<p>1. People</p><p>George Washington</p><p> Neutrality</p><p> Created Cabinet</p><p> 2 term president</p><p>Thomas Jefferson</p><p> Strict constructionist</p><p> Supporters South</p><p> Democratic-Republican Party</p><p> Louisiana Purchase</p><p>John Adams</p><p> Federalist Party</p><p> Loose constructionist</p><p> Supporters North</p><p> National Bank</p><p>James Madison</p><p> Strict constructionist</p><p>Alexander Hamilton</p><p> Loose constructionist </p><p>John Marshall</p><p>Marbury v. Madison</p><p>Midnight Judges</p><p>Judicial Review</p><p>Lewis and Clark</p><p> Explore Louisiana territory</p><p>Andrew Jackson</p><p> Battle of New Orleans</p><p> Democratic Party</p><p> Spoils system</p><p> Killed National Bank</p><p>James Monroe</p><p> Era of Good Feelings</p><p>Henry Clay</p><p> American System</p><p> National Bank</p><p>Eli Whitney</p><p> Cotton Gin</p><p> Interchangeable Parts</p><p>Samuel Morse</p><p> Morse Code</p><p> Telegraph</p><p>2. Frederick Douglas</p><p> Black Abolitionist</p><p> North Star newspaper </p><p>Harriet Tubman</p><p> Underground Railroad</p><p>James K. Polk</p><p> Dark Horse</p><p> Manifest Destiny</p><p>John Brown</p><p> Harper’s Ferry</p><p>Jefferson Davis </p><p> President of CSA (South)</p><p>Ulysses S. Grant</p><p> Northern General</p><p> Presidential scandals </p><p>William Sherman</p><p> March to the Sea</p><p>Robert E. Lee</p><p> Southern Military leader </p><p>Stonewall Jackson</p><p> Southern General</p><p>George Custer</p><p> Battle of Little Big Horn (lost)</p><p>Sitting Bull</p><p> Lakota Sioux in resistance</p><p>William J. Bryan</p><p> Cross of Gold Speech</p><p>Alexander G. Bell</p><p> Telephone</p><p>Thomas Edison</p><p> Inventor light bulb, phonograph </p><p>Andrew Carnegie</p><p> Steel</p><p> Horizontal Integration</p><p>John D. Rockefeller</p><p> Oil</p><p> Vertical Integration</p><p>Cornelius Vanderbilt</p><p> Railroad</p><p>Terrence Powderly</p><p> Knights of Labor</p><p>3. Eugene V. Debbs</p><p> American Railway Union</p><p>Socialist </p><p>Samuel Gompers</p><p> American Federation of Labor</p><p>William “Boss” Tweed</p><p> Political Machine</p><p> Tammany Hall</p><p>Thomas Nast</p><p> Snitched on Tweed(political cartoons)</p><p>Benjamin Harrison</p><p> Big Business (High Tariffs)</p><p>Booker T. Washington</p><p> Blacks learn trade skills</p><p> Tuskegee Institute</p><p>W.E.B. Dubois</p><p> Founder of NAACP</p><p>Theodore Roosevelt</p><p> Trustbuster</p><p> Square Deal</p><p> Big Stick Policy</p><p>William Taft</p><p> Broke up more trust than TR</p><p> Dollar Diplomacy</p><p>Woodrow Wilson</p><p> NEW FREEDOM</p><p> Treaty of Versailles</p><p> 14 points </p><p>Kaiser Wilhelm II</p><p> German King</p><p>Gavrilo Princip</p><p> Shot Franz Ferdinand</p><p>Franz Ferdinand</p><p> Assassination started WWI</p><p>Czar Nicholas II</p><p> Russia King</p><p>Vladimir Lenin</p><p> Communist dictator during WWI</p><p>Herbert Hoover</p><p> Food and Drug Administration</p><p> Blamed for Great Depression</p><p>4. Warren G. Harding</p><p> Return to Normalcy</p><p> Teapot Dome Scandal</p><p>Marcus Garvey</p><p> Ship blacks to Africa</p><p>Franklin D. Roosevelt</p><p> New Deal</p><p> President during WWII</p><p>Benito Mussolini</p><p> Italian Fascist Dictator</p><p>Josef Stalin</p><p> Russian Communist leader</p><p>Adolf Hitler</p><p> German Fascist Dictator</p><p>Hirohito</p><p> Japanese Monarch WWII</p><p>Juan Franco</p><p> Spanish Dictator</p><p>Winston Churchill</p><p> English Prime Minister</p><p>Robert Oppenhimer</p><p> Atomic Bomb</p><p>Naketa Krushev</p><p> Soviet Leader (Russia)</p><p>Fidel Castro</p><p> Cuban Communist Leader</p><p>Joseph McCarthy</p><p> Accused stars of Communism</p><p> Witch Hunts</p><p>John F. Kennedy</p><p> New Frontier</p><p> Lost at Bay of Pigs</p><p> Cuban Missile Crisis</p><p> Shot by Lee Harvey Oswald</p><p>Richard Nixon</p><p> New Federalism</p><p> Watergate</p><p>Lyndon B. Johnson</p><p> Great Society</p><p> Thurgood Marshall</p><p> Civil Rights Lawyer</p><p>5. Rosa Parks</p><p> Montgomery Bus Boycott</p><p>Dr. Martin Luther King</p><p>Southern Christian Leadership Conference</p><p> Non-violent protests.</p><p>Malcolm X</p><p> Nation of Islam</p><p> Violence</p><p>Stokely Carmichael </p><p> Black Power</p><p>Caesar Chavez</p><p> Hispanic Migrant Workers</p><p>Ho Chi Minh</p><p> Communist Leader in N.Vietnam</p><p>Jimmy Carter</p><p> Camp David Accords</p><p> Iran Hostage Crisis</p><p>Ayatollah Khomeini</p><p> Iran Hostage Crisis</p><p>Ronald Reagan</p><p> Reaganomics</p><p> “trickle down”</p><p> Iran-Contra Scandal </p><p>Mikhail Gorbachev</p><p> Soviet Leader</p><p>Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.</p><p>George H.W. Bush</p><p> “Read my lips no new taxes”</p><p> Operation Desert Storm</p><p> Father</p><p>Saddam Hussein</p><p> Iraq’s dictator</p><p> Bill Clinton</p><p> Whitewater Affair</p><p> Monica Lewinsky</p><p>Yasir Arafat</p><p>Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)</p><p>George W. Bush</p><p> 911</p><p>6. Osama Bin Laden</p><p> Leader of Al-Qaeda</p><p>Al-Qaeda </p><p> Terrorist Group</p><p><strong>Important Events</strong></p><p>Whiskey Rebellion</p><p> Excise Tax</p><p> Government against citizens</p><p>XYZ Affair</p><p> French Bribe</p><p>Judiciary Act of 1801</p><p> Marbury vs. Madison</p><p> Midnight Judges</p><p>Louisiana Purchase </p><p> Jefferson</p><p> France</p><p>Hartford Convention</p><p> End of Federalist Part</p><p>American System</p><p> Henry Clay </p><p> Internal Improvement</p><p>Second Great Awakening</p><p> Religious Movement</p><p>Seneca Falls </p><p> Women (Stanton. Mott, 1848)</p><p>Missouri Compromise (1820)</p><p> No Slavery above Missouri</p><p>Homestead Act</p><p> 160 Acres $10</p><p>Compromise of 1850</p><p> Popular sovereignty</p><p> Fugitive Slave Act</p><p>Wilmot Proviso</p><p> Mexican territory free</p><p>Harper’s Ferry</p><p> John Brown</p><p> Guns given to slaves</p><p>Fort Sumter </p><p> Charleston S.C.</p><p> Started Civil War</p><p>7.Compromise of 1877</p><p> Great Compromise</p><p> Rutherford B Hayes become President</p><p>Wounded Knee </p><p> Last Indian Massacre</p><p>Haymarket Square Riot</p><p> Chicago </p><p> Knights of Labor-Terrance Powderly </p><p>Tammany Hall</p><p> Political Machine</p><p> William “Boss” Tweed</p><p>Teapot Dome Scandal</p><p> Warren G. Harding</p><p> Oil reserves</p><p>Munich Conference</p><p> Appeasement</p><p>Hitler could invade Czechoslovakia</p><p>Bay of Pigs </p><p> U.S. loses to Cuba</p><p>Cuban Missile Crisis</p><p> Kennedy</p><p> Russian supplies missiles</p><p>Freedom Riders</p><p> Bus boycotters</p><p>Camp David Accords</p><p> Egypt and Israel</p><p>Iranian Hostage Crisis</p><p> Jimmy Carter</p><p> Ayatollah Khomeini</p><p>Iran Contra Scandal</p><p> Ronald Reagan</p><p> Oliver North</p><p>Wars</p><p>War of 1812</p><p> Mr. Madison’s War</p><p> Battle of New Orleans</p><p> Treaty of Ghent</p><p>Mexican American War</p><p> US got Texas</p><p> Battle of San Jacinto</p><p> Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo</p><p>8. Civil War</p><p> Bull Run/Manassas</p><p> First battle</p><p> Antietam</p><p> Bloodiest one day battle</p><p> Gettysburg</p><p> Turning point (N. won)</p><p> Vicksburg</p><p> Union capture finalized </p><p>control of the Mississippi River</p><p> Appomattox</p><p> the war ended</p><p> March to the Sea</p><p> William T. Sherman</p><p> Burned southern towns</p><p>World War I</p><p> Triple Entente</p><p>Great Britain, France, and Russia</p><p> Triple Alliance (Central Powers)</p><p> Germany, Austria-Hungary, </p><p>and Ottoman Empire</p><p>World War II</p><p> Pearl Harbor</p><p> Japanese surprise attack</p><p> Dunkirk</p><p> Evacuation (miracle)</p><p> Battle of Britain</p><p> Air war</p><p> Battle of Midway</p><p>Turning point in the Pacific war.</p><p> Battle of Stalingrad</p><p> Turning point in E. Front</p><p> D-Day/Normandy Invasion</p><p> Retake France</p><p>Battle of the Bulge</p><p> Last German Offensive</p><p> Yalta Conference</p><p>Divide Germany after the war</p><p>Potsdam Conference</p><p> Truman ordered A-bomb</p><p>9.Cold War</p><p> U.S. vs. U.S.S.R.</p><p> Spies</p><p> Satellite countries</p><p>Korean War</p><p> 38th Parallel</p><p>Vietnam War</p><p> Viet Cong</p><p> Communist fighters</p><p> 17th Parallel</p><p> Gulf of Tonkin</p><p>Pres. Could declare war without congress approval</p><p> Ho Chi Minh Trail</p><p> Vietcong sneak in</p><p> Tet Offensive</p><p>Communist surprise attack</p><p>U.S. military victory </p><p>Communist political victory</p><p> Mai Lai Massacre</p><p>US soldiers fired on Vietnamese civilians</p><p>Operation Desert Storm</p><p> US fights Iraq to free Kuwait</p><p>Treaties</p><p>Jay’s Treaty</p><p> Avoid war with Britain</p><p> Did not end impressment</p><p>Treaty of Ghent</p><p> Ended War of 1812</p><p>Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo </p><p> Ended Mexican-American War</p><p>Treaty of Versailles</p><p> Ended WWI</p><p>Important Words</p><p>Strict Constructionist</p><p>“If it’s not in constitution then the government can’t do it”</p><p>Jefferson </p><p>States Powers</p><p>South</p><p>10. Loose Constructionist</p><p> Central Government</p><p> “elastic” clause</p><p> Adams & Hamilton</p><p> North</p><p>Democratic-Republicans</p><p> South</p><p>Federalist</p><p> North</p><p>Tariffs</p><p> Taxes on Imports</p><p>Proclamation of Neutrality</p><p> George Washington</p><p> US does not take sides</p><p>Impressment</p><p>Stealing sailors to put on your boat</p><p>Sedition</p><p> Talking, Speech, Saying</p><p>Secede</p><p> Leave the country</p><p>Nationalism</p><p> Pride in your country</p><p>Mormons</p><p> Joseph Smith</p><p> Brigham Young</p><p>Temperance</p><p> No alcohol</p><p>Manifest Destiny</p><p> Move West</p><p>54’ 40 or fight</p><p> Oregon</p><p>Popular Sovereignty</p><p>People vote whether state should have slaves </p><p>Free Soil</p><p> Keep slavery where it is</p><p>Fugitive Slave Law</p><p>Slaves found up north must be returned</p><p>Compromise of 1850</p><p>Know Nothings</p><p> Hate immigrants</p><p>11.Conscription</p><p> Draft</p><p>Anaconda Plan</p><p> How North won Civil War</p><p> Cut the South in half</p><p>Sharecroppers/Tenant Farmers/ Crop-lein system</p><p> Replaced slavery</p><p>Black Codes</p><p> Laws against former slaves</p><p>Scalawags</p><p> Southerners who support North</p><p>Carpetbaggers</p><p> Northerners who move South</p><p>Barb Wire</p><p> Ended cattle drives</p><p>Railroad</p><p>Union Pacific</p><p> Connected West to East</p><p>Central Pacific</p><p> Connected East to West</p><p> Promontory Point, Utah</p><p> Where railroads met</p><p>Dawes Act</p><p> Gave Indians their own land</p><p>Grange/Populism/Farmers Alliance</p><p> Helped farmers</p><p>Laissez Faire</p><p> Hands off businesses</p><p>Vertical Integration</p><p>Company controls all the steps in production</p><p>John D. Rockefeller</p><p>Horizontal Integration</p><p> A company combines many firms involved in </p><p> the same business</p><p> Andrew Carnegie</p><p>Monopoly</p><p> Having control of an entire business / market</p><p>12.Trust</p><p>Many corporations controlled by one board of directors</p><p>Knights of Labor</p><p> Terence Powderly</p><p>American Railway Union</p><p> Eugene V. Debs</p><p>American Federation of Labor</p><p> Samuel Gompers</p><p>Old Immigrants</p><p> N. & W. Europe</p><p>New Immigrants</p><p> S. & E. Europe</p><p>Patronage (Spoils System)</p><p> Stalwarts</p><p> Half-Breeds</p><p>Pendleton Act</p><p> Exams to determine jobs</p><p>Sherman Anti-Trust Act</p><p> Weakened trust companies</p><p>Clayton Anti-Trust Act</p><p> Strengthened Sherman Anti-trust</p><p>Schlieffen Plan</p><p> WWI</p><p> Used by Germany </p><p> Attack France first then Russia</p><p>U-Boats</p><p> German Submarines</p><p>Lusitania </p><p> Passenger Liner (Cruse Ship)</p><p> Caused US to join in WWI</p><p>Zimmerman Telegram</p><p> Document between Germany and Mexico</p><p>If Mexico fights US they get (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California)</p><p>Armistice </p><p> Stop Fighting</p><p>Selective Service Act</p><p> Select men 18-45 for draft</p><p>13. 14 Points</p><p> Woodrow Wilson</p><p> End War forever</p><p>Reparation</p><p> Damages paid for starting a war</p><p>Dawes Plan</p><p> US help Germany pay off debts</p><p>Kellog Brand Pact</p><p> 62 nations who agreed not to use war</p><p>National Origins Act</p><p> Unequal quotas for immigrants</p><p> Favored old immigrants</p><p>Flapper</p><p> Open minded women of 1920s</p><p>Black Thursday</p><p> October 29, 1929</p><p> Day stock market crashed</p><p>Appeasement</p><p> Let Hitler invade Sudetenland </p><p>Blitzkrieg </p><p> Lightening Warfare</p><p>Manhattan Project</p><p> Making the Atomic bomb</p><p>Iron Curtain</p><p>Satellite countries that followed Russia in Communism</p><p>Truman Doctrine</p><p>U.S. gave $400 million to Greece and Turkey to resist communist</p><p>Marshall Plan</p><p>Aid to Western Europe to rebuild their economies</p><p>North Atlantic Treaty Organization N.A.T.O.</p><p> U.S. led military alliance </p><p>Ex. of collective security </p><p>Warsaw Pact</p><p> Soviet Union led military alliance </p><p>U2 Incident</p><p> US spy plane found in Russia</p><p>14. Red Scare</p><p> Fear of Communist</p><p>Fair Deal</p><p> Truman Platform</p><p>Civil Rights Act of 1964</p><p> Equal public facilities</p><p>Voting Rights Act of 1965</p><p>Can not use the Poll tax and the Literacy test to vote </p><p>Domino Theory</p><p>If one country becomes communist they others will follow</p><p>Dien Bein Phu</p><p> French lost to Vietnamese</p><p>Détente</p><p> Relaxation of tension</p><p>Court Cases</p><p>Marbury Vs. Madison</p><p> Judicial Review</p><p>McCulloch Vs. Maryland</p><p>Taxing 2nd National Bank</p><p>Gibbons Vs. Ogden</p><p> Regulate interstate trade</p><p>Dred Scott Vs. Stanford</p><p> Slaves are property(no freedom)</p><p>Plessey Vs. Ferguson </p><p> Separate but equal</p><p>Korematsu VS. US</p><p>Brown Vs. the Board of Education</p><p> Integration (blacks and whites together)</p><p>Overturned Plessy</p><p>Bakke VS. University of California</p><p> Affermative action (equal quotas)</p><p>Swann Vs. Charlotte Mecklenburg</p><p> Busing</p><p>Roe Vs. Wade</p><p> Abortion</p><p>15. Amendments</p><p>13th </p><p> End slavery</p><p>14th </p><p> Slaves become citizens</p><p>15th </p><p> Slaves can vote</p><p>16th </p><p> Income tax</p><p>17th </p><p> Senators</p><p>18th </p><p> Alcohol</p><p>19th </p><p> Women vote</p><p>20th </p><p> When the president is done serving (lame duck)</p><p>22nd 2 Terms for President( after FDR)</p><p>24th Elinated Poll Tax(pay to vote)</p><p>26th Lowered voting age to 18 (Vietnam War)</p>
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