EDITORIAL by Sheila Williams THE 2011 DELL MAGAZINES AWARD y co-judge Rick Wilber and I were The second runner-up certificate went exceptionally fortunate this year in to Eugenia Lily Yu of Princeton Univer- that we had to choose the Dell Mag- sity.Although Lily received an honorable Mazines Award for Undergraduate mention in last year’s contest, this was Excellence in Science Fiction and Fanta- her first chance to attend in person. It sy Writing from an unusually large pool was a delight to meet her and to have a of talented authors. Due to all this tal- chance to read her story, “The Cartogra- ent, we ended up with the largest group pher’s Wasp and the Anarchist Bees.” A of finalists in the award’s history. We revised version of the story sold to were even more fortunate that every one Clarkesworld soon after the conference. of our finalists chose to attend this year’s It was posted on their site in April. International Conference on the Fantas- Last year’s winner, Rachel Sobel—a tic in the Arts in Orlando, Florida. The senior at the University of Washington award, which includes a five hundred (Seattle), was this year’s third runner up dollar first prize, is co-sponsored by Dell with an intriguing tale that takes place Magazines and the International Associ- “In the Time of the Drought.” ation for the Fantastic and is supported Rick and I had had a previous chance by the School of Mass Communications, to get to know many of this year’s honor- University of South Florida. It is given able mentions. Miah Saunders, a junior out each year at the conference. at High Point University in North Car- Although the award’s outcome is deter- olina, was last year’s first runner-up. mined via a blind read, we were pleased She received her award this year for a to discover that most of our finalists were scary story about “Death’s Lady.” Lara familiar faces. Our winner, Seth Dickin- Donnelly who, like Seth, had been a fi- son, who graduated from the University nalist on more than one occasion, re- of Chicago last spring, had placed in the ceived her award for the darkly amus- contest on two previous occasions. Seth ing tale of “The Case of the Wayward has always been able to spin a hard sci- Sister.” Unlike last year, when she flew ence fiction tale and this year’s excellent in from Ireland, Lara, a senior at Wright story about “The Immaculate Conception State University flew to the conference of Private Ritter” was exciting and en- directly from Dayton, Ohio. grossing. We’re sure Seth has a strong Last year’s second runner-up, Rebecca career as a fiction writer ahead of him. McNulty, a junior at The College of New Our first-runner up, Amanda Olson of Jersey, returned to accept her award for S. Olaf College, flew in from Scotland, a disturbing story about “The Little where she is spending a year at the Uni- Man’s Call.” I was pleased that this time versity of Aberdeen. Her bittersweet tale I didn’t confuse her name even once with of “Aunt Victoria” made her a first-time her good friend, Rachel Halpern’s. finalist and she got to attend the confer- Rachel is a junior at Grinnell College. ence with her close friend from first She was on hand to receive her second grade, and fellow finalist, Kendra Leigh honorable mention award, this time for a Spalding. Kendra, a junior at the Uni- sharp look at “A Clarity of Mind.” versity of Minnesota and another first- In addition to the aforementioned timer, received an honorable mention for Kendra, other honorable mentions who “Caveat.” were new to the award and to the confer- 4 Photo credit: Bill Clemente/Locus Publications Left to right: Amanda Olson, Rick Wilber, Miah Saunders, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Lara Donnelly, Sarah Brand, Rachel Halpern, Rachel Sobel, Seth Dickinson, Eugenia Lily Yu, Rebecca McNulty, Tina Tseng, and Sheila Williams. ence were Sara Brand of Vanderbilt Uni- You can visit with previous finalists versity, who received her award for the and current writers at our Facebook site. thoughtful tale, “Perchance to Dream,” Search for the Dell Magazines Award and Tina Tseng of UCLA who received or go directly to http://www.facebook. her award for a heart-breaking tale of “A com/pages/manage/#!/pages/Dell- Treatise on the Duality of Peace and Ac- Magazines-Award/177319923776 complishing a Rewarding Parent-Child We are actively looking for next year’s Relationship Based Upon Mutual Re- winner. The deadline for submissions is spect and Love.” We hope to see many of Monday, January 2, 2012. All full-time the new and returning contestants at undergraduate students at any accredit- next year’s conference. ed university or college are eligible. As usual, the students were warmly Before entering the contest, contact welcomed by a number of leading au- Rick Wilber for more information, rules, thors. On Friday night, they had dinner and manuscript guidelines. He can be with conference guests of honor Connie reached care of: Willis and Terry Bisson. We were joined at this meal by the always amazing Kit Dell Magazines Award Reed and her husband Joe. The students School of Mass Communications also had a chance to spend time with University of South Florida Marie Brennan, Suzy McKee Charnas, Tampa, Florida 33620 Ted Chiang, Stephen R. Donaldson, Andy [email protected] Duncan, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Nisi Shawl, Joe Haldeman, James Patrick Next year’s winner will be announced Kelly, John Kessel, Patricia McKillip, at the 2012 Conference on the Fantastic, Sandra McDonald, Rachel Swisky, Peter in the pages of Asimov’s Science Fiction Straub, and many other writers. magazine, and on our website. ❍ Editorial: The 2011 Dell Magazines Award 5.
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