-10° / -21°C WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2018 No 23 (161) www.astanatimes.com President urges larger role for non- West Kazakhstan region governmental organisations in society supports small businesses, productivity growth enterprise produces various types By Zhanna Shayakhmetova of fuels including diesel fuel of environmental class K5. The ca- ASTANA – The West Kazakh- pacity of the enterprise is 850,000 stan region ranks third in the coun- tonnes per year. The enterprises in try with a 40-percent share of the the field of mechanical engineer- medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) ing, metalworking, construction, in the gross regional product. This and furniture production also make indicator was achieved by increas- a contribution to the industrial ing the number of operating SMEs output. Many of them are export- to 40,000 enterprises with more oriented companies. For example, than 115,000 people working in 95 percent of items produced at the this sector, the region’s Akim Ural Transformer Plant are export- (Governor) Altay Kulginov said oriented,” said Kulginov. in an exclusive interview with the As a result of the industrial pro- newspaper. duction development, labour pro- The oil and gas sector make a ductivity increased by 26 percent. significant contribution to the in- The production in the processing dustrial growth as the region pro- industry grew by 8 percent to 156 duces 45 percent of the natural billion tenge (US$471 million). gas in the country. Karachaganak “Agriculture, especially live- Petroleum Operating B.V. expands stock, has huge potential. The and develops the Karachaganak Kublei company launched the field, one of the world’s largest oil animal waste recycling project and and gas condensate fields. switched to non-waste production. “Kazakh President Nursultan Overall, the region has exported Nazarbayev set the task of diver- about 8,000 tonnes of beef and sifying the economy and develop- more than 720 tonnes of lamb to ing the processing industry. This the CIS and other countries over industry occupies an important the past four years,” he said. place in our economy. Kondensat Continued on Page A2 NGOs in Kazakhstan have main- on a voluntary basis, posting the Social Development study pro- By Aidana Yergaliyeva ly contributed in helping vulner- necessary materials that will allow posals from the forum to create Annual diplomatic able groups of society, developing forming NGO ratings to ensure programmes in ecology, social ASTANA – Kazakh President social entrepreneurship and other their access to funding,” said the work, children’s rights in other Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed at projects of social importance. President. areas. Christmas bazaar raises the Nov. 27 eighth Civil Forum “The participation of NGOs The Civil Alliance of Kazakh- The President instructed gov- of Kazakhstan the importance of in creating a proactive environ- stan was also assigned to facilitate ernment to increase its support of reducing barriers to interaction be- ment for people with disabilities, state-society relations. volunteer movements. Volunteers tween the state and society. children and young people with “Akims (mayors and gover- helped organise EXPO 2017 and funds for charity The forum looked at the role of special needs is positive. The de- nors) of cities and regions need to the 26th Winter Universiade. million tenge (US$112,154.70) civil society in helping implement velopment of an inclusive society introduce a system of providing The President said the Ruhani By Dilshat Zhussupova was collected. The amount raised state programmes. is a global practice and one of the services to the population in open Zhangyru (Modernisation of Ka- this year was not available at The number of NGOs in Ka- key social objectives that are im- barrier-free spaces on the principle zakhstan’s Identity) programme ASTANA – The 11th annual press time. zakhstan has grown from 5,000 to plemented through civil society in of a single window using digital should be continued as noted in the Diplomatic Christmas Charity The idea for an event to help 22,000 in the last 15 years. Today, all developed countries,” said the technologies,” said Nazarbayev. President’s recent article “Seven Bazaar organised by the Ambas- people in need and showcase di- governmental social programmes President. The government now must de- Facets of the Great Steppe.” sadors’ Spouses Association verse cultures was initiated by receive financial support totalling Nazarbayev also instructed the velop a six-year plan to form civil The coming year has been desig- (ASA) took place Dec. 2 in Asta- ambassadors’ spouses in 2007. $53.40 million. NGOs address Kazakh government to create an society. nated the Year of the Youth, so the na. Today, it is one of the most an- many essential aspects of the social electronic register of NGOs. The The head of state suggested the President also encouraged NGOs Forty-six embassies, charity ticipated events in the capital and development, said Nazarbayev. organisations “will be registered government and the Ministry of to develop youth policy. organisations and schools sold records for the amount of funds handicrafts, souvenirs and na- raised are set annually. tional products and dishes to sup- “The Japanese Embassy has port local charities at the bazaar been participating in the bazaar in Astana Radisson Hotel. Thou- since the very start, 11 years sands attended this year’s bazaar, ago, and I am participating for Parliamentarians, experts reflect on President many of whom took part in the the third time,” said the Japanese annual lottery. Prizes featured Ambassador’s spouse Megumi baskets put together by embas- Kawabata, who had been on the sies, gift certificates, flight tickets charity committee in previous Nazarbayev’s role in Central Asian cooperation and a Lada car. years. Last year, approximately 42 Continued on Page B8 AIFC law conference presents new ways for business cooperation passed his words of welcome to By Saltanat Boteu the audience. “The aim of our conference is not ASTANA – The Astana Inter- only to introduce the AIFC and its national Financial Centre (AIFC) bodies, but to create the platform of introduced its services and co- discussion of current issues related operation opportunities to a lo- to AIFC general legal framework, cal and international audience at financial services framework, list- its Nov. 23 law conference. The ings of AIX and [registration] of the event included four presentations AIFC companies and participants… Photo credit: parlam.kz. Photo credit: covering AIFC’s general legal We are aiming to meet international arbayev’s global initiatives to Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Russia, ership, Kazakhstan has come a framework, jurisdiction and fi- standards and insure high quality By Dilshat Zhussupova promote peace and strengthen in- Spain, Turkey and Uzbekistan. long way since independence nancial and ancillary services, of services… and looking forward to your recommendations…,” the terstate cooperation. Speaker of the Mazhilis Nur- from being a peripheral state of participants’ registration and list- message from Kelimbetov said. ASTANA – The international The conference was organised lan Nigmatulin began the event ing on the Astana International the former Soviet Union to a full AIFC legal advisory council conference, Astana – A Centre by the Kazakh Mazhilis (lower by praising Kazakhstan’s new- Exchange (AIX). member of the world community, member and Norton Rose Ful- of Global Integration, Security house of Parliament), supported found role as a centre of security AIFC advisory council mem- enjoying its well-deserved au- bright senior consultant Simon and Peace, gathered representa- by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and peace and a global gathering ber Sheikh Bilal Khan moderated thority and respect, and a respon- Cox spoke during the first panel tives of the Kazakh Parliament, and dedicated to the Day of the place for discussions on realis- sible partner in addressing global panel sessions. As AIFC Governor discussion on the organisation’s international organisations and First President, assembling high- ing political and economic initia- and regional problems,” he said. Kairat Kelimbetov was unable to general legal framework. think tanks Nov. 26 to discuss ranking parliamentarians from tives. attend, authority chief legal officer Kazakh President Nursultan Naz- Azerbaijan, Italy, Kazakhstan, “Under the President’s lead- Continued on Page A3 and deputy CEO Marat Aitenov Continued on Page A4 INSIDE NATION ECONOMY&BUSINESS EDITORIAL OPINIONS NATION&CAPITAL Kazakhstan launches e-housing register, Nurly Zhol systematically developing A new look at Kazakhstan’s history builds TUIMEBAYEV: New Turkestan Oblast, Afghan-American activist challenges simplifies residence and work permit infrastructure in key areas, say ministers A4 bridges to the future A6 beaming with opportunities, set for remarkable perceptions of disabilities B1 procedures A2 growth A7 AIFC law conference presents new ways for Semey – a historic city abundant with Modernising judicial system will foster public business cooperation A4 KOCH: Renewable energy potential attracts museums B6 trust, says President A2 greater investment to Kazakhstan A6 US$ 1 = 371.56 KZT € 1 = 422.43 KZT 1 = 5.56 KZT A2 NATION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2018 NATIONAL Kazakhstan launches e-housing register, simplifies NEWS IN BRIEF Kazakh President Nursultan Naz- arbayev instructed the government residence and work permit procedures to increase pensions 7 percent and tion service has
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