
<p>INFLUENCE OF MIZO LANGUAGE ON NASAL AND ORAL PASSAGE IN ENGLISH: A NASOMETRIC STUDY Meenu Kalyani1, Ashok Kumar Sinha2, Himanshu Kumar3, Bibhu Prasad Hota4, Lorna Das5 1(Speech and language pathologist & Audiologist, Kolkata, India) 2(Director, AYJNIHH, Mumbai, India) 3(Lecturer (Speech & Hearing), AYJNIHH, ERC, Kolkata, India) 4(Lecturer (Speech & Hearing), AYJNIHH, ERC, Kolkata, India) 5(Post graduate trainee in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, AYJNIHH, ERC, Kolkata, India)</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Nasometer is computer based instrument which facilitates accurate signal</p><p> analysis, which yields “nasalance” score. The nasality measure is derived from the ratio</p><p> of acoustic energy output from the nasal and oral cavities of the speaker.</p><p>Most research reports on normative nasalance score of English language. There is</p><p> no report regarding nasalance score variance in the Mizo language speakers speaking</p><p>English. The study aims in establishing norms and measuring nasalance score in Mizo</p><p> speakers reading English passages.</p><p>A total of 30 subjects (15 males and 15 females) who are native speakers of Mizo</p><p> language who has exposure of English language since childhood were selected. </p><p>Nasometer II Model 6400 (Software version 2.6) of Key Elemetrics Corporation</p><p> was used.</p><p>1 Three standardized passages (Zoo passage, Rainbow passage and nasal sentences)</p><p> were used for the study. </p><p>The mean nasalance scores obtained for zoo, rainbow and nasal sentences in</p><p> female and male were 15.93 ± 3.15 SD, 35.60 ± 3.05 SD, 64.33 ± 3.26 SD and 18.26 ±</p><p>3.53 SD, 33.13 ± 1.68 SD, 63.20 ± 88 SD respectively.Standard norms shows significant</p><p> differences between male and female for Zoo and Rainbow Passages but not in Nasal</p><p>Sentences.</p><p>Keywords: Mizo Language, Nasometer, Nasalance score, Zoo Passages, Rainbow Passages</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>Verbal communication is one of the most important models to communicate</p><p> between the human beings. The main elements of the verbal communication are hearing,</p><p> voice; language and speaking are mainly created through the harmonious functioning of</p><p> respiration, phonation, resonance, and articulatory muscles together. Resonance modifies</p><p> voice by increasing or decreasing the harmonics of voice. The resonator system has a</p><p> complex structure. Supraglottal air gaps act as resonators. These are complex air gaps</p><p> which are found in the tight area that goes through the larynx, the large opening of the</p><p> larynx, the wide cavity in the mouth and nasal cavity. Normal speech sound production</p><p> depends on the ability to rapidly couple and decouple the nasal cavity from the oral</p><p> cavity. Nasal speech sound require oral nasal coupling and oral sounds require oral-nasal</p><p> decoupling. The process of coupling and decoupling the oral and nasal cavities for speech</p><p>2 is called velopharyngeal valving. This valving is controlled by the elevation of the velum</p><p> and constriction of the pharyngeal walls. </p><p>Role of velopharyngeal mechanism in speech production </p><p>Velopharyngeal mechanism varies the degree of acoustic coupling between the</p><p> oral and nasal cavities. Inadequate closure of the velopharyngeal mechanism may result</p><p> in nasalized speech or the inability to impound air pressure within the oral cavity for the</p><p> production of consonants. Unvoiced consonants may become voiced, plosives become</p><p> snorts, and vowels exhibit an unmistakable nasal quality or twang. Inappropriate or</p><p> excessive velopharyngeal closure can result in the familiar “stuffy nose” quality.</p><p>Adequacy of velopharyngeal closure and appropriate timing of the valving action are two</p><p> important parameters of articulation. Closure is achieved by elevating and retracting the</p><p> soft palate and at the same time constricting the walls of the nasopharynx. The posterior</p><p> pharyngeal wall may move anteriorly to meet the soft palate in some individuals and may</p><p> be seen as a compensatory gesture in instances of a short palate (Zemlin, 1988).</p><p>Movement of velum is essentials for making the distinction between oral and nasal</p><p> sounds in speech. </p><p>Five muscles are involved in the velar functions which are levator veli</p><p> palatine, uvular muscles, tensor veli palatine, palatopharyngeous, and palatoglossus.</p><p>Elevation of velum is primarily contraction of the lavetor veli palatine muscles (Kent,</p><p>1997; Seikel et al 2000, Zemlin, 1998). Velopharyngeal closure is accomplished by the</p><p> coordinated movement of all of above structures. </p><p>3 Velopharyngeal closure pattern in female are in coronal pattern 19(35.85)%,</p><p> circular 15 (28.30)%, circular with passavant’s ridge 11 (20.75)%, and sagittal 8</p><p>(15.09)% where as in the male the frequency is with coronal pattern 14(38.89)%, circular</p><p>15 (41.67)%, circular with passavant’s ridge 3 (8.33)%, and in sagittal 4 (11.11)%.</p><p>Velopharyngeal closure occurs not only for speech, but also for other pneumatic</p><p> activities such as sucking, blowing, and whistling and non-pneumatic activities such as</p><p> gagging, swallowing, and vomiting. The position and degree of closure differ for all these</p><p> activities. The point of contact and degree of closure even vary different phonemes and</p><p> with different phonetic environments. (Moll, 1962; Shprintzen et al., 1975). Closure may</p><p> be completely for pneumatic activities but insufficient for speech or other pneumatic</p><p> activities (Shprintzen et al., 1975).</p><p>The term nasalance has been proposed by Fletcher and Frost, 1974 for a measure</p><p> of velopharyngeal closure during voiced speech in which nasally emitted acoustic energy</p><p> is compared to the orally emitted energy. Nasometer is developed by Samuel Fletcher,</p><p>Larry Adams, and Martin McCutcheon at the University of Alabama at Birmingham,</p><p>Biocommunications Department (1989). Since the introduction nasometer has been</p><p> utilized by a number of investigators in an attempt to determine its utility in the</p><p> assessment and treatment of patients at risk for manifesting velopharyngeal impairment.</p><p>The Nasometer has provided an easy, non-invasive method for assessing nasality</p><p> objectively. </p><p>Nasometer is computer based instrument employs microphones on other side of a</p><p> sound separator plate which rests on the upper lip. The nasality measure is derived from</p><p>4 the ratio of acoustic energy output from the nasal and oral cavities of the speaker. Using</p><p> an innovative input device consisting of a directional microphone mounted on either side</p><p> of an efficient sound separator plate the Nasometer headset facilitates accurate signal</p><p> analysis, which yields a “nasalance” score. The signal from each microphone is filtered</p><p> and digitized by custom electronic modules. The data are then processed by a computer</p><p> and accompanying software.</p><p>A numeric ratio of nasal acoustic energy to the sum of nasal plus oral acoustic</p><p> energy is calculated, multiplied by 100 and expressed as a “nasalance score” that is (N/</p><p>(N+O)) x 100 = Nasalance) and is displayed graphically on the host computer screen in</p><p> real time. </p><p>The output of this instrument provides the user with a score that reflects the</p><p> relative amount of nasal acoustic energy in a subject’s speech. Standardized nasometry</p><p> scores have been published in several languages such as English (Seaver et al., 1991, van</p><p>Doorn& Purcell, 1998); Flemish (Van Lierde et al., 2001); Thai (Prathanee et al., 2003).</p><p>The nasalance score is a valid correlate of perceived nasality (Fletcher, 1976), has a high</p><p> specificity (86%), a high sensitivity (87%), and a high overall all efficiency (87%)</p><p>(Dalston et al., 1993). Nasalance score has a limited implication for cross-country or</p><p> cross-language comparison because interpretation for identifying normal and abnormal</p><p> based on the cutoff scores. Therefore, it should be a supplementary but not a substitute</p><p> for clinical judgment (Vallino-Napoli and Montgomery 1997).</p><p>The Mizo language, or Mizo tawang, is spoken natively by the Mizo people in the</p><p>Mizoram state of India, Chin State in Burma, and the Chittagong Hill Tracts of</p><p>5 Bangladesh. The language is also known as Lushai, a colonial term, as the Lushei people</p><p> were the first to have external exposure. The Mizo language belongs to the Kukish</p><p> branch of the Tibeto-Burman family of languages. The numerous clans of the Mizo had</p><p> respective dialects, amongst which the Lushei (Lusei, by Mizo) dialect was most</p><p> common, and which subsequently became the Mizo language and the lingua franca of the</p><p>Kuki people due to its extensive and exclusive use by the Christian missionaries. Mizo</p><p> language has eight tones and intonations for each of the vowels /a/, /aw/, /e/, /i/ and /u/,</p><p> four of which are reduced tones and the other four long tones. </p><p>Tone systems have developed independently in many of the daughter languages</p><p> largely through simplifications in the set of possible syllable-final and syllable-initial</p><p> consonants. Typically, a distinction between voiceless and voiced initial consonants is</p><p> replaced by a distinction between high and low tone, while falling and rising tones</p><p> developed from syllable-final h, a glottal stop, which themselves often reflect earlier</p><p> consonants. In tone languages there are potential conflicts in the perception of lexical</p><p> tone and intonation, as both depend mainly on the differences in fundamental frequency</p><p>(F0) patterns.</p><p>It is well established that differences in nasalance scores occur among different</p><p> native languages. The frequency of phonemic distribution varies in different language.</p><p>The distribution of phonemes is different in different languages; standard passage for</p><p> each language should be developed. The corresponding normative nasalance scores</p><p> should be computed for each languages or regional dialect (Seaver et al., 1991) because</p><p> vowels are intentionally nasalized in some language (e.g., French) and some regional</p><p> dialect, for instances, English Phonetician often described the vowel in American English</p><p>6 dialects as more nasalized then the same vowel in queen’s English. For American English</p><p>(Flecther et al., 1989), Australian English (van Droon& Purcell, 1998), German (Heppt et</p><p> al., 1989), Castilian Spanish (Santosh Terron et al., 1991), Finnish (Happannen, 1991)</p><p> and Midwest Japanese (Tachimura& Mori, 2000) these normative nasalance score have</p><p> been computed.</p><p>AIM OF THE STUDY</p><p>Most research reports on normative nasalance score were made on the basis of</p><p>English language. There is no report regarding nasalance score variance in the Mizo</p><p> language speakers speaking English. From the review it is evident that nasal resonance</p><p> varies in speech sound of different language and in different dialects of same language. In</p><p> multilingual country like India where English is spoken as second or third language, the</p><p> nasalance score as measure from the zoo passage, rainbow passage and nasal sentences</p><p> might have to be interpreted differently. The study aims in establishing norms and</p><p> measuring nasalance score in Mizo speakers reading English passages.</p><p>METHODOLOGY</p><p>Participants</p><p>Native speakers of Mizo language with second language as English were selected</p><p> for the study. A total of 30 subjects comprising 15 male and 15 female were divided into</p><p> two groups. Group-I had 15 female native speakers of Mizo language and group-II had</p><p>15 male native speakers of Mizo language. The mean and standard deviation of the</p><p>7 subjects age was 21.3 and 1.79for male and for female 21.6 and 1.59 respectively. The</p><p> age ranges of all the subjects were between 18 to 30 years.</p><p>SUBJECT SELECTION CRITERIA </p><p>Inclusion criteria</p><p>All the subjects were native speaker of Mizo language, able to read English fluently and</p><p> within the age range of 18 to 30 years and willing to participate in the study.</p><p>Exclusion criteria</p><p>All the participants having any speech and language problem, perceived resonance</p><p> disorder, suffering from cold or other upper respiratory tract infections, and any hearing</p><p> problem were excluded from the study.</p><p>Instrumentation and test environment</p><p>Nasometer II Model 6400 (software version 2.6) of Key Elemetrics Corporation</p><p> was connected to a desktop computer model (HCL Pentium 4) was used for measurement</p><p> of mean nasalance in this study. Nasometer was housed in a quiet room which was</p><p> partially acoustically treated in the clinic of AYJNIHH, ERC, KOLKATA.</p><p>INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>Verbal instructions were given in English. The instruction was “Three texts will</p><p> appear on the screen. Read the text which appears on the screen exactly as it appears-‘Do</p><p> not repeat the text or add anything which does not appear on the screen’. Three trials will</p><p> be taken for each passage”. The subjects were instructed to start reading after the</p><p>8 recording icon was clicked. Nasalance measure was taken first for oral passage and, then</p><p> for oral nasal passage and then for nasal sentences. The subjects were instructed not to</p><p> repeat a syllable once spoken, and also not to add filters like /umm, or /aaa/ in between.</p><p>However, the subjects were allowed to pause in between reading, but to resume reading</p><p> from where they stopped. </p><p>READING STIMULI</p><p>For measurement of mean nasalance and in variance three standardized passage will be</p><p> used for the study.</p><p>1. The zoo passage (Fletcher, 1972)</p><p>2. The rainbow passage (Fairbanks, 1960)</p><p>3. A set of 5 nasal sentences (Fletcher, 1978)</p><p>TESTS</p><p>Three standardized passages for the measurements of nasalance were used. Zoo</p><p> passage given by Fletcher (1972) which excluded nasal consonants in English language</p><p> was used. Rainbow passage developed by Fairbanks (1960) containing 11.5% nasal</p><p> consonants in English language were used in the study. A set of five nasal sentences were</p><p> taken from the manual of nasometer II which contained 35% nasal consonants in English</p><p> were used. This was more than three times as many as would be expected in standard</p><p>American English sentences (Fletcher, 1978). </p><p>9 PROCEDURE</p><p>The nasometer II model 6400 was calibrated using the standard calibration</p><p> procedure provided by the manufacturer prior to data collection. At the beginning of each</p><p> data collection session, the nasometer was calibrated in accordance with manufacturer</p><p> instructions. The nasometer headpiece was then positioned such that the oral and nasal</p><p> microphones were at equivalent distances from the mouth and nose. The subject was</p><p> seated in front of a computer monitor and asked to read the Zoo passage, Rainbow</p><p> passage and Nasal sentences with normal loudness and at a normal rate of speech. The</p><p> proper placement of headset on a subject has been shown. All the subjects were given</p><p> instruction prior to the test.All subjects were given three trials. Average mean nasalance</p><p> scores were computed for statistical analysis. It took about 15 minutes to test each</p><p> subject.</p><p>RESULTS</p><p>COMPARISON OF MEAN NASALANCE ACROSS THE PASSAGES</p><p>Mean nasalance for zoo passage, rainbow passage, and nasal sentences</p><p>All subjects were asked to read passage and scores of mean nasalance were analyzed.</p><p>Mean and standard deviation of mean nasalance for the Zoo passage, rainbow passage,</p><p> and nasal sentences were computed and are reported in Table 1 for group-I and group-II.</p><p>10 Table.1: Mean and standard deviation of mean nasalance score of group I and group II as</p><p> measured on Zoo Passage, rainbow passage and nasal sentences.</p><p>Passage Group- I (Female) Group – II (Male) Zoo passage Mean 15.93 18.26 SD 3.15 3.53 Rainbow passage Mean 35.60 33.13 SD 3.05 1.68 Nasal sentences Mean 64.33 63.20 SD 3.26 2.88</p><p>DIFFERENCES OF MEAN NASALANCE BETWEEN THE PASSAGES</p><p>Differences of mean nasalance between the Zoo Passage and Nasal Sentences, Rainbow</p><p>Passage and Nasal Sentences, Rainbow Passage and Zoo Passage</p><p>The difference in mean and standard deviation of mean nasalance scores of group-I and</p><p> group-II subjects taken together were computed and reported in table 2 between Zoo</p><p>Passage and Nasal Sentences,Rainbow Passage and Nasal Sentences, Rainbow Passage</p><p> and Zoo Passage.</p><p>11 Table.2: Mean and standard deviation of mean nasalance score for Zoo Passage and Nasal</p><p>Sentences, Rainbow Passage and Nasal Sentences, Rainbow Passage and Zoo Passage</p><p>Passage N Mean Standard deviation Nasal sentences 30 63.76 3.08 Zoo Passage 30 17.10 3.49 Diff (1-2) 46.66 3.29 Nasal sentences 30 63.76 3.08 Rainbow passage 30 34.36 2.73 Diff (1-2) 29.40 2.91 Rainbow passage 30 34.36 2.73 Zoo passage 30 17.10 3.49 Diff (1-2) 17.26 3.13</p><p>The Degree of freedom and t-value of comparison of means for Zoo Passage and Nasal</p><p>Sentences, Rainbow Passage and Nasal Sentences, Rainbow Passage and Zoo Passage.</p><p>Table.3: comparison of means for Zoo Passage and Nasal Sentences, Rainbow Passage and</p><p>Nasal Sentences, Rainbow Passage and Zoo Passage.</p><p>Passages Variances Df t value Pr> /t/ ZooPassage Equal 58 54.84 <.0001 And Nasal Sentences Unequal 57.09 54.84 <.0001</p><p>Rainbow Passage Equal 58 39.08 <.0001 and Nasal Sentences Unequal 57.19 39.08 <.0001</p><p>Rainbow Passage Equal 58 21.30 <.0001 and Zoo Passage Unequal 57.19 21.30 <.0001</p><p>12 Nasalance scores along with Gender Differences</p><p>All the subjects were asked to read all three passages and the observations were</p><p> combined for female and male separately of normal Mizo speakers and mean and</p><p> standard deviation of female and male were found to be 38.622 and 38.200 respectively.</p><p>Table.4: Mean and Standard deviation of gender differences </p><p>Gender Observation Mean Standard Deviation Female 45 38.622 20.33</p><p>Male 45 38.200 19.09</p><p>Diff (1-2) 0.422 19.72</p><p>The degree of freedom and t-value of comparison of means of gender differences.</p><p>Table.5: Comparison of means of gender differences</p><p>Variances Df t-Value Pr>/t/ Equal 88 0.10 0.91</p><p>Unequal 87.65 0.10 0.91</p><p>13 Computation of t test</p><p>For examining the gender difference of the mean nasalance of the native speakers of</p><p>Mizo language, t test was computed and the summary of equality of mean nasalance has</p><p> been reported in Table 6</p><p>Table.6: Summary of equality of mean nasalance of Mizo speakers speaks English language as</p><p> second language.</p><p> t- test for Equality of means df Sig.(2tailed) Zoo Passage</p><p>Equal variance assumed 2.731 28 .011</p><p>Equal variance not assumed. 2.731 21.748 .012 Rainbow Passage</p><p>Equal variance assumed -1.909 28 .067</p><p>Equal variance not assumed -1.909 27.636 .067</p><p>Nasal Passage</p><p>Equal variance assumed 1.007 28 0.322</p><p>Equal variance not assumed 1.007 27.57 0.322</p><p>14 Table.7:.Mean and standard deviation of male, female, male + female and standard norms across the passages.</p><p>STANDARD MALE FEMALE MALE+FEM NORMS ALE PASSAGE MEAN MEAN MEAN MEAN S.D ZOO 18.26 15.93 17.1 11.25 5.63 PASSAGE</p><p>RAINBOW 33.13 35.60 34.36 31.47 6.65 PASSAGE NASAL 63.20 64.33 63.76 59.55 7.96 SENTENCES</p><p> t-value and degree of freedom of the Zoo Passage between male and female and male and</p><p> female together combined.</p><p>Table.8: t-value and degree of freedom of the Zoo Passage</p><p> t-Value df Observed Value Male 4.0857 8.48 1.860 Female 2.8192 7.92 1.860 Male+ Female 4.8375 33.33 1.697</p><p> t-value and degree of freedom of the Rainbow Passage between male and female and</p><p> male and female together combined.</p><p>Table.9: t-value and degree of freedom of the Rainbow Passage.</p><p> t-value df Observed Value Male 0.9373 5.03 2.015 Female 2.1851 5.50 2.015 Male+ Female 2.2020 22.36 1.717</p><p>15 t-value and degree of freedom of the Nasal Sentences between male and female and male</p><p> and female together combined.</p><p>Table.10: t-value and degree of freedom of the Nasal Sentences</p><p> t-Value df Observed Value Male 1.6700 3.68 2.353 Female 2.1522 3.76 2.132 Male+ Female 2.7018 15.44 1.750</p><p>DISCUSSION</p><p>The purpose of this study is to develop to find out normative nasalance scores for</p><p> native Mizo language speaker speaking English as second language since school age for</p><p> different stimuli (Zoo Passage, Rainbow Passage and Nasal Sentences) as compared with</p><p> the normative data for the English speakers as measured by the Nasometer-II of Kay</p><p>Elemetrics Corporation. Gender differences in measures of mean nasalance were also</p><p> studied. Results of the statistical analysis were presented in the previous chapter. </p><p>Mean Nasalance of native speakers of Mizo</p><p>The mean nasalance scores and standard deviation of the native speakers (both</p><p> male and female) of the Mizo was obtained. As native speakers of Mizo were reading</p><p>English Passages containing no nasal sounds, 11.5% of nasal sounds and 35.5% of nasal</p><p> sounds in Zoo, Rainbow and Nasal Sentences, clearly shows significant differences in</p><p> nasalance score for Zoo Passage as compared to the normative data of the native English</p><p> speaker. </p><p>16 The t value of Rainbow Passage for female group, for male group and</p><p> for both combined male and female group shows significant differences in mean</p><p> nasalance scores as shown in the table 9.The t test of Nasal Sentences shows significant</p><p> differences for female group and for both combined male and female group. But there is</p><p> no significant differences in the male group. </p><p>Figure 1.Comparison of female and male nasalance scores on Zoo Passage,</p><p>Rainbow Passage, and Nasal Sentences</p><p>Figure 1.Shows passages on X-axis and nasal percentage on the y-axis and shows</p><p> significant nasal differences between female and male.</p><p>The main difference between nasal and oral vowels is due to the position of the</p><p> soft palate. During the articulation of nasal vowels, the soft palate is lowered down, so</p><p> that the air stream is free is free to pass not only through the buccal cavity but also</p><p> through the nasal cavities. Due to the coupling of the buccal and nasal cavities, the first</p><p> formant of all nasal vowels is slightly reduced in intensity. Generally speaking, the nasal</p><p> vowels are in the same articulatory position as the corresponding oral vowels (Ferguson</p><p> and Chowdhury, 1960). </p><p>Mizo language has eight tones and intonations for each of the vowels /a/, /aw/, /e/,</p><p>/i/ and /u/, four of which are reduced tones and the other four long tones. The vowel /o/</p><p> has only three tones, all of them of the reduced type; it has almost exactly the same sound</p><p>17 as the diphthong /oƱ/ found in American English. Mizo is a tonal language, in which</p><p> differences in pitch and pitch contour can change the meanings of words. </p><p>Most of the studies assert that higher nasalance in adult females can be attributed</p><p> to higher average pitch levels (Britto& Doyle, 1990) and the use of greater pitch</p><p> variability (Sulter& Peters, 1996).Female also use different intonation patterns (Elyan,</p><p>1988) and voice markers for resonance, loudness, and voice quality (Oates &Dacakis,</p><p>1997) in their speech.</p><p>The mechanism for velopharyngeal valving has been found to differ in male and</p><p> female. McKerns and BZoch (1970) investigated the mechanism for velopharyngeal</p><p> valving in 40 normal young adults (20 male & 20 female), using lateral cinefluorography,</p><p> and found significant differences between the genders. The basic orientation of velum to</p><p> pharynx in male can be described in terms of an acute angle and that of female more</p><p> approximately in terms of a right angle. The velar length is greater in male, the height of</p><p> elevation is greater, the contact is less, and the inferior point of contact is most usually</p><p> above palate plane. In females the above pattern is reversed.</p><p>Nasalance Scores: Gender Difference</p><p>There is no significant difference between the female and male</p><p> group as shown in the table 4 and 5. The t test for Equality of means of the Zoo Passages</p><p> and Rainbow Passage shows significant differences except for Nasal Sentences shown in</p><p> the table 6.</p><p>Study conducted by Dalston, (1991); Anderson, (1996); Neiman, and Gonzalez-</p><p>Landa, (1993); Seaver, Dalston, Leeper and Adams (1991); Thomas and Hixon, (1979);</p><p>18 and Seaver et al (1991) indicated the gender differences in the mean nasalance scores</p><p> with higher nasalance scores for female. Researchers have observed that female speakers</p><p> had significantly higher nasalance scores than male subjects on nasal sentences. This</p><p> could be due to the nasal airflow which is higher in females (Thomas and Hixon, 1979).</p><p>Also this may be due to the increased respiratory effort and increased nasal cross-section</p><p> area. One more explanation for the gender difference in nasalance scores was the</p><p> disparity might be due to the differences in nasal cross-section area and modal pitch.</p><p>Nasal cross-section area and F0 was evaluated using modification of theoretical hydraulic</p><p> principle and visipitch respectively. Seaver et al (1991) study found significant</p><p> differences in nasal cross-section areas and modal pitch between male and female</p><p> subjects. </p><p>There have been studies focused on sex difference in nasalance scores. Some</p><p> studies reported no sex differences in nasalance scores during reading of the Zoo passage</p><p>(Seaver et al., 1991; Leeper et al., 1992; Litzaw and Dalston, 1992; Mayo et al., 1996;</p><p> van Droon and Purcell, 1998), but others indicates higher nasalance scores among women</p><p> during reading of the nasal passage (Seaver et al., 1991; Vallino-Napoli and</p><p>Montgomery, 1997). That is although it is possible that sex differences in nasalance</p><p> scores are related to the test stimulus, it is not clear whether the findings obtained among</p><p> non-Japanese speakers are also valid for Japanese speakers which has different</p><p> phonological characteristics from Western Languages. </p><p>Gender related differences in nasalance values have been related to basic</p><p> anatomical structural and physiological differences between males and females. The</p><p> resonance of voice is influenced by the size, shape, and surface of the infraglottal and</p><p>19 supraglottall resonating structure and cavities (Shprintzen&Bardach, 1995). Various</p><p> studies have reported that the functioning of larynx and velopharynx is affected by a large</p><p> number of anatomical, physiological, and aerodynamical gender realted differences.</p><p>Physical size appears to be the predominant anatomical feature that differentiates male</p><p> and female larynges (Gooze’e et al., 1998 &Kahane, 1983).</p><p>Comparison on mean nasalance across the passages</p><p>Paired t-test was done to find out the differences in nasalance score between</p><p>Nasal sentences and Zoo Passages. The resulted depicted significant difference in mean</p><p> nasalancescores of Nasal Sentences and Zoo passage for all 30 subjects, Nasal Sentences</p><p> showed higher nasalance score as compared to Zoo passage as shown in the table 3.</p><p>The mean of nasal sentences and rainbow passages were calculated to find</p><p> out the mean nasalance. Significant differences were found between the nasal sentences</p><p> and Rainbow passage has been shown in the table 3. Thus the results indicate higher</p><p> nasalance values for Nasal Sentences.</p><p>The mean of Rainbow passage and Zoo Passage were calculated to</p><p> find out comparison of mean nasalance. Higher significant difference of nasalance for</p><p>Rainbow Passage as compared to the Zoo Passage as shown in the table 3.</p><p>CONCLUSION</p><p>The present study was taken up with the purpose of investigating the norms for</p><p> mean nasalance as measured by Zoo, Rainbow, and Nasal Sentences for the native</p><p>20 speakers of the Mizo language. The reported normative nasalance data will provide</p><p> important reference information for several clinicians who assess resonance disorders.</p><p>Speech pathologists can measure the effects of a specific therapy approach, and the</p><p> plastic surgeon can evaluate the effects of different nasal and pharyngeal surgical</p><p> techniques. </p><p>The normative scores can be used for assessment of different resonance disorders like:</p><p>-Cleft lip and Palate</p><p>-Motor Speech Disorder</p><p>-Hearing Impairment</p><p>-Functional Nasality Problems</p><p>-Singing Pedagogy</p><p>REFERENCES</p><p>1. Anderson, R. (1996). Nasometric Values for Normal Spanish-Speaking Females: A </p><p>Preliminary Report.The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 33(4), pp.333-336.</p><p>2. Britto, A. and Doyle, P. (1990). A Comparison of Habitual and Derived Optimal Voice </p><p>Fundamental Frequency Values in Normal Young Adult Speakers. J Speech Hear </p><p>Disord, 55(3), p.476.</p><p>21 3. 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