Purchasing Plan, P-8

Purchasing Plan, P-8

<p> PURCHASING PLAN, P-8</p><p>Developing the Plan</p><p>Annually, each school with any of the grades P-8, must complete a Purchasing Plan which identifies the purchases to be made with textbook/instructional material funds allocated for the current adoption cycle. Local boards shall approve all plans as to sufficiency of funding to support purchases, and a copy of each school’s plan must be filed at the local district office. Purchasing plans may be revised.</p><p>As a school’s purchasing plan is developed, the needs in the adoptive content area(s), as well as the replacement needs of other content areas, must be considered. The following questions should be addressed during the planning process:</p><p> Have replacement needs for all content areas been addressed?  Are additional materials needed to provide for potential increases in enrollment?  Are curricular/instructional design changes planned for the future that might necessitate additional purchases?  How durable are the selected items? Has this issue been addressed in purchasing?  Is the necessary hardware for electronic instructional materials available?</p><p>Completing the Plan</p><p>The following pages provide forms that may be used in the development of a school’s purchasing plan. Every school’s purchasing plan must be submitted to the district office for approval by the local school board and then kept on file. It is recommended that a school’s purchasing plan be a part of its Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.</p><p>A school’s plan must:</p><p> provide opportunities for cooperation among teachers during the selection process,  indicate the persons involved in the development of the plan,  identify the purchases on district purchase orders or by using Sample Forms 2 and/or 3,  stay within the funding allocation,  include Form 4, “Budget Summary” and,  include Form 5, “Statement of Accountability”.</p><p>Questions regarding the completion of the purchasing plans should be addressed to one of the following:</p><p> District Textbook Coordinator  Kentucky Department of Education Instructional Resources Consultant</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 1 Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date Nov. 19, 2014 FORM 1</p><p>COVER PAGE</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School (LCMS)</p><p>School Number 065 District Number _____345______</p><p>Grades 7-8 Enrollment approximately 200</p><p>Adoption Cycle 2014-2015 School Year</p><p>Content Area(s) Spanish, ELA, Science, Math, Music</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Names and titles of persons responsible for the development of the plan:</p><p>All staff, committees, and SBDM at LCMS were asked for input on this plan. </p><p>Some primary contributors to the plan were: </p><p>Michele Powell, 8 th grade ELA teacher; </p><p>Carl Schoensiegel, 7 th grade math teacher; </p><p>Resanda Robertson, 8 th grade science teacher; </p><p>Tara Haslett, P-8 music, band, choir teacher and anticipated Spanish teacher for next year.</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 2 Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 FORM 2</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR TEXTBOOKS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Glencoe OR cheapest source we can find THESE ARE REPLACEMENT TEXTS FROM PREVIOUS TEXTBOOK PLAN</p><p>Textbook *ISBN Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost</p><p>Glencoe Science: Level 9780078778100 89.13 10 891.30 Blue, Student Edition © Replacing current 2008 (8th gr. Text) texts that are lost, MHID: 0078778107 etc.</p><p>891.30 90.00 981.30</p><p>* International Standard Book Number (ISBN) – In books, the ISBN is found on the backside of the title page. It is extremely important to use this number when ordering; otherwise mistakes could occur with your order.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%. Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 FORM 2</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065 LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 3 DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR TEXTBOOKS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Houghton Mifflin Harcourt OR cheapest source we can find 9400 Southpark Center Loop Orlando, FL 32819 Mobile: 270-779-7853 Fax: 270-918-7002 hmhco.com Gerald Barr, Account Exec, West KY **THESE ARE REPLACEMENT TEXTS FROM PREVIOUS TEXTBOOK PLAN** Textbook *ISBN Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost</p><p>8th grade math text 978-0-55-400365-8 62.65 15 939.75 Replacing current texts that are lost, etc. 7th grade math text 978-0-55-401404-3 62.65 10 626.50 1207874 7 Holt Replacing current McDougal texts that are lost, Mathematics Kentucky etc. Student Edition & Worktext Course 2</p><p>1566.25 165.00 1731.25</p><p>* International Standard Book Number (ISBN) – In books, the ISBN is found on the backside of the title page. It is extremely important to use this number when ordering; otherwise mistakes could occur with your order.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 4 DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Amazon or cheapest vendor that we can find ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number Using Mentor Texts to Teach 0545138434 19 1 19.00 Writing With the Traits: Middle School: Grades 6-8 [Book] by Ruth Culham, James Blasingame, Raymond Coutu ·Scholastic · Paperback ·128 pages · </p><p>19.00 6.00 25.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 5 DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor cheapest vendor that we can find ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number The Spanish Teacher's 1490905456 13 1 13.00 Resource Book: Lesson Plans, Exercises, and Solutions for First Year Spanish Class by Stephen Jackson ·Createspace Independent Pub · Paperback ·290 pages · </p><p>13.00 5.00 18.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 6 Vendor Follett School Solutions OR CHEAPEST VENDOR THAT WE CAN FIND ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number OUTSIDERS (BG) 014038572X 15 10 150.00 Author: HINTON, S. E. Publisher: PENGUIN Copyright: 1997</p><p>150.00 15.00 165.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 7 Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Pearson Science Teaching Package OR CHEAPER VENDOR ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number Teachers Edition isbn10: 0785467661 109.97 1 109.97 isbn13: 9780785467663 Teachers Resources in isbn10: 0130242837 236.97 1 236.97 Print isbn13: 9780130242839 Teachers Edition isbn10: 0785467645 109.97 1 109.97 isbn13: 9780785467649 Teachers Resources in isbn10: 0130242829 236.97 1 236.97 Print isbn13: 9780130242822 Teachers Edition isbn10: 0785467653 109.97 1 109.97 isbn13: 9780785467656 Teachers Resources in isbn10: 0130242845 236.97 1 236.97 Print isbn13: 9780130242846</p><p>1040.82 105.00 1145.82 * Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065 LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 8 DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Academic Edge ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number Reading Plus NA 65 10 650.00 Subscription</p><p>650.00 0 650.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Moby Max ______</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 9 ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number Moby Max NA 125 School 125.00 Subscription* Wide *or another on-line, individualized math program like Front Row, etc.</p><p>125.00 0 125.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Wal-Mart or cheapest vendor that we can find ______</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 10 Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number Solar Scientific NA 20 10 200.00 Calculators</p><p>200.00 20.00 220.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor J.W. Pepper OR CHEAPER VENDOR ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 11 Sheet Music NA 600 1 600.00</p><p>600.00 60.00 660.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Power-Glide or cheaper vendor ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number Power-Glide: Spanish 109 1 109.00 MS Course – Year 1 Kit*</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 12 Power-Glide Spanish 50 1 50.00 MS Course – Year 1 Workbook* *or similar materials once district decides staffing for World Language Program Review requirements</p><p>159.00 16.00 175.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 13 Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 3</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>DETAILED PURCHASE PLAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS One completed form for each vendor or use a copy of the purchase order</p><p>Vendor Cheapest vendor ______</p><p>Item *ISBN or Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost Catalog Number PBIS Materials for Behavior Tiers/AC* Counseling Materials for small groups* *or similar materials once district decides staffing programs</p><p>450.00 50.00 500.00</p><p>* Note on ISBN – All items listed on the State Multiple List have an ISBN that should be used when placing orders. For supplementary items, a catalog number is appropriate.</p><p>** State bid prices do not include shipping costs. A good estimate of freight is 10%.</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 14 Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-19-2014 Form 4</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>BUDGET SUMMARY</p><p>Revenue: Current State Allocation $6,944.00</p><p>Carry-over funds $0.00 (becomes carry-over on July 1)</p><p>Total State Monies $6,944.00</p><p>Projected Cost for: Categories</p><p>Textbooks 2712.55</p><p>Instructional Materials 3683.82</p><p>Rebinding & Replacement 547.63</p><p>TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6944.00</p><p>Projected carry-over funds $0.00</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 15 Purchasing Plan Livingston County Schools Date 11-10-2014 Form 5</p><p>School Name Livingston County Middle School Number 345-065</p><p>STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTABILITY</p><p>We, the undersigned, certify that this Textbook/Instructional Material Purchasing Plan implements the Kentucky Core Academic Standards for the 2014-2015 adoption cycle.</p><p>School Council Members’ Signatures:</p><p>______Kim Calender Resanda Robertson</p><p>______Jennifer Cosby Lisa Huddleston</p><p>______Michaele Edmondson</p><p>______Michele Powell</p><p>______School Council Chair Date</p><p>The cost of this plan is within the appropriation for this school.</p><p>______School Board Chair Date</p><p>In the absence of a school council, Livingston County Board of Education certifies that this Textbook/Instructional Material Purchasing Plan implements the Kentucky Core Academic Standards for the 2014-2015 adoption cycle. The cost of this plan is within the appropriation for this school.</p><p>______School Board Chair Date</p><p>______School Board Secretary Date</p><p>LCMS 2014-2015 Textbook Purchasing Plan Page 16</p>

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