MACEDONIANMACEDONIAN RELATIONRELA TrONSS WITWITHH GREECEGREECE UNDEUNDERR PHILIPHILIPP ANANDD ALEXANDERALEXANDER byby NicholaNicholass SpearSpear ProukouProukou A thesisthesis submittedsubmitted toto thethe facultyfaculty ofof ThThee UniversitUniversityy ooff UtahUtah in partiapartiall fulfillmentfulfillment ofof ththee requirementrequirementss foforr ththee degreedegree of MasteMasterr ofof ArtsArts DepartmentDepartment ofof HistoryHistory ThThee UniversityUniversity ofof UtahUtah AugusAugustt 20092009 CopyrightCopyright © NicholaNicholass SpearSpear ProukoProukouu 20092009 AlAlll RightRightss ReservedReserved THE UNJVERSJTY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Nicholas Spear Proukou This thesis has been read by each member of the following supervisory committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. Randall O. Stewart· THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL FINAL READING APPROVAL To the Graduate Council of the University of Utah: I have read the dissertation of Nicholas Spear Proukou in its final form and have found that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographic style are consistent and acceptable; (2) its illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the final manuscript is satisfactory to the supervisory committee and is ready for submission to The GraduateSchool. '2go9 ff�(/' a!�2� Date Winthrop 1. Adams Chair: Supervisory Committee Approved for the MajorDepartment ��eLL1, JamesR. Lehning 3 ChairlDean Approved for the Graduate Council David S. Chapma Dean of The Graduate School ABSTRACABSTRACTT ThiThiss thesithesiss exploreexploress ththee politicapoliticall relationshirelationshipp betweebetweenn MacedoniMacedoniaa anandd GreecGreecee betweebetweenn ththee yearyearss ooff 353599 anandd 323323.. ThrougThroughh aann investigatioinvestigationn ooff ththee historicahistoricall evidenceevidence availablavailablee ththee studstudyy findfindss thathatt thithiss politicapoliticall relationshirelationshipp wawass nonott a meanmeanss ooff conquesconquestt forfor ththee MacedonianMacedonianss oveoverr ththee GreeksGreeks.. MoreoverMoreover,, ththee studstudyy showshowss thathatt ththee policiepoliciess towardstowards GreecGreecee ooff PhiliPhilipp IIII werweree largellargelyy continuecontinuedd bbyy hihiss sonson,, AlexandeAlexanderr ththee Great.Great. FoForr mmyy familyfamily anandd friendsfriends TABLT ABLEE OOFF CONTENTCONTENTSS ABSTRACABSTRACTT ......................................................................................... .iviv ChapteChapterr II.. INTRODUCTIOWTRODUCTIONN ........... ..... ... .. .. ... ... .. ................. .. .......... , ..............1 1 IIII.. THTHEE SOURCSOURCEE MATERIAMATERIALL FOFORR PHILIPHILIPP IIII ANANDD ALEXANDEALEXANDERR IIIII..I ... .........6 ThThee PrimarPrimaryy anandd IntermediarIntermediaryy SourceSourcess .... ..... ... ...... ................ .................7 ThThee MajoMajorr SourceSourcess ......................................................................... 1166 MateriaMateriall EvidencEvidencee ...... ... ................................. .................... .. ... .. .. .... 2266 IIIIII.. PHILIPHILIPP IIII,, MACEDONIMACEDONIAA ANANDD THTHEE NORTNORTHH .. ........... .. .. ...................... 3300 'Thre'Threee Phases'' ooff ImmediatImmediatee SecuritSecurityy ................................................... 3311 IV.. PHILIPHILIPP ANANDD GREECGREECEE ................................................................... 5252 PhiliPhilipp IIII:: AsiaAsiann ExpansionisExpansionist.t ............................................................ 7272 VV.. ALEXANDEALEXANDERR ANANDD THTHEE GREEKSGREEKS .................... .... ... ........................ 7676 AlexanderAlexander:: HisHis Father'sFather's SonSon ............................................................... 8484 VI.VI. CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION ........................... ..... .. ... ..................... ............... .... 8989 BIBLIOGRAPHyBIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................... 9292 CHAPTERCHAPTER I INTRODUCTIOINTRODUCTIONN TheThe politicapoliticall relationshirelationshipp betweebetweenn MacedoniMacedoniaa andand GreecGreecee durinduringg ththee reignreignss ofof PhiliPhilipp andand AlexandeAlexanderr changechangedd drastically.drastically. WheWhenn PhiliPhilipp firsfirstt camecame ttoo ththee thronthronee iinn 359359 MacedoniMacedoniaa wawass a backwatebackwaterr ofof GreecGreecee thathatt servedserved asas a pawpawnn inin ththee politicapoliticall gamesgames ofof thethe mormoree powerfupowerfull city-statescity-states ttoo ththee south.south. BByy ththee enendd ofof Alexander'Alexander'ss reigreignn ththee respectiverespective roleroless ofof ththee MacedonianMacedonianss andand GreeksGreeks hahadd reversereversedd completelycompletely.. MacedoniMacedoniaa nonoww stoodstood asas ththee mosmostt powerfupowerfull statestate inin alalll ofof GreeceGreece anandd bbyy thithiss powepowerr wawass beginninbeginningg ttoo createcreate a stablestable GreekGreek statstatee withiwithinn ththee largelargerr MacedoniaMacedoniann Empire.Empire. ThuThuss oveoverr a perioperiodd ofof thirty-sixthirty-six yearsyears,, MacedoniMacedoniaa wawass ablablee ttoo improvimprovee heherr statusstatus ttoo competecompete withinwithin andand thenthen conquerconquer thethe elitelitee ooff GreeGreekk society.society. A majomajorr portioportionn ofof thithiss transformatiotransformationn wawass ththee politicapoliticall policiespolicies towardtowardss GreeceGreece setset forthforth andand followefollowedd bbyy PhilipPhilip anandd AlexanderAlexander.. ThThee followinfollowingg worworkk willwill examinexaminee thesthesee politicapoliticall policiepoliciess inin aann efforeffortt toto·' investigateinvestigate ththee MacedoniaMacedoniann metamorphosimetamorphosi frofromm pawpawnn ttoo kinkingg ofof Greece.Greece. BeforBeforee thithiss dynamicdynamic changchangee iinn fortunefortune,, MacedoniMacedoniaa wawass nonott a modemodell ooff stability.!stability.1 ToTo beginbegin,, politicapoliticall intriguintriguee includinincludingg regicidregicidee wawass commonplaccommonplacee iinn ththee MacedoniaMacedoniann courtcourt anandd shortenedshortened manmanyy kingskings'' reignsreigns.. MoreoverMoreover,, ththee actuaactuall unitunityy ooff MacedoniMacedoniaa waswas problematicproblematic.. ForFor allall practicapracticall purposespurposes,, ththee kingdokingdomm waswas separateseparatedd intintoo twtwoo halves:halves: 1 ForFor descriptionsdescriptions ofof MacedonianMacedonian internalinternal stabilitystability issuesissues beforebefore PhilipPhilip see:see: J.R.J.R. Ellis,Ellis, Philip II andand Macedonian Imperialism, (Princeton(Princeton:: PrincetoPrincetonn UniversitUniversityy PressPress,, 1976)1976) 36-40,36-40, 42;42; N.G.N.G.LL HammonHammondd andand G.TG.T.. GiffithGiffith,, A History of Macedonia v. II (Oxford:(Oxford: ClarendoClarendonn PressPress,, 1979)1979) 167-189;167-189; IaIann Worthington,Worthington, Philip II of Macedonia (Ne(Neww HavenHaven:: YalYalee UniversitUniversityy PressPress,, 20082008)) 221-225.221-225. 2 UppeUpperr MacedoniMacedoniaa anandd LoweLowerr MacedoniaMacedonia.. LoweLowerr Macedonia,Macedonia, inin actualityactuality easterneastern MacedoniaMacedonia,, wawass ththee heartlanheartlandd ooff ththee MacedoniaMacedoniann kingdomkingdom.. ThiThiss areareaa waswas wellwell developeddeveloped andand controlledcontrolled bbyy ththee kingking.. UppeUpperr oorr westerwesternn MacedoniaMacedonia,, oonn thethe otherother hanhandd wawass jusjustt thethe opposite.opposite. ThisThis mountainoumountainouss terraiterrainn brebredd ththee mosmostt unrulunrulyy ofof ththee MacedonianMacedonianss anandd wawass a constanconstantt sourcesource ofof chaochaoss foforr ththee mormoree organizeorganizedd andand controlledcontrolled lowerlower oorr easterneastern MacedoniaMacedonia.. DespitDespitee ththee besbestt efforteffortss ofof severaseverall kingskings,, thesthesee twtwoo halvehalvess werweree neveneverr trulytruly uniteunitedd untiuntill Philip'Philip'ss reign.reign. BeyonBeyondd Macedonia'Macedonia'ss internainternall strugglesstruggles,, ththee kingdokingdomm alsoalso sufferedsuffered externalexternal incursionsincursions intointo heherr independenceindependence frofromm alalll sidessides.. 2 FromFrom ththee nortnorthh anandd ththee weswestt camcamee thethe firstfirst anandd mosmostt formidablformidablee forformm ooff troubletrouble.. ThThee barbariabarbariann tribetribess ofof PaeoniPaeoniaa andand lllyriaIllyria representerepresentedd a constanconstantt threathreatt ttoo MacedoniaMacedoniann security.security. ThThee Illyrianlllyrianss hadhad occupieoccupiedd mosmostt ooff upperupper MacedoniaMacedonia anandd regularlregularlyy raideraidedd downdown intintoo ththee lowerlower MacedoniaMacedoniann kingdomkingdom.. BByy thatthat samsamee tokentoken,, ththee PaeonianPaeonianss ttoo ththee nortnorthh neveneverr hesitatehesitatedd ttoo taktakee whawhatt thetheyy couldcould fromfrom theirtheir southersouthernn neighborneighbor.. TToo ththee easteast,, MacedoniaMacedoniann economieconomicc independencindependencee wawass hamperehamperedd byby ththee citiecitiess ooff ththee ChalcidiceChalcidice.. MacedoniaMacedoniann importimportss andand exportsexports werweree entirelyentirely dependentdependent uponupon ChalcidiaChalcidiann porportt citiecitiess foforr theitheirr tradetrade.. AAss a resulresultt ththee relationshirelationshipp betweenbetween MacedoniMacedoniaa
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