each Parameter. byat least should Parameterone referenced TypeDefinition Each be value. orthe same shouldonehold report to transientThe more define parameter implementer not than to value. parameter orthe shouldonesame hold report non-transient The more define implementer not than to set attribute isTransient its have should type Control or Configuration a as defined is that Parameter Any defined is which and SEMIObjType a in or EquipmentNodeDescription an in defined is that parameter Each human be should attribute ID the Exceptions. events define EDA implementernot corresponding to The should EDA ExceptionReport, the with provided not is Description the Since SECSMapping Where SECS data items exist that do not map directly to E125 equipment metadata items, the implementer the items, metadata equipment E125 to directly map not do that exist items data SECS Where Dead references and unused artifacts are an indication of underlying problems in the equipment interface. equipment the in problems underlying of indication an are artifacts unused and references Dead keptTypeDefinitions to minimum. by the defined supplierbe should a be EquipmentNodeDescriptions. can foundin Parameters SEMIObjTypes definitions in and a of TypeHint a in or Structures) interface. or equipment the in problems underlying of indication an are Arrays artifacts unused and references Dead (including Parameter a from directly be may This user the is, That ReadWrite. as E125 SEMI in defined are Parameters type Control and Configuration EDA well-designed a in redundant is this reporting, parameter for provide Exceptions Since Page jn l jn 79 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and data. R1.11.1 R1.11 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Implementation Existing SECS data should not be changed for the purpose of matching or otherwise accommodating EDA accommodating otherwise or matching of purpose the for changed be not should data SECS Existing Page jn l jn 80 Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and content here” space. “add“</Equipment>” into the and “<Equipment” the textcut andpaste between all logNotes: In the messaging file, GetEquipmentStructure space.into content thehere” “add “</NodeDescriptionResults>” “<NodeDescriptionResults>” and the textcut andpastebetween all logNotes: In the messaging file, GetEquipmentNodeDescriptions Table R2-1 EquipmentMetadataFileTemplatesTable R2-1 using beincluding is XML XMLcan performed tools, editors. validation common this most directory. When done, R2.1.1.3 Table in R2-1. filetemplates areprovided templates. These appropriate R2.1.1.2 seven the into Separation response. metadata eachtype to of the separately. reviewer analyze files allows service metadata E125-0710 each for one specified, are files separate Seven R2.1.1.1 R2.1 METADATA E125 FORMATOFFLINE-REVIEW OF FOR FILE EQUIPMENT 2 RELATED INFORMATION emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Equipment Metadata FileTemplates E138-1-V0709-Schema.xsd E128-V0706-Schema.xsd E125-1-V0710-Schema.xsd E120-1-V0310-Schema.xsd The headers provided for the file templates assume that the following schema files are placed in the same the in placed are files schema following the that assume templates file the for provided headers The the into text response service metadata appropriate the pasting and cutting by created are tables These format. file common a in presented be metadata equipment that recommends format file metadata The E125 Service xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 1.V0310.CommonEquipmentModel" org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd" xmlns:cem="urn:semi-org:xsd.E120- <esd:GetEquipmentStructureResponse xmlns:esd="urn:semi- encoding="utf-8"?><?xml version="1.0" Contents: GetEquipmentStructureResponse.xml </GetEquipmentNodeDescriptionsResponse> V0710-Schema.xsd"> instance" E125-1- xsi:schemaLocation="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema- xmlns:esd="urn:semi-<esd:GetEquipmentNodeDescriptionsResponse encoding="utf-8"?><?xml version="1.0" Contents: GetEquipmentNodeDescriptionsResponse.xml </GetEquipmentStructureResponse> Schema.xsd"> xsi:schemaLocation="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd E125-1-V0710- è è add content here add content here add content Page jn l jn Metadata File Template ContentsMetadata FileTemplate 81 ➧ ➧</p><p>Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and the “add contentthe here” “add space. the last into “</TypeDefinition>” the and first “<TypeDefinition” the textcut andpaste between all logNotes: In the messaging file, GetTypeDefinitions here”“add space. content last into “</StateMachine>” the andthe the first “<StateMachine” the textcut andpastebetween all logNotes: In the messaging file, GetStateMachines content here” space. the “add“</ObjType>” into first “<ObjType” andthe last the textcut between andpaste all logNotes: In the messaging file, GetSEMIObjTypes content here” space. the “add </Exception> into lastfirst “<Exception” andthe the textcut between andpaste all logNotes: In the messaging file, GetExceptions emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This E125 Service xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd" xmlns:ccs="urn:semi-org:xsd.E138.V0709.ccs" <esd:GetTypeDefinitionsResponse xmlns:esd="urn:semi- encoding="utf-8"?><?xml version="1.0" Contents: GetTypeDefinitionsResponse.xml </GetStateMachinesResponse> V0710-Schema.xsd"> instance" E125-1- xsi:schemaLocation="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema- xmlns:esd="urn:semi-<esd:GetStateMachinesResponse encoding="utf-8"?><?xml version="1.0" Contents: GetStateMachinesResponse.xml </GetSEMIObjTypesResponse> V0710-Schema.xsd"> instance" E125-1- xsi:schemaLocation="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema- <esd:GetSEMIObjTypesResponse xmlns:esd="urn:semi- encoding="utf-8"?><?xml version="1.0" Contents: GetSEMIObjTypesResponse.xml </GetExceptionsResponse> Schema.xsd"> xsi:schemaLocation="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd E125-1-V0710- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" <esd:GetExceptionsResponse xmlns:esd="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd" encoding="utf-8"?><?xml version="1.0" Contents: GetExceptionsResponse.xml </GetTypeDefinitionsResponse> Schema.xsd"> xsi:schemaLocation="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd E125-1-V0710- è è è è add content here add content here add content add content here add content here add content Page jn l jn Metadata File Template ContentsMetadata FileTemplate 82 ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧</p><p>Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and here” space. “</Unit>” content the “add into the firstlast “<Unit” andthe the textcut andpastebetween all logNotes: In the messaging file, GetUnits this Standard or Safety Guideline are expressly advised that determination of any such patent rights or copyrights, their ofown the riskresponsibility. ofsuch areentirely infringement rights and or rights patent such any of determination that advised expressly are Guideline Safety or Standard this of Users Guideline. Safety patent or Standard any this in mentioned of items any validity with connection in the asserted copyrights or respecting rights position no takes SEMI Guideline, Safety or Standard this of publication By change to subject are Guidelines Safety and notice.without Standards herein. mentioned The equipment or application. materials literature,particular any relevant respecting other any and sheets, data for product labels, product herein instructions, manufacturer’s to forth refer to set cautioned Guidelines Safety are Users user. the of and responsibility the solely is Guideline Safety or Standard the Standards of suitability the of determination the of suitability the to NOTICE: emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) makes no warranties or representations as representations or warranties no makes (SEMI) International Materials and Equipment Semiconductor E125 Service </GetUnitsResponse> Schema.xsd"> xsi:schemaLocation="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd E125-1-V0710- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ccs="urn:semi-org:xsd.E138.V0709.ccs" xmlns:esd="urn:semi-org:xsd.E125.V0710.esd"<esd:GetUnitsResponse encoding="utf-8"?><?xml version="1.0" Contents: GetUnitsResponse.xml è add content here add content Page jn l jn Metadata File Template ContentsMetadata FileTemplate 83 ➧</p><p>Document Document Number: Doc. Date: SEMI 5/8/2018 DRAFT </p><p>LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT</p>
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