<p> CONTENT-BASED INSTRUCTION IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM</p><p>FLAM Conference 2008 Wendy Brownell Camdenton High School [email protected]</p><p>1 ARTICLES AND LESSONS RELATED TO CONTENT-BASED INSTRUCTION: Subjects matter: http://www.learner.org/workshops/tfl/session_04/index.html Content-based language teaching with technology: http://www.carla.umn.edu/cobaltt/index.html Resource center for content-based lessons: http://www.pitt.edu/~kjsst74/ Designing content-based units: http://uregina.ca/~laplantb/CBI/index.htm Speech by F. Stoller with interesting ideas: http://www.carla.umn.edu/cobaltt/modules/strategies/Stoller2002/READING1/stoller2002.htm</p><p>GENERAL LESSON RESOURCES (MOSTLY FOR SPANISH): Kennedy Center ArtsEdge: http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/teach/les.cfm Guatemala lesson plans: http://www2.ku.edu:80/~latamst/guatemalalessonplans.htm Costa Rica for Educators: http://www3.uakron.edu/edcurr/cis/costa_rica/project.html Spanish resources by topic: http://spanish4l.wikispaces.com/ MarcoELE: http://marcoele.com/ Formespa: http://formespa.rediris.es/index.html DidacticaELE: http://www.didacticaele.com/paginaprincipal.htm Mis cositas: http://www.miscositas.com/ Taller hispano: http://www.cortland.edu/flteach/usafa/taller.html International House Madrid: http://www.ihmadrid.com/comunicativo/index.htm Language Shaping: http://languageshaping.com/resources.html (scroll down and choose a link) Using Hispanic art, film, literature: http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/2001/4/01.04.02.x.html Outreach World: http://www.outreachworld.org/searchresources.asp? GlobalRegionID=30&CountryID=&DisciplineID=&FieldID=&TimePeriodID=&StrategyID=&LevelI D=&Action.x=66&Action.y=8 MOSAIC: Linking Languages and Content: http://casls.uoregon.edu/mosaic/index.php WL assessment tasks: http://globalteachinglearning.com/cjwlpdi/assessment/assess.shtml Thematic units: http://www.nde.state.ne.us/forlg/ConvThematic/FORLANGThematics.htm TECLA readings in Spanish: http://www.mepsyd.es/exterior/uk/es/tecla/tecla.shtml Materiales magazine: http://www.mepsyd.es/exterior/usa/es/publicaciones/materiales/portada.shtml Learning scenarios: http://www.miwla.org/michi-index.htm#high Spanish lesson plans: http://filebox.vt.edu/users/mapierc2/Lesson_Plans.htm Reading and listening resources: http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/rgshiwyc/school/curric/Hotpotatoes/spanishindex.htm#ASUnits Video clips of native speakers: http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/siteindex.php Peace Corps lesson plans, stories, and multimedia: http://www.peacecorps.gov/wws/educators/ Spanish language and culture modules: http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/index.php Spanish audio and video clips: http://www.ver-taal.com/ Resources for teaching Hispanic culture: http://www.nflc.org/REACH/mainmodulosen.htm España de cerca Interviews: http://polyglot.mit.edu/html/espanadecerca/view1.html Thematic art units: http://www.laep.org/artsonline/index2.html Culture modules: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~spanmod/index.html Art lessons--printmaking, murals: http://mati.eas.asu.edu:8421/~getty/html_pages/Protest.TOC.html Digital media archive: http://larcdma.sdsu.edu/user/index.php?lang=Spanish Podcasts on topics with worksheets: http://tinyurl.com/3bkbnc Standards-based thematic units: http://www.nflrc.iastate.edu/pubs/units/unitsList.htm</p><p>2 Lessons for Celia Cruz: http://americanhistory.si.edu/celiacruz/main.asp? lang=OOL333304564UWqWV Lessons for Puerto Rico’s Carnaval: http://americanhistory.si.edu/ourstoryinhistory/tryathome/activities_carnival.html Internet activities for FL classes: http://www.clta.net/lessons/ Cultural lessons for Spanish: http://www.justolamas.com/cultural_reports.php</p><p>ACTION RESEARCH RESOURCES: http://gse.gmu.edu/research/tr/tr_action/ http://www.alliance.brown.edu/pubs/themes_ed/act_research.pdf http://www.learner.org/workshops/tfl/about/action_research.html</p><p>REFERENCES Anderson, J.R. 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