<p>Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>Industrialization</p><p>1. T/F There as a significant difference in the treatment of workers in some industrializing countries when compared with others? (F)</p><p>2. Which country had the greatest industrial output in the 17th century? (China)</p><p>3. Which country had the greatest industrial output in the 19th century? (England)</p><p>4. Of the major industrializing countries, (Russia, England, Japan, USA) in which two countries did private capital dominate industry? (England, USA)</p><p>5. Of the major industrializing countries, (Russia, England, Japan, USA) in which two countries did government regulation and state intervention dominate industry?</p><p>6. t/f Most women of all classes began to work outside the home during the industrial revolution. (F)</p><p>7. Which innovation had the greatest economic impact during the first industrial revolution? (steam engine)</p><p>8. Which English capitalist invested in both pottery and canals? (Josiah Wedgewood)</p><p>9. Industrialization was promoted heavily by the Meiji government in this country (Japan)</p><p>10. Which came first: spinning Jenny or Water frame? (spinning jenny)</p><p>11. The first patent for a steam ship was held 1787 in which country? (England) (John Fitch)</p><p>12. This fossil fuel was used to power the first industrial revolution (coal)</p><p>13. This fossil fuel was used to power the second industrial revolution (oil)</p><p>14. Why did people concentrate in towns during the industrial revolution (that’s where the work was)</p><p>15. As the industrial revolution progressed and reformers got involved, did the role of child labor see an overall increase or an overall decrease? (decrease)</p><p>16. What happened to agricultural jobs as the industrialization of agriculture progressed (they decreased)</p><p>17. What group of workers protested industrial practices by smashing machines in textile mills? (Luddites)</p><p>18. Which geographic area in the US saw the most British investment in canal building? (Northeast)</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>19. What 3 countries build trans-continental railroads to speed industrialization? (U.S., Canada, Russia)</p><p>Concepts: (the ations and isms)</p><p>1. Which concept was responsible for the economic boom and European dominance of the world economy in the 19th century? (industrialization)</p><p>2. Belief that people should live communally, productions should benefit the workers, and management should not be coercive. (socialism)</p><p>3. Belief that the proletariat should overthrow established governments for the benefit of the working classes. (Communism or Marxism)</p><p>4. The belief that society is a dynamic organism always changing and that change is good (liberalism)</p><p>5. The belief that society changes slowly and deliberately over time (conservatism)</p><p>6. The belief that monarchy is the best form of government (conservatism)</p><p>7. The belief that democratically elected representative government is the best form (liberalism)</p><p>8. The movement of people from Europe to the Americas to do work is Westward (immigration)</p><p>9. The movement of people from China to San Francisco to work on railroad construction is (immigration)</p><p>10. The collapse of the slave trade contributed to an increase in this revolutionary process (industrialization)</p><p>11. The unprecedented colonization that occurred in the late 19th century is an example of (imperialism)</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>12. ______can be economic, political, or through the acquisition of colonies (imperialism)</p><p>13. The Meiji were responsible for this occurring in Japan (industrialization)</p><p>14. “Get rid of the government because they stink… but I’m not sure what to do after that…” (anarchism)</p><p>15. “my country is the best because I was born into it” (nationalism)</p><p>16. “we deserve a country because we have the same culture, language, and foods” (nationalism)</p><p>17. The ideas of the Young Turks and the Indian National Congress were both political ideologies based on this concept (nationalism)</p><p>18. “Survival of the Fittest” (Social Darwinism)</p><p>19. Stock Markets, Insurance, and the LLC are all financial instruments used to finance this (industrialization)</p><p>20. The movement of people from farm to town is known as this (urbanization)</p><p>21. The general consensus among political cartoons in San Francisco in the 19th century was that Chinese would corrupt society. This was a backlash against (immigration)</p><p>22. The acquisition and glorification of weapons and all things military on a national scale. (militarism)</p><p>23. Approaches to the great depression – the new deal (capitalism)</p><p>24. Approaches to the Great Depression – five year plans (communism)</p><p>Enlightenment & Not-so-enlightenment</p><p>1. Separation of powers in government (Montesquieu)</p><p>2. Life liberty property (Locke)</p><p>3. Equal rights for women (Wollstonecraft)</p><p>4. Tabula rosa (Locke)</p><p>5. Social contract (Hobbes or Rousseau)</p><p>6. Wrote Encyclopedie (Diderot)</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>7. Freedom of thought & speech (Voltaire)</p><p>8. Capitalism (Adams)</p><p>9. Enlightment thinker whose ideas inspired the Declaration of Independence most heavily. (Locke)</p><p>10. The American, French, Haitian, South American revolutions and suffrage movements worldwide were based on: (the ideas of enlightenment thinkers)</p><p>11. What’s different about total war as compared to regular war? (civilians are viewed as part of the war)</p><p>12. What are the MAIN causes of WWI? (militarism, allilances, imperialism, nationalism)</p><p>13. Name six new military innovation of WWI. (barbed wire, tanks, airplanes, zeppelins, poison gas, U-boats, flame throwers, grenade launchers)</p><p>14. t/f the majority of the battles of WWI were trench warfare (false)</p><p>15. First major genocide of the 20th century (Armenian Genocide)</p><p>Documents</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>1. Foundational document for the American revolution (Declaration of Independence)</p><p>2. Foundation document for the French revolution (Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen)</p><p>3. Foundation document for the Haitian revolution (Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen)</p><p>4. Foundation document for the South American Revolutions (Simon Bolivar’s Jamaica letter)</p><p>5. Foundation document for American suffrage movement (Declaration of sentiments and resolutions)</p><p>6. Document that “compelled” the US to get into WWI? (Zimmerman telegram)</p><p>7. Document that ended world war I and made Germans hoppin mad (Peace of Paris)</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>Name that revolution:</p><p>1. Steam engine (1st industrial)</p><p>2. Simon Bolivar’s Jamaica letter (South American)</p><p>3. Telephone (2nd industrial)</p><p>4. Spinning Jenny (1st industrial)</p><p>5. Bessemer process (2nd industrial)</p><p>6. Interchangeable parts (1st industrial)</p><p>7. Assembly line process (2nd industrial)</p><p>8. Guillotine (French Revolution)</p><p>9. Only successful slave revolt long term (Haitian revolution)</p><p>10. Centralization of production (1st industrial)</p><p>11. Simon Bolivar (South American revolution)</p><p>12. Toussaint L’Ouverture (Haitian revolution)</p><p>13. Thomas Jefferson (American Revolution)</p><p>14. George Washington (American revolution)</p><p>15. Emperor Meiji (Japanese industrial revolution)</p><p>16. Specialization of labor skills (1st industrial)</p><p>17. National Assembly (French Revolution)</p><p>18. Chemicals (2nd industrial)</p><p>19. Textiles (1st industrial)</p><p>20. Steel (2nd industrial)</p><p>21. Electricity (2nd industrial)</p><p>22. Communists in Russia (Bolshevik Revolution)</p><p>23. Crossing the Delaware (American Revolution)</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>People:</p><p>1. T/F Most migrant workers coming to the Americas were male. (T)</p><p>2. t/f Most migrant workers coming to the Americas were from Europe or China (T)</p><p>3. T/F few migrant workers coming to the Americas were seeking religious freedom (F)</p><p>4. T/F most migrant workers coming to the Americas were seeking agricultural or factory employment (T)</p><p>5. T/F a typical pattern of immigration in the 19th century included Africans moving to Australia in search of work (F)</p><p>6. T/F a typical pattern of immigration in the 19th century included Americans moving to Europe in search of work (F)</p><p>7. Czar responsible for abolishing serfdom in Russia in 1861 (Nicholas II)</p><p>8. King who lost his head during the french revolution (Louis 16th)</p><p>9. Leader of the Jacobins, beheaded the king and was later beheaded himself (Maxmillien Robespierre)</p><p>10. Dictator in France following the French revolution (Napoleon Bonaparte)</p><p>11. Mexican independence leader who called for rebellion by the lower classes (Father Miguel Hidalgo)</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>12. This person’s brain child was Gran Columbia (Simon Bolivar)</p><p>13. This person is the “Father” of Germany and was responsible for unification (Otto Von Bismark)</p><p>14. This person is the “Father” of Italy and was partly responsible for unification (Garibaldi)</p><p>15. Who invented the telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)</p><p>16. Last name of the first president of Hawaii (Dole)</p><p>17. This person co-wrote the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions in 1848 (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)</p><p>18. People who migrate seasonally from Europe to the Americas in search of mostly agricultural work. (swallows)</p><p>19. Which group created the Tango, and where were they located? (Italians living in Argentina)</p><p>20. These two people groups rebelled against European involvement in their country. (Sepoys, boxers)</p><p>21. Leader of the Young Turks (Attaturk)</p><p>22. What new group of people participated in WWI who had not previously participated in wars on a systematic basis? (Women)</p><p>23. What does ANZAC stand for? (Australian, New Zealand Army corps)</p><p>24. Name of Nicholas II’s Minister of Finance, generally disliked by the Russian people and seen as a puppet master, he was responsible for many of the industrial reform policies enacted in the early 20th century. (Sergei Witte)</p><p>25. Leader of the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and later of Russia (Vladimir Lenin)</p><p>26. Theory of Relativity (Einstein)</p><p>27. Theory of you are secretly in love with your Mom (Freud)</p><p>28. Theory that nothing is certain (Heisenberg)</p><p>29. Created the international red cross (Henry Dunant – 1859)</p><p>Colonization</p><p>1. African colonization in the late 18th century looked like what? (small coastal settlements)</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>2. African colonization in the late 19th century looked like what? (entire continent)</p><p>3. Chinese colonization in the late 18th century looked like what? (one city)</p><p>4. Chinese colonization in the late 19th century looked like what? (spheres of influence)</p><p>5. What innovation made colonization possible (steamship)</p><p>6. What was the ghost dance? (a religious practice to call up ancestors)</p><p>7. In China, one of the indignities the government suffered under European domination was this practice in which citizens of European countries were subject only to European laws. (extraterritoriality)</p><p>8. The Ottoman empire in the late 19th century was a colonizing country or a colonized country? (colonized by Russia, England and the French)</p><p>9. Colonization resulted in the production of which types of crops (cash crops)</p><p>10. How did colonization affect local food supplies in colonies (they decreased)</p><p>11. How did the decrease in local food supplies in colonies affect the populations of those colonies often? (starvation, shortages)</p><p>12. What was the war fought between the Russians and the Ottomans in Russia’s attempt at imperialism? (Crimean war)</p><p>13. Community of people who were formerly enslaved and are now living autonomously, usually in the mountains, swamps, or forest (maroon community)</p><p>14. The search for fossil fuels connected imperialism with what big revolution as new fuel sources were sought out to feed it? (industrialization)</p><p>15. What American state was first a target of imperialism for the production of Pineapples? (Hawaii)</p><p>16. What substance were the British selling in exchange for Tea in China? (Opium)</p><p>17. Where was opium grown in the British Empire? (India)</p><p>18. Concept that encompasses the idea that it is the responsibility of the European and American to ‘life’ uncivilized people groups from their uncivilized condition. (White man’s burden)</p><p>19. Great Britain used this type of rule for their colonies (Indirect rule)</p><p>20. France used this type of rule for their colonies (direct rule)</p><p>21. What was different about trade during Imperialism from the standpoint of sourcing? (single sourcing)</p><p>150 questions including bonus Unit 6 Exam: REVIEW Game Questions</p><p>22. By 1914 what percentage of the world’s population was under British domination? (25%)</p><p>23. What is the name for EIC rule in India? (The Raj)</p><p>24. What was the main export from the Belgian Congo? (Rubber)</p><p>Bonus Questions</p><p>1. List all nine factors that led to industrialization in Great Britain. (Location, coal, demographic changes, urbanization, agricultural productivity, legal protection, canals, access to foreign resources, accumulations of capital) </p><p>2. List three colonies that specialized in the production of diamonds and gold after 1880. (S. Africa, </p><p>3. Order the following from first to last in order of when they received their independence, Peru, Columbia, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile (Argentina 1816, Chile 1818, Columbia 1819, Peru 1821, Venezuela 1830)</p><p>4. Offer three arguments forwarded by women fighting for suffrage (Convicts can vote, we have college educations, we give birth)</p><p>5. Explain the push pull factors of the Irish Potato famine (people starving so they were pulled toward American jobs)</p><p>6. What were the terms of the Unequal Treaties? (Hong Kong, Most favored nation status, extraterritoriality, spheres of influence, legal to trade opium)</p><p>7. Explain the job of the “keeper of the hands” (he gathered and smoked the hands of Congalese natives to account for the bullets used by each soldier in the regiment)</p><p>8. Name six sources of conflict worldwide before during and after WWI. (imperialist expansion, competition for resources, ethnic conflict, nationalist ideologies, power rivalry between G.B. & Germany, Great Depression)</p><p>9. Which killed more people, WWI or the Spanish Flu of 1918? (The flu 50 million)</p><p>150 questions including bonus </p>
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