<p> Wheeled Mobility and Seating Evaluation To be completed by Physiatrist, Physical Therapist or Occupational Therapist</p><p>PATIENT INFORMATION Name DOB Sex Date Time</p><p>Address Physician This evaluation / justification form will serve as the LMN for MD NPI # the following supplier MD Phone Phone Therapist Contact Person Spouse/Parent/Caregiver name 1º Insurance/Payor</p><p>Policy # Phone Phone number 2º Insurance/Payor </p><p>Policy # Reason for Referral</p><p>Patient Goals</p><p>Caregiver Goals</p><p>Specific Mobility Limitations that May Affect Care</p><p>MEDICAL HISTORY Diagnosis ICD9 1o Dx ICD9 Diagnosis Code Onset Code ICD9 Diagnosis ICD9 Diagnosis Code Code Progressive Disease Relevant Past and Future Surgeries</p><p>Height Weight Explain Recent Changes or Trends in Weight </p><p>Pertinent Medical Hx</p><p>Cardiac Status Functional Limitations</p><p>Intact Impaired Severely Impaired NA</p><p>Respiratory Status Functional Limitations Patient Name </p><p>Intact Impaired Severely Impaired O2 L / Min.</p><p>Orthotics</p><p>Prosthetics</p><p>Page 2 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>CURRENT SEATING / MOBILITY Current Mobility Base None Stroller Manual w/c Manual with tilt Manual with recline Scooter </p><p>Power Power w/ tilt Power w/ recline Power w/ tilt & recline w/ seat elevator w/ stand</p><p>Type of Control Manufacturer Model Serial # Color Age Additional Components</p><p>Seat Height Seat Width Seat Depth Condition of Current Mobility Base Problems with Current Mobility Base </p><p>Current Seating System Age of Seating System COMPONENT MANUFACTURER / CONDITION Seat Base Mounting Hardware Cushion Pelvic Support Thigh Support Knee Support Foot Support Foot Strap / Heel Loop Back Mounting Hardware Lateral Trunk Supports Chest / Shoulder Support Head Support Mounting Hardware UE Support Mounting Hardware Other Other When Relevant Overall Seat Height Overall W/C Length Overall W/C Width Describe Posture in Present Seating System</p><p>CURRENT MRADL STATUS (with present Mobility Assistive Equipment) Inde Assist Not Comments / Equipment p asses sed Dressing</p><p>Eating</p><p>Grooming/Hygiene</p><p>Page 3 of 25 Patient Name Toileting</p><p>Bathing</p><p>IADLS Bowel Mgmt Continent Incontinent Accidents Comments</p><p>Bladder Mgmt Continent Incontinent Accidents Comments</p><p>DESCRIBE WHAT HAS CHANGED TO REQUIRE NEW AND/OR DIFFERENT MOBILITY ASSISTIVE EQUIPMENT</p><p>Page 4 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>HOME ENVIRONMENT House Condo/Town Home Apartment Asst Living LTCF SNF Own Rent</p><p>Lives Alone / No Caregivers Lives Alone / Caregiver Asst Lives with Caregiver Hours Home Alone </p><p>Comments Home is Accessible to Equipment Storage of Wheelchair In Home Other</p><p>Stairs Yes No Ramp Yes No</p><p>Comments </p><p>COMMUNITY ADL TRANSPORTATION Car Van Public Transportation Adapted W/C Lift Ambulance Other Sits in Wheelchair During Transport</p><p>Tie Downs Where is W/C Stored During Transport? Self Driver Drive While in Wheelchair Yes No Passenger only Yes No</p><p>Employment Specific requirements pertaining to mobility </p><p>School Specific requirements pertaining to mobility Other </p><p>STRENGTH / RANGE OF MOTION Gross Overall Strength Gross Range of Motion Upper Extremity Lower Extremity Shoulder </p><p>Normal 5 / 5 Normal 5 / 5 Elbow</p><p>Good 4 / 5 Good 4 / 5 Wrist</p><p>Fair 3 / 5 Fair 3 / 5 Hand</p><p>Poor 2 / 5 Poor 2 / 5 Hip</p><p>Trace 1/ 5 Trace 1/ 5 Knee</p><p>No Movement No Movement Ankle</p><p>Manual Muscle Test on file/noted on pages 6 & 7 Goniometric Measurements on file/noted on page 6 & 7</p><p>Manual Muscle Test not on file Goniometric Measurements not on file</p><p>Patient has sufficient strength and range of motion to ambulate and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient does not have sufficient strength and/or range of motion to ambulate and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient has sufficient strength and range of motion to propel a manual W/C and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient does not have sufficient strength and/or range of motion to propel a manual W/C and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient has sufficient strength and range of motion to operate a POV and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient does not have sufficient strength and/or range of motion to operate a POV and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Page 5 of 25 Patient Name Comments</p><p>BALANCE Static Sitting Dynamic Sitting Static Standing Dynamic Standing Normal / WFL Normal / WFL Normal / WFL Normal / WFL</p><p>Good / Min Asst Good / Min Asst Good / Min Asst Good / Min Asst</p><p>Fair / Mod Asst Fair / Mod Asst Fair / Mod Asst Fair / Mod Asst</p><p>Poor / Max Asst Poor / Max Asst Poor / Max Asst Poor / Max Asst</p><p>Unable/Dependant Unable/Dependant Unable/Dependant Unable/Dependant</p><p>Patient has sufficient balance to ambulate and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient does not have sufficient balance to ambulate and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient has sufficient balance to propel a manual W/C to participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient does not have sufficient balance to propel a manual W/C to participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient has sufficient balance and endurance to operate a POV and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient does not have sufficient balance and/or endurance to operate a POV and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Comments</p><p>Page 6 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>VISUAL / PERCEPTUAL and SENSORY PROCESSING SKILLS Right Eye Intact Left Eye Intact Comments Vision Right Eye Impaired Left Eye Impaired</p><p>Perceptual Perceptual Skills Intact Perceptual Skills Impaired Comments </p><p>Motor Planning Intact Impaired N/A or NT Comments </p><p>Handedness Right Left N/A Comments </p><p>Patient has sufficient vision, perception and motor planning to operate MAE and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Patient does not have sufficient vision, perception and/or motor planning to safely operate MAE and participate in MRADLs.</p><p>Comments</p><p>SENSATION and SKIN INTEGRITY Sensation Pressure Relief Intact Impaired Absent Able to perform effective pressure relief Yes No Method Hyposensate Hypersensate If not, Why? Please describe</p><p>Skin Issues / Skin Integrity Current Skin Integrity History of Skin Issues Yes No Hx of Skin Surgery Yes No Intact Red Area Open Area </p><p>Where Where Where When When Size Scar Tissue At Risk -Prolonged Sitting Limited Sitting Tolerance Yes No Hours per Day Braden Score, if administered Complaint of Pain 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>VERBAL COMMUNICATION WFL Receptive WFL Expressive Understandable Difficult to Understand Sign Non-communicative</p><p>Uses an Augmentative Communication Device Manufacturer/Model </p><p>AAC Mount Needed</p><p>TRANSFERS and AMBULATION Transfers Ambulation Independent Independent all Distances & Terrains Standby/Contact Asst w/ device w/o device</p><p>Min Assist Indep. Short Distance ( ft.) Min Physical Asst w/ device w/o device</p><p>Mod Asst Indep. Smooth/Level Surfaces Mod Physical Asst w/ device w/o device</p><p>Max Asst Indep. with Device ( ft.) Max Physical Asst w/ device w/o device</p><p>Page 7 of 25 Patient Name Dependent Unable to Ambulate</p><p>Sliding Board Comments</p><p>Lift / Sling Required</p><p>Timed Up and Go Test sec. [60-69 y 8.1sec (7.1-9.0), 70-79 y 9.2 sec (8.2-10.2), 70-99 y 11.3 sec (10.0-12.7)]</p><p>EXPLAIN WHY PATIENT IS NON-AMBULATORY or NOT A FUNCTIONAL AMBULATOR</p><p>Page 8 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>WHEELCHAIR SKILLS (Shown by Trial) Indep Assist Dependent N/A Comments /Unable Manual W/C Propulsion Safe Functional Distance </p><p>UE or LE strength and endurance is sufficient to Method</p><p> participate in MRADLs using a manual wheelchair Arm Left Right Both UE or LE strength and/or endurance is not sufficient to Foot Left Right Both participate in MRADLs using a manual wheelchair Operate Scooter Safe Functional Distance </p><p>Strength, hand grip, balance, control & transfers are appropriate for scooter use.</p><p>Strength, hand grip, balance, control or transfers are not appropriate for scooter use.</p><p>Living environment is appropriate for scooter use.</p><p>Living environment is not appropriate for scooter use.</p><p>Operate PWC w/ Joystick & Standard Safe Functional Distance Programming Operate PWC w/ Joystick & Advanced Safe Functional Distance Programming Operate PWC w/ Alternative Control Safe Functional Distance </p><p>COMMENTS</p><p>MAT EVALUATION</p><p>Measurements in Sitting Left Right A Shoulder Width H Seat to Top of Shoulder B Chest Width I Acromium Process (Tip of Shoulder) C Chest Depth (Front – Back) J Inferior Angle of Scapula</p><p>Page 9 of 25 Patient Name D Hip width K Seat to Iliac Crest E Between Knees L Seat to Elbow F Top of Head M Upper leg length G Occiput N Lower leg length + Overall width (asymmetrical width for O Foot Length + windswept legs or scoliotic posture</p><p>Page 10 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>POSTURE COMMENTS Anterior / Posterior Obliquity Rotation-Pelvis P</p><p>E L V I S Neutral Posterior Anterior WFL R elev* L elev* WFL Right Left *viewed from behind Anterior Anterior</p><p>Non Reducible Other Non Reducible Other Non Reducible </p><p>Partly Reducible Partly Reducible Other Partly Reducible Reducible Reducible Reducible</p><p>TRUNK Anterior / Posterior Left / Right Rotation-shoulders and upper trunk</p><p>Neutral</p><p>WFL Thoracic Lumbar WFL Convex Convex Left-anterior Kyphosis Lordosis Left Right c-curve s-curve multiple Right-anterior</p><p>Non Reducible Other Non Reducible Other Non Reducible Other</p><p>Partly Reducible Partly Reducible Partly Reducible </p><p>Reducible Reducible Reducible</p><p>Position Windswept Hip ROM Limitations</p><p>H I P S Neutral Right Left Neutral ABduct ADduct Non Reducible Dislocated Non Reducible Other</p><p>Partly Reducible Subluxed Partly Reducible</p><p>Reducible Reducible</p><p>Knee Position Foot Position KNEES WFL L R WFL L R</p><p>Page 11 of 25 Patient Name & Limitations L R Limitations L R Dorsi-Flexed L R FEET Non Reducible L R Non Reducible L R Plantar Flexed L R</p><p>Partly Reducible L R Partly Reducible L R Inversion L R</p><p>Reducible L R Reducible L R Eversion L R</p><p>DESCRIBE REFLEXES/TONAL INFLUENCE ON BODY</p><p>Page 12 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>POSTURE COMMENTS Functional Good Head control Describe Tone//Movement of Head and Neck HEAD Flexed Extended Adequate Head Contol</p><p>& Rotated L Rotated R Limited Head Control NECK Lat Flexed Lat Flexed L Absent Head Control R Cervical Hyperextension</p><p>U SHOULDERS Describe Tone/Movement P Left Right of the Upper Extremities P E Functional Functional Good UE movement/control R Elevated Elevated Functional UE mvmt./control</p><p>Depressed Depressed Limited UE movement/control</p><p>Protracted Protracted Absent UE movement/control</p><p>E Retracted Retracted</p><p>X Subluxed Subluxed</p><p>T R E M ELBOWS I Left Right T Y & Fisting Fisting</p><p>HAND</p><p>Goals for Wheelchair Mobility Independence with mobility in the home with mobility related ADLs (MRADLs) </p><p>Independence with community mobility</p><p>Dependent mobility for safe transport</p><p>Other – describe</p><p>Goals for Seating System Optimize pressure distribution</p><p>Provide support needed to facilitate function or safety</p><p>Provide corrective forces to assist with maintaining or improving posture</p><p>Accommodate client’s posture- Current seated postures and positions are not reducible or will not tolerate corrective forces</p><p>Client to be independent with relieving pressure in the wheelchair</p><p>Page 13 of 25 Patient Name Enhance physiological function such as breathing, swallowing, digestion and/or bowel/bladder elimination</p><p>Other – describe</p><p>EQUIPMENT TRIALS AND RESULTS</p><p>Page 14 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>MOBILITY BASE RECOMMENDATIONS and JUSTIFICATION MOBILITY BASE JUSTIFICATION Manufacturer provide transport from point A to B width/depth necessary to Model Color promote independent mobility accommodate anatomical Seat Width measurement Seat Depth not a safe, functional ambulator </p><p>Length of need walker or cane inadequate</p><p> non-ambulatory</p><p>Lightweight Manual Wheelchair self propulsion </p><p>High-strength Lightweight MWC self propulsion lifting</p><p> full-time daily use requires features not available </p><p> on a lightweight manual wheelchair</p><p>Ultra-lightweight MWC improved UE access to wheels increase chair stability</p><p>Axle position adjustment efficient propulsion change angle for improved vertical (dump) horizontal postural stability rotational (camber)</p><p>Heavy-duty Manual Wheelchair user weight broken frame on previous chair</p><p>Extra Heavy-duty MWC extreme tone/excess movement</p><p>Scooter/POV non-ambulatory has adequate trunk stability </p><p> non-functional ambulator can safely operate & is willing to</p><p> cannot functionally propel manual can safely transfer</p><p> wheelchair </p><p>Power Wheelchair non-ambulatory requires speed adjustment</p><p> non-functional ambulator requires torque adjustability</p><p> cannot functionally propel manual requires sensitivity adjustability</p><p> wheelchair requires acceleration cannot functionally and safely adjustability operate scooter/POV requires braking adjustability home environment does not requires expandable electronics support the use of a POV requires alternative drive control can safely operate & is willing to required to negotiate an incline can safely transfer of required to negotiate a rise of</p><p>Page 15 of 25 Patient Name Stroller Base infant/child non-functional ambulator</p><p> unable to propel manual non-functional UE</p><p> wheelchair</p><p>Tilt Base or Tilt Feature Added change position against transfers</p><p>Forward Rearward gravitational force on head and management of tone shoulders Powered tilt on power chair change position for pressure rest periods</p><p>Powered tilt on manual chair redistribution/cannot weight shift control edema</p><p>Manual tilt on manual base facilitate postural control </p><p>Manual tilt on power base</p><p>Recline accommodate femur to back angle rest periods</p><p>Power recline on power base bring to full recline for ADL care repositioning for transfers or </p><p>Power recline on manual base change position for pressure clothing/diaper/catheter management Manual recline on manual base redistribution/cannot weight shift head positioning</p><p>Manual recline on power base</p><p>Power Seat Elevator increase Indep in transfers </p><p>Power Standing Feature increase Indep in ADLs</p><p>Page 16 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>MOBILITY BASE COMPONENTS JUSTIFICATION Armrests provide support with elbow at 90 remove for transfers fixed adjustable height removable provide support for w/c tray allow to come closer to table top swing away flip back reclining change height/angle for ADLs remove for access to tables full length desk length tubular </p><p>Footrests/ Leg rests provide LE support manage tone/spasticity 60 70 80 90 heavy duty accommodate knee ROM enable lateral transfers fixed lift off swing away elevate legs w/tilt and/or recline decrease edema elevating articulating elevating provide change in position for legs physically unable to operate power elevating legrests maintain feet on footplate manual elevating legrests power articulating elevating legrests </p><p>Foot Platform provide LE support elevate legs w/ tilt and/or recline flip up power elevating accommodate hip abduction change in position for legs power articulating elevating minimize turning radius decrease edema</p><p> maintain feet on footplate </p><p> enable transfers</p><p>Foot support provide foot support transfers flip up fixed/rigid accommodate ankle ROM adjustable angle R L allow foot to go under w/c base multi-adjustable angle R L </p><p>Drive/propulsion wheel size increase access to wheel increase propulsion ability Wheel style mag spokes allow seating system to fit on base maintenance free</p><p>Wheel rims/ hand rims increase self-propulsion with hand standard plastic coated other weakness/decreased grasp projections oblique vertical</p><p>Drive/propulsion tires decrease maintenance decrease pain pneumatic semi-pneumatic prevent frequent flats decrease spasms flat free inserts solid increase shock absorbency </p><p>Caster housing maneuverability decrease pain Caster size Style stability of wheelchair decrease spasms pneumatic semi-pneumatic increase shock absorbency allow feet under wheelchair base flat free inserts solid</p><p>Page 17 of 25 Patient Name durability seat to floor height</p><p> maintenance </p><p>Specific seat height foot propulsion accommodation of leg length Front Back transfers </p><p> postural stability</p><p>Shock absorbers decrease vibration </p><p> decrease pain</p><p>Spoke protector protect hand/fingers from spokes </p><p>Side guards prevent skin tears/abrasions </p><p>One armed drive attachment R L enable propulsion of manual </p><p> wheelchair with one arm Anti-tippers prevent rearward displacement </p><p>Amputee adapter increase rearward stability </p><p>Wheel locks indep in applying wheel locks push pull scissor</p><p>Extension R L </p><p>Transportation tie-down option provide crash tested brackets </p><p>Push handles caregiver access allows “hooking” to enable extended angle adjustable caregiver assist increased ability to perform ADLs, standard maintain balance or pressure relief</p><p>Angle adjustable back postural control UE functional control</p><p> control of tone/spasticity accommodate seating system</p><p> accommodate range of motion </p><p>Crutch/Cane holder IV hanger </p><p>Cylinder holder Vent tray</p><p>Page 18 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>Page 19 of 25 Patient Name MOBILITY BASE COMPONENTS JUSTIFICATION POWER WHEELCHAIR CONTROLS provides access for controlling Proportional wheelchair Type </p><p>Body Part(s) Left Right </p><p> lacks motor control to operate </p><p>Non-Proportional/switches proportional drive control Type unable to understand proportional controls Body Part(s) programming for accurate control</p><p>Upgraded/Expandable Electronics progressive disease/changing </p><p> condition to operate power seat function(s) </p><p> through drive control</p><p>Display box to see which mode and drive the wheelchair is set necessary for alternate controls</p><p>Digital Interface Electronics to allow the w/c to operate when </p><p> using alternative drive controls Head Array to operate wheelchair through </p><p> switches placed in tri-panel headrest Sip and puff w/ Tubing Kit needed to operate sip and puff </p><p> drive controls Upgraded Tracking Electronics increase safety when driving</p><p> correct tracking when on uneven </p><p>Safety Reset Switches surfaces</p><p> to change modes and stop the </p><p>Single or Multiple Actuator Control wheelchair when driving in latch mode</p><p>Module to operate the power seat </p><p> function(s) through the drive control Mount for switches or joystick attaches switches to w/c midline for optimal placement</p><p> swing away for safe transfers provides for consistent access</p><p>Page 20 of 25 Patient Name Attendant controlled joystick safety compliance with transportation and mount long distance driving regulations</p><p> operation of seat functions</p><p>Battery power motors on wheelchair </p><p>Charger charge battery for wheelchair </p><p>Push rim active assist enable propulsion of manual enable propulsion of manual </p><p> wheelchair on sloped terrain wheelchair for distance Other</p><p>Other</p><p>Page 21 of 25 Patient Name </p><p>SEATING / POSITIONING COMPONENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND JUSTIFICATION COMPONENT Mfg/model/size JUSTIFICATION Seat cushion impaired sensation stabilize pelvis</p><p> decubitus ulcers present prevent pelvic extension</p><p> history of decubitus ulcers accommodate obliquity/rotation</p><p> increase pressure distribution accommodate multiple deformity</p><p> neutralize LE </p><p>Seat cushion- commercially available cushion cannot accommodate deformity</p><p>Custom Molded </p><p>Seat wedge accommodate ROM </p><p> aggressive seat shape to </p><p> decrease sliding down in the seat Cover replacement protect back or seat cushion </p><p>Mounting hardware fixed attach seat platform/cushion swing-away for safe transfers</p><p> lateral supports attach back platform/cushion flip-down/away for safe transfers swing headrest mount postural support(s) multi-axis for accurate positioning away medial thigh support & removal for safe transfers</p><p> back seat</p><p>Seat board support cushion to prevent attach cushion/back to base</p><p>Seat platform hammocking of upholstery accommodate seat to floor height</p><p>Back board</p><p>Back cushion provide posterior trunk support provide lumbar/sacral support</p><p> provide posterior/lateral trunk support trunk in midline</p><p> support pressure relief over spinous accommodate deformity processes accommodate or decrease tone </p><p> facilitate tone</p><p>Back cushion- commercially available back cannot accommodate deformity</p><p>Custom Molded </p><p>Lateral pelvic / R L pelvis in neutral accommodate tone</p><p> thigh support accommodate pelvis removable for transfers</p><p>Page 22 of 25 Patient Name position upper legs </p><p>Medial thigh decrease adduction remove for transfers</p><p> support accommodate ROM alignment</p><p>Foot support R L position foot stability</p><p>Foot box accommodate deformity decrease tone</p><p>Shoe holder control position</p><p>Ankle strap / support foot on foot support provide input to heel</p><p> heel loops decrease extraneous movement protect foot</p><p>Lateral trunk R L decrease lateral trunk leaning safety</p><p> supports accommodate asymmetry control of tone</p><p> contour for increased contact </p><p>Anterior chest decrease forward movement of added abdominal support</p><p> strap, vest, or shoulder alignment shoulder retractors accommodation of TLSO assistance with shoulder control decrease forward movement of trunk decrease shoulder elevation</p><p>Page 23 of 25 Patient Name COMPONENT Mfg/model/size JUSTIFICATION Headrest provide posterior head improve respiration</p><p> support placement of switches provide posterior neck safety support provide lateral head accommodate ROM</p><p> support accommodate tone provide anterior head improve visual support support during tilt and orientation</p><p> recline improve feeding </p><p>Neck support decrease neck rotation decrease forward neck </p><p> flexion</p><p>Upper extremity R L decrease edema decrease gravitational </p><p> support decrease subluxation pull on shoulders Arm trough provide midline control tone ______Hand support positioning provide work surface provide support for UE ½ tray placement for function Full tray provide hand support in AAC/Computer/EADL Swivel mount natural position</p><p>Pelvic positioner stabilize tone pad for protection over boney </p><p>Single pull belt decrease falling out of chair prominence prominence comfort Specialized belt prevent excessive rotation special pull angle to control SubASIS bar /other rotation Essential needs Holds diapers catheter/hygiene medicines special food bag or pouch ostomy supplies orthotics clothing changes</p><p>Other Other </p><p>Page 24 of 25 Patient Name Follow up / Plan of Care</p><p>Patient/Caregiver Signature Date Therapist Name Printed Therapist’s Signature Date Supplier’s Name Printed Supplier’s Signature Date</p><p>I agree with the above findings and recommendations of the therapist and supplier Physician’s Name Printed Date Physician’s Signature</p><p>This is to certify that I, the above signed therapist have the following affiliations This DME Supplier</p><p>Manufacturer of Recommended Equipment</p><p>Patient’s Long Term Care Facility</p><p>None of the above</p><p>Page 25 of 25</p>
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