160 Godina Meteoroloških Motrenja I Njihova Primjena U Hrvatskoj

160 Godina Meteoroloških Motrenja I Njihova Primjena U Hrvatskoj

160 godina meteoroloπkih motrenja i njihova primjena u Hrvatskoj 160 years of meteorological observations and their application in Croatia REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA DRÆAVNI HIDROMETEOROLO©KI ZAVOD REPUBLIC OF CROATIA METEOROLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL SERVICE 160 GODINA METEOROLO©KIH MOTRENJA I NJIHOVA PRIMJENA U HRVATSKOJ 160 YEARS OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN CROATIA Zagreb, 2014. UREDNI©TVO / EDITORIAL BOARD Odgovorni urednik / Responsible editor Ivan »aËiÊ Glavni urednik / Editor in chief Kreπo PandæiÊ Zvonko Æibrat UredniËki odbor / Editorial board Ante Dvornik, Marjana GajiÊ-»apka, Draæen GlasnoviÊ, Milan HodæiÊ, Branka IvanËan-Picek, Zvonimir Katuπin, Jerko Kirigin, Janja MilkoviÊ, Mirko OrliÊ, Ivan Penzar, Milan SijerkoviÊ, Duπan TrniniÊ, Vlasta Tutiπ GrafiËko-tehniËki urednik / Production editor Ivan Lukac Lektor / Revised by VjeroËka Ban, IvanËica MihoviliÊ Prijevod / English translation Jasna BiliniÊ-Zubak, Andrija BrataniÊ, Zrinka GlasnoviÊ, Vesna JurËec, Darija JurËiÊ, Bojan LipovπÊak, Andrea PaveliÊ »ajiÊ, Iskra PavloviÊ, Nino RadetiÊ, Nataπa Strelec-MahoviÊ, Davor TomπiÊ, Vedrana VojkoviÊ Estatiev IzdavaË / Publisher Dræavni hidrometeoroloπki zavod ISBN 978-953-7526-04-7 CIP zapis je dostupan u raËunalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveuËiliπne knjiænice u Zagrebu pod brojem 000903522 PREDGOVOR PREFACE Vaænost meteoroloπkih motrenja sve viπe With the appearance of meteorological dolazi do izraæaja nakon otkriÊa meteorolo- instruments and the development of meteor- πkih instrumenata, kada poËinje razvoj meteo- ology as a science, meteorological observa- rologije kao znanstvene discipline. Meteoro- tions started gaining the importance. The loπka motrenja su sustavno zapoËela koncem beginning of regular meteorological observa- 18. stoljeÊa i to najprije u - Europi. Kako je tions dates back to the late 18th century and Hrvatska tada pripadala jednoj od tadaπnjih it primarily took place in Europe. Since svjetskih sila, tj. Austrougarskoj Monarhiji, Croatia was a part of the Austro-Hungarian razumljivo je njeno razmjerno rano ukljuËi- Monarchy, which was a world power at the vanje u tadaπnji meteoroloπki motriteljski sus- time, it was included in the meteorological observation in those early days. The very tav. DapaËe, prve naznake meteorologije na beginnings of weather observations on the podruËju danaπnje Hrvatske javljaju se znatno territory of the present Croatia can be traced ranije, veÊ u antiËko doba. Autor najstarijih back to ancient times. Croatian author of the hrvatskih meteoroloπkih rasprava jest Herman oldest meteorological discussion is Herman Dalmatin podrijetlom iz srediπnje Istre (oko Dalmatin, of the origin of Middle Istria (cca 1110. - oko 1143). ZaËeci meteoroloπkih in- 1110 to cca 1143). Beginnings of meteorolo- strumentalnih mjerenja u Hrvatskoj sporadi- gical instrumental measurements in Croatia Ëki se pojavljuju dvadesetak godina prije ne- sporadically occur some twenty years before go je Galilei konstruirao termometar na teku- Galilei designed thermometer with liquid in Êinu 1611. ZapoËeo ih je lijeËnik Santorio 1611. They begun by the physician Santorio Santorio (1561.-1636.), rodom iz Kopra, koji Santorio (1561-1636), native of Koper, who je izmeu 1587. i 1599. godine boravio na po- between 1587 and 1599 stayed at estates of sjedima knezova Frankopana u Kvarneru. On princes Frankopan on the Gulf of Quarnero. je prvi konstruirao ureaj za mjerenje brzine He has also made the first instrument for vjetra. measurement of wind speed. Pored sporadiËnih meteoroloπkih motrenja Sporadic meteorological observations u drugim mjestima, prvim regularnim motre- were conducted all over the country, but the njem u Hrvatskoj smatra se ono u Dubrovni- observation station in Dubrovnik, established ku, zapoËeto 1851. godine. Naæalost, ta je in 1851, can still be considered as the first meteoroloπka postaja kasnije imala prekide u regular observation station. This station radu. Najstarija postaja s neprekidnim motre- unfortunately did not operate continuously. njima u Hrvatskoj je Zagreb-GriË. Na toj po- The oldest Croatian station operating contin- uously was the Zagreb-Grič, established in staji motrenja su zapoËela krajem 1861. go- 1861. Apart from the Zagreb-Grič, there is a dine. Osim Zagreb-GriËa, postoji joπ nekolici- number of stations in Croatia which have a na postaja u Hrvatskoj sa stoljetnim nizovima long tradition of collecting meteorological meteoroloπkih podataka. To su: Osijek, Poæe- data: Osijek, Požega, Gospić, Crikvenica and ga, GospiÊ, Crikvenica i Hvar. Svi podaci s Hvar. All the data recorded at the above sta- navedenih postaja pohranjeni su i na magnet- tions are saved on a magnetic media and can ni medij pa se njima moæe lakπe koristiti u thus be used in different researches, such as raznim istraæivanjima, na primjer klimatskih the research of climatic changes. promjena. Before the establishment of the Meteoro- Do osnutka Dræavnog hidrometeoroloπkog logical and Hydrological Service of Croatia in zavoda (DHMZ) 1947. godine (tadaπnji naziv 1947, meteorological observations were con- 3 Uprava za hidrometeoroloπku sluæbu) meteo- ducted by the Geophysical Institute, which is roloπka motrenja su obavljana u sastavu Geo- now a department of the Faculty of Science in fiziËkog zavoda koji danas djeluje u okviru Zagreb. Before Croatia gained independence Prirodoslovno-matematiËkog fakulteta Sve- in 1991, its meteorological service had been uËiliπta u Zagrebu. Do osamostaljenja Hrvat- a part of the meteorological service in the for- ske, 1991. godine, meteoroloπka sluæba u mer Yugoslavia. Since 1992, Croatia has been a member of the World Meteorological Hrvatskoj bila je sastavni dio meteoroloπke Organisation which is successor of Interna- sluæbe bivπe Jugoslavije. Od 1992. godine tional Meteorological Organization founded in Hrvatska je Ëlanica Svjetske meteoroloπke or- 1873. In 1994, Croatia joined the RC LACE ganizacije (World Meteorological Organiza- (Regional Centre Limited Area Modelling for tion - WMO), koja je sljednica Meunarodne Central Europe), in 1995 it became an asso- meteoroloπke organizacije iz 1873. godine. ciate member of ECMWF (European Centre Godine 1994. Hrvatska postaje Ëlanica Regio- for Medium Range Weather Forecasts) and, nalnog centra za numeriËko modeliranje u in 2002, an associate member of EUMET- srednjoj Europi (Regional Centre Limited SAT (European Agency for Exploitation of Area Modelling for Central Europe - RC LA- Meteorological Satellites) and full member in CE), godine 1995. postaje pridruæena Ëlanica 2007. Europskog centra za srednjoroËne prognoze Croatia, since 2007, is a number of vremena (European Centre for Medium Ran- EUMETNET-a (European Meteorological ge Weather Forecasts - ECMWF). 2002. go- Network) and ECOMET-a (The Economic dine postaje pridruæena Ëlanica Europske Interest Grouping of the National Meteo- agencije za iskoriπtavanje meteoroloπkih rological Services of the European Economic satelita (European Agency for Exploitation of Area). Meteorological Satellites - EUMETSAT), a Today, the Croatian meteorological net- punopravna zemlja Ëlanica postaje 2007. go- work under the jurisdiction of the Meteoro- dine. Takoer, Hrvatska je od 2007. godine logical and Hydrological Service of Croatia punopravna Ëlanica EUMETNET-a (Euro- consists of 40 main meteorological stations pean Meteorological Network) i ECOMET-a (6 of them is operated by the Croatian Air (The Economic Interest Grouping of the Na- Traffic Control Administration), 104 climato- logical and 341 rain-gauge stations, 2 radio- tional Meteorological Services of the Euro- sonde and 8 radar stations. pean Economic Area). The Faculty of Science in Zagreb offers Danas u Hrvatskoj, u nadleænosti DHMZ-a, degree courses for meteorologists, while the radi 40 glavnih meteoroloπkih postaja (6 u Secondary School for Forestry in Karlovac nadleænosti Hrvatske kontrole zraËne plovid- has an educational programme for meteoro- be), 104 klimatoloπke i 341 kiπomjerna posta- logical technician. ja, dvije radiosondaæne i 8 radarskih postaja. This publication will deal in more details Na Prirodoslovno-matematiËkom fakultetu with the development of the observation SveuËiliπta u Zagrebu πkoluju se visokoobra- meteorological system in Croatia from the zovani kadrovi (meteorolozi), a u Srednjoj πu- early sporadic observations till today. The marskoj πkoli u Karlovcu jedan razred ima very beginnings are discussed in Chapter program obrazovanja za meteoroloπkog tehni- One, whereas Chapter Two deals with the Ëara. period from 1947-2012, including the World Weather Watch programme. Chapter Three U ovoj publikaciji bit Êe detaljnije prika- describes the way in which the data obtained zan razvoj motriteljskog meteoroloπkog su- by meteorological observations are used in stava u Hrvatskoj od davnih sporadiËnih mje- different fields of meteorology: climatology, renja do danas. Najstarije razdoblje razmatra weather forecast, marine, aeronautical and 4 se u prvom poglavlju. U drugom je poglavlju technical meteorology, hydrology and ocea- obuhvaÊeno razdoblje 1947.-2012., ukljuËu- nography. The annexes include a short des- juÊi i program Svjetsko meteoroloπko bdijenje cription of meteorological observations in the (World Weather Watch-WWW). U treÊem je neighbouring countries (Austria, Bosnia and poglavlju opisana upotreba proizvoda meteo- Herzegovina, Hungary and Slovenia) as well roloπkih motrenja u razliËitim granama mete- as a complete list of climatological stations in orologije: praÊenju klime, vremenskoj prog-

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