* Hazard Exists ONLY Where a High Water Table Exists

* Hazard Exists ONLY Where a High Water Table Exists

<p>Client: </p><p>IDAHO WIN PST CHECKLIST SOIL TEXTURE = FINE SAND, LOAMY SAND</p><p>INSECTICIDES/NEMATICIDES/FUNGICIDES Product Name Active Ingredient WinPST Results Check (Intermediate rating or greater) if Used H = Human Hazard F = Fish Hazard Leaching Runoff Erosion Risk Risk Risk Acrobat 50WP Dimethomorph F F Agri-mek Abamectin H F H F F Allegiance Metalaxyl Aliette WDG Fosetyl-A Ambush Permethrin F H F Amistar Azoxystrobin Amvac aza Azadirachtin F F F Apron Flowable, XL Metalaxyl Asana XL Esfenvalerate F F F Avaunt Indoxacarb F F Aza-Direct Azadirachtin F F F Azatin (XL) Azadirachtin F F F Bayleton 50 DF Triadimefon H F H F Baytan Triadimenol H H Baythroid 2E Cyfluthrin F F Bravo, Bravo Ultrex Chlorothalonil H F H F Busan 1020 Metam-sodium H F H F Captan Captan F F Capture 2EC Bifenthrin F H F Carbaryl 4L Carbaryl F F Carzol Formetanate H Champ Formula 2 Copper hydroxide F F Comite Propargite H F H F Counter CR Terbufos H F H F F Cruiser Thiamethoxam H H Curzate 60 DF Cymoxanil F F Declare Methyl parathion H F H F Diacon II S-Methoprene F F DiaSource ------Diazinon Diazinon H F H F F Dibrom 8E Naled H F H F Dimate 4E Dimethoate H H Dimethoate 4E Dimethoate H H Dimilin 4L Diflubenzuron Version – February 2006 Page 1 Di-syston 15% Disulfoton H F H F Dithane DF Mancozeb H F H F Dividend Difenoconazole + H F H F F Mefenoxam Dursban 50 WSP Chlorpyrifos H F H F Echo 720, 75 Chlorothalonil H F H F Ecozin Azadirachtin F F F Endosulfan 50 WSP Endosulfan F H F F Endura Pyridine carboxamide Folicur Tebuconazole H F H F Force 3G Tefluthrin F H F F Force II Deadline Metaldehyde H H Fulfill Pymetrozine H H Furadan 4F Carbofuran H F H F F Fury (1.5 EC) Zeta-cypermethrin H F H F Gaucho Imidacloprid Gavel 75 DF Mancozeb + Zoxamide H F H F Gem Trifloxystrobin F F Germate Plus Carboxin Guthion 2L Azinphos-methyl F H F Headline EC Pyraclostrobin F F Imidan 2.5 EC, 70- Phosmet H F H F WSB Kaligreen Carbonic acid monopotassium Knox Out Diazinon H F H F F Kocide DF Copper hydroxide F F Kumulus Sulfur Lannate LV, SP Methomyl F F Laredo EC Myclobutanil Leverage Imidacloprid Lindane Lindane H F H F F Lorsban 4E Chlorpyrifos H F H F Malathion EC Malathion H F H F Mankocide Mancozeb + Copper H F H F hydroxide Maneb 75DF, 4F, Maneb H F H F 80WP Manzate 200 DF Mancozeb H F H F Maxim MZ Fludioxonil + Mancozeb H F H F Maxim 4FS, Seed Fludioxonil F F Treatment Mertect Thiabendazole F F Metam Metam-sodium H F H F Metasystox-R 50 Oxydemeton-methyl H F H F Methyl Parathion 4E Methyl parathion H F H F Microthiol Disperss Sulfur </p><p>Version – February 2006 Page 2 Mocap Ethoprop H F H F F Monitor Methamidophos H H Mustang Zeta-cypermethrin H F H F Nufos 4E Chlorpyrifos H F H F Nu-zone 10 ME Imazalil H H Omega 500 Fluazinam H F H F Parathion Methyl parathion H F H F Penncap-M Methyl parathion H F H F Penncozeb Mancozeb H F H F Permethrin Permethrin F H F Phaser 3EC Endosulfan F H F F Phorate 20G Phorate H F H F F Pirimor Pirimicarb Platinum Thiamethoxam H H Platinum Ridomil Thiamethoxam + H H Gold Metalaxyl Polyram 80 DF Metiram H H F Pounce Permethrin F H F Previcur Propamocarb hydrochloride Propimax Propiconazole H H Protege Azoxystrobin Pyrellin EC Pyrethrins + Rotenone H F H F Quadris Azoxystrobin Quilt Azoxystrobin + H H Propiconazole Rally 40W Myclobutanil Raxil Tebuconazole H F H F Renounce Imidacloprid Renounce 20WP Cyfluthrin F F Ridomil, Gold EC Metalaxyl Rovral 4F, 75 WG Iprodione H H Sevin Carbaryl F F Slug and Snail Bait Metaldehyde H H (any) Spintor 2SC Spinosyn A Stratego Propiconazole + H F H F Trifloxystrobin Success Spinosyn A Sulfur 6L (all sulfur Sulfur dusts) Sulfur Flowable Sulfur Super Tin 80WP, 4L Fentin hydroxide H F H F F Supracide 2E, 25W Methidathion H F H F F</p><p>Version – February 2006 Page 3 Tattoo C Chlorothalonil + H F H F Propamocarb hydrochloride TBZ Thiabendazole F F</p><p>Telone C-15,C-17, 1,3 – dicloropropene + H F H F F C-35 Chloropicrin Telone II 1,3-dichloropropene H H Temik 15G Aldicarb H F H F Thimet 10,15,20G Phorate H F H F F Thiodan 3EC Endosulfan F H F F Thiolux Sulfur Thiram 50 Thiram F F W(35,65,75) Tilt 45 W Propiconazole H H Tops MZ Mancozeb + Thiaphanate- H F F methyl Topsin M WSB Thiophanate-methyl H F H F Tracer Spinosyn A Vapam Metam-sodium H F H F Vitavax Carboxin Vydate L, C-LV Oxamyl Warrior 1EC Zeon Lambda-cyhalothrin H F H F Whirlwind Chlorpyrifos H F H F Yuma Chlorpyrifos H F H F ZP Oats Zinc phosphide H F H F * Hazard exists ONLY where a high water table exists.</p><p>HERBICIDES Product Name Active Ingredient WinPST Results Check (Intermediate rating or greater) if Used H = Human Hazard F = Fish Hazard Leaching Runoff Erosion Risk Risk Risk 2,4 D 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate 2,4 D amine 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate (amine) 2,4 DB 2,4 DB 2,4, D e.h.ester 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate (e.h. ester)</p><p>Version – February 2006 Page 4 40A 2,4D amine 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate (amine) Aatrex 4L, Nine-O Atrazine H F H F Accent Nicolsulfuron Accent Gold Nicolsulfuron + Clopyralid + Rimsulfuron + Flumetsulam Achieve 40,80 DG Tralkoxydim H H Affinity (tank mix) Thifensulfuron + H H Tribenuron Aim, Aim 2EC, EW, Carfentrazone-ethyl F F 40WP, 50DF Ally Metsulfuron Ally Extra Tribenuron + Metsulfuron H H + Thifensulfuron Amber Triasulfuron Amine 4 2,4 D 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate (amine) Arrow 2EC Clethodim Arsenal Imazapyr Assert, SG Imazamethabenz Assure II Quizalofop P-ethyl H H Asulox Sodium asulam Atrazine (All) Atrazine H F H F Axiom DF Thiafluamide + H H Metribuzin Balan DF Benfluralin F F Banvel Dicamba Barrage 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate ( e.h. ester) Basagran AG, DF Bentazon Basis Rimsulfuron + Thifensulfuron Basis Gold Rimsulfuron + H F H F Nicosulfuron + Atrazine Beacon Primisulfuron methyl H H Betamix 70WP, 1.3 Phenmedipham + EC Desmedipham Betasan 4 EC, 3.6G, Bensulide H F H F 12.5G Beyond Imazamox Bison Bromoxynil F F Brash Dicamba + 2,4 D amine Broadstrike Flumetsulam Bronate 4,5 EC Bromoxynil + MCPA H F H F Buckle Trifluralin + Triallate H F H F</p><p>Version – February 2006 Page 5 Buctril Bromoxynil F F Bueno 6 MSMA Butoxone 2,4 DB Butyrac 175 2,4 DB Callisto Mesotrione H H Casaron 4G Dichlobenil H H Chiptox S Salt MCPA H H Cimarron Metsulfuron Cimarron Max Metsulfuron + Dicamba + 2,4 D Clarity Dicamba CleanCrop MCPA MCPA dimethyl amine H H Clean-Up Diquat dibromide Clopyr Ag 3 SC Clopyralid Cornerstone Glyphosate Crossbow SF Triethylamine triclopyr + 2,4 D Curtail Clopyralid + 2,4 D Curtail M Clopyralid + MCPA ester H H Dacthal W-75 Chlorthal dimethyl H H Des-i-cate II Endothall Dicamba SG Dicamba Direx 4L Diuron H F H F Discover Clodinafop H F H Distinct Diflufenzopyr + Dicamba Dual II, Dual Metolachlor F F Magnum E-99 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate (b.e ester) Eptam 7EC EPTC Eradicane EPTC Escort Metsulfuron methyl Etho SC Ethofumesate F F Everest Flucarbazone Evital 5G Norflurazon H H Exceed Primisulfuron + H H Prosulfuron Express Tribenuron H H Far Go Triallate H F H F Finesse Metsulfuron + Chlorosulforon Five Star 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate (e.h. ester) Frontier 6.0 Dimethenamid H H Galigan 2E Oxyfluorfen H H F Garlon 3A Triethylamine triclopyr Glean Chlorsulfuron </p><p>Version – February 2006 Page 6 Goal 2 XL Oxyfluorfen H H F Gramoxone Extra, Paraquat dichloride H H Max, Super Honcho Glyphosate Harmony Extra Thifensulfuron + H H Tribenuron Harmony GT Thifensulfuron Harness 20G Acetochlor H H Hoelon Diclofop H H F Karmex Diuron H F H F Kerb 50W Propyzamide H H Landmaster BW Glyphosate + isopropylamine 2,4 D Lasso Alachlor H F H F Lexone Metribuzin Linex Linuron H F H F LV6 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate (e.h. ester) Maverick Sulfosulfuron Matrix Rimsulfuron MCPA Acid MCPA H H MCPA dimethyl MCPA dimethyl amine H H amine MCPA ester MCPA ester H H Moxy 2E Bromoxynil F F Nortron SC,EC,GS Ethofumesate F F Oryzalin Orzyalin Option Formasulfuron Outlook 6.0 Dimethenamid H H Paramount BW Quinclorac Partner WDG Alachlor H F H F Pasturemaster Dicamba + 2,4 D Peak Prosulfuron Permit Halosulfuron Plateau DG Imazapic Poast, Poast Plus Sethoxydm Pramitol 25E Prometon Princep CAL90 Simazine H H Progress 1.8 EC, B Betamix + Ethofumesate F F Pronone Hexazinone Prowl 3.3 EC, DG Pendimethalin F F Puma 1 EC Fenoxaprop H F Pursuit WDG Imazethapyr Pyramin DF, FL, Pyrazon Super Ramrod 20 Propachlor H F H F Raptor DG Imazamox </p><p>Version – February 2006 Page 7 Rave Triasulfuron + Dicamba Redeem R&P Triethylamine triclopyr + Clopryalid Reglone Diquat dibromide Rely Glufosinate-ammonium Remedy Butoxyethyl triclopyr F F Remove Glufosinate-ammonium Resource Flumiclorac Reward Diquat dibromide Rezult Bentazon + Sethoxydm Rhomene MCPA dimethyl amine H H Rhonox MCPA ester H H Ro-neet 6E Cycloate H H Rnd RT Master II Glyphosate Roundup (all forms) Glyphosate Sahara DG Imazapyr + Diuron H F H F Select 2EC Clethodim Sencor DF, 4F, 4 Metribuzin Simazine 90DF, 4L Simazine H H Sinbar Terbacil Solve MCPA ester H H Sonalan 3EC, 10G Ethalfluralin H F H F Spartan 4F Sulfentrazone Spike 80W Tebuthiuron Spirit Primisulfuron + H H Prosulfuron Starane 1.5 EC Fluroxpyr Sterling Dicamba Stinger 3SC Clopyralid Surefire Paraquat + Diuron H F H F Surpass EC Acetochlor H H Sutan Plus 6.7 E Butylate F F Thistrol MCPB Tiller EC Fenoxaprop + 2,4 D + H F H F MCPA Tordon Picloram Touchdown 5 Glyphosate trimesium F Tough 5 EC Pyridate F F Transline Clopyralid Treflan HFP Trifluralin H F H F Trifluralin 4EC Trifluralin H F H F Trilin 5G Trifluralin H F H F Trust EC Trifluralin H F H F Turbo 8 EC Metolachlor + Metribuzin F F Vanquish Dicamba Velpar Hexazinone Veteran 10G Dicamba</p><p>Version – February 2006 Page 8 Weedar 64 2,4 -dichlorophenoxy acetate (amine) Weed Blast Diuron + Bromacil H F H F Weedmaster Dicamba + 2,4 D Wildcard MCPA ester H H Wildcard Extra MCPA ester + H F H F Bromoxynil Zorial Rapid 80 Norflurazon H H * Hazard exists ONLY where a high water table exists.</p><p>Shaded chemicals have a very high hazard rating, and mitigating practices may not be effective in reducing this hazard. </p><p>Pesticides with just the chemical name shaded have been identified by EPA as pesticides of national concern with high leaching potential. Other pesticides found in Idaho groundwater are included as well. Even if there is no hazard associated with these chemicals, mitigation is recommended to reduce leaching loss.</p><p>Version – February 2006 Page 9</p>

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