-'^:AD-IH TO THE COMMERCIAL Bv JACK BENRY Affi} TAG DI'.iEOTLYBY JACK BENNY IdAS RELEASED FflCM a>)C SOS ANGELES, BECAUSE OF TV PROGRAM BEING SEEN AT 10 P1S-LOS ANGELES TIME, RY ;KU1 016+2-1 0 1 PROGRAM $`1 REVISID SCRIPT 11~7 it /15 IJrOGC/CUSf' AbIERICAN''16SACC~O COMP~ LUCK? STRII~ TfIE JACK SRPIPIY PROGHAM SurIDas, SEPTEMW 13, 1953 CES 4 :00-4 :30 PM PDT (TRANSCRI3ED Sr PT . 9, 1953) KT R1'Y;tJ1 018410 2 THE .TA.CK BF~NNY PROGRAM AMIIdTCPN TOBACCO CO . "SEPTEMBER 13, 1953 (Transcribed September 9, 1953) OPENING COM[uIERCIAL : WILSON : The Jack Benny program . transcribed ar.d presented by Lucky Strike! (Pause) You know, friends . smoking enjoyment is all a matter of taste! And the fact of the matter is . ~ ' COLLINS ; Luckies taste better CHORUS : Cleaner, fresher, smoother COLISNS : Luckies taste better CHCRUS ; Cleaner, fresher, smoother For Lucky Strike means fine tobacco Richer tasting fine tobacco COLLINS ; Luckies taste better CHORUS : Cleaner, fresher, smoother Lucky Strike . Lucky StriKe WITSON : This is Don Wilson . You know, your enjoyment of a I cigarette depends on its taste . That's true, friends . Smoking enjoyment is all a matter of taste . And the fact of the matter,is -- Luckies taste better . cleaner, fresher, smoother . Now there are two mighty good reasons for that . The first one you already know . iS/MFT, :.ucky 1 Strike means fine tobacco . light, naturally mi':d, good-tasting tobacco . And second, Luckies are made to taste better -- made round and firm and fully packed to draw freely and smoke evenly . So, friends, if you want all the real, deep-down smoking enjoyment you can get from a cigarette -- be happy -- go Lucky! Because smoking enjoyment is all a matter of taste . And the fact of the - matter is -- Luckies taste better! . Next time, ask _°or a carton of Lucky Strike . TH 0 1 0184)0a PAvii 2 . -N- (GPENIDiG CoMMERCIP.L -- SE-PTE:MB=t 7.3, 1953) COLISf7S : Luckles taste better CHORUS : Cleaner, fresher, s moother COLLINS : Luckies taste tetter CHORUS : Cleaner, fresher, smoother Lucky Strike . Luckg Strike T R r X01 01841104- (F'_RST ROUTLhE) (AFTER COMMERCIAL, DT.ISIC UP AND DO'rIN) . DON : THE LUCKY STRDSE PROGRAM, STARRING JACK BENNY . .WITH MARY LSVINGSTONE, ROCHESTE3, DENNIS DAY, BOB CROSBY, AND "YOURS TRIILY" DON WILSON . (APPLAUSE . MUSIC UP P1VD DOWN) DON: LADIES AND GENTLEM,dN . .THIS IS JACK BENIVY'S FIRST RADIO BROADCAST OF THE t9;W SEASON . .AM IMiiEDLATEIy AFTF,.'R, HE WILLNo~ DO HIS OPENING TELEVISION SHOW OVER THE CBS NETGdOR{. .BUT SN 'H~ WFdW@T3IH LIKE TO TAKE YOU 3P.CK TC A FRIDAY MORNING SEVERAL WEIISS AGO AND LOQK Iid OP: J4C.K ??EPIIVY'S HOME IN BEVERLY I ffiISS . ROCH: (SINGS) SIID7MFd2 TIME, qIID THE LIVIN' IS EASY (APPIAJSE) RCC=: : (SINGS) FISH A .RE JUhff'IN', APID THE COTTON IS HIGH . (HF: HLM A LITTLE MORE . .THEN SF'.,AK9) . .THAT SONG SUREIS TRUE . .IT'S EASY LP]IN' IN THE SL M1'9!,.R . .I'VE B EEN SIEEPING LAPE EVERY MORNING . .GOING TO TfE BEACH IN TFIEPFTERNOON . .SP.3II`IDING TFIE W EEK-ENi S FISHING WITH P4Y FRIENDS . YAfiBr . .MM7 NIIvIM . .I SvISH. MR . BENNY WO'JLD COME BACK FROM HIS VACATION SO I CAN GO ON MINE . ~"a"T-- .~^;,i~,.~mr KT RT X U1 01B4T05 ~9T. : , 9,,,.,. , (SINGS) SUMNIE'R TIME, AND TF E L1VIN' IS EASY FISH ARE JUALpIN', APiD TEE COl°PON IS HI(3i -- (SOUND : DOOR BUZZER) ROCH; HIMM. .T.°S FRONT DOOR. , (SOUND : FOOTSTEPS) _ ROCH: (HUMS PART OF "SUNMQiTIME" DURING FOOTSTEPS) (SOUND : DOOR OPENS) ROCH: YES . .WfL9T IS IT, GENTLEMEN? RUBIN : We're from the North American Van and Moving Company . ROGH:MOVING COMPA .I'Y? RUBIN : YeA~, .isn't this Ronald Colma.n's house? i ROCH: NO .~.:ARE THE COLMt`.N'S MOVING AWAY? RUBIN ; Y4d1 .we're moving them today . ROCH: WELL ThEY LIVE -=T DOCR . .THG HOUSE ON THE RIGHT . RUBI!C : Thanks . Come on, Joe, let's po get the stuff . (SOUND : D OOR CLOSES . .F004.5TEPS--ABOUT EIGHT) 2CCH : GEE, I THOUGH T IT WAS THE MAIL '4p_N . .I fL'1VEN'^ HEARD A WORD FROM MR . HENNY IN OVER TWO WEE[{S . .AND THEN ALL ~HE SENT ME WAS A POST CA~,RD . .HE SAID HE WAS INVITED TO A BIG LUAU A1-NI1 HAD A WONDERFUL TI.'AE . .I DIDN'T F'NCW WHAT LUAU h EANT SO ~IT LOOKED IT UP . .IT'S A HAFIAIIAN WORD ML+'ANING, "STUFF YOURSELF, THE FOCD IS FRME" . 2-M HEE 3EE . .I REMrJ4B&R ONCE -- (SOUND : DOOR BUZZ E R) IT Ht" :i01 0184106 ROCH : OH-OH . .THE FRONT DOOR AGAIN . (SOU.IDu EIGHT ?00'I'STEPS . .JOOR OPENS) ROCH: YES SIR? HY: WE'RE FROM THE P.EeSNS VAN AND STORACf3 COMPANY . R0lcH: OH, YQU'irL' GOT T'n7! irR^t;G HOUSE . .Tflu OOLNL9P7S LIVE N:f'Ii:P DOOR . "rLY: 61a're not Sociking for Mr . Colman, we"re her.e to mcve Mr . s.n8 Mr3 . JEiTe'S SteWBrit . $R1cK ROGH : ON, THE STEiJbu`iTB . .THr3' LI-0-1 IN `t HC {}F~ffi'sPS HOUSE . .TF1. ONE CN THE LEFT. HY : Thank you . (SOUND : DOOR CLCSES . .FOOTSTF,PS) I ROCH: MfSBE I OUGHT TO DO A LITTiLL, WORK FOR A CHANGE : . .IT'S A GOOD 9e4 sia+i~c~-~+1.-d IDEA TOI SEPARIP IT AGAIN . .I'LL GO IN THE DEN AND SEE IF THAT NEED.S STRAIGHTENING UP . (SOUND : F&W FObTSTEPS . .D00R OPENS) RUBIN : (OFF STA.GE MIKE) (SNORES TWIOE) for ROCH : GEE, MR . HARRIS HAS BEEN M WONDER 0FF THE SH041 4 T4I0 SL9 NOW, I IF I OUGHT TO WAKL+' IiCNl UP ?1VD SEND HINI HOME . .NAH, THAT'S MR . BENNY'S BUSINPSS, ., (SOUND : DOOR BUZZER) KT Hrxat 01841 0; ROCH : DOGGONE, THIS IS THE BIISIEST DAY . (SOTJND: FOOTSTEPS . DOOR OPENS) ROCE: YES? RYAN: We're from Lyons Van and Storage Company, we're here to move Mr . and Mrs . William Powell . 11.a HOCH : 47ILISAM P®AE'Lt . .OH, H~ LI9E4 IN THAT WHITE HOUSE RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET . RY2N : Thanks . (SO-JND : DOOR CIASES) .' ROCH: GOSH, I CAN'T UNDERSTAPAJ WHY -- NbW ~ (SOUN(7 : PHONE RIlTiS . .HURRYING FOOTSTEPS) ROCH : J.no'E&.' ~i EHEN -°.'& A9 ?H6PL R693 (SOUND : COUPLE FOOTSTEPS . .SELL RINGS. .REC.GIVER i72 ROCH: MR . BENNY'S RESIDENCE . .NO, I'M SORRY, MR. BENNY'S NOT 1 D-ACK FROM HONOLULU YET . .'"^ ~ 3 a3ir'ri8i04f 4piEK -3 EIS --^aFTPAOS-'nSS ~ff., . &-a149L'O' . .WHAT'S THAT? . .HE NWDC+ AN APPOINTMENT FOR A HAIRCUT RC9 NP'.XT T[1ESDAY? . .LIELL, HE DOESN'T HAs7E TO BE N~'~RE FOR THAT, I'LL SEND IT OVER . GOODBYE . I (SOUND : RECEIVSR DOWN. .FEW FOOTSTEPS) I ROCH : . .`nlE:d,, I BETTER G'ET IN Tf E ffiTCHEN AND -- (SOUND : DOOR BUZZER) ROCH: . .AGAIN! : : . .FIRST THE DOOR, THEN THE PHONE . (SOUND : FOOTSTEPS . .SUSTAIN TffiOUGH SPEECH) Y' ;KU7 0184708 -5- ROCH: THEN THE DOOR AGAIN. .ONE THIAI"r Ab"PE.R ANOTHER . (SOUND: FOOTSTEPS STOP. .DOOR OPENS) JACK : Rochester, I'm home . ROCH : BOSS. .BOSS . .BOSS :7 : (APPLAUSE) - - ~ JACK: Rochester, you seemnsurprised that I'm back . ROCH: I AM. .I $AD NO I= T-~ YOU'D CCMG HOME TODAY . JACK: I thought someone would tell you - I wrote to a lot of people t'hat Idwscftd be home today . ROCH: WHO DID YOU WRITE TO? JACK: The Colmans, the Stewarts and the Powells . .I wonder if they got my letters . ROCH: OH, TF E Y GOT 'EM, TFEY GOT 'EM. JACK: Here, help me inside with vq bap,yt U%{~, `j01? (SCUND : SCUFFLING . .DOOR CLOSES) JACK: Rochester, did any of my cast get here yet? ROCA : NO, idE',RE YOU EXPECTIPR'r THEM? JACK: I called them when I got off the boat and told them to come here for an important meeting . Now, Rochester, I take my small suitcase up to my room . ROCH : WHAT ABOUT THE TWO LARGE ONES? JACK : C~ They're filled with dirty laundry . You better wash and iron it right eway : YES SIR . ROCH JACK: And when you're done, I'll give you the names of the people in Hawaii you're to send it back to . .And do a \. good job, wil~ ~oyz ~ ROCH: BOSS, HAVE WE GOT CUSTOMERS IN HAWAII NOW? F3T}i07 018410 -6- JACK: Yes . th4Ny-~. itCG£E 4T{'s-SPR&An.,IT-r rnr-~ynrn°c_'.,[4.3AN-GOSA--COLAr JACK: -Plassep-mindT. .and you better wash the skirts by hand, that gross can stop up the Bendi.x. .Now Rochester, put some chairs #~-- '-k~- -{$ Q 3A4H99 -'iWlib'E}- 3AL'IF:-F:e.'~:4~.a~~..-kell~- . v*a - _ P JAeK; ~- a h Q„g, ++ra Da~_ I ~AGt~:-r~w=.~} goex-Pellf-,-TURr-ARaGa~F~'a s~~nen 1 I d.A,0K,- Rse i ql~qw _yp_ l „ +r,e 9 +„ Swnrr~y nnmrm vmrnr n~n~y ~ra mm'rna'- mn rlrml`ii ~ nii1F mn i Gna~,~mon r_ I , 4e (80iIIVD : DOOR BUZZER) l~eres doa- JACK : ~ I'11 get '_t . (SO[PA] : FOCTSTEPS . .SUSTAIN IN BACKGROUPA7) JACK : Gee, it'll be good gettin.g back on the air . .2 alwsys get such a thrill out of the first check -- I~n program~ (SOUND : DOORBUZZER) JACK : CONLTNG, CCmm . (T = MORE FOOTS'i'EPS . .DOOR OPENS) H rx 0 •t 0 1 s 4110 -7- DENNIS : 6`11 Hello, Ns . Benny. JACK: WELL DENtPIS .> .COME ON IN . (APPLAUSE) ' .(SOUND: DOOR CLOSES) i JACK: QI, Dennis, it's wonderful seeing you again . You know you~re i the first member of my cast Ilve seen since we went off the air in June .
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