- MJOTCKOJ U b ß A ß YT h e La w r e n t ia n Vol. 55. No. 28. Z 821 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON. W1S. Saturday. May 7. 1938 €ideonse Warns Ends, Not Means Board of Control Students Elect Thirteen to Against Lack of To Elect Editor Executive Committee; Vote Ends in Living Of Paper May 10 Specialization Hinders Un­ Applications Due at Mr. Close in Two Day Balloting derstanding, Says Chi* Watts’ Office by Lack of Combines No­ cago Professor Tuesday Noon S€>rority Council ticeable Under New The dangerous confusion which Election of the Editor-in-chief of Sets Per Capita P rocedure results from constant activity with­ the Lawrentian for next year will Tax for Rushing out any realization of the purpose take place at a Lawrentian Board Voting for the first time under of that activity was the subject of the new student body constitution, of Control meeting on Tuesday, In the Panhcllenic Council meet­ the college student body yesterday an address given before student May 10, it was announced today ing on Monday night, it was decid­ elected the new Executive Com­ convocation lart Tuesday by Dr. by Robert Mott, Lawrentian editor. ed that the per capita tax for the mittee of thirteen members which Harry B. Gideonse, professor of Application for the position must Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and will act until next May. Those elected were: juniors Penelope economics at the University of Chi­ be in the hands of Mr. Watts by Thursday rushing parlies next foil cago, who came as the annual Phi would be 40 cents. Thij includes the T.r'c*t’ Hastings. Robert Van- noon of that day. rent of the places where the par- Nostrand, Tom Jacobs, and Wil- Beta Kappa speaker. Application Requirements ties will be held. They are the ,iam Hatten: sophomores Kenneth The present trend toward collec­ The letter of application should | Hearthstone, the Copper Kettle, and Buesing. John Bodilly, Robert Wil- tivism. he said, results from the be a complete and concise state- the Conway Hotel. Adinc Clare son- Sclden Spencer, and Robert confusion in human thought which ment of the experience of the can- was selected to negotiate with these Smith: and freshmen Vincent Jones, comes from a lack of direction in DR. H. D. GIDEONSE didate which qualifies him for the places and secure written contracts Ray Chadwirk, and Blanche Quin- this active world. Men, tired of What do I mean by Force? position. It should also state any with them. The cost of the Friday cannon. trying to decide the why of things, particular policy that the applicant parties, which are usually held at For the first time, voting was held surrender to a strong leadership proposes to follow, since such state­ the homes of alumnae, must be overover a twoa two day day period, period, and and f>n T>n the which apparently has a purpose. ment may be important in the se­ covered by a tax of oa cents per first floor ot Main Hall, result* “Specialization a Curse” Phi Beta Kappa lection candidates, according to person. ing in about a 60 per cent turnout. Dr. Gideonse explained that in Mott To simplify drawing up the ex addressing the students he was The position of editor-in-chief P™.5c lists ^ hich areud“c aiter eath First Meeting Monday roaming outside his “special field," Honors Initiates carries with it the entire respon­ party, mimeographed expense sheets will be prapared by Martha The first meeting of the new but that specialization was a curse sibility for the news and editorial Lyon. Also, for several meetings Executive Committee will be held of life today. It is contrary to life columns of the Lawrentian. Thus it next Monday at 1 P. M. in Room because all problems have a “to­ (»¡deon*e Condemns “Slo- the Panhcllenic council has been entails the organization of an ade­ 11 of Main Hall. All members, un­ getherness." Specialization, like gan Thinking*' at An- discussing the advantages of a quate staff for newsgathering and freshman file as well as the girls' der the provisions of the consti­ the professions, takes care of vari­ for the proper preparation of news ous separate aspects of our lives. miai Banquet names and addresses. The fresh­ tution, must be present or be ex­ Legislation, especially planning ___ ____ copy for the printers. The cditor-in- man file would be made up of cused by vote of the Committee. legislation, is an effort to make one “Forc;? will always be a mems to ^bicf is also responsible for the cards filled out by the git i s stating Business to be taken up at that P'inting arrangements and is an ex- more step toward the good society. an end by its very nature, and the their nationality, room number, time consists of electing the temp­ officio president of the Lawrentian whether they would like to join orary chairman who acts as chief Dr. Gideonse pointed out. There goodness or badness of it depends are. however, thousands of worth­ Board of Control. It is he who ap­ a sorority or not, and etc. A copy executive until the presidential on the end,” said Dr. Harry B. points the desk editor and the man­ of the list would be made from this election next fall, the election of less bills passed each year that Gideonse in addressing the local could eventually lead to chaos, be­ aging editor of the paper, subject file and given to each sorority. the Committee officers, and the Phi Beta Kappa chapter at their an­ to approval by the Board of Con­ election of Social chairman. cause no thought is given to the nual dinner last Tuesday. Dr. purpose which should underly leg­ trol. Homecoming Chairman. Pep Gideonse took as his subject the * Oilier Business Chairman, Financial Chairman, islation. Our society today is striv­ use of words and slogans as de­ Flory Announces Other business to be considered and the Convocation Committee. ing toward a perfection of means fenses against certain ideas and at the expense of impoif«c*;on of at the May 10 meeting of the board Nominations for these offices argued that inch-method .4\-hul',ir amending of its constitution ends: science has built a tractor that confused thinking. I Q Test Results may be made from the floor by can be used to till the soil for mili­ “Slogan Thinking” Tendency to make it conform to the new by- ! .Committee members, or by the tary purposes, and bacteriology laws of the student body consti- 7 - Drawing his examples of the pop- i .) Per Cent of Seniors «•Tidcnt bfdy at large, in which may cause death or prolong life. ular tendency of "slogan thinking" 1 lut,°n pa^scd this >l'ar by the Ex- case petition^ with ten signers '•Bias toward scientific objectivity from currcnt attitude on the inter- ccutivc Committee. These by-laws Show Improvement must be presented at the meet­ is one of the greatest potentialities national situation, the speaker provide that the board be trimmed ing. of evil today.” showed that the word "neutrality” from nine to seven members by Over First Year Modern World Materialistic has come to mean just the opposite eliminating the faculty advisor and ------------- 1 The total number of votes cast was In closing. Dr Gideonse contrast­ in our attitude toward Spain, that president of L. W. A. as voting Of the 68 students who took the 336. Sophomores voted most heav- ed the words of Carl Sandburg's “equality” as Germans use the members. The report of the Law- j intclligcnco tests given to 83 seniors ily, casting 123 ballots for their can­ sensual marine with the trinity of word means “superiority,” and that rentian Business manager will also on April 26, and who also took sim- didates. Freshmen cast 120. and the values laid down by his friend Rus­ “force” has taken on a definitely be presented at this meeting, ilar tests as freshmen. 51. or 75 per juniors followed with 93. sell Gordon Smith — the values, odious connotation, implying the cent, improved their scores, accord- Only one candidate. Penelope .“beauty, laughter, and love” and entangling alliances which are so ADDRESSES ALUMNI ing to the results released by Mr. a gage independent running In the remarked that a large portion of abhorred by Americans. Dean J. S. Millis spoke last night C. D. Flory, assistant professor of junior class, received enough votes the world lived on a materialistic In order to clear up such be- 1° *bc Sheboygan alumni at the education. | for election on the first count. Six basis. Today it is easier to die for fuddled thinking, we must pene- Fellowship Hall of the First Meth- The greatest increase was made voje transfers were required to se- things than to live for them, but trate beneath these phrases and odist Church in Sheboygan. He by the 19, or 28 per cent, who got jec^ D^her four juniors, five for we have no ideas we care to die for, 1 outlined the------------- new plans----------------------- for improve­ ! the five sophomores, and six for let alone to live for. How we shall Turn to Page 8 ment of the campus. group advanced from 57.2 percentile the freshmen. So elose was the get by today and tomorrow is our point to the 78.4 point. The 75 freshman vote that all the success­ chief concern. per cent who improved did so by ful candidates were chosen by the 10.5 points, while the average gain for the entire 68 students was 8 fifth transfer.
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