By on-line TAMILNADU FOREST DEPARTMENT From To Vinod Kumar IFS The Project Director, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests National Highways Authority of (Head of Forest Force), India, Project Implementing Unit, Panagal Maaligai, Saidapet, Krishnagiri, Chennai - 600 015. Door No. 2591/1, Salem Main Road. Near KAKC Petrol Bunk, Krishnagiri 635 001. C.No. TS3 /36408/2014, Dated: 09.12.2014 Sir, Sub: Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 - Vellore Forest Circle / Vellore Forest Division - Proposal for diversion of 5.42 ha of forest land in Magimandalam Reserved Forests of Vellore Forest Division for Construction of 4-Lane Bangalore-Chennai Expressway by the National Highways Authority of India - Online proposal Submission - Regarding. Ref: Online application uploaded by the User Agency - Project Director, National Highways Authority of India, Project Implementing Unit, Krishnagiri 635 001 - dated 27.11.2014. * * * In the reference cited, the Project Director of National Highways Authority of India, Project Implementing Unit, Krishnagiri has submitted online application Form A - Part I under Section 2 of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 proposal for diversion of 5.42 ha of forest land in Vellore Forest Division in Vellore District for construction of 4-Lane Bangalore-Chennai Expressway by the National Highways Authority oflndia. The User Agency has not furnished the following essential Documents / Undertakings for the project. Further the following defects / shortcomings have been noticed in the proposal. 1) Certificate to effect that no violation of the provision of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 occurred has not been furnished. 2) Certificate from the District Collector about non availability of non forest land for the project has not been furnished. 3) Purpose wise breakup of forest land required for the project has been furnished by the User Agency as follows. In this, Design chainage from 171.300km to 171.840km for 540m length of forest area has been proposed for diversion. From centerline 45m either side has been sought for. Based on this, forest area required is arrived at 4.86 ha (90mx540m=48600 Sq. Km ie., 4.86 Ha) Whereas, area required has been proposed by the User Agency for 5.42 ha. Hence the exact area required for the project to be clarified. 4) Scanned copy of the Geo-referenced map of the forest land proposed to be diverted preparing by using GPS or total station has not been uploaded. (Section C ofMaps-C.iv) 5) Map indicating location of alternative examined for the proposal not uploaded. 6) Undertaking to bear the cost along with any escalation for exploitation of trees in lieu of forest land to be diverted to the project has not been submitted I uploaded. 7) Undertaking to pay the cost towards lease rent as fixed by the Forest department at the time of approval along with any escalation for the forest land to be diverted of the above project has not been submitted I uploaded. 8) Under section H of the proposal - Status of Environmental Clearance - It has been stated that, this project requires clearance under Environmental (Protection) Act 1986, but EC application yet to be submitted. Action taken in this regard should be specified in the form. 9) Under section I of the proposal - Status of Wildlife Clearance - It has been stated that this project or part thereof is located in Protected Area or their Eco Sensitive Area and requires clearance from Supreme Court of India and approval from the Standing Committee of National Board for the Wildlife. Area in which approval has to be obtained has not been furnished in the form and present stage be specified. 10) Report on identification of double the extent of Non Forest Land proposed as Compensatory Land in lieu of the proposed diversion of forest land. 11) Signed copy of Form A, Part I and maps may be uploaded in the proposal. Hence the above defects may be rectified and the details uploaded for the proposal for further action. Yours faithfully, Sd/- Ashutosh Samant Singhar for Principal Chief Conser vator of Forests (Head of Forest Force) Copy to the Conservator of Forests, Vellore Circle, Vellore. Copy to the District Forest Officer, Vellore Division, Vellore. /True copy/ By order/ J. ~ ,J-J "'1 \1Z-1 ,'-\ . Senior Draughting Officer ANNEXURE-I 11/27/2014 Report Part 1 FORM ­ A Form for seeking prior approval of Central Government under section 2 of the Forest(Conservation) Act,1980 for Diversion of fresh forest area PART ­ I (To be filled up by User Agency) A. General Details A­ Project Details 1. (i). Proposal No. : FP/TN/ROAD/8238/2014 (ii). Name of Project for which Forest Land is required : Bangalore­Chennai Expressway (iii). Short narrative of the proposal and Project/scheme for which the forest land is required : The Govt. of India is taking up the project of 4­Lane Bangalore­Chennai Expressway through National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) under NHDP Phase­VI which passes through the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu measuring the total length of the alignment as 262.278 Km (iv). State : Tamil Nadu (v). Category of the Project : Road (vi). Shape of forest land proposed to be diverted : Non Linear (vii). Estimated cost of the Project(Rupees in lacs) : 553400 (viii). Total Area of Forest Land proposed for diversion(in ha.): 5.42 (ix). Total Area of Non­Forest Land proposed for diversion(in ha.): 592.69 (x). Total period for which the forest land is proposed to be diverted(in years): 99 A­ Details of User Agency 2. (i). Name : NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY OF INDIA PIU KRISHNAGIRI (ii). Address1 : Door No. 259/1, Salem Main Road (iii). Address2 : Near KAKC Petrol Bunk Krishnagiri (iv). State : Tamil Nadu http://forestsclearance.nic.in/Admin/Useragencyreport.aspx?pid=FP%2fTN%2fROAD%2f8238%2f2014 1/6 11/27/2014 Report Part 1 (v). District : Dharmapuri (vi). Pin : 635001 (vii). Landmark : KAKC Petrol Bunk (viii). Email address : [email protected] (ix). Landline Telephone No. : 234250 (x). Fax No. : 4343 (xi). Mobile No. : 9442275834 (xii). Website (if any) : www.nhai.org (xiii). Details of Proposals seeking prior approval of Central Government under the Act for diversion of forest land submitted by the User Agency in the past : Yes (xiv). Legal status of User Agency : Central Government A­ Details of Person Making Application 3. (i). First Name: Talla (ii). Middle Name: NIL (iii). Last Name: Parvateesam (iv). Gender: Male (v). Designation: Project Director (vi). Address 1: Door No. 259/1, Salem Main Road (vii). Address 2: Near KAKC Petrol Bunk Krishnagiri (viii). State: Tamil Nadu (ix). District: Dharmapuri (x). Tehsil: Dharmapuri http://forestsclearance.nic.in/Admin/Useragencyreport.aspx?pid=FP%2fTN%2fROAD%2f8238%2f2014 2/6 11/27/2014 Report Part 1 (xi). Pin: 635001 (xii). Landmark: KAKC Petrol Bunk (xiii). Email Address: [email protected] (xiv). Landline Telephone No.: 234250 (xv). Fax No.: 4343236208 (xvi). Mobile No.: 9442275834 (xvii). Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority of the person making this application to make application on behalf of the User Agency: Annexure U.A Document B. Details of land required for the Project B­ Details of proposal seeking prior approval of Central Government under the 1. Act for diversion of forest land for the Project already submitted in the past (i). Whether any proposal seeking prior approval of Central Government under the Act for diversion of forest land required for the project has been submitted in the past?. : Yes (ii). Details of proposal seeking prior approval of Central Government under the Act for diversion of forest land for the Project already submitted in the past. Proposal Submitted in Past Date of Moef Area Date of Proposal Proposal Area In­ S.no File Proposed for Final Status. No. Diverted(Ha.) Principle No. Diversion(Ha.) Approval Approval 1 Under 2.56 0 Processing at State Government B­ Details of forest land proposed to be diverted 2. B­2.1 Details of Divisions involved Details of Divisions involved Non­Forest S.no Division Name Forest Land(ha.) Land(ha.) 1. Vellore 5.42 592.69 B­2.2 Details of Districts involved http://forestsclearance.nic.in/Admin/Useragencyreport.aspx?pid=FP%2fTN%2fROAD%2f8238%2f2014 3/6 11/27/2014 Report Part 1 District wise breakup Non­Forest S.no District Name Forest Land(ha.) Land(ha.) 1. Vellore 5.42 592.69 B­2.3 Village wise breakup Villages wise breakup Non­Forest S.no Village Forest Land(ha.) Land(ha.) 1 Magimandalam 5.42 54.85 B­2.4 Component wise breakup Component wise breakup Non­Forest S.no Component Forest Land(ha.) Land(ha.) 1 KM 171.300 to KM 171.840 5.42 0 C. Maps of forest land proposed to be diverted Division 1. : Vellore (i). Area of forest land proposed to be diverted(in ha.) : 5.42 (ii). : Non Linear (a). No. of patches : One Patch wise details Patch Area of Patch(in ha.) Kml File of Patches No. 1. 5.42 Annexure Patch1 (iii). Copy of Survey of India Toposheet indicating boundary of forest land proposed to be diverted: Annexure Survey of India Toposheet (iv). Scanned copy of the Geo­referenced map of the forest land proposed to be diverted prepared by using GPS or Total Station: Annexure scanned copy of the Geo­referenced map Justification for locating the Project in forest land and details of D. alternatives examined: (i). Copy of note containing justification for locating the Project in forest land : Annexure Justification E. Employment likely to be generated http://forestsclearance.nic.in/Admin/Useragencyreport.aspx?pid=FP%2fTN%2fROAD%2f8238%2f2014 4/6 11/27/2014 Report Part 1 (i). Whether the Project is likely to generate employment ?: Yes (ii).
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