HISTORY-. OF ··:KERALA: - • - ' - - ..> - K~ P. PAD!rlANABHA .MENON.. Rs. 8. 18 sh. ~~~~~~ .f-?2> ~ f! P~~-'1 IY~on-: f. L~J-... IYt;;_._dh, 4>.,1.9 .£,). c~c~;r.~, ~'").-)t...q_ A..Ja:..:..-. THE L ATE lVIn. K. P . PADJVIANABHA MENON. F rontispiece.] HISTORY· op::KERALA. .. :. ' ~ ' . Oowright and right of t'fanslation:. resen;e~ witk ' Mrs. K. P. PADMANABHA MENON. Copies can be had of . '. Mrs. K. P. PAI>MANABHA MENON, Sri Padmanabhalayam Bungalow~, Diwans' Road;-!Jmakulam, eochin state, S.INDIA. HISTORY OF KERALA. A HISTORY OF KERALA. WBI'l!TEN, IN THE FOBH OF NOTES ON VISSCHER'S LETTERS FROM MALABAR, BY K. P. PADMANABHA MENON, B.A., S.L, M.~.A.S., ' . Author of the History of Codzin, anti of severai P~p~rsconnectedwith the early History of Kerala; Jiak•l of the H1g-k Courts of Madras 0,.. of Travam:ore and of tke Ckief Court of. Cochin, ~ . • r . AND .EDITED BY SAHITHYAKUSALAN. "T. :K.' KRISHNA MENON, B. A.;~. • ' "'•.t . fl' Formerly, a Member of Jhe Royal Asiatic Society, and of the ~ocieties of Arts and of Aut/tors, 'anti a Fellow of the .Royal Histor~cal .Soci'ety. Kun.kamhu NamfJiyar Pr~sd:ian. For some ti'me, anE:cami'n.er for .Malayalam to the Umverfities of Madras, Benares and Hydera­ bad. A Member (Jf the .Board of Stzediet for Malayalam. A fJUOndum Editor of Pid,.a Vinodini. A co-Editor of tke ., .Sciene~ Primers Seriu in Malayalam. Editor of .Books for Malabar Bairns: The Author &- Editor of several works in Malayalam. A Member of the, Indian Women's Uni'r,ersity, and · · a .Sadasya of Visvn-.Bharatki, &-c. VoL. I. 1924. PRINTED AT THE COCHIN GOVERNMENT PRESS. ERNAKULAM. DEDICATION TO i\Ins. K. P . PADII1ANABH A MENON. CONTENTS. YAGES. Dedication v List of Illustrations. xi Foreword, by the Editor tiii-zxiii 'Letter I. Malabar-Name. Topography. Coloniz­ ation. Letter II. 4-9 Indigenous disorders. Seasons of the year. Letter 111. g-14 Description of Cochin and of ·calicut. Con- duct of English. Letter IV. 14,-u Description of Quilon, Cranganur, Paliport, etc. Dutch fortresses in Malabar. English pos- sessions. A war narrative - Letter v. De~>cription of Canara, Goa, etc., and of Portuguese Customs. Letter VI. 27-32 Malabar, ·an expensive settlement to ·the Dutch East India Company, Its importqnce. East India Company's Administration,' and estates belonging to it. Letter VII. 33-36 English trade in Malabar. Letter VIII. '36-43 Dissensions among royal families ·an4 tonse· quent wars. Funeral ceremonies. Dutch Government and ruling houses. viii CONTENTS NOTES PAGES. On Letter 1. 1 to u21 (r) Malabar, I to 7· (.2) Cape Comorin, 7 to 13. (3) Mount Delli, 13 to r6. (4) Legend about the origin of Malabar, 17 to 20. (s) Descent of Namburi Brahmins, 2o to zz. (6) Origin of Malabar, 22 to 28. (7) Kerala, 28 to 42. (8) Advent of Brahmins, 42 to 76. (9) Backwaters, rivers and canals, 76 to 83. (ro) Quilon coast, 83, (n) Building stone, 83. (12) Limestone and Lignite, 83 to 8s. (r3) Rice, 8s to roo. (14) Prices of the period, roo to ror. (IS) Animal food, 101 to 109. (r6} Natural divisions of Malabar, 109 ·to no. (17) Mineral productions, no to uo. ( 18) Seismic influences, 12o to 122. On Letter 11. 123 to 16o {I) Indigenous disorders1 I 23 to I 30. (2) Mal- de-terre, 130 to 133. (3) Other diseases, · I34 to IS7· (4) Seasons.·rs7 to r6o. On Letter Ill. 161 to 269 (r) Cochin, :6r to 183. (2) Decline of Portu­ guese power, 183 to 207. (3) Founders of Cochin, 207 to zio. (4) Episcopal see 210. {s) Restrictions on Commerce,. 210 to 212. {6) Residences and gardens, 212 to 213. C7.) Fortifications, 213 to 215. (8) Heathens shun towns, 215. (9) Narakkal mud banks, 215 to 227. ho) Calicut, 227 to 239. (n) English in Malabar, 239 to 248. (u) Moors in Malabar, .248 to 249. (13) Dutch and English jealousy, 249 to 250. (14) Malabar National Assemblies, 250 to 269 .. On Letter IV. 270 to 357 (r) Quilon, 270 to 292. (2) Signati, 292. (3) Aiwike, 292 to 293. (4) Kulli Quilon, 293 to 2.94· (S) Porcad, 294 to 297. (6) Cranga­ nur, 297 to 328. (7) Paravur, 328 to 329. ' ~ CONTENTS·. ix PAGES. 7.a) Palliport or Pallippuram, 329 to 330. (8) Zamorin's Capture of Dutch fort at Chett. waye, no to 331. (9) Pagger, 331 to 332. (to) Mangatta Achen, 332. (n) Mapranam, 33 z. ( 12) Some places and names identified, 332. (r3) Treat}" with Zamorin, terms, 332. {14) Kolattiri, 332. (IS) Ali Raja of Can. nanore, 332 to 334. (I6) Dutch and Portu­ guese relation.s, 334· (I7) Anjengo, 334 to 3H· (18) English at Tellicherry, 354 to 356. (19) Danes, 356 to 357· On Letter VI. 358 to 383 (I) Malabar, an expensive settlement, 358 to 365. (z) Retain Malabar for pepper trade, 365 to 368. (3) Portuguese eye on Malabar, 368 to 369. (4) Figurative language, 369. ls) Rules for managing country, 369 to 372. (6) No hasty wars, 372. (7) Selfish wars, 372. (8) Dutch rule of Malabar, 372 to 374. (9) Native Christians, 374 to 378. (Io) Punish­ ment for crimes, 378 to 38o. ( u) Judicial tribunals, 380. (Iz) Orphanage, 380. (13) Acquisition c-f lands, 38o to 383. 1>n Letter VII. 3~4 to 414 (x) English trade in Malabar, 384 to 393. (z) Incidents at Attingal and at Anjengo, 393 to 406. (3) Reprisal on Attingal, 406 to 407. (4) Madagascar Pirates, 407 to 408. (s) Marauders of Angria, 408 to 414. On Letter VIII. 415 to 540 (x) Multiplicity of Kings and party hatred, 415 to 4I8, (2) Pandelakoers and Chod· derakoers, 418 to 419. (3) Origin of the above two factions, 419 to 420. (4) Partition by last Perumal, 420 to 431. (s) Cheraman Perumal: His alleged conversion to Islam and Meccapilgrimage, 431 to467. (6) Zamorin's title to the land, 467 to 468. (7) Perumal's sword, 468 to 469, (8) Perumal's shield, 469. (9) Martial spirit of the Nayars, and their Kalari, 469 to 476. (to) Zamorin·s supremacy, 476 to 478, (n) Two Pagodas, 478 \Q 4H· (n) P.lrk:d a'li Paw!, B!~'nrk<> or X CONTENTS PAGES. and Mangatti, 479 to 480. (13) Succession to Cochin throne, 480 to 483. (14, xs) Wars between Cochin and Calicut, 483 to soB. (16) Death of three Cochin Princes, so8 to S09· (17) Custom of Retaliation, sog to SIO. (18) Dignities, sn. (19) Olas, sn.(2o) Keep· ing the full number, sn. (21) Exclusion from administration, sn to su.(22) Paliyath Achen, 512 to 522. (2-3) Funeral and coronation ceremonies, 522 to S39. (24) Kan­ kanoer, S39· (2s) Vanneri, S39 to s4o. List of books referred to. 541 to S47 TransliteraUc;»n Table 548 lndes: 549 to s6z LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. To face page. 1. Mr. K. P. Padmanabha Menon Frontispiece. z. Mrs. K. P. Padmanabha Menon v 3. Two views of Cape Comorin (ol;l one page) ..• 7 k u 4. ;Kingdom of Ely in Malabar • IS s. N ambutiri Brahmins 21 6. A canal view 77 7· A River View: The Alwaye River} ( ) & { Harvesting Paddy · on one page • .. 8 1 98 s. Two typical Forest Sceneries (on two pages) ••• uo & 111 9· Persons suffering from Elephantiasis 123 10, Views of Portuguese Cochin f67 II. Plan of Portuguese Cochin ~68 12. Plan of the Dutch Fort in 'cochin 174 13. Views of Cochin 176 14· Dutch Palace in Cochin 192 IS. Bolghatty Residency 246 16. Where Kuttams meet 2SI 17· Tiruvanchikulam Temple 309 18. Views of Portuguese Cranganur 316 :19, Ruins of Cranganur Fort 317 20. The Cranganur Temple 326 21. { Ruins of Pallippuram Fort Anjengo } (on one page) ... 329 & 336 22. Weapons of old Nayar Warriors 472 23. King of Cochin with his Nayar Military attendants 499 INDEX TO THE NOTES. A. Abdur Razak, 86, 232, 248, 437, Animal food, note on, 1or-1o9. 438, 440. 44'· 450, 454· Anjali melvaram, 257. Abulfeda, 1, 2, n, 15, 271, 281, Anjengo, 78, 256, 264; note on, 313, 315, 437• 334-354; chiefs of, 351-353 ; Adams, Mr. Robert, 249, 250, 330, note on quarrel with people of 331, 349o 356, 394o 401. Attingal, 393-40S. Agastya, 43, 69. Anstey, Mr. Chisholm, 16r, 180. Ahi Desam, 83; see Aioi. •• Antge Caimal ", see Anchu Aioi, 4, Jo, 30, 68, 83, 292. Kaimals. Aiwike, note on, 292. Arian, 30, 294; see Periplus. Alangad, Yead as Alengad. Aryaka, (writing), 68. AI Biruni, 1, 2, 5, 312, 313, 437. Aryaneluttu, 4f.l!-469. Albuquerque, Alphonso de, 209, Arya Perumal, 41. 295· 453. 482, 483. 487-483. Asan, z6o, 472. Albuquerque, Francisco, 209, 487. Ashtangahridayam, 126. Alengad, 366, 480, 491, 5o6, 5c8. Ashta Vaidyanmar, 151. Aleppey, Mud Banks of, 24, 215- Asoka alphabet, 301. 216, 217-227. Asoka, edicts of, 29, 30, 66 7 J, Alldrisi, 1, 2, 437· 4$9. 462. Alingana Danam, 526. Assemani, 313, 315. Ali Raja of Cannanore, note on, Astly, 477· Atavi Attulli Panikkar, 490. 332-333· 334· Attingal, note on the relations AI Kaswini, '• 2, 276, 437. with the English at Anjengo Almeyda, 194, 482. of the Rani of, 334-346; grant Aluka, 35· of Edava to the English Ly, 357 ; Alum, production of, 114, note on quarrels with Anjengo of, Ambalappulay, raja of, 366, 418, 393-406. 479. 480, so6. Attingen, see Attingal. "Amucos, " 510. A vi, Yead as Aioi. Anagundi, 453; see Vijayanagara. Aybicca Bar, 292, 293. Anchu Kaimals, 381.
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