<p>Supplemental Data</p><p>{2 Column Table}</p><p>Table S1. Studies of inflammation and cognitive function in type 2 diabetes</p><p>Study Sample Design Num Baseline Measuremen Cognitive measures Adjus Association with</p><p> ber mean t of tment cognitive function </p><p> age inflammation variab</p><p> les Chen et Patients with Cross-sectional, 101 Mean CRP MCI identified on the None Higher CRP in al. [9] type 2 observational 63 ± 8 basis of cognitive group with MCI </p><p>(2011) diabetes; years screening instrument compared with </p><p>China group free of MCI. Keller et Patients with 4-year 1,06 Mean Plasma Composite score from Age Higher baseline al. [45] type 2 prospective, 6 68 ± 4 fibrinogen at seven cognitive tests and fibrinogen </p><p>(2012) diabetes observational years baseline sex associated with </p><p> participating steeper cognitive </p><p> in the decline </p><p>Edinburgh Type 2 </p><p>Diabetes </p><p>Study;</p><p>Scotland Keller et Patients with 4-year 1,06 Mean Plasma IL-6 Composite score from Age Higher baseline IL- al. [46] type 2 prospective, 6 68 ± 4 at baseline seven cognitive tests and 6 associated with </p><p>(2012) diabetes observational years sex steeper cognitive </p><p> participating decline.</p><p> in the </p><p>Edinburgh </p><p>Type 2 </p><p>Diabetes </p><p>Study;</p><p>Scotland Marioni Patients with Cross-sectional, 1,06 Mean Plasma Composite score from Age Higher fibrinogen et al. type 2 observational 6 68 ± 4 fibrinogen seven cognitive tests and associated with </p><p>[43] diabetes years sex lower cognitive </p><p>(2011) participating function. in the </p><p>Edinburgh </p><p>Type 2 </p><p>Diabetes </p><p>Study;</p><p>Scotland Marioni Patients with Cross-sectional, 1,06 Mean Plasma IL-6, Composite score from Age, Higher IL-6 et al. type 2 observational 6 68 ± 4 TNF-α, and seven cognitive tests sex, associated with </p><p>[44] diabetes years CRP and estimate of pre- educa lower cognitive </p><p>(2010) participating morbid ability tion, function and </p><p> in the cardio steeper estimated </p><p>Edinburgh vascu lifetime decline </p><p>Type 2 lar (fully adjusted </p><p>Diabetes diseas analyses). </p><p>Study; e, Association of </p><p>Scotland durati higher TNF-α with </p><p> on of lower cognitive diabet function and </p><p> es, estimated lifetime </p><p>HbA1 decline only in </p><p> c, and analyses adjusted </p><p> estim for age, sex, and </p><p> ated estimated pre-</p><p> pre- morbid ability. No </p><p> morbi consistent finding </p><p> d for CRP.</p><p> abilit</p><p> y Umegak Patients with 6-year 79 Mean Mean of Composite score from None No association. i et al. type 2 prospective, 74 ± 5 CRP MMSE, Digit Symbol </p><p>[16] diabetes; observational years measured at Coding, Stroop, and </p><p>(2014) Japan baseline and word recall. Analyses of</p><p> annual ‘decliners’ versus ‘non-</p><p> follow-ups decliners’ on bases of composite score and </p><p> individual cognitive </p><p> tests. CRP, C-reactive protein; IL-6, interleukin-6; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-alpha. {2 Column Table}</p><p>Table S2. Studies of microvascular disease and cognitive function in type 2 diabetes</p><p>Study Sample Design Numbe Baseline Measuremen Cognitive Adjustment Association</p><p> r mean age t of measures variables with</p><p> microvascul cognitive</p><p> ar disease function de Bresser et Patients with 4-year 122 Mean 66 ± 6 Ophthalmol Composite Age, sex, No al. [49] type 2 diabetes prospective, years ogist- score from and pre- association.</p><p>(2010) participating in observationa identified 11 cognitive morbid </p><p> the Utrecht l presence tests, ability for </p><p>Diabetic versus estimate of analyses of </p><p>Encephalopath absence of pre-morbid cognitive </p><p> y Study; retinopathy ability, total function. </p><p>The according to brain Age and sex</p><p>Netherlands ‘standard volume, for analyses </p><p> clinical lateral of imaging </p><p> practice’ at ventricular data. baseline volume, </p><p> white matter</p><p> hyperintensi</p><p> ty volumes, </p><p> and cerebral</p><p> infarcts de Galan Patients with 5-year trial 11,140 Mean 66 ± 6 ‘Major At baseline None Cross- et al. [35] type 2 diabetes on effects of years diabetic eye and 2-year sectional </p><p>(2009) participating in intensified disease’ intervals: analysis: </p><p>ADVANCE blood MMSE increased </p><p> arm on pressure followed by prevalence </p><p> glycemic control and clinical of major </p><p> control, intensified interview diabetic eye </p><p> receiving glycemic for patients disease in </p><p> standard target control with MMSE groups with </p><p> versus target <24 or cognitive </p><p>HbA1c ≤6.5%; suspected dysfunction. Australia dementia. </p><p>‘Normal’ </p><p> cognitive </p><p> function </p><p> defined as </p><p>MMSE ≥28;</p><p>‘mild </p><p> dysfunction’</p><p> as MMSE = </p><p>24-27; </p><p>‘severe </p><p> dysfunction’</p><p> as MMSE </p><p><24. </p><p>Additional </p><p> use of </p><p>MMSE as continuous </p><p> measure. Hugenschmid Patients with 40-month 1,862 Mean 62 ± 6 Presence of Digit Age, sex, Cross- t et al. [50] type 2 diabetes prospective, years no Symbol ethnicity, sectional </p><p>(2014) participating in observationa retinopathy, Coding education, association </p><p>ACCORD-Eye l of mild non- (primary smoking, of </p><p> and ACCORD- proliferative outcome), geographic retinopathy </p><p>MIND retinopathy, MMSE, Rey region, with lower </p><p> substudies of or of Auditory duration of gray matter </p><p>ACCORD; moderate/se Verbal diabetes, volume but </p><p>North America vere Learning, HbA1c, not with </p><p> retinopathy and Stroop cholesterol, cognitive </p><p> at baseline; (secondary triglycerides function. </p><p> based on outcomes) , blood Prospective </p><p>ETDRS at baseline pressure, association </p><p> chart and 20 and anti- of </p><p>40 months. hypertensive retinopathy Total brain medication with steeper volume, use, 40-month white matter depression, (but not 20- volume, alcohol, and month) gray matter neuropathy. decline on volume, and Additional MMSE and abnormal adjustment Digit white matter for visual Symbol volume at acuity for Coding. baseline and analyses of Statistically </p><p>40 months. cognitive non-</p><p> function and significant </p><p> for total trend for </p><p> intracranial association </p><p> volume for of baseline </p><p> analyses of retinopathy </p><p> brain with greater volumes. increase in </p><p> white matter </p><p> abnormalitie</p><p> s during 40-</p><p> month </p><p> follow-up. Manschot et Patients with Cross- 122 Mean 66 ± 6 Presence Composite Age, sex, No al. [25] type 2 diabetes sectional, years versus score from and association </p><p>(2007) participating in observationa absence of 11 cognitive estimated of </p><p> the Utrecht l retinopathy tests, pre-morbid retinopathy </p><p>Diabetic based on estimate of ability with </p><p>Encephalopath scores on pre-morbid estimated </p><p> y Study; diabetic ability, lifetime </p><p>The retinopathy cortical decline in </p><p>Netherlands severity atrophy, and cognitive </p><p> scale white matter function. </p><p>(Wisconsin lesions Association Epidemiolog of </p><p> ic Study of retinopathy </p><p>Diabetic with </p><p>Retinopathy presence of </p><p>) at baseline cortical </p><p> atrophy </p><p>(analysis </p><p> additionally </p><p> controlling </p><p> for lipid-</p><p> lowering </p><p> drugs and </p><p> cerebral </p><p> infarcts). ACCORD, Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes; ACCORD-MIND, Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes-</p><p>Memory in Diabetes; ADVANCE, Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled </p><p>Evaluation; ETDRS, Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination. </p><p>{2 Column Table}</p><p>Table S3. Studies of markers of macrovascular disease and cognitive function in type 2 diabetes</p><p>Study Sample Design Numbe Baselin Macrovascular Cognitive Adjustme Association</p><p> r e mean disease measures nt with cognitive</p><p> age variables function Bruce et Patients with 8-year 302 Mean ‘Cerebrovascular Dementia and None Cross- al. [14] type 2 retrospectiv 76 ± 5 disease’ (stroke MCI identified sectional </p><p>(2008) diabetes e, years and TIA), ‘CHD’ from screening analyses: </p><p> participating observation (MI, angina, instruments/clinic increased </p><p> in the al coronary artery al interview prevalence of </p><p>Fremantle bypass, and cerebrovascul</p><p>Diabetes evidence of MI on ar disease </p><p>Study; ECG), and across </p><p>Australia peripheral arterial cognitive </p><p> disease at baseline groups, with </p><p> and 8 years earlier highest </p><p> prevalence in dementia group, followed by </p><p>MCI group and unimpaired group. </p><p>Increased prevalence of </p><p>PAD in group with any cognitive impairment </p><p>(in model controlling for sex, duration of diabetes, and stroke) and in group with dementia</p><p>(in model controlling for age, sex, and duration of diabetes). </p><p>Prospective analyses: cerebrovascul ar disease </p><p>(unadjusted analysis) and </p><p>PAD (model controlling for age, sex, duration of </p><p> diabetes, and </p><p> waist-hip </p><p> ratio) 8 years </p><p> earlier both </p><p> associated </p><p> with poorer </p><p> cognitive </p><p> outcome. No </p><p> findings for </p><p>CHD. Bruce et Patients with 8-year 205 Mean Cerebrovascular Dementia and None No al. [21] type 2 retrospectiv 75 ± 4 disease and MCI identified association.</p><p>(2008) diabetes e, 2-year years peripheral arterial from screening </p><p> participating prospective, disease assessed 8 instruments/clinic</p><p> in the observation years prior to al interview at </p><p>Fremantle al baseline cognitive baseline and at 2- Diabetes assessment year follow-up. </p><p>Study; ‘Cognitive </p><p>Australia decline’ defined </p><p> as downward </p><p> conversion </p><p> between </p><p>‘normal’, MCI, </p><p> and dementia. Chen et al. Patients with Cross- 101 Mean ABI and cIMT MCI identified on None Lower ABI </p><p>[9] (2011) type 2 sectional, 63 ± 8 the basis of and higher </p><p> diabetes; observation years screening cIMT in </p><p>China al instrument group with </p><p>MCI </p><p> compared </p><p> with group </p><p> free of MCI. Chen et al. Patients with Cross- 157 Mean cIMT MCI identified on None Higher cIMT </p><p>[11] type 2 sectional, 55 ± 7 the basis of in group with (2012) diabetes; observation years cognitive MCI </p><p>China al screening compared </p><p> instrument with group </p><p> free of MCI. </p><p>Inverse </p><p> correlation </p><p> between </p><p> cognitive </p><p> scores and </p><p> cIMT. Cukierma Patients with Cross- 2,977 Mean Stroke, ‘CVD’ Digit Symbol Age Association of n-Yaffe type 2 sectional 63 ± 6 (stroke, MI, angina Coding (primary stroke with et al. [13] diabetes analysis of years with ischemic outcome), lower </p><p>(2009) participating trial on changes, and MMSE, Rey cognitive </p><p> in ACCORD- blood coronary Auditory Verbal function. </p><p>MIND; pressure, procedure) Learning, and Association of</p><p>North lipids, and Stroop CVD (without America glycemic (secondary stroke) with </p><p> control outcomes) lower verbal </p><p> memory but </p><p> higher MMSE</p><p> scores. de Galan Patients with 5-year 11,140 Mean Stroke, MI, major At baseline and Age, sex, Cross- et al. [35] type 2 prospective 66 ± 6 coronary event 2-year intervals: education, sectional, </p><p>(2009) diabetes trial on years (non-fatal MI, MMSE followed and unadjusted </p><p> participating effects of death from by clinical treatment analyses: </p><p> in ADVANCE intensified coronary event), interview for allocation association of </p><p> arm on blood and major CVD patients with stroke and </p><p> glycemic pressure event (MI, stroke, MMSE <24 or major CVD </p><p> control; control and and cardiovascular suspected event with </p><p>Australia intensified death) during dementia. lower </p><p> glycemic follow-up ‘Normal’ cognitive </p><p> control cognitive function. No </p><p> function defined finding for as MMSE ≥28; MI. </p><p>‘mild Prospective dysfunction’ as analyses </p><p>MMSE = 24-27; (adjusted):</p><p>‘severe baseline mild dysfunction’ as and severe </p><p>MMSE <24. impairment </p><p>Additional use of (versus </p><p>MMSE as unimpaired) continuous associated measure. with increased</p><p> risk of major </p><p>CVD event, </p><p> stroke, and </p><p> major </p><p> coronary </p><p> event during follow-up. </p><p>Lower MMSE</p><p> at baseline </p><p> associated </p><p> with increased</p><p> risk of major </p><p>CVD event. Feinkohl Patients with 4-year 1,066 Mean MI, stroke, angina, MMSE, Age, sex, Cross- et al. [51] type 2 prospective, 68 ± 4 ABI, and cIMT at composite score cholestero sectional </p><p>(2013) diabetes observation years baseline from seven l, blood analyses: </p><p> participating al cognitive tests, pressure, stroke, </p><p> in the and estimate of smoking, angina, and </p><p>Edinburgh pre-morbid and MI associated </p><p>Type 2 ability estimated with lower </p><p>Diabetes pre- cognitive </p><p>Study; morbid function. </p><p>Scotland ability Prospective analyses: </p><p> stroke, higher </p><p> cIMT, and </p><p> lower ABI </p><p> associated </p><p> with increased</p><p> late-life </p><p> cognitive </p><p> decline and </p><p> increased </p><p> estimated </p><p> lifetime </p><p> decline. Manschot Patients with Cross- 122 Mean ‘Any Composite scores Age, sex, Association of et al. [20] type 2 sectional, 66 ± 6 macrovascular on five cognitive and infarcts with </p><p>(2006) diabetes observation years event’ defined as domains from 11 estimated steeper </p><p> participating al MI, stroke, or cognitive tests, pre- estimated in the Utrecht surgery/endovascul estimate of pre- morbid lifetime </p><p>Diabetic ar treatment for morbid ability, ability decline in </p><p>Encephalopat coronary, carotid cortical atrophy, processing </p><p> hy Study; or peripheral and white matter speed. </p><p>The arterial disease. lesions Association of</p><p>Netherlands Cerebral infarcts any </p><p> on MRI. macrovascular</p><p> event with </p><p> steeper </p><p> estimated </p><p> lifetime </p><p> decline in </p><p> processing </p><p> speed and </p><p> memory. Manschot Patients with Cross- 122 Mean ‘Any Composite score Age, sex, ‘Any et al. [25] type 2 sectional, 66 ± 6 macrovascular from 11 cognitive and macrovascular (2007) diabetes observation years event’ (MI, stroke, tests, estimate of estimated event’ and </p><p> participating al and pre-morbid pre- infarcts both </p><p> in the Utrecht surgery/endovascul ability, cortical morbid associated </p><p>Diabetic ar treatment for atrophy, and ability with steeper </p><p>Encephalopat coronary, carotid, white matter estimated </p><p> hy Study; or peripheral lesions lifetime </p><p>The arterial disease) cognitive </p><p>Netherlands and cerebral decline. </p><p> infarcts on MRI. Finding on </p><p>Measurement of ‘any vascular </p><p> cIMT. event’ </p><p> attenuated </p><p> following </p><p> exclusion of </p><p> patients with </p><p> stroke. For </p><p>‘any vascular event’, but not</p><p> infarcts, </p><p> association </p><p> persisted in </p><p> final model </p><p> adjusting for </p><p> age, estimated</p><p> pre-morbid </p><p> ability, </p><p> hypertension, </p><p> smoking, and </p><p> lipid-lowering</p><p> drugs. No </p><p> finding for </p><p> cIMT. ABI, ankle brachial index; ACCORD-MIND, Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes-Memory in Diabetes; ADVANCE, </p><p>Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation; CHD, coronary heart disease; cIMT, carotid intima-media thickness; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MI, myocardial infarction; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; TIA, transient ischemic attack. {2 Column Table}</p><p>Table S4. Studies of natriuretic peptides and cognitive function in the general population and in type 2 diabetes</p><p>Study Sample Design Number Baseli Natriuretic Cognitiv Adjustment Association</p><p> ne peptide e variables with</p><p> mean measures cognitive</p><p> age function Daniels et Rancho Cross-sectional, 950 Mean NT-proBNP, MMSE, Age, sex, ‘High’ NT- al. [52] Bernardo observational 77 ± 8 categorized as Trail- education, proBNP </p><p>(2011) Study; USA years ‘high’ (≥450 Making hypertension, group likely </p><p> pg/mL) versus Test, and body mass to score low </p><p>‘low’ (<450 Category index, exercise, on MMSE </p><p> pg/mL) and Fluency. alcohol, and Trail-</p><p> additionally as ‘Low’ smoking, Making </p><p> quartiles of the performa cholesterol, and compared </p><p> distribution nce on creatinine with ‘low’ </p><p> each group. </p><p> defined Findings as similar when</p><p>MMSE excluding </p><p>≤24, participants </p><p>Trail- with stroke </p><p>Making and </p><p>≥300 cardiovascul seconds, ar disease. and Findings for </p><p>Category Category </p><p>Fluency Fluency </p><p>≤12 restricted to words. largely </p><p>Cognitiv unadjusted e tests analyses. additiona Additionally lly used increased as prevalence quartiles of scoring in</p><p> of lower </p><p> respectiv quartiles of </p><p> e cognitive </p><p> distributi scores with </p><p> on. increasing </p><p> quartiles of </p><p>NT-proBNP </p><p>(unadjusted </p><p> analyses). Feinkohl et Patients with 4-year 1,066 Mean NT-proBNP at MMSE, Age, sex, Association al. [51] type 2 prospective, 68 ± 4 baseline composit cholesterol, of higher </p><p>(2013) diabetes observational years e score blood pressure, baseline NT-</p><p> participating from and smoking proBNP </p><p> in the seven with steeper </p><p>Edinburgh cognitive late-life </p><p>Type 2 tests, and cognitive Diabetes estimate decline and </p><p>Study; of pre- steeper </p><p>Scotland morbid estimated </p><p> ability lifetime </p><p> decline. </p><p>Finding on </p><p>4-year </p><p> decline lost </p><p> statistical </p><p> significance </p><p> when </p><p> controlled </p><p> for </p><p> estimated </p><p> pre-morbid </p><p> ability or for</p><p> stroke, cIMT, and </p><p>ABI. Kerola et Kuopio 75+ 5-year 464 Mean BNP at baseline Diagnosi Age, education, Association al. cohort; prospective, 80 ± 4 s of AD, and of higher </p><p>[53] (2010) Finland observational years VaD, and hypertension BNP with </p><p>MMSE lower </p><p>MMSE and </p><p> with steeper </p><p> decline on </p><p>MMSE </p><p>(unadjusted </p><p> analyses). </p><p>Association </p><p> of higher </p><p>BNP and </p><p> increased </p><p> risk of AD and VaD </p><p> diagnosis </p><p> during </p><p> follow-up </p><p>(adjusted </p><p> analyses). Hiltunen et Kuopio 75+ 5-year 601 Range BNP at baseline Diagnosi Cross-sectional Presence of al. cohort; prospective, 75-96 s of analyses: age, any </p><p>[54] (2013) Finland observational years dementia sex, dementia </p><p> medication, associated </p><p> heart failure, with higher </p><p> and blood BNP in </p><p> pressure. youngest </p><p>Prospective tertile and </p><p> analyses: age, lower BNP </p><p> education, and in oldest </p><p> hypertension. tertile. Higher </p><p> baseline </p><p>BNP </p><p> associated </p><p> with </p><p> increased </p><p> risk of </p><p> dementia </p><p> during </p><p> follow-up in</p><p> youngest </p><p> tertile only. Tynkkynen National 14-year 7,158 Mean NT-proBNP at Medical Age, sex, Higher et al. [56] FINRISK prospective, 48 ± baseline records cholesterol, baseline NT-</p><p>(2015) Study; observational 13 for body mass proBNP </p><p>Finland years diagnosis index, ischemic associated </p><p>(range with any heart disease, with 25 to dementia and diabetes increased </p><p>74) or AD, or risk of any </p><p> dementia incident </p><p> medicati dementia </p><p> on across all </p><p> participants. </p><p>Finding </p><p> driven by </p><p> males. No </p><p> finding on </p><p> incident AD. Vaes et al. Leiden 85+ Cross-sectional, 274 All 90 NT-proBNP MMSE. Height, weight, No </p><p>[55] (2009) cohort; observational years categorized ‘Poor renal function, association.</p><p>The old according to sex- cognitive hemoglobin, </p><p>Netherlands specific tertiles of function’ and </p><p> distribution defined cardiovascular </p><p> as medication MMSE </p><p><19. ABI, ankle-brachial index; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; cIMT, carotid intima-media thickness; FINRISK,</p><p>Finland Cardiovascular Risk Study; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; </p><p>VaD, vascular dementia. {2 Column Table}</p><p>Table S5. Studies of depression and cognitive function in type 2 diabetes</p><p>Study Sample Design Nu Baselin Measuremen Cognitive measures Adjust Association with</p><p> m e mean t of ment cognitive function</p><p> be age depression variabl</p><p> r es Cukierma Patients Cross-sectional 2, Mean Scores ≥10 Digit Symbol Coding Age Association of n-Yaffe with type 2 analysis of trial 97 63 ± 6 on 9-item (primary outcome), depression with et al. [13] diabetes on blood 7 years Patient MMSE, Rey Auditory lower MMSE </p><p>(2009) participatin pressure, lipids, Health Verbal Learning, and scores. No </p><p> g in and glycemic Questionnair Stroop (secondary findings for other </p><p>ACCORD- control e or self- outcomes) cognitive tests.</p><p>MIND; reported </p><p>North depression</p><p>America Katon et Patients 3- to 5-year 19 Range ICD codes ICD codes for dementia in Sociod Co-morbid al. [60] with type 2 retrospective, ,0 30-75 for diagnosis hospital records, restricted emogra depression/diabet</p><p>(2012) diabetes observational 00 years of to incident cases occurring phic es associated with participatin depression/u 3 to 5 years after baseline factors, increased risk of </p><p> g in the se of anti- clinical dementia </p><p>Diabetes depressants risk diagnosis </p><p> and Aging in hospital factors, compared with </p><p>Study; records health diabetes alone.</p><p>USA risk </p><p> factors,</p><p> and </p><p> health </p><p> use Sullivan Patients 40-month trial 2, Mean Scores ≥10 Digit Symbol Coding Age, Association of et al. [61] with type 2 on blood 97 age 63 on 9-item (primary outcome), sex, depression at </p><p>(2013) diabetes pressure, lipids, 7 ± 6 Patient MMSE, Rey Auditory ethnicit baseline with </p><p> participatin and glycemic years Health Verbal Learning, and y, steeper cognitive </p><p> g in control Questionnair Stroop (secondary educati decline across </p><p>ACCORD- e at baseline outcomes) at baseline and on, cognitive tests.</p><p>MIND; 20 and 40 months glycem North ia </p><p>America treatme</p><p> nt arm,</p><p> blood </p><p> pressur</p><p> e </p><p> versus </p><p> lipid </p><p> treatme</p><p> nt arm,</p><p> blood </p><p> pressur</p><p> e </p><p> treatme</p><p> nt, </p><p> lipid </p><p> treatme nt, clinical center, cardiov ascular event, body mass index, </p><p>HbA1c</p><p>, cholest erol, smokin g, alcohol</p><p>, and insulin </p><p> use Trento et Patients Cross-sectional, 49 Mean Zung Self- MMSE Age, Statistically non- al. [58] with 2 observational 8 68 ± 7 Rating sex, significant trend </p><p>(2012) diabetes; years Depression duratio for association of </p><p>Italy Questionnair n of higher depression </p><p> e diabete scores with lower </p><p> s, MMSE scores</p><p>HbA1c</p><p>, and </p><p> insulin </p><p> use Watari et Patients Cross-sectional, 40 Range Clinical MMSE, 12 cognitive tests Age, Statistically non- al. [59] with type 2 observational 30-80 interview to resulting in composite sex, significant trend </p><p>(2006) diabetes; years. diagnose scores of and for lower overall </p><p>USA Mean depression attention/processing speed, educati cognitive function</p><p>60 ± 12 memory, executive on and statistically </p><p> years. function, verbal memory, significant lower and non-verbal memory attention/processi</p><p> ng speed in co-</p><p> morbid </p><p> depression/diabet</p><p> es group than in </p><p> no </p><p> depression/diabet</p><p> es group. ACCORD, Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes; ACCORD-MIND, ACCORD-MIND, Action to Control </p><p>Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes-Memory in Diabetes; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; MMSE, Mini-Mental State </p><p>Examination. </p>
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