ai-Ls.'c'lco SI PAU, AMERICAS PROPHETIC WEEKLY HE Redeemer's gift ; waiting for the com- second appear- ing of our Lord Jesus Ting has been, Christ." i Corinthians through all ages, the : 7. To the Philippians pole star of the Christian Paul wrote : "Our conver- church. During all the sation is in heaven ; from past centuries, the good and whence also we look for the holy have looked forward Saviour, the Lord Jesus with great anticipation to this Christ." Philippians 3: 20. Peter glorious event. "To God's pil- describes the early Christians as grim people, so long left to so- "looking for and hastening the journ in 'the region and shadow coming of the day of God.' 2 of death,' a precious, joy-inspiring Peter 3: 12, margin. hope is given in the promise of h3 JOHN L. It is evident from these texts His appearing, who is 'the resur- that the early Christians looked rection and the life,' to 'bring SHULER not only back to a Saviour who home again His banished.' . had died for them, but forward to From the day when the first pair a Saviour who was to come, to turned their sorrowing steps from consummate the great plan of re- Eden, the children of faith have waited for the com- demption. These scriptures also make plain that the ing of the Promised One to break the destroyer's second coming of the Saviour occupied a most im- power and bring them again to the lost Paradise." portant place in the gospel which the apostles Paul has expressed it in these words': "Looking preached, and which these Christians received. for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing If the early Christians laid such great stress on the of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." second coming of Christ, surely it would be a great Titus 2 : 13. mistake for the church now to lose sight of this im- The apostles taught the members of the early portant truth. "If the Lord committed to His dis- church to wait for the second advent. All the New ciples the promise of His personal return, and if it Testament churches are described as living in ex- occupied so large a place in the lives of the early pectancy of His return. The conversion of the Christians, surely it is unfair to banish it from the Thessalonians is described as a turning "to God from church to-day. It is unfair to the world, for this truth idols to serve the living and true God ; and to wait for is part of the gospel which should be delivered to the His Son from heaven." i Thessalonians 1 : 9, to. world. It is unfair to the church, for it deprives The Corinthians were said to "come behind in no the people of Christ of one of the most powerful mo- V 0 L . 49, NO. 32 AUGUST 15. 1922 tives for spiritual life and service. It is unfair to Christ coming. This expectation is to enter into the heart of Himself, for it obscures the reality of His personal pres- every believer, and no one is warranted in overlooking or ence within the heavenly veil, and substitutes for it the making light of it. His coming, His appearing, the revela- thin air of a mere spiritual influence." tion of Him, the revelation of His glory, the coming of The purest type of the church has always looked and His day, and so forth, are pressed on us continually. In a yearned for the coming of the Lord. It is not strange that true waiting for the day of Christ, is gathered up the right this is true, for a constant looking for Jesus is a powerful regard for what He did and bore when He came first, and incentive to holiness. "Every man that hath this hope in also a right regard for Him as He is now, the pledge and him purifieth himself, even as He is pure." I John 3 : 3. the sustainer of our life: the one and the other are to If we were continually looking for the coming of Jesus, pass onward to the hope of His appearing." we would be as careful to keep our lives clean as we would Just before Paul was beheaded for his faith, he sent this be to keep our homes clean if we were expecting company. message to Timothy : "I am now ready to be offered, and Massillon says, "In the days of primitive Christianity, the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good it would have been deemed a kind of apostasy not to sigh fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith : for the return of the Lord." As we think of the bright, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteous- expectant attitude of all the New Testament churches in ness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give regard to the matter of our Lord's return, we are reminded at that day : and not to me only, but unto all them also that that "probably there is no feature in which the average love His appearing." 2 Timothy 4:6-8. In this text the Christianity of to-day varies more from that of the early apostle makes it plain that every true Christian will be a Christians. than in the faint impressions and the faint in- lover of Christ's appearing; and to all such, a crown of fluence, experienced by most modern Christians in connec- righteousness will be given at His coming. tion with the expectation of the If we really love a person, we Lord's return." love to be with him. We long to be in his presence. In I Thes- DO WE LOVE HIM? salonians 2: 19, we are told that The Christian's attitude toward we shall be in the presence of the this subject should be that of Lord Jesus at His coming. He is "looking for that blessed hope," coming to receive His people to waiting for the revelation of Jesus Himself, that where He is, thefe Christ from heaven, watching for they may be also. ( John 14: 3.) the Lord's return. Such must be All who love the Lord will long our attitude, if we are to be saved for that day when we are to at His coming. In Hebrews 9: 28. meet Him in the air and be for- we are told that "unto them that ever with Him. (1 Thessalonians look for Him shall He appear the 4: 16, 17.) second time without sin unto sal- ECENTLY a woman wrote to R NOTHING MORE DELIGHTFUL tion." His coming will bring us regarding the "Signs." eternal salvation to those only who Among other things, she said: "I It is impossible to think of any- are looking for Him. Why is like to read John Lewis Shuler's thing more delightful than the this ?—Because those who are articles." To her and to the many prospect of the promised return of waiting and looking for His ap- others who we know feel as does our blessed Saviour. When Jesus pearing will be prepared for it. she in this matter, we make this comes again, then we shall see The New Testament type of ex- announcement: Him face to face, and we shall perience for the Christian, is to In early issues of the "Signs" go up to the beautiful mansions have the heart so aglow with a you will find a number of most above, to enter into the full en- personal love for Jesus that we interesting articles from Mr. Shu- joyment of the promise, "So shall will be constantly watching, look- ler's pen. In one article he will answer the question, "Does the we ever be with the Lord." There ing, waiting, working, longing, Doctrine of the Advent Paralyze will be no tears then, for there will and praying for the Master's re- or Energize?" In another, he will be no sorrow ; no death then, for turn. As one great minister says : explain "How the Jew Proves the there will be no more curse ; no sin "No conversation is complete, no Bible True." And in still another, then, for we shall see Him as He spiritual blessing is of the highest he will tell us "Who Is the Great- is. "The ransomed of the Lord order, unless it .leads to this, that est Man in the World." shall return, and come to Zion we learn to wait for the return In making this announcement, with songs and everlasting joy of our Lord. We must not think the "Signs" is but living up to its upon their heads : they shall obtain to find our portion, even our full policy of keeping its subscribers joy and gladness, and sorrow and spiritual portion, in this world. informed as to what is coming. sighing shall flee away." Isaiah The best of all promises is the You are therefore making a safe 35 : 1o. Then God will "wipe promise, 'Surely I come quickly.' investment when you sign up for away all tears from their eyes ; The church's brightest prospect is the "Signs." Read the particulars and there shall be no more death, the return of her Lord, when the on page 15. neither sorrow, nor crying, neither church militant will give place to shall there be any more paina the church triumphant, the spir- Then will come the time of rOfflr itual kingdom to the visible and union, when the whole company personal reign of Christ.
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