<p>1</p><p> is definitive. is</p><p>Park’s 415 trees have already been cut. The decision given by Court of Appeals of Court by given decision The cut. been already have trees 415 Park’s</p><p> blocks. Unfortunately, while the issue was being considered, over 200 of the of 200 over considered, being was issue the while Unfortunately, blocks.</p><p> ieeuu ak pee f ln wee i at o bid nw neighbourhood new build to wants it where land of pieces Park, Tineretului</p><p> to issue a notice for the deforestation of the two hectares of land it owns in owns it land of hectares two the of deforestation the for notice a issue to</p><p>ş Mic unescu, where she was demanding the court to force the Bucharest City Hall City Bucharest the force to court the demanding was she where unescu, Mic</p><p> h uhrs or f Apas hs rjce h eus rm Marioara from request the rejected has Appeals of Court Bucharest The</p><p> decision arrives however after 200 trees were already cut already were trees 200 after however arrives decision</p><p> ieeuu ak cno e dfrse. Te Court The deforested. be cannot Park Tineretului s ’ Capital The s ’</p><p> text-foto-tunul-marilor-tunuri-bucurestene/</p><p> eeyucnra nacuto h vn: event: the of account an read can you Here http://www.romaniacurata.ro/live-</p><p>Grand Corruption Sites Corruption Grand</p><p> their visit, and the reasons that ”reccomended” these objectives for the Tour of Tour the for objectives these ”reccomended” that reasons the and visit, their</p><p>Armenian Church. Below you can find images from the tour (in reverse order of order reverse (in tour the from images find can you Below Church. Armenian</p><p>Matache, Tineretului Park, the Cathedral Plazza tower and the tower near the near tower the and tower Plazza Cathedral the Park, Tineretului Matache,</p><p>ș ă ă in D m roaia-Bucure tii Noi, the Basarab Passage, the Ciurel Puncture, Hala Puncture, Ciurel the Passage, Basarab the Noi, tii roaia-Bucure m D in</p><p>ă ă from Mih ileanu which belongs to Traian B sescu, the real estate developments estate real the sescu, B Traian to belongs which ileanu Mih from</p><p>ș the block from Floreasca belonging to the former Udrea-Coco couple, the house the couple, Udrea-Coco former the to belonging Floreasca from block the</p><p>ă h lc rmZmaca htblnst dinNstase, N Adrian to belongs that Zambaccian from block the objectives: following</p><p> la Romania’s Clean with Travelling oc r b ot iies cud vst the visit could citizens foot, by or coach </p><p> participated in the first edition of the Tour of Bucharest’s Grand Corruption Sites. Corruption Grand Bucharest’s of Tour the of edition first the in participated</p><p>We placed corruption on a tourist map of Bucharest. Sunday, dozens of citizens of dozens Sunday, Bucharest. of map tourist a on corruption placed We</p><p>Sites Sites</p><p> and why did they qualify for the Tour of Great Corruption Great of Tour the for qualify they did why and ” landmarks “</p><p> e md orpin mp fr te Cptl ht wr the were What Capital! the for map corruption a made We</p><p>RELEVANT CLEAN ROMANIA ARTICLES – – ARTICLES ROMANIA CLEAN RELEVANT March 2015 March</p><p>INFORMATIVE BULLETIN INFORMATIVE</p><p>As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project</p><p>1</p><p> documents available (according to Law 544/2001 concerning the freedom of freedom the concerning 544/2001 Law to (according available documents</p><p> h su ocrs te 21 eua f te ct al t ae public make to hall city the of refusal 2014 the concerns issue The Hall.</p><p> participation” have announced this week that they won a trial with the Iasi City Iasi the with trial a won they that week this announced have participation”</p><p>The civic group “Iasi loves linden trees” along with the organization “Ask for “Ask organization the with along trees” linden loves “Iasi group civic The</p><p>The last episode features a court decision as the main issue of dispute. of issue main the as decision court a features episode last The</p><p> eliminated, the “fight” between civic groups and the municipality is just as strong. as just is municipality the and groups civic between “fight” the eliminated,</p><p>City Hall driven by Gheorghe Nichita. Two years since the trees have been have trees the since years Two Nichita. Gheorghe by driven Hall City</p><p> linden trees from the city’s central boulevard had been cut, at the demands of the of demands the at cut, been had boulevard central city’s the from trees linden</p><p>Iasi showed up on the map of Romanian civic movements in 2013, after the after 2013, in movements civic Romanian of map the on up showed Iasi</p><p>Petru Marian</p><p> citizens</p><p> s fre o mk vial ubr o ouet eadd by demanded documents of number a available make to forced is</p><p>A new victory for the civil society against Mayor Gheorghe Nichita. He Nichita. Gheorghe Mayor against society civil the for victory new A</p><p> exploatator-holzindustrie-schweighofer/</p><p> iohannis-ii-irita-pe-aparatorii-padurilor-favorizeaza-presedintele-marele-</p><p> http://www.romaniacurata.ro/reexaminarea-codului-silvic-solicitata-de-klaus-</p><p>Holzindustrie, which has lobbied for the measure. the for lobbied has which Holzindustrie,</p><p> beneficiary of the Forestry Code review is the Austrian company Schweighofer- company Austrian the is review Code Forestry the of beneficiary</p><p> ersnaie ht esr oet poeto. Acrig t hm h main the them, to According protection. forest ensure that representatives</p><p> ao istsatos xrse oh o oil mda n y NGO by and media, social on both expressed dissatisfactions, major</p><p> the first case civil society saluted his decision, the second action has generated has action second the decision, his saluted society civil case first the</p><p>Coalition. At the same time, Iohannis sent for review the new Forestry Code. If in If Code. Forestry new the review for sent Iohannis time, same the At Coalition.</p><p> a o Primn hs we o eiw s dmne y te Ntr 2000 Nature the by demanded as review, for week this Parliament to law</p><p>Good news and bad news. President Klaus Iohannis has sent the new hunting new the sent has Iohannis Klaus President news. bad and news Good</p><p> lumber company Holzindustrie Schweighofer? Holzindustrie company lumber</p><p> irritating those who defend forests. Is the President aiding the known the aiding President the Is forests. defend who those irritating</p><p> h eiw o h oety Cd, dmne y Kas Ihni, is Iohannis, Klaus by demanded Code, Forestry the of review The</p><p> decizia-instantei-vine-insa-dupa-ce-peste-200-de-copaci-au-fost-taiati/</p><p> http://www.romaniacurata.ro/parcul-tineretului-din-capitala-nu-poate-fi-defrisat-</p><p>As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project</p><p>1</p><p>Birds.</p><p> season, thus breaking the EU directive concerning the Conservation of Wild of Conservation the concerning directive EU the breaking thus season,</p><p> the hunting season has been increased for certain species that are still in mating in still are that species certain for increased been has season hunting the</p><p> automatically attract the European Commission’s infringement notice, because notice, infringement Commission’s European the attract automatically</p><p> to the right to property as guaranteed by the Romanian constitution and that it will it that and constitution Romanian the by guaranteed as property to right the to</p><p>Civil society claims that this law, in its approved form, brings serious prejudices serious brings form, approved its in law, this that claims society Civil</p><p> of February 2015. February of 25 the on Deputies of Chamber the by adopted Law, Hunting</p><p> th</p><p> back to Parliament the bill concerning the modification and completion of the of completion and modification the concerning bill the Parliament to back</p><p>The Nature 2000 Coalition Romania has asked President Klaus Iohannis to send to Iohannis Klaus President asked has Romania Coalition 2000 Nature The</p><p>Coalition is a member of ARC). of member a is Coalition</p><p> identical to those put forward by the by forward put those to identical (the Nature 2000 Nature (the Coalition 2000 Nature </p><p>Law and he sent it back to Parliament with proposed annotations that are almost are that annotations proposed with Parliament to back it sent he and Law</p><p> has decided to refrain from promulgating the Hunting the promulgating from refrain to decided has Iohannis Klaus President</p><p>President has sent back to Parliament the Hunting Law Hunting the Parliament to back sent has President</p><p>Iohannis, in agreement with the Nature 2000 Coalition. The Romanian The Coalition. 2000 Nature the with agreement in Iohannis,</p><p> din-nou-monument-istoric-lupta-continua-in-instanta/</p><p> http://www.romaniacurata.ro/victorie-a-societatii-civile-scoala-80-din-bucuresti-e-</p><p>Save Bucharest Association. Bucharest Save</p><p> classified as a historic monument. The decision was given at the demand of the of demand the at given was decision The monument. historic a as classified</p><p>ș no. 2576/12.11.2013 by which School 80 on Calea Dude ti nr. 191 was no longer no was 191 nr. ti Dude Calea on 80 School which by 2576/12.11.2013 no.</p><p>The Bucharest Court of Appeals has annulled the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ministry the of Order the annulled has Appeals of Court Bucharest The</p><p> historic monument. The fight goes on in the Court the in on goes fight The monument. historic</p><p>Victory for the civil society. School 80 from Bucharest has re-become a re-become has Bucharest from 80 School society. civil the for Victory</p><p> de-cetateni/</p><p> gheorghe-nichita-e-obligat-sa-puna-la-dispozitie-mai-multe-documente-cerute-</p><p> http://www.romaniacurata.ro/o-noua-victorie-a-societatii-civile-in-fata-primarului-</p><p> for the forest demarcations in Expozitiei Park and the Copou Garden in Iasi. in Garden Copou the and Park Expozitiei in demarcations forest the for</p><p> access to information of public interest). Those documents served as the basis the as served documents Those interest). public of information to access</p><p>As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project</p><p>1</p><p> presedintele-romaniei-a-retrimis-la-parlament-legea-vanatorii/</p><p> http://www.romaniacurata.ro/iohannis-de-acord-cu-coalitia-natura-2000-</p><p>As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project</p>
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