Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51949-6 - The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World Baki Tezcan Index More information Index Abaza Hasan Pasha, 215–216 effects of survival of brother on, 71 Abaza Mehmed Pasha, 162, 173, 213 fratricide, 64 Abdulhalim¨ Karayazıcı, 65, 66, 143–148, Mehmed Pasha (Sokolluzade) and, 108 150–151 Mustafa Agha and, 110–111 Abdullah Efendi, 169 Mustafa Efendi and, 118 Abdurrahim¨ family, 5, 220 Osman II and, 115 Abou-El-Haj, Rifa’at Ali, 9, 34, 217, pious acts of, 70 219 rebellions and, 71, 120n22 absolutism, 80, 213 Safavid wars, 131–132 appointments, royal power of, 55 Sun’ullah Efendi and, 70 army and, 152, 180 warrior sultan tradition and, 120 conservatives and, 49, 53 Ahmed III, 197n18, 222–223, 225 constitutionalists and, 48–59 Ahmed Pasha (deputy grand vizier), 167, 169 court politics and, 114 Ahmed Pasha (Etmekcizade). See definition of, 54, 80 Etmekcizade Ahmed Pasha divine law and, 29, 53, 157 Akarlı, Engin, 41 historiography and, 215 alcohol, 66, 67(fig), 174 liberals and, 49, 53 Aleppo, 15, 95, 104, 132, 148–149, 159–160, long wars and, 180 162, 178n85, 189, 212 market economies and, 80 Algeria, 223–224 Mehmed III, 65 Ali Agha, 171, 172 Murad III, 97 Ali Bey, 121 Murad IV, 214 Ali Efendi (Sarı), 37–38, 121. See also Mustafa I, 77, 109 Mullah Ali Mustafa II, 43–44, 219 Ali Pasha (d. 1511), 101 Osman II, 80–81, 109, 116, 128–141, 153 Ali Pasha (1581–1621), 110, 111, 132–136, political authority and, 44 137 public law and, 47, 48 alps, qualities of, 84–85 sciences and, 29, 241 ambassador reports, reliability of, 113 Second Empire and, 150 Amcazade Huseyin¨ Pasha, 219 social mobility and, 53, 54–55, 58 ancien regime´ , 191, 194, 226 ulema and, 29, 44, 169, 171 Andrews, Walter, 1, 4, 191 Age of Beloveds, The, 1, 4 Ankara, Battle of (1402), 88 agriculture, 17, 80, 88, 197, 231 .Seealso army timars absolutism and, 152, 180 Ahizade Huseyin,¨ 74 administrators of, 80 Ahmed Bey. See Etmekcizade Ahmed Pasha cavalry soldiers. See cavalry soldiers Ahmed Cevdet, 226 decline narrative and, 4, 195, 240 Ahmed I devs¸irmes. See devs¸irme system accession to throne, 72–73 dynastic succession and, 47 chief gardeners, 104 economic interests and, 190 dynastic succession, 47, 61–63 endowment trusteeships and, 189 267 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51949-6 - The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World Baki Tezcan Index More information 268 Index army (cont.) Muslims and, 186 expansion of, 180, 181, 184, 186 patrimonial empire and, 199 financial entrepreneurialship of, 131, political authority and, 35, 232 184–190 re’aya and. See re’aya grandee households and, 182–184 Second Empire, 193, 197 hereditary privileges of, 185 slaves of the sultan and, 91–92 infantry. See janissaries social mobility and. See social mobility janissaries. See janissaries tax farming and, 44, 186, 187 jurists and, 66–68, 166, 170, 242–243 wealth distribution of, 202–204, 210 legal opinions demanded by, 166, 221 Atman. See Osman I membership selection, 16, 179 a’yan (local notables), 44, 197, 225 mercenaries. See mercenaries Ays¸e Sultan, 103 military prowess, 241 Azmizade Mustafa, 103 monetization and, 185 Murad III and, 175 Baki Bes¸e (later Pasha), 14–15, 133, 167, 189 Muslim commoners, 179 Balkans, 19–21, 67, 81, 147, 162, 178, 189, Mustafa I’s second enthronement, 170 217–218, 219, 224 Nasuh Agha and, 169 South Slav monetary systems, 89 opposition to court of, 175–190 Barkan, Omer¨ Lutfi, 27–29, 43, 49 Osman II and, 131, 141, 151 Baron de Sancy. See Sancy, Achille de Harlay Osman II capture by, 156–175 de Osman II’s new army, 141, 171 Bayezid I, 88 outsiders (ecnebis) and, 57, 179 Bayezid II (1481–1512), 21 pilgrimages and, 157, 163 dynastic politics and, 42, 46, 92 political power of, 175–190 forced retirement of, 79 private armies, 160 poison and, 117n5 rebellions, 4, 54, 163–175, 184, 190, Bayezid, Prince, 43, 61, 63 221–222 Bayram Pasha, 185 Safavid wars, 131 Bedik, 37 salary payments and, 163, 169, 171, 174, Berman, Harold, 82 177–179 Bilgin, Vejdi, 52 Second Empire and, 195 Birgili Mehmed, 32–33 shopkeepers and, 166 Black Sea area, 136, 163 size of, 177–179 Blount, Sir Henry, 230 slaves of the sultan. See slaves of the sultan Blue Mosque, 70 tax farming and, 185, 186, 187 Bohemia, 137 technology and. See military technology Book of Alexander, 119 as “Third Estate”, 185 Book of Asaph, (Lutfi Pasha), 96 timars and, 22 Book of China, 59 uprising (May 1622), 153, 170 Book of Dede Korkut, 85 viziers and, 180 Book on the Affairs of Muslims and the arpalıks 137 Interests of the Believers, The, 96 As¸ık C¸elebi,186 Bosnia, 148 As¸ık Pasha, 84–85 Bosporus, 120, 230 askeri Bostanzade, Yahya, 167, 169 collective identity of, 236n30 Brenner, Robert, 82, 211 court and estate records of, 202 Bulgaria, 39 definition of, 30–31, 186n118, 187 Bursa campaign, 111 de-militarization and, 197 Busbecq, Ogier Ghiselin de, 42–43 devs¸irme system and, 31, 186 Byzantine Empire, 19–20, 85–88, 91, 131 dynastic authority and, 44 outsiders (ecnebis) and, 31, 179 cadastral land surveys, 19, 23–24, 47 expansion of, 35, 44, 55, 232–233 Cafer Pasha, 111–113. See also Hadım Cafer feudal elite of the provinces, 45 Pasha fiefs and, 50 “cage” (kafes), 61, 109 janissaries, 203–204 C¸alıkAhmed,222–224 membership in, 44, 55 C¸ andarlı (grand vizier), 131 military prowess and, 45, 241 Canpoladzade Ali, 149, 150, 161–162, 173 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51949-6 - The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World Baki Tezcan Index More information Index 269 Canpoladzade Huseyin¨ Pasha, 145, civilization, concept of, 10, 76, 197 149–151 C¸ ivizade, Muhyiddin, 32 Canpoladzade Mustafa, 151, 162 clothing laws, 66 capitalism, 230–232 coffeehouses, 228–229 cash wakfs, 31–35, 198 colleges of law (medreses), 28–29, 68, 70, lords of the law and, 37–38 103–106 Castle of Kings, 55, 97 sciences and, 29, 241 C¸ atalcalı Ali, 216, 217 colonialism, 232–233, 236, 238 cavalry soldiers (salaried; excluding commoners, 16–17 timariots) distribution of wealth among, 209–210 decline narrative and, 191 See also outsiders,re’aya grandees households and, 183, 184 confiscations policy (musadere¨ ), 37, 95, guilds and, 189, 208 133 hereditary status of, 183, 185 conservatives increases in numbers of, 177 constitutionalists and, 49, 53, 58 Istanbul uprisings by, 175 definition of, 48, 54 janissaries and, 164, 172, 184, 209 jurists’ law and, 52 limits on expansion of, 209 public law and, 48, 51 Mehmed III and, 65, 66–67 social mobility and, 51–52, 58 military technology and, 17 Constantinople. See Istanbul rebellions, 66–67, 175, 183, 188, 215 constitutionalism, 80, 237 recruitment sources for, 183 absolutism and, 48–59.Seealsoabsolutism salary payments, 159, 163, 164, 175, 209, checks and balances, 77 215 conservatives and, 49, 53, 58 six divisions of, 175, 176(fig) Constitution of 1876, 59, 76 sources of political unrest within, 183 definition of, 53–54 tax collections and, 187, 188 divine law and, 52, 53–54 C¸ elebi Kadi, Lutfullah, 39 dynastic succession and, 47, 76–77, 237 Cesy´ Philippe de Harlay, comte de, 132–133, European observers of, 7–8 158, 163 kanun-ı kadim and, 57, 66, 120 Chamberlain, Michael, 40 legitimization of depositions, 5, 221 charisma, 60, 61, 63, 71, 77, 196 liberals and, 49, 53 Osman II and, 131, 153 linguistic versus historical absence of chief black eunuchs, 67, 71, 115, 160, terms, 48 175 lords of the law and, 68–71, 77, 129–31, as extension of dynasty, 103–104 157, 241 history of, 100 market economies and, 80 Mehmed Agha, 102–103, 130 Mustafa I and, 76, 120 Murad III and, 100–103, 113 rationalist epistemology and, 129–31, 157, Mustafa Agha, 79, 103, 110–114, 119–120, 241 133, 137 royal authority, 54, 241 Osman II and, 79, 138(fig) social mobility and, 53, 54–55, 58 pilgrimage opposition by, 163 unwritten constitution, 243 Suleyman¨ Agha, 121, 138(fig), 166, 167, Contarini, Simon, 111 170 Cook, Michael, 147 chief white eunuchs, 65, 67, 71, 175 corporations appointments made through, 101 concept of, 231–232 as extension of dynasty, 103–104 janissaries, 207, 240 history of, 101 legal status of, 198 medreses and, 104, 105(fig) corruption, perceptions about, 5, 9, 65, 107, pious endowments and, 103. See also 194 Gazanfer Agha Counsel for Sultans (Mustafa Ali), 124 Christian population. See devs¸irme system, Crete, 25, 43 non-Muslim subjects Crimea Cıgalazade Mahmud Pasha, 74, 96 Khans of, 132, 222 Cıgalazade Sinan Pasha (grand vizier), 66, politics, 71 96, 102, 149, 151, 183 Crone, Patricia, 234, 238 circumcision, 115–116 cultural activities, 228–230 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51949-6 - The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World Baki Tezcan Index More information 270 Index currency devlet (fortune; state), 60–61, 71–72, 76, 93, coinage debasement, 65, 167, 169 196, 223 economic unification, 17–18 devs¸irme system, 16, 17 European silver, 18 askeri and, 31, 186 inflation, 127 dynastic authority and, 44 legal system with universal claims, 18 fiefs and, 50 Mehmed II and, 82, 89 final year of (1703), 44, 195 monetary crises and, 150 janissaries and, 204 power-sharing and, 198 Mehmed II and, 107 unification of currencies, 10, 17–18, 82, membership selection procedures, 44, 236 89, 198 musahib Mehmed, 107 patrimonial empire and, 236 Damad Hasa Pasha, 222 slaves of the sultan.
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