<p> Binghamton University FACULTY PERSONNEL ACTION SUMMARY</p><p>Note: These sheets must be submitted/copied on blue paper</p><p>Name: Present Title: Academic Subdivision: Date Present Appointment Expires: Mandated Tenure Date:</p><p>Personnel Action</p><p>Renewal of Term for ____ years Tenure Promotion to Sr. Assistant Librarian Promotion to Associate Professor/Associate Librarian Promotion to Full Professor/Librarian Promotion to Distinguished Professor</p><p>Personnel Action * Renewal Promotion Tenure Date IPC Department Chair Dean/Director UPC Provost President</p><p>*Indicate Y (yes) or N (no) in the appropriate column.</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Section Page</p><p>Curriculum Vitae 1</p><p>Recommendation by Initiating Personnel 2 Committee Listing of IPC Members 3</p><p>Recommendation by Department Chair 4</p><p>Response by Candidate 5</p><p>Recommendation by the Dean or Director 6</p><p>Recommendation by the UPC 7</p><p>Recommendation by the Provost 8</p><p>President’s Decision 9</p><p>Teaching Accomplishments 10-16</p><p>Research Accomplishments 17-23</p><p>Service Accomplishments 24-28</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 1</p><p>Up-to-date and complete Curriculum Vitae must follow</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 2</p><p>IPC’s written evaluation of the candidate’s overall performance follows</p><p>Recommendation by Initiating Personnel Committee</p><p>( ) JPC ( ) SPC</p><p>Renewal for ___ years Effective Date Non-renewal Effective Date Tenure Effective Date Promotion to ______Effective Date </p><p>Total Number of committee members in residence, plus those that are not in residence but voting ______NOTE: If department chair is the IPC chair, that member is non-voting</p><p>Vote of Committee: _____ For; _____ Against; _____Abstaining</p><p>Name of IPC Chair</p><p>Name of IPC Secretary</p><p>The IPC report has been reviewed by all members of the IPC and approved by a majority of them Yes</p><p>Was a copy of the IPC report given to the faculty member? (include copy of notification memo) Yes</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 3</p><p>IPC</p><p>List all eligible members Signatures of those participating*</p><p>*Explain why a member did not participate</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 4</p><p>Evaluation by the department chair (in departmentalized schools) follows</p><p>Recommendation by Department Chair</p><p>Recommends renewal</p><p>Does not recommend renewal</p><p>Recommends promotion</p><p>Does not recommend promotion</p><p>Recommends tenure</p><p>Does not recommend tenure</p><p>Was a copy of the Chair’s report given to the faculty member? Yes (Include copy of notification memo)</p><p>Was a copy of the Chair’s report given to the IPC Chair? Yes (Include copy of notification memo)</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 5</p><p>Response by the candidate to the IPC report</p><p>Yes (Please include copy)</p><p>No</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 6</p><p>Recommendation by the Dean or Director</p><p>Recommends renewal</p><p>Does not recommend renewal</p><p>Recommends promotion</p><p>Does not recommend promotion</p><p>Recommends tenure</p><p>Does not recommend tenure</p><p>OR</p><p>Formal Review</p><p>Was a copy of the Dean’s report given to the faculty member? Yes</p><p>Was a copy of the Dean’s report given to the IPC Chair? Yes</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 7</p><p>Recommendation by the UPC</p><p>Recommends renewal</p><p>Does not recommend renewal</p><p>Recommends promotion</p><p>Does not recommend promotion</p><p>Recommends tenure</p><p>Does not recommend tenure</p><p>OR</p><p>Formal Review</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 8</p><p>Recommendation by the Provost</p><p>Recommends renewal</p><p>Does not recommend renewal</p><p>Recommends promotion</p><p>Does not recommend promotion</p><p>Recommends tenure</p><p>Does not recommend tenure</p><p>OR</p><p>Formal Review</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 9</p><p>President’s Decision</p><p>Renewal</p><p>Non-renewal</p><p>Promotion</p><p>Promotion not granted</p><p>Tenure</p><p>Tenure not granted</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 10</p><p>Teaching Accomplishments</p><p>Candidate’s statement of philosophy of teaching and how his/her teaching has evolved since his/her initial appointment or last promotion must follow</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 11</p><p>Summary of materials used by IPC in evaluating teaching [check those used in this review]</p><p> the S.O.O.T. or other systematic survey of student opinion _____ a) (Insert a numerical summary of these results after this page) reports from student advisory committees: Undergrad ____ Grad ______b) (Insert reports after this page)</p><p>_____ c) observation of teaching by peers (Insert reports after this page)</p><p>_____ d) development of new courses or course materials</p><p>_____ e) course syllabi and reading lists</p><p> library reserve lists and development of special library collections for _____ f) courses or programs</p><p>_____ g) documentation of pedagogical innovations</p><p> information on student performance (honors work, continuation in _____ h) graduate programs, post-graduate achievements)</p><p>_____ i) supervision of undergraduate and graduate projects and theses</p><p>_____ j) organization and supervision of internship programs</p><p>_____ k) involvement in collegiate or other extra-curricular student activities</p><p> organization of workshops to help students develop ancillary skills _____ l) (library skills, use of computer programs, writing skills, artistic performances, literary/technical publications, etc.)</p><p>_____ m) surveys of graduating students and/or alumni</p><p>_____ n) Other ______</p><p>______</p><p>Materials relevant to Items d) through n) and not included elsewhere in this form should be collected and submitted separately with this completed form.</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 12</p><p>SOOT’s Numerical Summary</p><p>Instructor: Course: Semester: Enrollment: Responses:</p><p>Student Opinion of Teaching (SOOT) Survey – Fall 2008 and After</p><p>Not Very Low or Average Very High or Question Applicable Never Always # % # % # % # %</p><p>1 The instructor is well prepared for class</p><p>The instructor demonstrates a thorough 2 knowledge of the subject</p><p>The instructor communicates his/her 3 subject well</p><p>The instructor explains complex ideas 4 clearly</p><p>The instructor stimulates my interest in 5 the core subject</p><p>6 The instructor is receptive to questions</p><p>The instructor is available to help me 7 outside of class</p><p>The instructor encourages me to think 8 analytically</p><p>Overall, the instructor is an effective 9 teacher</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 13</p><p>Instructor: Course: Semester: Enrollment: Responses:</p><p>Student Opinion of Teaching (SOOT) Survey – Prior to Fall 2008</p><p>Question 8: How would you describe the instructor’s knowledge of the matter of the course? # % Inadequate Somewhat adequate Good Very impressive</p><p>Question 9: How well did the instructor explain complex ideas? # % Very well Well Somewhat well Not well</p><p>Question 11: How prepared did the instructor appear to be for class most of the time? # % Very prepared Generally prepared Somewhat prepared Inadequately prepared</p><p>Question 20: How important was the instructor to your learning in this course? # % Unimportant Somewhat important Generally important Very important</p><p>Question 23: Overall, how would you rate the instructor? # % Very high High Low Very low</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 14</p><p>If written evaluations of the candidate’s teaching have been solicited from individuals or groups other than those indicated on page 11, indicate who requested them, who provided them, and whether they have been released. These evaluations follow</p><p>(Include a copy of letter of solicitation) TEACHING EVALUATIONS</p><p>Released</p><p>Yes with name Name Yes of No Solicited by evalua tor remov ed</p><p>1. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>2. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>3. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>4. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>5. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>6. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>7. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>8. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>9. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>10. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>11. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>12. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 15</p><p>Unsolicited materials relevant to the candidate’s teaching used by the IPC as part of the evaluation of a faculty member follow</p><p> Author’s signature is required</p><p> The option of release without author identification is not available for unsolicited materials</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 16</p><p>IPC’s written evaluation of teaching performance follows</p><p>(Include caucus reports as required and minority reports, if submitted) </p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 17</p><p>Research Accomplishments</p><p>Candidate’s statement of research interests, accomplishments, and future directions must follow</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 18</p><p>List on this page materials, other than outside letters of evaluation, used by the IPC in evaluating research</p><p>Relevant materials not included elsewhere in this form should be collected and submitted separately with this completed form</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 19</p><p>List all individuals asked to provide an evaluation of the candidate’s research who declined to participate in the review</p><p>Name Institution Reason for declining</p><p>1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3.</p><p>4.</p><p>5.</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 20</p><p>List all individuals asked to provide an evaluation of the candidate’s research who participated in this review. Indicate whether the reviewer has given permission for the letter to be released to the candidate. Also, indicate with an asterisk any evaluator(s) designated by the candidate. It is important that two-thirds of the referees be designated by the IPC</p><p>(Include a copy of letter of solicitation)</p><p>Released</p><p>Yes with name Name Yes of No Solicited by evalua tor remov ed</p><p>1. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>2. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>3. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>4. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>5. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>6. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>7. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>8. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>9. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>10. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>11. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>12. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 21</p><p>Outside letters of evaluation and a brief description of the reviewers’ credentials must follow [complete curriculum vitas of reviewers must be submitted for distinguished cases]</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 22</p><p>Unsolicited materials relevant to the candidate’s research used by the IPC as part of the evaluation of a faculty member follow</p><p> Author’s signature is required</p><p> The option of release without author identification is not available for unsolicited materials</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 23</p><p>IPC’s written evaluation of research performance must follow</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 24</p><p>Service Accomplishments</p><p>Candidate's statement of service interests and accomplishments must follow</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 25</p><p>List on this page the materials used by the IPC in evaluating service</p><p>Relevant materials not included elsewhere in this form should be collected and submitted separately with this completed form</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 26</p><p>If evaluations of the candidate’s service have been solicited, indicate who requested them, who provided them, and whether they have been released. The evaluations should be attached to this form</p><p>(Include a copy of letter of solicitation)</p><p>OTHER SOLICITED EVALUATIONS</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 Released</p><p>Yes with name Name Yes of No Solicited by evalua tor remov ed</p><p>1. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>2. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>3. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>4. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>5. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>6. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>7. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>8. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>9. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>10. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>11. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>12. [ ] [ ] [ ]</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 27</p><p>Unsolicited materials relevant to the candidate’s service used by the IPC as part of the evaluation of a faculty member follow</p><p> Author’s signature is required</p><p> The option of release without author identification is not available for unsolicited materials</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 28</p><p>IPC’s written evaluation of service performance must follow</p><p>Revised March 25, 2009 </p>
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