Ready for School Connects City Wide Resource List

Ready for School Connects City Wide Resource List

<p> Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>The purpose of this list is to provide families with comprehensive information on the resources available within the city of Toronto.</p><p>USEFUL NUMBERS</p><p>Community Information Toronto:  Dial 211 or go to Toronto Public Health:  416-338-7600 Toronto Health Connection; 416-690-2142 after hours emergency Telehealth Ontario:  1-866-797-0000; TTY 1-866-797-0007 Child Tax Benefit:  1-800-387-1193; TTY 1-800-665-0354; French 1-800-387-1194 Health Card (Infoline):  1-800-268-1154; 416-314-5518</p><p>EMERGENCY SERVICES</p><p>Police, Fire, Ambulance:  911 Children Emergency Hotlines:  Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868  Children’s Aid Society of Toronto – 416-924-4646 Counseling and Abuse:  Assaulted Women’s Helpline – 416-863-0511; 1-800-863-0511; TTY 416-364-8762; Toll Free TTY 1-866-863-7868  Women’s Counseling, Referral, and Education Centre – 416-534-7501 Food Banks:  Food Share – FoodLink Hotline – 416-392-6655 Shelters and Housing:  Toronto, Hostel Services Unit – Central Family Intake – 416-397-5637 ; Toll Free 1-877-338-3398  Red Door Family Shelter– 416-469-3457  WoodGreen Red Door Family Shelter- 416-915-5671  Sojourn House 416-864-0515 for refugee and refugee claimants  Romero House 416-763-1303 for refugee claimants  Housing Connections 416-981-6111 for subsidized housing</p><p>IMMIGRATION AND SETTLEMENT Web site:</p><p>Resources for newcomers to Ontario; information includes citizenship, sponsorship community, consumer, education, employment, health, housing, immigration, language, literacy, legal support</p><p>Citizenship and Immigration Canada:  1-888-242-2100; TTY 1-888-576-8502 Hours: Mon-Fri- 8am- 4pm. Canadian Centre for victims of Torture:  416-363-1066  Toll free 1-877-292-2288 CHILDREN’S SERVICES Updated: October 11, 2011 1 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>The following are a list of supportive services for children and their families, including social, emotional, physical and educational resources that aim to enhance and support the early years of child development</p><p>Toronto Children’s Services Division, Field Office Web site: Metro Hall, 55 Johns St, 10th Fl, Toronto, ON, M5V 3C6 (University Ave-King St W) Service description:  Provides financial assistance to help with the cost of licensed child care  Children birth – 9 years  Parent must be working or attending school  Must show financial need  Fee subsidy office: 416-392-5437  Child care programs: 416-392-3317</p><p>Child Development Institute Web site: 197 Euclid Ave, Toronto, ON, M6J 2J8 (Bathurst St-Dundas St W) 416-603-1827 </p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 4:30</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese); English; Portuguese; Spanish; interpretation for other languages</p><p>Service description:  Provides child development, parenting, children’s mental health, early intervention and family violence services  Assessment and counseling services for children who have been sexually abused  Services for children birth – 12 years and their families  Evening groups and appointments available after hours</p><p>Ontario Early Years Centres To find your nearest centre visit this web site: 1-866-821-7770; TTY 1-800-387-5559</p><p>Languages: English, French</p><p>Service description:  Access to early child development professionals and community resources  Early learning and literacy programs— including reading circles, school readiness programs and learning through play  Call to find a program near you (1-866-821-7770)</p><p>______</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 2 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services Web site: 225 Duncan Mill Rd, Ste 201, North York, ON, M3B 3K9 416-338-8255 Intake and information TTY: 416-338-0025 </p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 4:30</p><p>Languages: English, French</p><p>Service description:  For children birth – 5 years who have trouble taking or understanding languages  Speech and Language Program – assessment, information and referral, parent support, speech and language intervention services</p><p>Surrey Place Centre Web site: 2 Surrey Pl. Toronto, ON, M5S 2C2 (Bay St-College St) 416-925-5141</p><p>Hours: Mon and Fri – 8:30-5; Tues, Wed, Thurs- 8:30-8:30</p><p>Languages: English; interpretation provided for other languages as available</p><p>Service description:  Assessment, diagnosis, consultation and treatment  Service coordination  Behavior therapy and psychotherapy  Intensive behavioral intervention for children to 6 years diagnosed as autistic  Member of Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services</p><p>Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario Web site: 365 Bloor St E, Ste 1004, Box 39, Toronto, ON, M4W 3L4 416-929-4311</p><p>Service description: Assists people with learning disabilities and their families in meeting their expressed needs by:</p><p> Providing support, guidance and up-to-date resource information  Providing the opportunity for the sharing of information and common concerns  Encouraging research in the field of learning disabilities  Supporting and generating legislative initiatives</p><p>______</p><p>Respite Services Web site: Updated: October 11, 2011 3 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>112 Merton Street, Toronto, ON, M4S 2Z8 416-322-6317</p><p>Service description:  Respite care is a family support service that provides temporary relief from the physical and emotional demands involved in caring for a family member with a developmental and/or physical disability.</p><p> Contact an Access Facilitator who will help identify the family’s respite needs and will provide short-term co- ordination to overcome barriers to receiving respite services. They will assist in completing application forms for funding and interviewing potential Community Helper for Active Participation (CHAP).</p><p> New autism spectrum disorder respite services program</p><p>______</p><p>Best Start Resource Centre Web site: 180 Dundas Street West, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1Z8 416-408-2249 Ext 2336; Toll free: 1-800-397-9567</p><p>Languages: English; interpretation provided for other languages as available</p><p>Service description:  Best Resource Centre provides resources and information for : abuse and pregnancy, alcohol and pregnancy, breastfeeding, child development, low birth weight, nutrition, ______</p><p>EDUCATION </p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 4 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Toronto Catholic District School Board Web site: Address: Catholic Education Centre, 80 Sheppard Ave E, North York, ON M2N 6E8 (Yonge St-Sheppard Ave E) Office phone: 416-222-8282 X 5314; Admissions: 416-222-8282 X 5320 Adult Education Programs: 416-222-8282 X 5348, 2513, 2429, 2491, 2499 Crisis Phone: 416-229-5360 TTY phone: 416-229-5337</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 4:45, after hours – answering service, emergency calls responded to immediately</p><p>Languages: English, French school programs; Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian – interpreters available</p><p>Service description:  Full academic program in a Roman Catholic environment, JK – Gr 12  Single gender and coed, French, and special education  Citizenship and international classes  Elementary grades is for Roman Catholic children and children of Roman Catholic parents  ESL classes – participate in LINC upon assessment by YMCA of Greater Toronto ______</p><p>Toronto District School Board Web site: TDSB Head Office, 5050 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M2N5N8 (Yonge St-Sheppard Ave W) 416-397-3000 </p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 4:30</p><p>Service description:  Full academic program from JK to Grade 12  Special education for children and youth 14-21 years with developmental disabilities  Citizenship and heritage classes  Special services – home instruction, social work, psychiatry, psychology, guidance counseling, reading and speech correction  Transportation for persons with physical disabilities  Interpreting services for families and schools  Parenting and Family Literacy Centers – 416-394-2067  Intensive ESL programs (all levels) – call 416-338-4300 or visit</p><p>LANGUAGE SERVICES Updated: October 11, 2011 5 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Adult education, assessment and training services for English as a second language are provided through the government of Canada and community organizations.</p><p>Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) is an English language training program for adult newcomers to Canada. YMCA LINC Assessment Centres screen and refer LINC eligible newcomers to the most suitable LINC Service Provider Organizations offering LINC classes throughout the Greater Toronto Area. These free classes range from literacy, basic to intermediate levels, running part time, full time, and on weekends.</p><p>General Inquiries: 1-888-242-2100; TTY- 1-800-576-8502 Web site:</p><p>Individuals eligible:</p><p> Newcomers 18 years of age or older  Landed Immigrants  Convention refugees  Holders of appropriate Authorization or Minister’s Work Permits  Not Canadian citizens  Clients assessed at a LINC 6 or lower ______</p><p>YMCA of Greater Toronto Web site: Language Assessment and Referral Centre 42 Charles St E, 3rd Fl, Toronto, ON, M4Y 1T4 (Yonge St-Bloor St E) 416-928-9622; 1-800-223-8024</p><p>Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30 – 8:00; Fri 8:30 – 4:30; Sat 10 – 2 </p><p>Individuals eligible:  Newcomer adults 18 years and older  Permanent residents of Canada (including landed immigrants and convention refugees)</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese, Fujian, Mandarin); Dari; English; Farsi; French; German; Hebrew; Hindi; Italian; Kannada; Konkani; Korean; Lithuanian; Ndebele; Portuguese; Romanian; Russian; Shona; Sinhala; Spanish; Tamil; Tulu; Vietnamese</p><p>Service description:  Assessment of English skills for settlement-based language training program  Referral to LINC programs for English as a Second Language (ESL) classes  Information and referral on settlement needs</p><p>Other assessment centres:  10 Milner Business Court  416-609-9622</p><p> 4580 Dufferin St, 2nd Fl  416-635-9622</p><p>LINC School Locations:</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 6 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>LINC Assessment Hotline: 416-925-5465 </p><p>North</p><p>Location Address Phone Number 500 Cummer Ave Cummer LINC (Bayview & Cummer 416-395-4820 1470 Don Mills Rd, 2nd Floor Don Mills LINC (Don Mills & York Mills) 416-395-3988 Kenton Learning Centre 34 Kenton Dr LINC (Bathurst & Finch ) 416-395-8486 Willowdale LINC 250 Sheppard Ave. E. (Willowdale & Sheppard) 416-395-8214</p><p>South</p><p>Location Address Phone Number Overlea LINC 14 Overlea Blvd (Thorncliff Pk & Overlea) 416-396-2930 160 Springhurst Ave, 4th Fl Springhurst LINC (Springhurst & Jameson) 416-393-8382 74 Victoria St, Suite 115 Victoria Street LINC (Dundas & Yonge) 416-393-8268</p><p>East</p><p>Location Address Phone Number 2944 Danforth Ave Danforth LINC (Danforth & Victoria Park) 416-396-2488 1240 Ellemere Rd, Unit 202 Ellesmere LINC (Ellesmere & Midland) 416-396-7815 2907 Kennedy Rd, 2nd Fl Kennedy LINC (Kennedy & Finch) 416-396-6222 5620 Finch Ave E, Unit 202 Markham LINC (Finch & Tapscott) 416-396-6394 45 Windover Dr 416-396-2165 Willow Park P.S. LINC (Lawrence & Markham) 416-394-6480</p><p>West</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 7 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Location Address Phone Number 1530 Albion Rd, Unit 62 Albion LINC (Kipling & albion) 416-394-6232 385 The West Mall, Unit 105 Civic Centre LINC (Burnamthorpe & West Mall) 416-394-6480 1315 Finch Ave, W, Unit 216 Finch LINC (Finch & Keele) 416-395-2698 1780 Lawrence Ave W, Rm307 Hardington LINC (Jane & Lawrence) 416-395-4814</p><p>2267 Islington Ave, Lower Level Rexdale LINC (Islington & Hwy 401) 416-394-6225</p><p>______</p><p>COSTI Corvetti Education Centre Web site: 760 College St, Toronto, ON, M6G 1C4 (Ossington Ave-College St) 416-534-7400</p><p>Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30 am – 9:30 pm; Fri 8:30 – 4:30; Sat 10 – 2:30; French and Spanish language programs Sat 10 – 2 </p><p>Languages: Arabic; Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin); Croatian; English; Farsi; Serbian; Spanish; Tigre; Tigrinya; Turkish</p><p>Service description:  Settlement services including orientation, information and referral (Housing, health and legal  English as a Second Language (ESL), ESL computer training; ESL for work permit holder and visitor  Conversation and pronunciation classes  Translation, interpretation; assistance with documentation, escort and advocacy  Crisis intervention and supportive counseling  Home Child Care Provider Training – 5 week program prepares immigrant women to be self-employed as a home child care provider</p><p>Full range of language assessment test including</p><p> CAAT (Canadian Adult Achievement Teat)  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)  TWE (Test of English as a Written Language) ______</p><p>COSTI – Caledonia Centre Web site: 700 Caledonia Rd, Toronto, ON, M6B 3X7 (Caledonia Rd-Eglinton Ave W) Updated: October 11, 2011 8 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>416-789-7925</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 4:30; LINC classes – Mon-Fri 9 – 2:30; computer training – Sat 9;30 – 2:30</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin); Croatian; English; French; Polish; Portuguese; Russian; Serbian; Slovenian; Spanish; Ukrainian</p><p>Service description:  English as a Second Language classes; participate in LINC upon assessment by YMCA of Greater Toronto  Computer training includes Microsoft Office, ACCPAC, Simply Accounting  Enhanced Language Training (ELT) for Internationally Trained Accountants who are refugee claimants, Convention refugees or permanent residents and who are eligible to work in Canada – 18 week sector specific language training; individual counseling and action plan development  5 week job placement; mentoring; networking; resume and interview preparation</p><p>Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services Web site: 15 Roncesvalles Ave, Suite 202, Toronto ON, M6R 2K2 416-533-9471</p><p>Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:30-4:30; Fri- 8:30-12:00</p><p>Languages: English</p><p>Service description:  Participate in LINC upon assessment by YMCA of Greater Toronto  Enhanced Language Training for Internationally Trained Professionals and Tradespeople (ELT) – 12 week sector specific language training for administration, customer service, health care, technical and trades  2-6 week job placement and mentoring; networking; resume and interview preparation  Child care available (416-642-0020)</p><p>Skills for Change: Employment + Learning Hub English as a Second Language Programs Web site: 791 St Clair Ave W, Toronto, ON, M6C 1B7 (Christie St-St Clair Ave W) 416-658-3101</p><p>Hours: Mon-Thu 9 am – 9:30 pm, Fri 9 – 5, Sat 9 – 1, August – Mon-Fri 9 – 5</p><p>Service description:  For all newcomers, immigrants and refugees  Special focus on internationally-trained professionals  Basic English as a Second Language (ESL) and Settlement – full time LINC classes, including child care and daily hour of computer basics and word processing, upon assessment by YMCA of Greater Toronto  ESL Programs in Partnership with District School Boards – daytime courses in accounting and computer skills for immigrant women, customer service, intensive English  Part time evening and weekend courses in business writing, communicating clearly  English for academic purposes  Introductory and intermediate bookkeeping, keyboarding  Language upgrading for engineer, medical terminology and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) SETTLEMENT SERVICES</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 9 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>The following list of settlement services assist immigrants, refugees and other newcomers with immediate needs for settling in Canada including integration into Canadian society, the immigration process and sponsorship.</p><p>YMCA of Greater Toronto Web site: Toronto YMCA Newcomer Information Centre 42 Charles St E, 3rd Fl, Toronto, ON, M4Y 1T4 (Yonge St-Bloor St E) 416-928-6690 Hours: Mon-Thu 9 – 7; Fri 9 – 2; Sat 10 – 2</p><p>Scarborough YMCA Newcomer Centre 10 Milner Business Court, Ste 600, Scarborough, ON, M1B 3C6 416-609-0218 X 242 Hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9 – 5; Tue 9 – 7; Fri 9 – 12</p><p>North York YMCA Newcomer Centre 4580 Dufferin St, 2nd Fl, North York, ON, M3H 5Y2 416-630-0330 X 185 Hours: Mon 9 - 7; Tues, Wed, Thurs 9 – 5; Fri 9 – 12 noon; Sat 10 - 2</p><p>Service description:  Settlement information and referral  Settlement resource library,  Access to relevant and up to date information on settlement services and programs  Call 416-928-3362 X 4122 for the Information and Outreach Coordinator  Call for languages other than English that may be available</p><p>Canada Immigration and Refugee Board Web site: 74 Victoria St, Ste 400, Toronto, ON, M5C 3C7 (Yonge St-King St E) 416-954-1000</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8 – 4</p><p>Languages: English, French, interpreters for other languages</p><p>Service description:  Refugee claims  Immigration appeals</p><p>COSTI Web site: 1710 Dufferin St, Toronto, ON, M6E 3P2 (Dufferin St-St Clair Ave W) 416-658-1600 Updated: October 11, 2011 10 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 4:30</p><p>Languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil, see specific programs for additional languages</p><p>Service description:  For immigrants and refugees  Settlement services  Counseling, education, and training ______</p><p>CultureLink Web site: 2340 Dundas Street West, Suite 301, Toronto, ON, M6P 4A9 416-588-6288</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 9 – 5; some evening programs, including JSW and Host Program orientation and training</p><p>Languages: Afrikaans; Arabic; Bengali; Bhojpuri; Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin); Czech; English; Farsi; Filipino; French; German; Gujarati; Guyanese Creole English; Hindi; Italian; Japanese; Pashto; Portuguese; Punjabi; Russian; Sinhala; Somali; Spanish; Swahili; Tamil; Tibetan; Urdu; West Indian dialects</p><p>Service description:  Settlement services including orientation, counseling, and support  Assistance with form filling; information and referral – immigration, housing, and education  English Conversation Circle  Free internet access  Host Program – 4-6 month one-to-one befriending program for newcomers  Job Search Workshops (JSW)  Settlement and Education Partnership in Toronto (SEPT) – outreach program based in elementary and secondary schools from mid-August to end of June, and in libraries and social services agencies</p><p>Toronto Community and Culture Centre Web site: 222 Elm St, Ste 110, Toronto, ON, M5T 1K5 (University Ave-Dundas St W) 416-971-7883</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 9 – 3:30</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese); English; interpreters available for other languages</p><p>Service description:  Settlement services – information and referral  Social service counseling  Free internet access  Educational program  Outreach and cultural activities  Seniors services Catholic Cross-Cultural Services 55 Town Centre Crt, Ste 401, Scarborough, ON, M1P 4X4 (McCowan Rd-Ellesmere Rd) 416-757-7010</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 11 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Hours: Mon, Thurs, Fri 9 – 5; Tues, Wed 9 – 8 (By appointment)</p><p>Languages: Amharic; Arabic; Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin); Croatian; English; Farsi; French; Gujarati; Hindi; Malayalam; Marathi; Pashto; Polish; Portuguese; Punjabi; Romanian; Russian; Serbian; Sinhala; Somali; Spanish; Tamil; Ukrainian; Urdu</p><p>Service description:  For immigrants and refugees  Settlement services  Participates in LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) upon assessment by YMCA of Greater Toronto  Host Program – 4-6 month one-to-one befriending program for newcomers  Job Search Workshops (JSW) for new immigrants and Convention refugees legally entitled to work in Canada Settlement and Education Partnership in Toronto (SEPT) – outreach program based in elementary and secondary schools from mid-August to end of June, and in libraries and social service agencies ______</p><p>Salvation Army: Immigrant and Refugee Services Web site: 7 Labatt Ave, Ste 204, Toronto, ON, M5A 1Z1 (River St-Queen St E) 416-682-2490</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 12:30, 1 – 4 </p><p>Languages: Chinese (Mandarin); English; Filipino; French; Portuguese; Spanish</p><p>Service description:  For refugees and new immigrants  Settlement services including orientation; information and referral  English as a Second Language (ESL) classes – co-sponsored with Toronto District School Board;  English conversation partner volunteer tutoring;  ESL Skills Development classes  Chaplaincy at the Canada Border Services Agency, Immigration Holding Centre</p><p>Cross Cultural Community Services Association Web site: 310 Spadina Ave, Ste 301, Toronto, ON, M5T 2E8 (Spadina Ave-Dundas St W) 416-977-4026</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 12 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Hours: Mon-Thu 9 – 6; Fri 9 – 5; Sat 9 – 1 (By appointment)</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin); English</p><p>Service description:  settlement services – information, counseling, and referral  translation and interpretation; mediation services  English as a Second Language (ESL) classes – participate in LINC upon assessment by YMCA of Greater Toronto); child care provided  Free internet access  volunteer training program</p><p>Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services Newcomer Information Centre Web site: 3079 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ON, M1L 1A8 416-693-8677</p><p>Hours: Mon- Thurs 9 – 8; Fri 9 – 5; Sat 1 - 5</p><p>Languages: Bengali; English; Farsi; Filipino; Portuguese; Spanish; Tamil: interpreter available for other languages</p><p>Service description:  For newcomers, immigrants, refugees  Settlement information, referral, and counseling  Access to computers, fax, photocopier, phone  Assistance filling out government forms;  Workshops  Medical services expected in the future</p><p>COMMUNITY SERVICES</p><p>Services include information, advocacy, and referral for families, adults, and children in transition. Community services aim to strengthen and connect individuals and family to their communities through a variety of services.</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 13 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Centre for Information and Community Services of Ontario (CICS) Toronto Office Web site: 2330 Midland Ave, Toronto, ON, M1S 5G5 416-292-7510</p><p>Hours: Mon-Thu 9 – 5; Fri 9 – 12:30; telephone inquiry Mon, Wed, Fri 10 – 12; Tue, Thu 2 – 4</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin), English, Urdu</p><p>Service description:  Information and referral, orientation, and assessment  Translation and interpretation  Assistance filling out forms  English workshops and conversation circle  Employment counseling and resume clinic</p><p>Family Service Association of Toronto Web site: 355 Church St. Toronto, ON, M5B 1Z8 (Church St-Gerrard St E) 416-595-9230</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 9 – 5; evening appointments available</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin); Edo; English; Farsi; Hindi; Hungarian; Italian; Portuguese; Romanian; Serbian; Somali; Spanish; Tamil – *not all languages available for all programs</p><p>Fees: Geared to income, some services free</p><p>Service description:  counseling programs and educational programs for those seeking support in dealing with relationships and family problems, parenting, depression, anxiety, job loss, separation, divorce, sexual abuse and other issues</p><p>Distress Centres of Toronto (Central) Web site:</p><p>Crisis phone: 416-408-4357; 416-408-HELP; TTY 416-408-0007</p><p>Hours – Mon-Sun 24 hours</p><p>Languages: English, Language Line Services provides access to services in over 150 languages</p><p>Service description:  Telephone response to persons in need of immediate emotional support  Crisis intervention or suicide prevention  Links to other emergency services or professional help as appropriate WOMEN’S SERVICES</p><p>The following list of women’s services assist women with immediate needs for: settling in Canada, counseling and referral, advocacy programs, job search. </p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 14 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Immigrant Women’s Health Centre Web site: 489 College St, Ste 200, Toronto, ON M6G 1A5 (Bathurst St-College St) 416-323-9986</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 9 – 5 </p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin), English, Ewe, Fanti, Farsi, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, Tamil, Twi, Urdu, Vietnamese</p><p>Service description:  For immigrant and refugee women  Information, counseling and referral – health education, family planning, birth control, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy  Distributes Immigrant Women’s Health Handbook, available in 9 languages</p><p>Toronto Rape Crisis Centre Web site: Multicultural Women Against Rape Contact by mail: P.O. Box 6597, Station A, Toronto, ON, M5W 1X4 Crisis phone: 416-597-8808; TTY 416-597-1214</p><p>Hours: Mon-Sun 24 hours; office Mon-Fri 9:30 – 5; counseling by appointment</p><p>Languages: English, Spanish, West Indian dialects, crisis line – English</p><p>Service description:  Crisis intervention and culturally sensitive counseling, support and referral for survivors of rape/sexual assault/incest  Support for families and friends of survivors  Self help groups for sexually assaulted women  Alternatives to the legal justice system, court support, accompaniment and advocacy program  Services confidential</p><p>Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre Web site: 2 Carlton St, Ste 500, Toronto, ON, M5B 1J3 (Yonge St-Carlton St) 416-593-7655 416-593-5835 TTY</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 15 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Hours: Mon-Thu 9 – 8; Fri 9 – 5; 3rd Sat of month 10 – 4</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese); English; French; Hindi; Kikuyu; Krio; Ndebele; Shona; Spanish; Swahili; Tigrinya; West Indian dialects; interpreters provided for other languages</p><p>Service description:  Community health centre; information and referral; mental health counseling  Reproductive health counseling including pre-abortion and post-abortion counseling  Female genital mutilation prevention education and advocacy  Anti-racist and anti-sexist education  No Ontario health Insurance required for general services ______COSTI Corvetti Education Centre: Life Skills for Immigrant Women 760 College St, Toronto, ON, M6G 1C4 (Ossington Ave-College St) 416-534-8437</p><p>Hours: Mon- Fri 8:30 – 4:30 for registration; workshops every second Tue 10 – 12 noon</p><p>Individuals eligible:  Immigrant women who are Canadian citizens  Landed immigrants  Convention refugees or refugee claimants</p><p>Languages: English</p><p>Service description:  Workshops on self-esteem, assertiveness, stress management, and Canadian workplace culture  Parenting and life skills preparation for employment  Job search or volunteering</p><p>Breaking the Cycle Web site: 761 Queen St W, Ste 107, Toronto, ON, M6J 1G1 (Bathurst St-Queen St W) 416-364-7373</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 9 – 5</p><p>Languages: English</p><p>Eligibility:  Women who are involved with drugs or alcohol and are pregnant or have children 6 years and under</p><p>Service description:  Medical assistance – doctor, nurse  Pre/postnatal support and pregnancy outreach program  Child development, parenting groups, mom and tot play, and home visiting  Drop-in, free clothing Working Skills Centre Web site: 55 Eglinton Ave East, Suite 703, Toronto, ON, M4P 1G8 (Yonge St and Eglinton Ave) 416-703-7770</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 4:30 Updated: October 11, 2011 16 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Languages: English</p><p>Eligibility:  Day programs – immigrant and refugee women experiencing difficulty in gaining full time employment due to lack of training or Canadian work experience  Evening programs – open to all; Practice firm – immigrant women who are job-ready and only need relevant Canadian work experience – assessment at any employment assessment centre</p><p>Service description:  Job skills training programs in direct mail, computerized office administration skills, logistics, computerized accounting, bookkeeping, medical terminology, medical billing and reception  Programs range from 7 – 22 weeks; placement services  Practice firm – program runs up to 12 weeks and has continuous recruitment; operates business services in direct marketing, bookkeeping, and administrative support; trainees learn while handling work for the Centre’s business clients</p><p>Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto Web site: 745 Danforth Ave, Ste 401, Toronto, ON, M4J 1L4 (Pape Ave-Danforth Ave) 416-469-0196</p><p>Hours Mon-Fri 9 – 4:30; Sat 10 - 12</p><p>Languages: Bengali; Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin); English; Farsi; French; Hindi; Indonesian; Japanese; Polish; Portuguese; Russian; Spanish; Ukrainian; other languages may be available</p><p>Service description:  For immigrant and refugee women including Canadian citizens  Employment Program  English as a Second Language  Newcomer Employment Services Toronto (NEST)  Newcomer Women’s Network; Settlement Services ______</p><p>HEALTH SERVICES</p><p>Community health centers provide a spectrum of health services for individuals and families, including those provided by medical doctors, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, social workers, health educators and counselors.</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 17 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Web site: 416-314-5518 1-800-268-1154 Toll Free 1-800-387-5559 TTY </p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 5 </p><p>Languages: English; French – inquiries 1-800-267-7690; also interpreters available for other languages</p><p>Eligibility: Residents of Ontario legally entitled to be in Canada; tourists, transients, and visitors not eligible</p><p>How to apply: Call Health Card Information System 416-327-7567, 1-800-664-8988, Ministry of health and Long-Term Care INFOline 416-314-5518 or 1-800-268-1154 or contact nearest Ontario Health Insurance branch</p><p>Service description:  Hospital and medical care insurance  New residents have a 3 month waiting period before coverage begins  Covers standard ward services, many outpatient services, and medically prescribed physiotherapy in approved facilities  Covers physicians services including specialist, approved dental surgery in hospitals  Annual eye exams for people under 20 years or 65 years and over  Limited osteopathic and podiatry services</p><p>The College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario Website: 80 College St, Toronto, ON, M5G 2E2 General Inquiries: 416-967-2603; Toll free 1-800-268-7096 X 306</p><p>Hours: Mon – Fri 8 – 5 </p><p>Service description:  Assistance in finding a doctor ______</p><p>Community Health Centres</p><p>No Ontario Health Insurance is required for general services. Each health centre serves a specific population group and catchment area.</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 18 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Access Alliance Anishnawbe Health Anne Johnston Health Central Toronto Multicultural Community Toronto Station Community Health Centre Health Centre 225 Queen St E, Toronto, 2398 Yonge St, Toronto, 168 Bathurst St, Toronto, 340 College Street, Ste 500, ON, M5A 1S4 ON, M4P 2H4 ON, M5V 2R4 Toronto, ON, M5T 3A9 416-360-0486 416-486-8666 416-703-8480 416-324-8677 Queen St E- Sherbourne St 416-486-6759 TTY Bathurst St-Queen St W Yonge St-Eglinton Ave W 3079 Danforth Ave, Toronto, Services First Nation’s Shout Clinic ON, M1L 1A8 population Services Youth 416-693-8677 467 Jarvis St, Toronto, ON, Victoria Park Ave-Danforth M4Y 2G8 Ave 416-927-8553 Jarvis St-Wellesley St 761 Jane St., 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M6N 4B4 416-760-8677</p><p>Centre Francophone de Davenport Perth East End Community Flemingdon Health Centre Toronto Neighbourhood Centre Health Centre 10 Gateway Blvd, Don Mills, Services French speaking 1900 Davenport Rd, 1619 Queen St E, Toronto, ON, M3C 3A1 persons Toronto, ON, M6N 1B7 ON, M4L 1G4 416-429-4991 22 College St, Main Fl, 416-658-6812 416-778-5858 Don Mills Rd-Eglinton Ave E Toronto, ON, M5G 1K3 Symmington Ave- Coxwell Ave-Queen St E 416-922-2672 Davenport Rd Yonge St-College St The Four Villages Lake shore Area Multi- Lawrence Heights Planned Parenthood of Community Health Centre Service Project (LAMP) Community Health Centre Toronto 1700 Bloor St W, Toronto, 185 – 5th St, Etobicoke, ON, 12 Flemington Rd, Toronto, Services 13 – 29 years ON, M6P 4C3 M8V 2Z5 ON, M6A 2N4 36B Prince Arthur Ave, 416-604-3361 416-252-6475 – health 416-787-2862 Toronto, ON, M5R 1A9 Keele St-Bloor St W services Bathurst St-Lawrence Ave 416-961-0113 Islington Ave-Lake Shore W Blvd W Regent Park Community Sherbourne Health Centre South Riverdale Stonegate Community Health Centre 333 Sherbourne St, Toronto, Community Health Centre Health Centre 465 Dundas St E, Toronto, ON, M5A 2S5 955 Queen St E, Toronto, 150 Berry Rd, Toronto, ON, ON, M5A 2B2 416-324-4180 ON, M4M 1K7 M8Y 1W3 416-364-2261 Sherbourne St-Carlton St 416-461-1925 416-231-7070 Parliament St-Dundas St E Pape Ave-Queen St E Park Lawn Rd- Berry Rd</p><p>DENTAL SERVICES</p><p>University of Toronto Dental Clinic Web site: 101 Elm St, Toronto, ON, M4T 3A7 (University Ave-Dundas St W) 416-979-4927 Updated: October 11, 2011 19 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 5:15; limited service July-August</p><p>Languages: Interpreters must accompany patients who do not speak English</p><p>Fees: Call for details</p><p>Service description:  Comprehensive dental care for patients accepted as teaching cases, including denture work  Student work supervised by dentists  Paediatric Dentistry Anaesthesia Surgicentre- dental care for children with special dental needs</p><p>Dental Emergency Service Web site: 1650 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4T 2A2 (Yonge St-St Clair Ave W) 416-485-7121</p><p>Hours: Mon-Sun 8 am – 12 midnight</p><p>Languages: Arabic; Bulgarian; Chinese (Cantonese); Czech; English; French; Japanese; Spanish; dentists may speak other languages</p><p>How to apply: Call for appointment</p><p>Fees: According to Ontario Dental Association fee guide, same day payment required</p><p>Service description: Emergency dental treatment ______George Brown College Interprofessional Learning Clinic Web site: Casa Loma Campus, 175 Kendal Ave, Toronto, ON, M5R 1M2 Spadina Rd-Davenport Rd 416-415-4547 1-800-265-2002 X 4547 Toll Free </p><p>Contacts: Mary Clare Szabo, Client Services Officer</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 – 6; hours may vary</p><p>Languages: English; other languages may be available</p><p>Service description: Dental Clinic  Checkups or cleaning fees $15 - $30 for children 5 – 8 years; $25 - $40 for youth 9 – 17 years; $35 -$50 adults; Dentures, partial dentures, x-rays, and limited restorative dentistry at varying fees and times  To apply leave a telephone message including name, number and service required Toronto Public Health Dental Services 416-392-0907</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 20 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>The dental clinics are located throughout the city, are open all year, and provide free dental care for eligible children (0 – 18 years and still attending school) and seniors who are low-income. </p><p>The treatments are as follows:  Examining teeth and gums  X-rays  Fillings,  Preventive services including cleaning, scaling, topical fluoride, and sealants  Extractions, root canal treatment (on selected teeth)  Denture and partial dentures</p><p>While there is no charge for dental treatments, clients are asked to pay half of the dental laboratory cost for denture and denture repairs.</p><p>The following is a list of Public Health Dental Clinics Web Site:</p><p>340 College St 235 Danforth Ave 2340 Dundas St W (College & Spadina Ave) (Danforth & Broadview) (Dundas W & Bloor St W) 416-392-1410 416-392-0934 416-392-0988</p><p>Etobicoke Civic Centre L.A.M.P Unison Health and Community Service 399 The West Mall, Etobicoke 185 Fifth St 12 Flemington Rd (Burnamthorpe & The West Mall) (Islington & Lakeshore Blvd W) (Lawrence Ave W & The Allen) 416-338-1486 416-252-8576 416-338-2025</p><p>1651 Keele St 416-338-1224 Scarborough Civic Centre 95 Lavinia Ave 160 Borough Dr 791 Queen St E (Runnymede & Bloor St W) 416-338-7442 (Broadview & Queen St E) 416-392-1777 416-392-6683</p><p>Rexdale C.H.C 277 Victoria St 2398 Yonge St 8 Taber Rd (Victoria & Dundas St E) (Montgomery & Eglinton) (Kipling & Rexdale) 416-392-6680 416-392-0907 416-338-1790 * call again</p><p>EMPLOYMENT</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 21 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>The following list assists with assessment, counseling, skills development and referrals for individuals seeking employment, career directions and starting their own business. Services include job postings, resume writing, credential equivalency and internet access</p><p>Canada Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Employment Insurance Division Web site: 1-800-531-7555 Automated Telephone Reporting Service 1-866-678-2785 TTY phone</p><p>Hours: Office Mon-Fri 8;30 – 4:30; Automated Telephone Employment Insurance Information and Job Bank online service – Mon-Sun 24 hours</p><p>Languages: English, French</p><p>Eligibility: Persons legally entitled to work in Canada</p><p>How to apply: For information on EI claims and application procedures call Employment Insurance Information – English 1- 800-206-7218, French 1-800-808-6352 or visit web site for online application procedure</p><p>Service description:  For persons legally entitled to work in Canada  Human Resource Centres- job banks  Pre-employment counseling  Referral to training programs  Employment Insurance (EI)</p><p>Canadian Information Centre for International Credential (CICIC) Web site: 95 St Clair Ave W, Ste 1106, Toronto, ON, M4V 1N6 (Avenue Rd-St Clair St W) 416-962-9725</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8;30 – 4:30</p><p>Languages: English, French</p><p>Service description:  National clearinghouse  Information and referral for individuals who want to know how to get their educational or occupational credentials (obtained outside Canada) assessed and recognized  Advocacy on portability of credential  Does not grant equivalencies or assess credentials, or intervene on behalf of individuals</p><p>COSTI Corvetti Education Centre Employment Assistance Services (OUTLET) Web site: 760 College St, Toronto, ON, M6G 1C4 (Ossington Ave-College St) Updated: October 11, 2011 22 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>416-534- 7400</p><p>Hours: Mon – Thurs 8:30 – 9:30 </p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese); English; Somali</p><p>Service description:  For newcomer eligible to work in Canada including immigrants, convention refugees, and foreign-born Canadian citizens  Assist job ready clients in accessing the labour market through job search workshops, pre-screening and matching with employers  Counseling; assistance with resumes, cover letters, interview techniques</p><p>Toronto Community Employment Services Web site: 2221 Yonge St, Ste 403, Toronto, ON, M4S 2B4 (Yonge St-Eglinton Ave E) 416-488-0084</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 – 4:30</p><p>Languages: Arabic; Armenian; Chinese (Mandarin); English; Spanish</p><p>Service description:  For newcomer, immigrant, or refugee women legally entitled to work in Canada  Employment Assistance Services – unemployed persons not registered elsewhere, including those on social assistance  Employment Resource Centre  Women at Work (WOW) – employment assistance ______</p><p>Neighbourhood Link Support Service Web site: East Toronto Employment Centre for Newcomers to Canada 3036 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ON, M4C 1N2 (Victoria Park Ave-Danforth Ave) 416-691-7407</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 8 – 5</p><p>Languages: English; Gujarati; Hindi; Kachi; Swahili; Telugu</p><p>Service description:  10 day job search workshop for newcomers, covering labour market information, interview techniques, resume, networking; job matching; job coaching; access to computers and fax machine  Free internet access</p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 23 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>LEGAL SERVICES</p><p>Community legal clinics connect individuals to legal representatives, providing support in form applications, domestic disputes, immigration status, landlord and tenant concerns and other issues.</p><p>Legal Aid Ontario Web site: 20 Dundas St West, Suite 201, Toronto, ON, M5G 2H1 1-800-668-8258</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 9 – 5</p><p>Languages: Amharic; English, Farsi; French; Spanish; interpreters may be arranged for other languages</p><p>Service description:  Represents refugee claimants at hearing before the Immigration and Refugee Board, and on applications to the Federal Court; claimants must obtain Legal Aid certificate; lawyer and paralegal assigned to each case  Represents immigration detainees at Toronto West Detention Centre and Canada Boarder Services Agency, Immigration Holding Centre at detention reviews on a duty counsel basis; detainees must be financially eligible for legal aid but need not obtain a certificate</p><p>Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic 180 Dundas St W, Ste 1701, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8 Web site: 416-971-9674</p><p>Hours: Mon, Thu-Fri 9 – 12 noon, 1 – 5; Tue 12 non – 7; Wed 1 – 5</p><p>Languages: Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin); Vietnamese; interpreters available for Khmer, Lao </p><p>Service description:  For persons with low incomes who speak the above languages and cannot communicate in English; must meet financial eligibility guidelines Community legal clinic  Deals primarily with immigration, tenant issues, social assistance, employment rights, poverty law; most refugee cases referred to Legal Aid; may provide representation  Summary advice in domestic violence and other family law cases</p><p>Refugees and Immigrants Information Centre 260 Wellesley St E, Ste 109, Toronto, ON M4X 1G6 ( Parliament St-Wellesley St E) 416-961-7027</p><p>Hours: Mon-Fri 9 – 5</p><p>Languages: English, French, Sinhala, Spanish, Tamil, translation and interpretation for 30 languages</p><p>Service description:  For immigrants and refugees  Settlement services, translation of documents, information and referral to legal services; paralegal services; Assistance with immigration matters – statutory declarations, affidavits and oaths, sponsorship (overseas and inland) appeals for failed refugee claims  Lawyer available by appointment and in emergencies 416-366-5444 RECREATION Updated: October 11, 2011 24 Appendix B: 4 City Wide Resource List (Toronto)</p><p>Ready for School Connects: Staff Training Toolkit</p><p>Toronto Parks and Recreation Division Web site: South District 81 Elizabeth St, Toronto, ON M5G 1P4 (Bay St-Dundas St W) 311 Information Line 416-397-7146 TTY</p><p>Service description: 25 Toronto Parks and Recreation Centres across the City of Toronto that provide physical, social, cultural and recreational activities for all ages including senior and persons with disabilities, caregivers, and child programs</p><p>Fees: Persons requiring financial assistance to access services may apply for the Welcome Policy</p><p>When applying for the Welcome Policy, you will need the following documents with you</p><p> Identification for all members of your family (such as birth certificates, driver’s licenses, immigration papers, or passport)  Proof of address (such as a utility bill, lease agreement, or driver’s license  Proof of total family income (such as social benefits stubs, including, the drug benefit portion, two consecutive pay stubs, letter from a social agency or religious institution, current Notice of Assessment, etc.)</p><p>Return your completed application form to your local community centre.</p><p>YMCA of Greater Toronto Web site: YMCA Health, Fitness and Recreation Centres 42 Charles St E, Toronto, ON, M4Y 1T4 (Yonge St-Bloor St E) 416-928-9622; 1-800-223-8024</p><p>Hours: Mon-Thu 8 – 8; Fri 8 – 7 </p><p>Languages: English</p><p>Service description:  Fitness, health education, and recreations programs for all ages and abilities  Individuals, couples, and families  Membership fees; financial assistance may be available</p><p>Children’s Book Bank Web site: 350 Berkeley St, Toronto, ON, M5A 2G1 (Gerrard St E-Parliament St) 416-922-7323</p><p>Hours: Mon – Thurs 10 – 6; Sat 11 – 3 </p><p>Service description:  Children can go each day and select a book to take home for free </p><p>Updated: October 11, 2011 25</p>

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