Project Financed Through SEE Funds 2009-2014 s1
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is definitive. is
Park’s 415 trees have already been cut. The decision given by Court of Appeals of Court by given decision The cut. been already have trees 415 Park’s
blocks. Unfortunately, while the issue was being considered, over 200 of the of 200 over considered, being was issue the while Unfortunately, blocks.
ieeuu ak pee f ln wee i at o bid nw neighbourhood new build to wants it where land of pieces Park, Tineretului
to issue a notice for the deforestation of the two hectares of land it owns in owns it land of hectares two the of deforestation the for notice a issue to
ş Mic unescu, where she was demanding the court to force the Bucharest City Hall City Bucharest the force to court the demanding was she where unescu, Mic
h uhrs or f Apas hs rjce h eus rm Marioara from request the rejected has Appeals of Court Bucharest The
decision arrives however after 200 trees were already cut already were trees 200 after however arrives decision
ieeuu ak cno e dfrse. Te Court The deforested. be cannot Park Tineretului s ’ Capital The s ’
eeyucnra nacuto h vn: event: the of account an read can you Here
Grand Corruption Sites Corruption Grand
their visit, and the reasons that ”reccomended” these objectives for the Tour of Tour the for objectives these ”reccomended” that reasons the and visit, their
Armenian Church. Below you can find images from the tour (in reverse order of order reverse (in tour the from images find can you Below Church. Armenian
Matache, Tineretului Park, the Cathedral Plazza tower and the tower near the near tower the and tower Plazza Cathedral the Park, Tineretului Matache,
ș ă ă in D m roaia-Bucure tii Noi, the Basarab Passage, the Ciurel Puncture, Hala Puncture, Ciurel the Passage, Basarab the Noi, tii roaia-Bucure m D in
ă ă from Mih ileanu which belongs to Traian B sescu, the real estate developments estate real the sescu, B Traian to belongs which ileanu Mih from
ș the block from Floreasca belonging to the former Udrea-Coco couple, the house the couple, Udrea-Coco former the to belonging Floreasca from block the
ă h lc rmZmaca htblnst dinNstase, N Adrian to belongs that Zambaccian from block the objectives: following
la Romania’s Clean with Travelling oc r b ot iies cud vst the visit could citizens foot, by or coach
participated in the first edition of the Tour of Bucharest’s Grand Corruption Sites. Corruption Grand Bucharest’s of Tour the of edition first the in participated
We placed corruption on a tourist map of Bucharest. Sunday, dozens of citizens of dozens Sunday, Bucharest. of map tourist a on corruption placed We
Sites Sites
and why did they qualify for the Tour of Great Corruption Great of Tour the for qualify they did why and ” landmarks “
e md orpin mp fr te Cptl ht wr the were What Capital! the for map corruption a made We
As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project
documents available (according to Law 544/2001 concerning the freedom of freedom the concerning 544/2001 Law to (according available documents
h su ocrs te 21 eua f te ct al t ae public make to hall city the of refusal 2014 the concerns issue The Hall.
participation” have announced this week that they won a trial with the Iasi City Iasi the with trial a won they that week this announced have participation”
The civic group “Iasi loves linden trees” along with the organization “Ask for “Ask organization the with along trees” linden loves “Iasi group civic The
The last episode features a court decision as the main issue of dispute. of issue main the as decision court a features episode last The
eliminated, the “fight” between civic groups and the municipality is just as strong. as just is municipality the and groups civic between “fight” the eliminated,
City Hall driven by Gheorghe Nichita. Two years since the trees have been have trees the since years Two Nichita. Gheorghe by driven Hall City
linden trees from the city’s central boulevard had been cut, at the demands of the of demands the at cut, been had boulevard central city’s the from trees linden
Iasi showed up on the map of Romanian civic movements in 2013, after the after 2013, in movements civic Romanian of map the on up showed Iasi
Petru Marian
s fre o mk vial ubr o ouet eadd by demanded documents of number a available make to forced is
A new victory for the civil society against Mayor Gheorghe Nichita. He Nichita. Gheorghe Mayor against society civil the for victory new A
Holzindustrie, which has lobbied for the measure. the for lobbied has which Holzindustrie,
beneficiary of the Forestry Code review is the Austrian company Schweighofer- company Austrian the is review Code Forestry the of beneficiary
ersnaie ht esr oet poeto. Acrig t hm h main the them, to According protection. forest ensure that representatives
ao istsatos xrse oh o oil mda n y NGO by and media, social on both expressed dissatisfactions, major
the first case civil society saluted his decision, the second action has generated has action second the decision, his saluted society civil case first the
Coalition. At the same time, Iohannis sent for review the new Forestry Code. If in If Code. Forestry new the review for sent Iohannis time, same the At Coalition.
a o Primn hs we o eiw s dmne y te Ntr 2000 Nature the by demanded as review, for week this Parliament to law
Good news and bad news. President Klaus Iohannis has sent the new hunting new the sent has Iohannis Klaus President news. bad and news Good
lumber company Holzindustrie Schweighofer? Holzindustrie company lumber
irritating those who defend forests. Is the President aiding the known the aiding President the Is forests. defend who those irritating
h eiw o h oety Cd, dmne y Kas Ihni, is Iohannis, Klaus by demanded Code, Forestry the of review The
As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project
season, thus breaking the EU directive concerning the Conservation of Wild of Conservation the concerning directive EU the breaking thus season,
the hunting season has been increased for certain species that are still in mating in still are that species certain for increased been has season hunting the
automatically attract the European Commission’s infringement notice, because notice, infringement Commission’s European the attract automatically
to the right to property as guaranteed by the Romanian constitution and that it will it that and constitution Romanian the by guaranteed as property to right the to
Civil society claims that this law, in its approved form, brings serious prejudices serious brings form, approved its in law, this that claims society Civil
of February 2015. February of 25 the on Deputies of Chamber the by adopted Law, Hunting
back to Parliament the bill concerning the modification and completion of the of completion and modification the concerning bill the Parliament to back
The Nature 2000 Coalition Romania has asked President Klaus Iohannis to send to Iohannis Klaus President asked has Romania Coalition 2000 Nature The
Coalition is a member of ARC). of member a is Coalition
identical to those put forward by the by forward put those to identical (the Nature 2000 Nature (the Coalition 2000 Nature
Law and he sent it back to Parliament with proposed annotations that are almost are that annotations proposed with Parliament to back it sent he and Law
has decided to refrain from promulgating the Hunting the promulgating from refrain to decided has Iohannis Klaus President
President has sent back to Parliament the Hunting Law Hunting the Parliament to back sent has President
Iohannis, in agreement with the Nature 2000 Coalition. The Romanian The Coalition. 2000 Nature the with agreement in Iohannis,
Save Bucharest Association. Bucharest Save
classified as a historic monument. The decision was given at the demand of the of demand the at given was decision The monument. historic a as classified
ș no. 2576/12.11.2013 by which School 80 on Calea Dude ti nr. 191 was no longer no was 191 nr. ti Dude Calea on 80 School which by 2576/12.11.2013 no.
The Bucharest Court of Appeals has annulled the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ministry the of Order the annulled has Appeals of Court Bucharest The
historic monument. The fight goes on in the Court the in on goes fight The monument. historic
Victory for the civil society. School 80 from Bucharest has re-become a re-become has Bucharest from 80 School society. civil the for Victory
for the forest demarcations in Expozitiei Park and the Copou Garden in Iasi. in Garden Copou the and Park Expozitiei in demarcations forest the for
access to information of public interest). Those documents served as the basis the as served documents Those interest). public of information to access
As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project
As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project