ABOUT FACE! THE US. SERVICEMEN'S FUND NEWSLETTER ISSUE NUMBER ONE MAY 1971 THE U.S.S.F. SHOW: 'ABOUT FACE'... We are pleased to introduce the first issue of ABOUT FACE; The USSF Newsletter, which will become a regular publication for USSF sup­ porters. In this way we hope to keep you informed of major new developments in USSF programs and policies (see this page) as well as activities of the GI newspapers and projects which USSF supports In the past two years since USSF began to function, the number of "coffeehouse" projects providing services for military personnel which recieve USSF support has grown from three to thirteen. At these places servicemen and women can congregate in an atmosphere free from military coercion or commercial exploitation. The pro­ grams supported by USSF at these places include films, libraries, 'a positive alternative' mere entertainment event that threw discussion of current social issues the military hierarchy into a frantic and entertainers (including the USSF attempt to keep it's new "liberal" ON MARCH 13th AND 14th AT THE Show, this page). Since USSF was public relations image untarnished, founded the number of GI newspapers Haymarket Square Coffeehouse, in and at the same time make sure Fayetteville, North Carolina, the written and published by and for that the performance of a satirical members of the military has grown USSF Show was presented to over review didn't get anywhere near GIs. 1, 500 servicemen and women. The from less than ten to well over a A liberal Army will suppress and hundred. USSF has given financial show, with Jane Fonda, Dick Gregory, repress liberally. Barbara Dane, Don Sutherland, Gary support to about half of these papers . Goodrow, Peter Boyle, and the For two months USSF fought to get rock group, Swamp Dogg, was the permission to have the show per­ Perhaps the best testimony to the first in a series of shows that have formed on the Ft. Bragg instillation, effectiveness of these projects and become a permanent part of the to insure all those who wanted to see newspapers in .serving the real needs USSF program of service to young the show the opportunity to do so. of GIs is the vehement effort by the men and women in the military... We filed suits, congressmen and military and its local police allies women interveened, and most imp­ to close them. Over a year ago, the ortant, in a two week period, over UFO, the first GI coffeehouse, was Mrs. Nixon: Oh Dick, Dick, there 1, 700 GIs stationed at Ft. Bragg closed by the state of South Carolina are thousands of signed a petition demanding the and its staff sentenced to six years people marching on show be brought on base. However, in prison for "operating a public the White House! the Army had already decided that nuisance". This case is still being They want you to pull the show was "detrimental to the appealed. At the same time the all of the troops out morale of the troops", and it became military's attempt to place the Shel­ of Vietnam right now. very clear, very soon that there ter Har coiieehouse in Tacoma, Oh Dick, what are we was no chance of ever performing Wash, "ofi. limits" was successfully going to do ? ? ? the show on Ft. Bragg. rebuffed by the concerted efforts of GIs at Fort Lewis, and many of THE PRES. Dont worry your silly Although we were dissapointed that you who wrote letters to your Con­ little head Pat, all we were not allowed on base, several gressmen prodding them into and we have to do is call GIs took a different p -bide. One the Pentagon out of action. the 82nd Airborne Marine, stationed ât v_.c • TH Lejune, and they'll stop those near Ft. Bragg, was asked if he Bums. thought the show was fit for a mili- Physical harassment followed by fi­ tary base, and he said "Wow! is nancial harassment has also forced the closing of several projects. Most Mrs. Nixon: But Dick, IdonHthink anything 'fit' for a military base?" you understand, it is Take that John Wayne. recently, the project in Clarksville the 82nd Airborne was fire-bombed and then threatened that's marching! ! ! After being turned down by the base, with eviction because they couldn't we tried to get the municipal audi­ keep their insurance. Here, as else­ torium in Fayetteville. Here we where, the ability of a project to survive and continue to serve local The USSF Show put much needed light found a military-civilian alliance blocking us. GIs depends on the availability of on the "liberalization" policies of funds fron USSF and hence from you. the New Action Army. It was a (Continued on Page 4) ARTICLES AND STORIES FROM SPEAKING OUT t THE GI PROJECTS AND PAPERS GX SPRINGOFFENSIVE Last spring, with the great wave of soldiers, airmen, and sailors will WHOSE protests over the invasion of Cam­ be marching at their local bases on bodia, GIs at over 30 bases demon­ "Armed Forces Day" , protesting strated in massive numbers on May the widening and continuation of the 16th, closing23 of those bases. This war in Indochina and the use of GIs TMew Action year there will again be such demon­ as strikebreakers and riot police strations. Over a hundred thousand here at home. Army'? At first, I was not sure whether this New Modern Army was really for the good of tha GIs*-- now I know. Yes, Ithoughtthere were no changes that would really affect things. But much to my surprise, my platoon leader decided to have a ' bitch session" in which his men could freely voice their opinion. At first, I was leary, but then I saw the light. Yes, something was fin­ ally being done — our platoon 'across the country' leader was going to take action on all of our problems« One problem The May 15th actions will reach to Camp^PendletonandSanDiego Nav­ brought up was about parking around every major military base across al Station. Ca. ; last May^ a frigh­ the shop, anal sure enough, he took the country. Here is a partial list tened military restricte'd every action. Now, despite ample room, of those places : GI at Pendleton to the" base, for only E-5's (upper grade enlisted fear they all would demonstrate. men) and above can park less than At Fort Lewis, Wash, (and nearby This year the USSF Show will be 200 feet from the shop. That sounds McChord Air Base and Bremerton there as part of their activities. fair, doesn't it? Naval Yards) and at Newport Naval Base in Rhode Island, GIs will Fort Knox. Ky; basic training cen­ participate in community coordin­ Another problem he solved was a ated actions on May 1st, announced ters like Knox are usually the most brutal of assignments, however complaint about numerous "GI as a national day of support for the parties" that we had had ( a GI People's Peace Treaty: At these GIs are marching in the face of it. bases and others, GI groups organ­ party is a half-nite clean-up ses­ ized support for the Treaty and have Fort Bliss. Texas; local right- sion, no sleep allowed )in the past been using it in building for their wingers in El Paso recently cal­ few weeks. To make us realize actions. Also at the Washington led a pro-war rally near the base how lucky we were, he was willing bases, a general sick call hes been expecting "10, 000 to 15, 000" par­ to supervise yet another all-nite planned on base in protest of the ticipants. Instead, 700 people came, GI party "like the ones in basic" war and base medical and living over 400 of which were "GIs for How generous ! conditions. Peace" from Fort Bliss. rl DON'T -THINE y-m*T utou-D Heu? Other bases participating include Yes, our leader was willing to Great Lakes Naval Base, D.I.; Ft. help usinmany ways; from now on Dix. N. J. ; Ft. Campbell. Ky; when a friend wants to talk to us Carson, Colo. Selfridge Air he is not welcome in our shop and Force Base. Ohio; Ft. Ord, Ca.; we have to go outside, unless, of Wright-Patters on AFB, Mich. ; Ft. course, he is an E-5 or above, Jackson. S.C. ; and Portsmouth then he is worthy to enter. Naval Base in New Hampshire. And then, for our benefit, to be used on overnight problems in the feild, we got to fix up an old van. ««U It might take many hours of work but it wouldfinally be completed- at last a break for us EMs. But luckily our leaders realized thatt such a nice thing could be ruined by careless E-4's and below, so again for our own good it is to be used only by E-5's and above. At the following bases there will be Yes, I have seen the light, I know demonstrations on the 15th: what this Army is all about. It is about E-5's and above, and I think Fort Hood. Texas; last year at Ft. that is a very good idea. I believe Hood, a Vietnam returnee center, that E-5's and above who agree over 1,500 GIs braved the threats with this way of things and the of local, pro-war groups to demon­ Army deserve each other. strate. This year local sentiment KÉÊP VouP [AAIR-. is much more in their favor.
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