Northern Area Planning Sub- Committee Date: Wednesday, 17th December, 2003 Time: 2.00 p.m. Place: Please note the time, date and venue of Notes: the meeting. For any further information please contact: County of Herefordshire District Council COUNTY OF HEREFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL 17TH DECEMBER, 2003 AGENDA for the Meeting of the Northern Area Planning Sub-Committee To: Councillor J.W. Hope (Chairman) Councillor J. Stone (Vice-Chairman) Councillors B.F. Ashton, Mrs. L.O. Barnett, W.L.S. Bowen, R.B.A. Burke, P.J. Dauncey, Mrs. J.P. French, J.H.R. Goodwin, K.G. Grumbley, P.E. Harling, B. Hunt, T.W. Hunt, T.M. James, Brig. P. Jones CBE, R.M. Manning, R. Mills, R.J. Phillips, D.W. Rule MBE, R.V. Stockton and J.P. Thomas Pages 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest by Members in respect of items on the Agenda. 3. MINUTES 1 - 14 To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2003. 4. ITEM FOR INFORMATION - APPEALS To Follow To note the contents of the attached report of the Head of Planning Services in respect of appeals for the northern area of Herefordshire. 5. HEAD OF PLANNING SERVICES REPORT 15 - 146 To consider and Take any appropriate action on the attached reports of The Head of Planning Services in respect of the planning applications received for the northern area of Herefordshire, and to authorise him to impose any additional conditions and reasons considered to be necessary. Plans relating to planning applications on this agenda will be available for inspection by members during the meeting and also in the Council Chamber from 1.30 p.m. on the day of the meeting. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS In the opinion of the Proper Officer, the next item will not be, or is likely not to be, open to the public and press at the time it is considered. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act, 1972 as indicated below. 6. ITEM FOR INFORMATION - ENFORCEMENT 147 - 148 To note the Council’s current position in respect of enforcement action for the northern area of Herefordshire. This item discloses information relating to : Any instructions to counsel and any opinion of counsel (whether or not in connection with any proceedings) and any advice received, information obtained or action to be taken in connection with: (a) any legal proceedings by or against the authority, or (b) the determination of any matter affecting the authority (whether, in each case, proceedings have been commenced or are in completion). Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes: (c) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (d) to make an order or direction under any enactment. Any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime. Your Rights to Information and Attendance at Meetings YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO:- • Attend all Council, Cabinet, Committee and Sub-Committee meetings unless the business to be transacted would disclose ‘confidential’ or ‘exempt information’. • Inspect agenda and public reports at least three clear days before the date of the meeting. • Inspect minutes of the Council and all Committees and Sub-Committees and written statements of decisions taken by the Cabinet or individual Cabinet Members for up to six years following a meeting. • Inspect background papers used in the preparation of public reports for a period of up to four years from the date of the meeting. A list of the background papers to a report is given at the end of each report. A background paper is a document on which the officer has relied in writing the report and which otherwise is not available to the public. • Access to a public register stating the names, addresses and wards of all Councillors with details of the membership of Cabinet and all Committees and Sub-Committees. • Have a reasonable number of copies of agenda and reports (relating to items to be considered in public) made available to the public attending meetings of the Council, Cabinet, Committees and Sub-Committees. • Have access to a list specifying those powers on which the Council have delegated decision making to their officers identifying the officers concerned by title. • Copy any of the documents mentioned above to which you have a right of access, subject to a reasonable charge. • Access to this summary of your rights as members of the public to attend meetings of the Council, Cabinet, its Committees and Sub-Committees and to inspect and copy documents. • Access to this summary of your rights as members of the public to attend meetings of the Council, Cabinet, Committees and Sub-Committees and to inspect and copy documents. Please Note: Agenda and individual reports can be made available in large print. Please contact the officer named on the front cover of this agenda in advance of the meeting who will be pleased to deal with your request. The meeting venue is accessible for visitors in wheelchairs. A public telephone is available in the reception area. Public Transport Links • Public transport access can be gained to Brockington via bus route 75. • The service runs every half hour from the ‘Hopper’ bus station at the Tesco store in Bewell Street (next to the roundabout junction of Blueschool Street / Victoria Street / Edgar Street). • The nearest bus-stop to Brockington is located in Old Eign Hill near to its junction with Hafod Road. The return journey can be made from the same bus stop. If you have any questions about this agenda, how the Council works or would like more information or wish to exercise your rights to access the information described above, you may do so either by telephoning officer named on the front cover of this agenda or by visiting in person during office hours (8.45 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 8.45 a.m. - 4.45 p.m. Friday) at the Council Offices, Brockington, 35 Hafod Road, Hereford. COUNTY OF HEREFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL BROCKINGTON, 35 HAFOD ROAD, HEREFORD. FIRE AND EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE In the event of a fire or emergency the alarm bell will ring continuously. You should vacate the building in an orderly manner through the nearest available fire exit. You should then proceed to Assembly Point J which is located at the southern entrance to the car park. A check will be undertaken to ensure that those recorded as present have vacated the building following which further instructions will be given. Please do not allow any items of clothing, etc. to obstruct any of the exits. Do not delay your vacation of the building by stopping or returning to collect coats or other personal belongings. AGENDA ITEM 3 COUNTY OF HEREFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES of the meeting of the Northern Area Planning Sub-Committee held at Brockington, 35 Hafod Road, Hereford on 12th November 2003 at 2:00 p.m. Present: Councillor J.W. Hope (Chairman) Councillor J. Stone (Vice-Chairman) Councillors B.F. Ashton, Mrs L.O. Barnett, W.L.S. Bowen, R.B.A. Burke, P.J. Dauncey, Mrs J.P. French, K.G. Grumbley, P.E. Harling, B. Hunt, Brig. P. Jones C.B.E., R.M. Manning, R. Mills, D.W. Rule M.B.E., R.V. Stockton and J.P. Thomas. 39. COUNCILLOR REV’D D. SHORT, MBE The Chairman reported the recent sad death of Councillor Short, and a minute’s silence was held in his memory. 40. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors T.W. Hunt, T.M. James, R.J. Phillips and D.W. Rule. 41. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were made: Councillor Item Interest R.B.A. Burke Agenda Item 5, Ref 13 – Declared a prejudicial interest and left the DCNC2003/3730/F – Extension to meeting for the duration provide additional Class A1 sales of this item. area, ancillary warehouse, staff facilities and extension to existing coffee shop at: Safeway Stores, Barons Cross Road, Leominster J.H.R. Goodwin Agenda Item 5, Ref 9 – Declared a prejudicial interest and left the DCNW2003/2785/O – Site for meeting for the duration bungalow with a semi basement area of this item. dedicated to the management of the old and new woodland and amenity ponds areas at: Oaklands, Eardisley 1 NORTHERN AREA PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE 12TH NOVEMBER 2003 42. MINUTES RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2003 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 43. ITEM FOR INFORMATION – APPEALS The Sub-Committee noted the Council’s current position in respect of planning appeals for the northern area of Herefordshire. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. 44. REPORT OF THE HEAD OF PLANNING SERVICES The report of the Head of Planning Services was presented in respect of planning applications received for the northern area of Herefordshire. RESOLVED: That the planning applications be determined as set out in the appendix to these minutes. 45. DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was noted that the next meeting would be held on 17th December 2003 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting ended at 3:49 p.m. CHAIRMAN NAPSC12November2003Minutes10.doc 2 NORTHERN AREA PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE 12TH NOVEMBER, 2003 APPENDIX Ref.
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