<p>Appendix C: Tables of C and N properties of soil, leaf litter, and earthworm biomass pools after 150-day incubations. </p><p>Table C1: Soil C and N pool size and isotopic values (13C and 15N) across A-horizon (AH), B-horizon (BH), and burrow (BR) soil. Values represent means (± 1 SE, n = 6) after 150-day incubations. Dashes indicate the absence of BR soil in controls. Soil C and N properties after 150-day incubations Treatment Carbon (g C m−2) Nitrogen (g N m−2) 13C (‰) 15N (‰) Earthworm Soil AH BH BR AH BH BR AH BH BR AH BH BR (EW) Control 1030 386 41.8 14.9 -23.7 -25.5 16.5 8.21 ------(no EW+) (50.1) (22.6) (1.68) (0.88) (0.17) (0.10) (1.39) (0.36) 37.1 964 447 43.0 17.8 1.72 -18.3 -25.8 -6.74 41.7 9.32 98.1 Epigeic (13.3 (38.1) (3.27) (1.71) (0.31) (0.62) (1.34) (0.09) (4.66) (4.79) (0.42) (22.3) En ) 59.6 tic 1181 362 44.4 14.8 2.80 -10.3 -25.5 4.44 49.1 14.5 112.3 Epi×End (17.0 Ha (133.3) (19.2) (9.27) (0.64) (0.86) (4.40) (0.18) (8.88) (16.4) (0.9) (31.8) plo ) 14.2 rth 1042 477 47.4 18.8 0.65 -11.8 -25.3 174.1 60.9 22.3 616.1c Anecic (5.05 od (38.8) (16.9) (2.05) (0.86) (0.24) (3.42) (0.18) (26.4) (9.52) (1.13) (80.3) (sa ) 26.9 nd) 922 502 41.3 21.0 1.2 9.10 -25.6 75.6 145.1 23.03 370.3 Ane×End (5.87 (45.3) (83.7) (2.02) (3.26) (0.25) (5.23) (0.23) (17.5) (23.0) (1.66) (67.3) ) 19.9 1069 392 45.5 16.5 0.9 2.92 -25.5 93.9 119.0 19.1 449.5 All Species (5.51 (32.6) (21.0) (1.54) (0.87) (0.24) (2.32) (0.17) (30.9) (5.21) (1.25) (117.4) ) Alf Control 1827 445 86.1 9.32 -10.2 -0.98 51.2 9.4 ic ------Ha (no EW+) (41.3) (19.6) (2.36) (0.49) (0.91) (0.07) (4.27) (2.00) plo rth All Species 1761 489 44.3 79.82 10.83 2.02 7.43 -0.65 48.1 105.4 22.6 330.6 od (33.7) (2.49) (4.56 (1.18) (0.13) (0.2) (0.38) (0.09) (11.3) (3.89) (4.10) (59.3) (sa ) nd y loa m) Table C2: Earthworm C and N pool size and isotopic values (13C and 15N) by species (L. terrestris [Lterr; anecic], E. fetida [Efet; epigeic], and A. trapezoides [Atrap; endogeic]). Values represent means (± 1 SE, n = 6) after 150-day incubations. Dashes indicate the absence of an earthworm species in an earthworm community treatment. Earthworm biomass C and N properties after 150-day incubations Treatm 15 ent Carbon Nitrogen N (g C m−2) (g N m−2) (‰) Earthwor Soil Lterr Efet Atrap Lterr Efet Atrap Lterr Efet Atrap Lterr Efet Atrap m 0.69 0.44 8.51 83.0 Epigeic ------(0.05) (0.03) (5.1) (23.66) 0.44 0.69 0.15 0.83 78.9 -13.8 292.6 22.7 Epi×End ------Entic (0.04) (0.05) (0.02) (0.29) (32.1) (2.14) (106.0) (6.16) 8.69 0.69 74.6 266.0 Hapl Anecic ------ortho (0.59) (0.05) (16.3) (41.0) d 5.49 0.44 0.44 0.63 126.7 -1.02 504.8 44.4 Ane×End ------(sand) (0.56) (0.04) (0.04) (0.07) (15.5) (4.42) (61.5) (8.04) All 6.02 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.2 0.44 163.6 20.1 -10.4 735.4 111.2 29.3 Species (0.26) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0.04) (0.03) (14.0) (7.65) (2.18) (70.5) (26.4) (5.5)</p><p>Alfic Hapl ortho All 5.19 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.17 0.48 171.2 -3.59 -4.45 738.6 41.9 47.9 d Species (0.35) (0.03) (0.03) (0.03) (0.04) (0.03) (7.78) (5.04) (3.61) (77.1) (7.04) (9.13) (sandy loam) Table C3: Red maple (A. rubrum) 13C and 15N enrichment in mesocosms (13C excess and 15N excess). Values represent means (± 1 SE, n = 6) of mass recoveries after 150-day incubations across (A) soil pools (A-horizon [AH], B-horizon [BH], and burrow soil [BR]) and (B) earthworm species biomass (EW: L. terrestris [Lterr; anecic], E. fetida [Efet; epigeic], A. trapezoides [Atrap; endogeic]). Different lower case letters within columns represent significant differences among least square means between treatments determined by linear mixed-effect models (evaluated at P < 0.05; Table 2). Dashes indicate the absence of BR soil in no-earthworm controls and the absence of an earthworm species in an earthworm community treatment. Corresponding percent recoveries are shown in Table 1.</p><p>(B) A. rubrum isotopic recoveries in EW biomass Treatment 15 13 15 N excess C excess N excess (mg 15N m−2) (mg 13C m−2) (mg 15N m−2) Lt Earthwor A Soil AH BH BR BH BR e Efet Atrap Lterr Efet Atrap m (EW) H rr En 2 tic . Ha 4 pl 3 ort a -- Control 31.23a 4.57a 1.01a ho ----- ( ------(no EW+) (1.19) (1.01) (0.04) d 0 - (sa . nd 2 ) 2 ) Epigeic 88.35ab 2.14a 9.79a 6 1.45a 0.75a -- 0.11a ------0.14ab ----- (16.36) (0.36) (3.17) . (0.06) (0.24) -- (0.03) (0.04) 4 - 1 a</p><p> b ( 0 . 7 6 ) 9 . 8 2 a -- 175.45bc 6.17ab 73.88b b 2.33ab 3.7ab 0.14a -0.02a 0.42b 0.1a Epi×End ------(34.47) (0.15) (13.38) ( (0.05) (0.68) (0.05) (0.02) (0.27) (0.03) - 1 . 4 5 ) 1 0 . 0. 3 7 4 a b 9 167.15b 12.86b 140.16bc 5.30b 7.04cd ( 0.65a Anecic c ------(31.21) (2.83) (51.38) (0.28) (2.61) 0. (0.1) ( 1 1 2 . ) 3 1 ) Ane×End 416.5d 5.06b 95.62bc 2 5.9b 4.79b 0. ----- 0.08b 0.77b ----- 0.1a (21.92) (0.91) (26.04) 5 (0.39) (1.13) 8 (0.04) (0.09) (0.02) . 0a 1 b 6 ( c 0. d 0 ( 7 1 ) . 6 3 ) 1 9 . 1. 6 1 2 7c All 349.6cd 7.16b 76.85b c 3.72b 4.16b ( 0.06a 0a 1.29c 0.06a 0.04a Species (31.07) (0.72) (42.55) ( (0.07) (2.28) 0. (0.01) (0.01) (0.14) (0.01) (0.01) 0 1 . 1 9 ) 2 ) Alf 1 ic 6 Ha . pl 0 ort 4 -- ho Control 194.09bc 545.86c c 1.38a ------d (no EW+) (16.97) (3.83) ( (0.22) - (sa 1 nd . y 2 loa 3 m) ) All 530.57d 555.31c 106.22c 3 5.32b 6.5d 1. 0.02a 0.03ab 1.11bc 0.03a 0.08a Species (11.25) (2.72) (18.98) 0 (0.35) (0.91) 0 (0.02) (0.02) (0.12) (0.01) (0.01) . 5b 6 c 2 ( d 0. ( 0 0 8 . ) 9 1 ) Table C4: Red maple (A. rubrum) litter C and N mass transport to soil pools, and calculated losses after 150-day incubations. Values represent means (± 1 SE), n = 6. Different lower case letters within columns represent significant differences among least square means between treatments determined by linear mixed-effect models (evaluated at P < 0.05; Table 2). Statistical outcomes for pair-wise comparisons of differences in leaf litter transport and pool-specific recoveries across treatments are shown in Figure 2 as lower-case letters; differences in total recoveries are shown as capital letters. Dashes are placed in BR columns corresponding to no-earthworm controls that only contained AH and BH soil pools. A. rubrum A. rubrum C recovery in soil pools Gaseous + leachate losses Treatment transport (g C m−2) (g m−2) (g m−2) CO , NOx, Soil Earthworm C N AH BH BR Total AH BH BR Total 2 DOC TDN E Control 13.72a 0.25a 0.69a 0.10a 0.79a 0.04a 0.02a 0.06a 12.92ab 0.19ab ------nt (no EW+) (1.33) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) (0.03) (<0.01) (<0.01) (<0.01) (1.32) (0.04) ic 13.5a 0.27a 1.95ab 0.05a 0.22a 2.24ab 0.11ab 0.02a 0.01a 0.15ab 11.26a 0.12ab H Epigeic (1.29) (0.04) (0.36) (0.01) (0.07) (0.36) (0.01) (<0.01) (0) (0.01) (0.98) (0.03) a 17.34ab 0.35a 3.88b 0.14a 1.63ab 5.68b 0.17b 0.04a 0.06ab 0.28bc 11.66a 0.07ac pl Epi×End or (1.75) (0.06) (0.76) (<0.01) (0.3) (0.87) (0.02) (<0.01) (0.01) (0.03) (1.32) (0.04) th 26.42cd 0.66b 3.70b 0.28a 3.10b 7.25bc 0.18bc 0.09b 0.12b 0.40c 19.14b 0.26b Anecic o (2.24) (0.06) (0.69) (0.06) (1.14) (1.17) (0.02) (<0.01) (0.04) (0.04) (1.75) (0.05) d 28.57d 0.73b 9.21c 0.11a 2.11ab 11.63c 0.43d 0.10b 0.08ab 0.63d 16.95ab 0.08ac (s Ane×End a (1.73) (0.04) (0.48) (0.02) (0.58) (0.9) (0.03) (0.01) (0.02) (0.04) (1.46) (0.05) n 29.28d 0.74b 7.73c 0.16a 1.70ab 9.82c 0.34d 0.06b 0.07ab 0.49c 19.46b 0.22b All Species d) (1.07) (0.03) (0.69) (0.02) (0.94) (0.97) (0.02) (<0.01) (0.04) (0.04) (1.13) (0.04) A Control 21.51bc 0.58b 4.29b 12.07b 16.36d 0.27cd 0.02a 0.30c 5.15ac 0.28b lf ------ic (no EW+) (0.59) (0.01) (0.38) (0.08) (0.43) (0.02) (<0.01) (0.02) (0.32) (0.02) H a All Species 29.74d 0.76b 11.77d 12.28b 2.35ab 26.64e 0.52e 0.09b 0.11b 0.75d 3.07c 0.01c pl (0.9) (0.02) (0.25) (0.06) (0.42) (0.63) (0.02) (0.01) (0.02) (0.03) (0.64) (0.02) or th o d (s a n d y lo Table C5: Statistical comparisons between bulk and A. rubrum-derived C:N recovery ratios in soil pools (AH = A-horizon, BH = B-horizon, BR = burrow) and earthworm species biomass (L. terrestris [Lterr; anecic], E. fetida [Efet; epigeic], and A. trapezoides [Atrap; endogeic]) within each treatment. Values represent means (± 1 SE), n = 6. Different lower case letters within columns represent significant differences among least square means between treatments determined by linear mixed-effect models (evaluated at P < 0.05). Dashes indicate the absence of BR soil in no- earthworm controls and the absence of an earthworm species in an earthworm community treatment. Soil pools EW biomass Treatment Overall C:N Litter-derived C:N Litter-derived C:N Earthworm Atra Soil AH BH BR AH BH BR Lterr Efet Lterr Efet Atrap (EW) p 12.44a Control 24.64a 26.07a 4.16b ----- b ------(no EW+) (0.39) (0.31) (0.77) (0.81) E 19.3 nt 22.44a 24.94a 22.09a 14.48b 1.58b 14.46b 4.17a 2a Epigeic ------ic (0.18) (0.66) (0.45) (1.73) (0.23) (0.82) (0.06) (6.2 H 2) a 3.70 12.2 pl 22.85a 24.46a 22.63a 22.03a 3.36b 25.56a 4.03a a 2a 18.45a Epi×End ------o (0.39) (0.68) (0.38) (1.4) (0.15) (1.56) (0.15) (0.0 (0.7 (4.99) rt 8) 2) h 11.96b 15.44a 22.01a 25.37a 22.51a 1.9c 4.32a 15.9a o Anecic c b ------(0.31) (0.51) (0.68) (0.49) (0.08) (3.06) d (0.99) (0.52) (s 3.83 11.43a a 22.32a 23.93a 22.87a 10.02b 0.52c 4.35a a 12.00ab 17.45a Ane×End b ------n (0.44) (0.48) (0.35) (0.17) (0.11) (0.12) (0.0 (0.76) (3.45) d (0.54) 5) ) 3.97 13.3a 23.49a 24.05a 23.9a 9.38bc 1.02c 10.00b 4.33a 4.30a a 9.87b 15.78a All Species (2.2 (0.12) (0.58) (0.69) (0.63) (0.12) (0.63) (0.03) (0.02) (0.0 (0.83) (3.05) 4) 3) Al 48.67 Control 21.24a 8.24c 30.15ab fi b ------(no EW+) (0.15) c (0.99) (0.38) (4.48) H a pl o rt h o 4.18 15.5 d 45.83 22.06a 30.38b 6.92ac 42.6b 6.33c 4.40a 4.08a a 10.51b 7a 14.36a (s All Species b (0.12) (1.46) (0.07) (0.07) (0.0 (2.05) (3.7 (3.31) a (1.87) (0.14) (3.11) (0.42) n 8) 5) d y lo a m )</p>
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