Centurion Your It’s Christmas in July! Christmas #VZPOFUreaUNFOUPGcavitaUJPO TFTTJPOT BOEHFUTFTTJPOT gift worth cavitaUJPOBOEGrFFMZNQIESBJOBHFTFTTJPO'3&& R750 Non-surgical LIPO. No Pain. No Exercise. No Diet. Non-Surgical Pain Free LIPO Only t LVODIUJNF-*10 NJOTFTTJPOT t LPTFDNTFTTJPO NMGaUTFTTJPO R250 t FD"BQQrPvFETBGe /session .POeZCBDLHVBSBOtee! $&/563*0/ CFOUVSJPOGatFTCentre LevFM BCPvF1MBOFUFJUOFTT Cnr"LLFSCPPNStreetand+PIOVPSTterDrive,CFOUVSJPO W t www 9065 FCTJ F MFHFOETTUVEJPTDPN REKORD15 JUJULIELIE 20162016 • www.rekordcenturion.co.za • 087-750-6887087-750-6887 • 0012-842-030012-842-0300 Offi cers shot in city ATM bombing 2 Ice-breaker race took centre stage this weekend Hyena boy From left: Tebogo Leballo, Phiwe and Odwa Mhlwana joined hundreds of runners who braced the cold for the annual ice-breaker race in Garsfon- tein on Saturday morning. The race started and fi nished at Laerskool Garsfontein where runners of all ages warmed up for an early-morning run. on road to Event organiser Dalene Flynn said all the money from the race would be used for charity outreaches. Photo: Eliot Mahlase recovery 5 Gautrain users warned of strike The decision has landed the company with a salary backlog in excess of R20 million. The employees will have no choice but to go on strike in protest if Bombela continues to attempt to evade that debt. Stephané Bothma Bombela from using the issue as a tactic to workers struggling to cope with the current in not reaching an agreement on the way ‘‘ delay the reaching of an agreement. fi nancial crisis after the recent worst drought forward. Thousands of Gautrain commuters could be “Untu was the majority union at Bom- in more than 100 years. “We are aware of the fact that our left in the lurch because of a strike. bela which represented more than 51% of The gap has narrowed to a 9% vs 7% di- members are frustrated and angry about the They will have to wait another week to employ ees when negotiations started on vide when negotiations deadlocked, causing continued dispute over their remuneration,” learn if the vital commuter service would be 1 April 2016,” Haasbroek said. Untu to declare a dispute. he said. disrupted or not. Untu general secretary Steve Harris last Because of the claims by Bombela on Bombela earlier said it was doing every- The United National Transport Union week said the union did not want to be the Monday, the CCMA did not issue a certifi - thing in its power to prevent strike action. (Untu) last week warned that thousands of cause of mayhem for passengers. cate to Untu which would allow it to ap- It apologised for any inconvenience to passengers should brace themselves for the He apologised for any inconvenience they proach its members with a mandate to strike. customers should the union go ahead with a labour action. might suffer in the event of labour action. Haasbroek expressed his disappointment strike. The union had failed to reach an agree- “We have no option but to advise our ment about payment and salary negotiations members to take strike action if Bombela with Gautrain operator Bombela. continues to be evasive with the truth.” Gautrain employees demand a 9% pay Untu declared disputes on behalf of its rise while Bombela was offering 7%. members about Bombela’s reversal of a Commuters received a week-long re- policy on the payment of operational staff prieve on Monday thanks to a Commission and a deadlock in the 2016/2017 salary for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration negotiations. (CCMA) ruling. According to Bombela’s policy rules, It gave Bombela seven days to hand in employees were paid overtime rates when a formal application to back its claim that they worked six days in a week instead of Untu was no longer the majority union at fi ve. The company arbitrarily stopped paying Bombela. overtime rates in 2013. An attempt to break the deadlock by “Since then the company has done its ut- taking the matter to the CCMA failed on most to frustrate Untu attempts to challenge Monday when Bombela questioned Untu’s its actions. standing in the company. Bombela is deliberately dragging its The union pointed out that its fi gures feet,” said Harris. on union membership as well as those of “The decision has landed the company Bombela had been audited. with a salary backlog in excess of R20 mil- Bombela’s claim therefore carried no lion. weight, the union argued. “The employees will have no choice but The CCMA gave Bombela seven days to to go on strike in protest if Bombela conti- obtain fi gures and data about union member- nues to attempt to evade that debt.” ship to which Untu would have to respond. Harris accused Bombela of seeking to Untu deputy general secretary Neels short-change employees by offering a 3% Haasbroek said the union was quite prepared increase in the 2016/2017 pay talks. to have its membership audited again to stop Untu demanded a 15% pay rise in view of 7124u0 2 CENTURION REKORD VRYDAG 15 JULIE 2016 www.rekordcenturion.co.za Officer shot in ATM bombing Unisa moves Gopolang Chawane cers responded to two loud explosions at Jooste said the suspects opened fi re on Afrikaans Cornwall shopping centre in Elardus Park when Bull security vehicles attempted to cut them off. A security offi cer was wounded in a around 02:40. Stephané Bothma shootout with ATM bombers on Tuesday The explosions were from the bomb- “One of our offi cers was shot in the morning. ing of an ATM. “Three of our vehicles arm and transported by Netcare 911 me- dics to the Pretoria East hospital.” The right of up to 30 000 Afrikaans Bull Security spokesperson French responded and found suspected ATM bom- speaking students at the University of Jooste said the company’s security offi - bers driving out of the complex.” Jooste said the three vehicles were riddled with bullets in the shootout. South Africa (Unisa) to study in their “The armed bombers fl ed with an mother tongue, could soon be tested in undisclosed amount of cash.” a court of law. He said the police would investigate In the past months, Unisa was one and confi rm the amount stolen. of three universities, including the Uni- Earlier in July, Centurion was rocked versity of Pretoria and the University by another ATM boming. of Stellenbosch, to scrap Afrikaans as a Orange Fox Security spokesperson language of instruction. Marcé Bester said this bombing took The legal battle looms after the civil place at 03:00. rights watchdog AfriForum changed “The suspects unfortunately got the decision by Unisa earlier this year away,” he said. According to Bester, the that English would from 2017 be the police, Copwatch and the Wierdabrug only language of instruction. Sector 3 CPF were on the scene. The university council and senior It is unknown how many men escaped management were given time to issue and whether money was stolen. an unequivocal undertaking to Unisa’s In another crime, four men escaped Forum for Afrikaans and to AfriForum after an ATM was bombed in the east of that the implementation of its decision Pretoria during June. that English would in future be the Police spokesperson captain Tsekiso only language of tuition, be provision- Mofokeng said this happened at the Ha- ally suspended. zeldean Square complex around 01:00. At the time of going to print, it could not be established whether such an undertaking had been given. Unisa in April this year decided that English would in future be the only language of tuition at the distance training university. Between 20 000 and 30 000 of Uni- sa’s enrolled students were Afrikaans mother-tongue speaking, according to AfriForum’s deputy CEO responsible for language rights, Alana Bailey. “The decision to scrap Afrikaans was taken despite urgent written objec- tions by Unisa’s Forum for Afrikaans,” Bailey said, adding that her organisa- tion now supported the forum in the ONS BETAAL legal process against Unisa to halt the SALE FROM unconstitutional decision and to protect 13/07/2016 to 17/07/2016 the rights of Afrikaans students. WHILE STOCKS LAST TOP KONTANTPRYSE “The objections to this decision VIR MOTORS sh Qual h Qual were blatantly ignored.” Fre Ÿ y Fres Ÿ y She said Unisa’s decision was Motors, ligte vragmotors & bakkies DHANIA JAM TOMATOES unconstitutional and unjust since Gestampte voertuie & wrakke welkom 98 98 RLike our there had been no attempts to consult PER Facebook PER KG Afrikaans speaking students about the BUNCH page language policy change, although they 2 4 for breaking would be directly affected. news! www.bnagiahs.co.za 4)01 8"5&3'"--$&/53& -&3069"7&r5&- NH006048 CASHFLOW PROBLEMS Gestig in BChD/(Pret) 2000 House on the market? PProfessionaliteitrofessionaliteit & integriteitintegriteit ggewaarborgewaarborg Struggling to sell? Dentist / Tandarts OONSNS KKOMOM NNAA JOUJOU TTOE!OE! Do you need cash up front? Tel: 012 664 6359 WE CAN HELP! 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