Campaign Marengo Scenario and Campaign Lists - Introduction List Comments The scenario list for Campaign Marengo includes over 120 scenarios that are in the main folder. It does not list the campaign scearnios, many of which are good stand alone situations in their own right. The campaigns have their own listing. The players should note that the scenario file name lists whether a scenario is HTH - Head to Head or SOLO - meaning that it has AI scripts and can be played against the program. There were several HTH scenarios in the game which because of their complexity do not have a Solo counterpart. Others were simplified to allow for a more balanced situation when converted to a Solo setting. Three design scenarios are included for Scenarios Designers to use as well as those that would like to see all of the uniforms for the soldiers for this time period. They show the layout of the images that are part of the game. Key to the Scenario List Each scenario has a filename, scenario name and amount of turns on each line. Filename - has a number, the name of the action/battle and whether it is a Head to Head (HTH) or Solo (SOLO) scenario. If the scenario is a variant then the letter V followed by a number is listed after the name of the action/battle. Examples: Filename Explanation 012_Dego_SOLO.scn Scenario #012 - action is Dego - Solo version of the scenario 009_Dego_V1_HTH.scn Scenario #009 - action is Dego - Variant #1 - Head to Head version Title - the title of the scenario as listed in the Scenario Header. 005. Montenotte: Napoleon's First Victory in Italy Number of turns - a number indicating how many turns the scenario lasts. 24 Campaign Marengo Scenario List Filename Title Turns 000_Getting_Started.scn 000. Getting Started 8 001_Loano_HTH.scn 001. The Battle of Loano 54 002_Loano_SOLO.scn 002. The Battle of Loano 54 003_Voltri_HTH.scn 003. Rearguard Action at Voltri 30 004_Voltri_SOLO.scn 004. Rearguard Action at Voltri 24 005_Montenotte_HTH.scn 005. Montenotte: Napoleon's First Victory in Italy 24 006_Montenotte_SOLO.scn 006. Montenotte: Napoleon's First Victory in Italy 16 007_Dego_HTH.scn 007. The French Advance to Dego 18 008_Dego_SOLO.scn 008. The French Advance to Dego 22 009_Dego_V1_HTH.scn 009. Dego - Austrians on the Way! 24 010_Dego_V1_SOLO.scn 010. Dego - Austrians on the Way! 18 011_Dego_HTH.scn 011. Allied Counterattack at Dego 32 012_Dego_SOLO.scn 012. Allied Counterattack at Dego 32 013_Ceva_HTH.scn 013. Advance to Ceva 18 014_Ceva_SOLO.scn 014. Advance to Ceva 18 015_StMichele_HTH.scn 015. The Engagement at St Michele-La Bicocca 12 016_StMichele_SOLO.scn 016. The Engagement at St Michele-La Bicocca 12 017_Lodi_HTH.scn 017. The Bridge at Lodi 18 018_Lodi_SOLO.scn 018. The Bridge at Lodi 18 019_Lonato-1_HTH.scn 019. The First Clash at Lonato 16 020_Lonato-1_SOLO.scn 020. The First Clash at Lonato 16 021_Castiglione-1_HTH.scn 021. The First Battle of Castiglione 54 022_Castiglione-1_SOLO.scn 022. The First Battle of Castiglione 42 023_Castiglione-1_V1_HTH.scn 023. First Castiglione Var.#1: Würmser's Attack 24 024_Castiglione-1_V1_SOLO.scn 024. First Castiglione Var.#1: Würmser's Attack 24 025_Lonato-2_HTH.scn 025. The Second Clash at Lonato 18 026_Lonato-2_SOLO.scn 026. The Second Clash at Lonato 18 027_Castiglione-2_HTH.scn 027. The Second Battle of Castiglione 52 028_Castiglione-2_SOLO.scn 028. The Second Battle of Castiglione 28 029_Castiglione-2_V1_HTH.scn 029. Second Castiglione Var.#1: Fiorella Delayed 52 030_Castiglione-2_V1_SOLO.scn 030. Second Castiglione Var.#1: Fiorella Delayed 28 031_Castiglione-2_V2_HTH.scn 031. Second Castiglione Var.#2: Meszaros Arrives! 52 032_Castiglione-2_V2_SOLO.scn 032. Second Castiglione Var.#2: Meszaros Arrives! 28 033_Quad1-15M_HTH.scn 033. The Castiglione Operation (15M) 361 034_Quad1-V1-15M_HTH.scn 034. Castiglione Op.: Bonaparte Reinforced (15M) 361 035_Bassano_HTH.scn 035. The Battle of Bassano 36 036_Bassano_SOLO.scn 036. The Battle of Bassano 24 037_Caldiero_HTH.scn 037. The Battle of Caldiero 30 038_Caldiero_SOLO.scn 038. The Battle of Caldiero 24 039_Arcole-Day1_HTH.scn 039. First Day of Arcole 72 040_Arcole-Day1_SOLO.scn 040. First Day of Arcole 50 041_Arcole-Day1-V1_HTH.scn 041. First Day of Arcole: Austrians Arrive Sooner 72 042_Arcole-Day1-V1_SOLO.scn 042. First Day of Arcole: Austrians Arrive Sooner 50 043_Arcole-Day2_HTH.scn 043. Second Day of Arcole 76 044_Arcole-Day2_SOLO.scn 044. Second Day of Arcole 54 045_Arcole-Day2-V1_HTH.scn 045. Second Day of Arcole: Late French Start 76 046_Arcole-Day2-V1_SOLO.scn 046. Second Day of Arcole: Late French Start 54 047_Arcole-Day3_HTH.scn 047. Third Day of Arcole 72 048_Arcole-Day3_SOLO.scn 048. Third Day of Arcole 54 049_Arcole-Day3_V1_HTH.scn 049. Third Day of Arcole: Late French Start 72 050_Arcole_HTH.scn 050. The Battle of Arcole 280 051_Rivoli_HTH.scn 051. Action at Rivoli: Tyrol Corps Rearguard Action 36 052_Rivoli_SOLO.scn 052. Action at Rivoli: Tyrol Corps Rearguard Action 24 053_Quad2_HTH.scn 053. The Arcole Operation 352 054_Quad2-V1_HTH.scn 054. The Arcole Operation: Davidovich the Brave! 352 055_Quad2-V2_HTH.scn 055. The Arcole Operation: Davidovich is Late! 352 056_Rivoli_HTH.scn 056. The Battle of Rivoli 72 057_Rivoli_SOLO.scn 057. The Battle of Rivoli 64 058_Rivoli-V1_HTH.scn 058. Rivoli Var.#1: There is a Bridge! 72 059_Rivoli-V1_SOLO.scn 059. Rivoli Var.#1: There is a Bridge! 72 060_Rivoli-V2_HTH.scn 060. Rivoli Var.#2: Massena is Late! 72 061_Rivoli-V2_SOLO.scn 061. Rivoli Var.#2: Massena is Late! 72 062_Magnano_HTH.scn 062. The Battle of Magnano 48 063_Magnano_SOLO.scn 063. The Battle of Magnano 40 064_Magnano-V1_HTH.scn 064. Magnano: Austrian Reserve is Diverted 48 065_Magnano-V1_SOLO.scn 065. Magnano: Austrian Reserve is Diverted 36 066_Mincio_HTH.scn 066. Battle on the Mincio: Advance of the Russians 133 067_Lodi-1799-CAMP_HTH.scn 067. River Crossing at Lodi (1799 Campaign) 42 068_Vaprio_Cassano_HTH.scn 068. River Crossing at Vaprio-Cassano 72 069_Vaprio_Cassano_SOLO.scn 069. River Crossing at Vaprio-Cassano 72 070_Vaprio_Cassano-V1_HTH.scn 070. Vaprio-Cassano: Victor Arrives Early 72 071_Vaprio_Cassano-V2_HTH.scn 071. Vaprio-Cassano: Victor at Cassano 072_Tidone_HTH.scn 072. The Battle of Tidone Creek 72 073_Tidone_SOLO.scn 073. The Battle of Tidone Creek 72 074_Tidone-2_HTH.scn 074. Tidone Creek: The Counterattack 30 075_Trebbia-1stDay_HTH.scn 075. The Battle of the Trebbia - First Day 54 076_Trebbia-1stDay_SOLO.scn 076. The Battle of the Trebbia - First Day 54 077_Trebbia-1stDay-V1_HTH.scn 077. Trebbia - First Day: The French are Late! 54 078_Trebbia-2ndDay_HTH.scn 078. The Battle of the Trebbia - Second Day 48 079_Trebbia-2ndDay_SOLO.scn 079. The Battle of the Trebbia - Second Day 36 080_Trebbia-2ndDay-V1_HTH.scn 080. Trebbia - Second Day: Late French Start 48 081_Novi_HTH.scn 081. The Battle of Novi 90 082_Novi_SOLO.scn 082. The Battle of Novi 90 083_Novi-V1_HTH.scn 083. Novi: Allies Concentrated 90 084_Novi-V2_HTH.scn 084. Novi: Joubert's Attack 90 085_Savigliano_HTH.scn 085. Spoiling Attack at Savigliano and Fossano 50 086_Savigliano_SOLO.scn 086. Spoiling Attack at Savigliano and Fossano 50 087_Savigliano-V1_HTH.scn 087. Duhesme at Savigliano and Fossano 50 088_Trebbia-1799CAMP-HTH.scn 088. Battle of the Trebbia (1799 Campaign) 190 089_Novi-1799CAMP-HTH.scn 089. MacDonald and Joubert at Novi (1799 Campaign) 78 090_Novi-1799CAMP-HTH.scn 090. Battle of Novi-Marengo (1799 Campaign) 78 091_Marengo-1799CAMP_HTH.scn 091. Suvurov Regroups - Marengo to Tortona 78 092_Romano_HTH.scn 092. Rearguard Action at Romano 30 093_Romano_SOLO.scn 093. Rearguard Action at Romano 30 094_Casteggio-Montebello_HTH.scn 094. The Battle of Casteggio-Montebello 36 095_Casteggio-Montebello_SOLO.scn 095. The Battle of Casteggio-Montebello 36 096_Casteggio-Montebello-V1_HTH.scn 096. Casteggio-Montebello: Earlier Austrian Arrival 36 097_Casteggio-Montebello-V1_HTH.scn 097. Casteggio-Montebello: Earlier Austrian Arrival 36 098_Marengo_HTH.scn 098. The Battle of Marengo 78 099_Marengo_SOLO.scn 099. The Battle of Marengo 78 100_Marengo-V1_HTH.scn 100. Marengo: Nimbsch at the Battle 78 101_Marengo-V1_SOLO.scn 101. Marengo: Nimbsch at the Battle 78 102_Marengo-V2_HTH.scn 102. Marengo: Desaix is Here! 78 103_Marengo-V2_SOLO.scn 103. Marengo: Desaix is Here! 60 104_Marengo-Phase1_HTH.scn 104. First Assault on Marengo Village 6 105_Marengo-Phase1_SOLO.scn 105. First Assault on Marengo Village 6 106_Marengo-Phase2_HTH.scn 106. Second Assault on Marengo Village 10 107_Marengo-Phase2_SOLO.scn 107. Second Assault on Marengo Village 10 108_Marengo-Phase3_HTH.scn 108. Third Assault on Marengo Village 28 109_Marengo-Phase3_SOLO.scn 109. Third Assault on Marengo Village 28 110_Marengo-Phase4_HTH.scn 110. Marengo: Napoleon's Counterattack 28 111_Marengo-Phase4_SOLO.scn 111. Marengo: Napoleon's Counterattack 28 112_Loano-1800CAMP_HTH.scn 112. Battle of Loano (1800 Campaign) 78 113_Cuneo-1800CAMP-HTH.scn 113. Battle of Cuneo (1800 Campaign) 66 114_Lodi-1800CAMP-HTH.scn 114. The Battle of Lodi (1800 Campaign) 66 115_Pavia-1800CAMP_HTH.scn 115. Battle at Trivolzio and Pavia (1800 Campaign) 70 116_Alba-1800CAMP-HTH.scn 116. The Battle of Alba (1800 Campaign) 60 117_Stradella-1800CAMP-HTH.scn 117. The Battle of Stradella (1800 Campaign) 66 Bonus-1_Mondovi-HTH.scn Bonus 1. The Battle of Mondovi 36 Bonus-2_Loano_HTH.scn Bonus 2. Loano: All Austrians On Map 54 Bonus-3_Voltri_HTH.scn Bonus-3. Rearguard Action at Voltri 24 Bonus-4_Ceva_HTH.scn Bonus-4. Ceva: More French Forces 18 Bonus-5_Caldiero_HTH.scn Bonus 5. The Battle of Caldiero 36
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