Updated to July 12, 2007 Pierre L

Updated to July 12, 2007 Pierre L

Updated to July 12, 2007 Pierre L. Ullman, 749 E. Beaumont Avenue, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217-4812, USA. Tel.: 414-962-9556. E-mail: [email protected]. The academic address should be used only when specifically requested: Department of Spanish & Portuguese, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201- 0413, USA. Fax: 414-229-4857 (department). CURRICULUM VITÆ Born in Nice (Alpes Maritîmes), France, October 31, 1929; US citizen by birth. Freed from bonds of allegiance to France, by request, March 28, 1952. Father: Eugene Paul Ullman (1877-1953), native US citizen. Mother: Suzanne (Lioni) Ullman (1899-1950), naturalized as US citizen after my birth. Education: Lycée Buffon, Paris; Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, CT; Rumsey Hall School, Cornwall, CT [now Washington, CT]; Wooster School, Danbury, CT.; Yale University, BA, 1952; attended University of Salamanca, Spain, 1954-55 (teacher: Manuel García Blanco); Columbia University, AM (Spanish), 1956 (teachers: Germán Arciniegas, Angel del Río [thesis adviser], Eugenio Florit, James Shearer); Princeton University, Ph. D., (Romance Languages), 1962 (teachers: Reginald Brown, Edmund L. King, Vicente Lloréns, Edward Sullivan, Raymond Willis). Military Service: US Army, Cpl., 1952-54. Married: Mary Meade McDowell; two grown children. Employment: Choate School, Wallingford, CT, 1956-57, master of Spanish and French; St. Bernard's School, Gladstone, NJ, 1957-58, master of Spanish, French, and Latin; Princeton University, 1959-61, assistant in instruction, Spanish and French; Rutgers Univer~sity, 1961-63, instructor in Spanish and French; University of California, Davis, 1963-65, assistant professor of Spanish; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1965-69, associate professor; 1969-1994, professor; professor emeritus, 1994- ; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1970-71, visiting professor; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, summer 1975, visiting professor. PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Mariano José de Larra and Spanish Political Rhetoric. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1971. Reviews by Joaquín Casalduero, Romanic Review 63.2 (Apr. 1972): 164-65; André Nougué, Erasmus 10 (Sept. 1972); J.-M. Pelorson, Bulletin Hispanique 74.1-2 (Jan.-June 1972): 197-200; Wolfram Krömer, Romanische Forschungen 84.3 (l972); John Kenneth Leslie, Modern Philology 71.2 (Nov. 1973): 226-28; Javier Herrero, Modern Language Notes 88.2 (March 1973): 475-78; [Brian Dendle?], English Language Notes [Lexington, KY] 10.1 supp. (l972): 214; Sterling Stoudemire, Hispanófila No. 52 (Sept. 1974): 84-85; E. Inman Fox, Symposium 29 (Spring- Ullman, CV, p. 2 Summer 1975): 182-84; Luis Lorenzo-Rivero, Modern Language Journal 57.1-2 (Jan.-Feb. 1973): 68-69; José Sánchez, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos [Alabama] 7.3 (Oct. 1973): 470-71; Strother Purdy, Style [English Dept. U of Arkansas] 10.4 (Fall 1976): 508-11; Theodore A. Sackett, Hispania 55.1 (March 1972): 179; John Butt, Modern Language Review 67.1 (Jan. 1972): 200-01; Ronald C. Turner, Library Journal 96.12 (15 June 1971): 2086. Citations: José Escobar, Los orígenes de la obra de Larra (Madrid: Prensa Española, 1973) 13n7, 23; Iris M. Zavala, “Características generales,” Historia de la literatura española, ed. José María Díez Borque, 3 vols. (Madrid: Guadiana, 1974) 3: 22; Joseph V. Servodidio, Los artículos de Mariano José de Larra: una crónica de cambio social (New York: Eliseo Torres, 1976) 19, 23; José Luis Aranguren, “Larra,” Poemas y ensayos para un homenaje (Madrid: Tecnos, 1976) 18; rpt. in J. L. Aranguren, Estudios literarios (Madrid, 1976); Susan Kirkpatrick, Larra: el laberinto inextricable de un romántico liberal (Madrid: Gredos, 1977) 10n, 46-48, 129n, 252, 259; Susan Kirkpatrick, “Spanish Romanticism and the Liberal Project: The Crisis of Mariano José de Larra,” Studies in Romanticism 16.4 (Fall 1977): 461n11; Carlos Blanco Aguinaga, Julio Rodríguez Puértolas, and Iris M. Zavala, Historia social de la literatura española (en lengua castellana), 3 vols. (Madrid: Castalia, 1978) 3: 115; Juan Luis Alborg, Historia de la literatura española, 4 vols. to date (Madrid: Gredos, 1980) 4: 192, 198n, 258n; Mariano José de Larra, Artículos sociales, políticos y de crítica literaria, ed. & introd. Juan Cano Ballesta (Madrid: Alhambra, 1982) 2n2, 69-70, 74n45, 75, 77-80, 83, 107, 275n4, 300, 311n10, 358n3, 358n4, 360n9, 362n1; José Luis Varela, Larra y España (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1983) 161, 175n21; John Kronik, “La contribución del hispanismo norteamericano al conocimiento de las letras españolas del siglo XIX,” Arbor 451-54 (July-Oct. 1983): 120; Rafael Lapesa, “El lenguaje literario en los años de Larra y Espronceda,” Homenaje a Julián Marías (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1984) 347n1; Luis Lorenzo-Rivero, “Madrid recurso de Fígaro en su revolución hacia una España moderna,” Neophilologus 69 (1985): 549; Thomas. M. Scheerer, “Tiempos infelices sobre la novela histórica de Mariano José de Larra,” Revista Chilena de Literatura (1986): 96n9, 106n32; Robert Mayberry and Nancy Mayberry, Francisco Martínez de la Rosa (Boston: Twayne, 1988) 138n15, 142n36, 144n7, 146n9, 146n1; Clara Smilg and J. B. Owens, trans., Antonio Viñao Frago, “The History of Literacy in Spain: Evolution, Traits, and Questions,” History of Education Quarterly 30.4 (Winter 1990): 594n35; Iris M. Zavala, “Características del siglo XIX,” Historia de la literatura española (Madrid: Taurus, 1980) 303; Thomas Mermall, “How to do Things with Rhetoric: The Uses of Argument in Larra, Unamuno, and Ortega,” Siglo XX/20th Century 11 (1993): 166. One section reproduced in Romanticismo y realismo, ed. Iris M. Zavala, Historia y crítica de la literatura española 5 (Barcelona: Crítica, 1982) 135-43; recommended in Historical Dictionary of Modern Spain, 1700-1988, ed. Robert W. Kern (New York: Greenwood Press, 1990) 303; Robert L. Adler, “Los conversos y la modernización de España: Larra precursor de Galdós,” Resonancias románticas: Evocaciones del Romanticismo en España, ed. John J. Rosenberg (Madrid: Porrúa, 1988) 64, 75; Robert Schurknight, “Larra and the Mixing of the Classes,” ibid. 6-6; Jean-René Aymes, “Las interpretaciones de la obra de M. J. de Larra,” ibid. 174n3; Donald E. Schurlknight, “La conjuración de Venecia as/in Context,” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 33 (1998) 538-39, 543-46; Michael P. Iarocci, “Between Liturgy and the Market: Bourgeois Subjectivity and Romanticism in Larra’s ‘La Nochebuena de 1836’,” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 34 (1999) 60n1; Elizabeth Coscio, “Early Nineteenth-Century Hispanic Political Allegory: Dramatic Exile Works by Félix Mexía,” Cultural Memory: Ethnicity and Multiculturalism in the Modern World (Houston: St. Thomas U, 2005), 2005 Monograph Series, Part II, pp. 1173 & 1176; Luisa Elena Delgado, La Ullman, CV, p. 3 imagen elusive: lenguaje y representación enla narrative de Galdós (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994), 98n15. A Contrapuntal Method for Analyzing Spanish Literature. Potomac, MD: Scripta Humanistica, 1988. ISBN 0-916379-52-3. LC number: PQ6022.U45 1988. Reviews by Gonzalo Navajas, Hispania 73.2 (May 1990): 440-41; Daniel Frank Chamberlain, Symposium 44.2 (Summer 1990): 144-46; Lou Charnon-Deutsch in Anales Galdosianos 25 (1990): 155-57; Stephen Miller, Hispanic Review 59.3 (Summer 1991): 329-30; Derek Flitter, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 68.4 (Oct. 1991): 513-14; Leonard R. N. Ashley, “Chronique,” Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 52.3 (1990): 689. Citations: Wilma Mayberry, "Don Juan Tenorio as the End-Marker of Spanish Romanticism," Crítica Hispánica 18.1 (1996): 132n6; Luisa Elena Delgado, La imagen elusive: lenguaje y representación enla narrative de Galdós (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994), 94n9. Opinion without citation: Joan Ramón Mesina, Diacritics 30.1 (Spring 2000), n. 18 [very negative]. The Friend from Kananam; Adventures in the New Guinea Jungle (Victoria, British Columbia: Trafford, 2004), xiv + 239 pp. ISBN 1-4120-1498-0. Trans. into English from Esperanto, in a bilingual edition, of the memoirs of Kenneth G. Linton, Kanako el Kananam; Aventuroj en la Ĝangalo de Novgvineo (Rickmansworth, Herts., UK, Esperanto Publishing Co., 1960). A description of the author’s extraordinary activities while serving at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Madang in 1944. Review: Donald Broadribb in Esperanto sub la Suda Kruco, no. 71 (vol. 2, no. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2004), pp. 18-19. ARTICLES “Larra y la policía.” Insula 17.193 (Dec. 1962): 12. Rpt. in Rubén Benítez, Mariano José de Larra: el escritor y la crítica (Madrid: Taurus, 1979) 163-70. “Stanzas 140-150 of the Libro de buen amor.” PMLA 79 (1964): 200-05. Citations: Dwight K Neumann, “La defensa tempranera del Libro de buen amor," Romanische Forschungen 92 (1980): 406; Marina Scordilis Brownlee, The Status of the Reading Subject in the Libro de buen amor, North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 224 (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1985) 78; Libro de buen amor, ed. G. B. Gybbon-Monypenny (Madrid: Castalia, 1989) 39n33; Juan Luis Alborg, Historia de la literatura española, 4 vols. to date (Madrid: Gredos) 1: 246n. “The Burlesque Poems which Frame the Quijote." Anales Cervantinos 9 (1963): 213-27. Citations: Cesare Segre and Donatella Moro Pini, ed., Don Quijote de la Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes, trans. Carlesi (Milan: Mondadori, 1974) 122-23, 1225; Elias Rivers, Suma Cervantina, ed. J. B. Avalle-Arce and E. C. Riley (London: Tamesis, 1973); Klaus Dirscherl, “Lügner, Autoren und Zauberer: Zur Fiktionalität der Poetik im Quijote," Romanische Forschungen 94 (1982): 39n72; Adrienne Laskier Martín, Cervantes and the Burlesque Sonnet (Berkeley: U of California P, 1991) 126-27; Anthony J. Cárdenas, “Cervantes's Rhyming Dictum on Celestina: Vita artis gratia or Ars vitæ gratia?" Indiana Journal of Hispanic Literatures 5 (Fall 1994): 23-24, 29; Rocío Olivares Zorrilla, “Historia crítica sobre los emblemas en el Quijote,” www.ucm.es/info/especulo/número30/emblemquij.html. Listed in Murillo's “Bibliografía fundamental” (see below). Nine of my articles, including this one, are listed on p. 1201 of the Ullman, CV, p. 4 volumen complementario of Francisco Rico’s ed. of DQ (Barcelona: Instituto Cervantes/Crítica, 1998). Some of them are mentioned in notes on pp. 16, 295, 413, and 472.

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